6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (2024)

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6 easy at-home exercises for women

  • 6 mins |
  • Mar 01 2024


Exercises can help women maintain bone health and counter hormonal fluctuations. 40 minutes of exercise at home can enhance physical and mental health in women

  • Written by Deepali Mallya
  • With quotes from Dr Chitwan Dubey (gynecologist) and Shilpa Veerappa (Fitness and yoga expert)
6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (1)

While regular exercise can hold benefits for everyone, for women, who experience hormonal fluctuations caused by monthly periods and menopausal transitions that affect their physical and mental health, it can be especially beneficial.“Regular exercises for women, even 30-40 minutes of slow walking, can combat these issues, prevent age-related hormonal issues such as insulin resistance, balance cortisol levels, and regulate bone health,” explains Dr Chitwan Dubey, gynecologist, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai.

Ageing affects the circadian rhythm in men and women, which affects their behavior and hormones among other aspects. In women, this effect is greater due to hormonal fluctuations caused by menopause and menstruation. Exercise, for women, can counter the ill effects of ageing on the circadian rhythm, say experts.

Can household chores replace exercise?

One cannot draw parallels to household chores and exercise, clarifies Dr Dubey. “Using a dishwasher to wash vessels or a vacuum cleaner to clean the house cannot account for exercise,” she adds.

Any exercise must help in increasing the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and household chores do not do that unless they are physically exerting, explains Dr Dubey.

“Exercising for 40 minutes, 5 or 6 days a week, is the only way to increase BMR. This is beneficial in improving immunity, bone health, mental health and for better absorption of calcium, vitamin D, and other essential minerals from food,” explains Dr Dubey.

Easy-to-do home exercises for women

Shilpa Veerappa, fitness and yoga expert, Mekosha Samudra, Bangalore says women can engage in physical activity in the comfort of their homes for better physical and mental health.

Exercise 1: Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (2)

How to do: Sit in a comfortable position with the back straight and the chest wide. Bend the knees so that the soles of the feet are pressed together. Lock the hands around the feet to hold them together. Pull the heels closer to the genitals. As you inhale and exhale, keep flapping the thighs towards the floor like a butterfly.

Reps: One can practice this for up to 7-8 minutes in a day but start small.

Benefits: This is an excellent hip opener. It also activates the thigh muscles. It increases flexibility in the pelvic region and boosts the reproductive system. It is highly beneficial for those with irregular periods or menstrual cramps.

Precautions: Age no bar, anybody can practice this. Avoid doing this soon after breakfast, lunch or dinner to avoid gastrointestinal issues.

Exercise 2: Vajrasana (Diamond pose)

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (3)

How to do: Kneel and sit back between the calf muscles. Maintain a straight back. Keep your feet close to the buttocks. Stretch the arms to place the palm on the knee. Inhale and exhale in this position.

Reps: One can sit in this position for the longest time. Start small. This can be practiced soon after meals too. If one can sit for up to 20 minutes or more, nothing like it.

Benefit: This is great for digestion. It also helps improve blood circulation, calm the mind, and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Precautions: Generally safe for all populations, except those with knee pain or other intestine-related issues.

Exercise 3: Standing on toe or calf raises

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (4)

How to do: Stand firmly on the ground. Position the feet 12 inches apart. Keep the back straight and chest wide. Inhale, raise the heels and stand on the toe. Stand in this position for some time and continue to breathe. Exhale and lower the heels. Repeat.

Reps: One can practice up to 10-20 counts by holding each raise for up to 10 seconds. For best results, practice this twice a day, morning and evening.

Benefit: This exercise can help prevent varicose veins and knee pain in women who often stand for long hours in the kitchen.

Precautions: Generally safe for all populations, but for those with lower-body injury such as knee or hip injuries, it should be avoided.

Exercise 4: Shoulder rotation

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (5)

How to do: Stand straight with the arms by the side. Maintain the chin position parallel to the ground. Inhale and exhale. Swing each arm clockwise and anti-clockwise. The same can be practiced while seated on a chair too.

Benefit: This exercise increases flexibility of the arms and rotator cuff muscles. It prevents any shoulder stiffness, or frozen shoulders.

Reps: Start with 5 clockwise and anticlockwise and increase the number to 10 gradually.

Precautions: Anyone can do this except those with frozen shoulders or shoulder pain. Best when practiced once in the morning.

Exercise 5: Neck rotation

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (6)

How to do: Gently rotate the neck clockwise, anti-clockwise, up and down, and side to side. Keep the rotation small and maintain the chin position parallel to the ground. This can be practiced while standing or in a seated position. In a seated position, ensure to hold the back straight.

Reps: For best results, practice this once early in the morning.

Benefit: It helps to strengthen the neck muscles and ensure flexibility.

Precautions: Generally safe for all populations except those with vertigo, neck or shoulder issues.

Exercise 6: Bridge pose (Sethu Bandhasana)

6 easy at-home exercises for women - Happiest Health (7)

How to do: Lie on the back with the feet flat on the ground and knees bent upward. Here the feet should be hip-distance apart and close to the glutes. Inhale, lift the hips. Place the hands firmly on the ground. Inhale and exhale in this position for as many counts. Exhale, lower the hips to get to the original position. Repeat.

Reps: Stay in the bridge position for at least 2 to 7 minutes. Start small. One can use bricks and other props to maintain the bridge.

Benefits: The exercise improves digestion, thyroid disorders and asthma and prevents back pain. It is highly recommended for those with PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome).

Precautions: Generally safe for all but those with knee pain must avoid.


  • Exercises for women are key to their physical and mental health
  • One must exercise for at least 40 minutes a day to increase BMR.
  • Shoulder rotation, neck rotation, bridge pose, and standing calf raises are some of the many easy-to-do home exercises for women.

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