Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (2024)

I’m a NFPT-certified fitness trainer, so it’s my job (and pleasure!) to help people lose weight, get fit, and build muscle. Because fitness is my profession, it’s vital that I provide my clients with the best possible exercises and workouts for their needs and goals. After all, their success is also my success.

But, rather than rely on a bunch of fad training methods or complicated programs, my main “weapon of choice” is usually dumbbells.Dumbbells are an amazing addition to any workout!

Think about it: with a dumbbell, you can train one or both sides of your body at once. This allows you to identify and fix any left-to-right imbalances and increases core muscle engagement, leading to stronger abs, back, and oblique muscles.

With dumbbells, the weight is divided evenly between the two sides of your body, but both sides have to work independently of each other to lift the weight.The result: better coordination, joint stability, muscle stimulation, and correction of muscle imbalances.

Dumbbells are also ideal for home workouts, as they’re small, easy to store, and readily available.In short, there ain’t nothing dumb about dumbbells!

A lot of people think that dumbbells are only good for upper body workouts, but I know different. In fact, you can use them to train any muscle group, including your legs.

In this article, I reveal arguably the best dumbbell leg exercises. I also share two of my favorite dumbbell leg workouts.

18 Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises

Train your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves with these amazing dumbbell leg exercises:

  1. Dumbbell Squats
  2. Dumbbell Sumo Squats
  3. Goblet Squats
  4. Dumbbell Skater Squats
  5. Dumbbell Front Squat
  6. Dumbbell Jump Squat
  7. Dumbbell Thruster
  8. Dumbbell Walking Lunges
  9. Dumbbell Around the World Lunges
  10. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
  11. Dumbbell Crossover Lunge
  12. Dumbbell Step-Ups
  13. Bulgarian Split Squat
  14. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat
  15. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
  16. Dumbbell Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
  17. Standing Calf Raise
  18. Dumbbell Seated Calf Raise

1. Dumbbell Squats

Squats are, hands down, one of the most effective leg exercises you can do! While most people tend to gravitate toward barbell back squats, dumbbell squats are just as effective. In fact, in my opinion, they provide a more comfortable, accessible workout – especially for beginners.

Watch this video to see how to master the Dumbbell Squat:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells using a neutral grip and stand up straight.
  2. Position your legs at a shoulder-width distance with toes slightly pointed out.
  3. Inhale and begin to squat by bending your knees while keeping your core tight and spine straight.
  4. Continue to go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Exhale and raise your torso by pushing yourself up into a starting position.
  6. This completes your first repetition, repeat for 8-10 reps.

Pro tip: Those who find it difficult to squat down should try squatting with elevated heels by putting a pound weight plate under the heels.


  • It’s a compound movement that trains and strengthens the complete lower body.
  • Engages the core but does not stress the lower back.

Target muscles: Quadriceps and gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and calves.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Goblet squat

Related: Dumbbell Squat

2. Dumbbell Sumo Squats

Sumo squats involve a wide stance. This increases adductor (inner thigh) and glute engagement. In addition, sumo squats will help improve your hip mobility and flexibility. This is a popular exercise with athletes and glute-focused “booty girls.”

Watch this video to see how to perform the Dumbbell Sumo Squat the right way:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a dumbbell with both hands. You can grab the dumbbell by its handle or plate.
  2. Position your feet a little wider than the shoulder’s width with your toes pointing outward.
  3. Start with a slight torso lean for improved lower-body engagement.
  4. Lower into a squat by bending your knees.
  5. Lower yourself down until the dumbbell almost touches the ground. This is also an excellent hip opener exercise that allows a great range of motion.
  6. Pause for two seconds at the bottom before you push yourself up.
  7. Repeat for 8-10 reps.

Pro tip: Try 4-3-1 tempo. This means, four seconds of slow eccentric, three seconds hold at the bottom, and one second of concentric.


  • Increased leg range of motion.
  • Improved blood circulation to your groin area.
  • Reduced tension in your hip joints.
  • Greater flexibility.
  • Less risk of muscle tears or strains.

Target muscles: Adductors, glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, and core muscles.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Sumo squat with front shoulder raise

Related: How to do the Dumbbell Sumo Squat

3. Goblet Squats

Goblet squats are an excellent variation of standard dumbbell squats. They work the same leg muscles, but because the load is up by your chest, you have to pay attention to how you lower into the squat to maintain your balance.Your abs and lower back are braced to keep you upright while your legs are going through the motions.

Watch this video to see how the Goblet Squat is done:

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward.
  2. Grab a single dumbbell and hold it with both hands.
  3. Flex your elbows to position the dumbbell in front of your mid-chest.
  4. Inhale and flex your knees to lower yourself into a squat.
  5. Get down until your thighs get parallel to the ground.
  6. Exhale and push yourself back to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the recommended reps.

Pro tip: Slow down the eccentric motion and hold for two seconds at the bottom for optimal results.


  • Goblet squats allow a greater range of motion.
  • Improves hip mobility while strengthening the inner thighs.
  • Develop stronger glutes while making your core work harder.

Target muscles: Adductors, glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, core muscles.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Front rack dumbbell squat

4. Dumbbell Skater Squats

Skater squats are a unilateral or one-legged exercise. This means they’re much more demanding than most two-legged exercises. Not only do you have to lift more weight, but you also have to stabilize that load on one limb. This is the perfect answer to anyone who says that you can’t build strong, muscular legs with dumbbells!

Watch this video to see how Dumbbell Skater Squats are done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells (for the counterbalance).
  2. Hold the dumbbell using a neutral grip with your chest up and spine straight.
  3. Raise the left foot off the ground and flex your left knee to 90 degrees.
  4. Lower your body by bending the right knee and simultaneously raising both arms in front until they are parallel to the floor.
  5. The goal is to get your right thigh parallel to the ground without letting your left foot touch the ground.
  6. Exhale and push yourself up while bringing your arms back to the starting position.
  7. Perform a set of five reps before switching legs.

Pro tip: Move the knee of the elevated leg up in front of the body at the end of the rep.


  • It’s an advanced version of the reverse lunge, which boosts your leg strength.
  • Maximize your body’s balance and functional ability.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-10 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 1-5 reps for each leg

Regression: Dumbbell step-up

5. Dumbbell Front Squat

It’s an excellent compound movement that strengthens the legs while also targeting the core.Dumbbell front squats emphasize quad development without putting too much pressure on the lower back. Using dumbbells is easier than front squat with a barbell, and a good exercise for anyone who struggles to maintain a barbell front rack position.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Front Squat is done:

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than the hip width while holding a pair of dumbbells.
  2. Brace your core and clean the dumbbells up to your shoulders so they are touching your shoulders.
  3. Keep your elbows pointing forward. Now this will be your starting position.
  4. Breathe in as you bend your knees to lower into a squat position.
  5. Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  6. Inhale and push yourself up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the recommended reps.

Pro tip: Work on ankle mobility to perform deep squats.


  • Help you develop stronger legs without huge weights.
  • Front squats allow you to go further down for a better range of motion.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, anterior delts, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Dumbbell front squat and press

6. Dumbbell Jump Squat

If you want to improve power and agility, you must include this movement in the leg training routine. Dumbbell jump squats build explosive strength and boost metabolism.A major part of your quads comprises fast-twitch muscle fibers. Jump squats train those fast-twitch muscles to improve the strength and size of your legs.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Squat Jump is done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Extend your arms at your side.
  3. Keep your torso engaged and your back straight.
  4. Inhale and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  5. Exhale and push through your heels to jump upwards while keeping your arms extended at your side.
  6. Land on the balls of your feet. This completes one repetition.
  7. Perform the recommended reps.

Pro tip: Jump up by slicing the air with your hands to generate more power and momentum.


  • Develops explosive power.
  • Trains the fast-twitch muscle fibers that are responsible for strength and size.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Regression: Dumbbell squat

7. Dumbbell Thruster

It is a movement used widely by CrossFit athletes. The dumbbell thruster is an excellent compound movement that looks like a dumbbell front squat with a press. It’s a great exercise for building full-body strength and conditioning, but it’s your legs that are the engine during this intense movement.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Thruster is done:

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than the hip-width apart while holding onto a pair of dumbbells.
  2. Brace your core and Clean the dumbbells up to your shoulders so they are touching your shoulder.
  3. Keep your elbows pointing forward. Now this will be your starting position.
  4. Inhale as you bend your knees to lower into a squat.
  5. Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  6. Exhale and push yourself up while explosively extending your hips to push the dumbbell straight overhead.
  7. Perform the recommended reps.

Pro tip: Use the leg drive to push the dumbbell overhead. And as you do the overhead movement, keep the arms close to your ears, parallel to each other, and position the elbows forward.


  • A full-body push movement.
  • Helps build explosiveness.
  • It’s a perfect full-body exercise for days when you have limited time for training.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, triceps, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Dumbbell snatch

8. Dumbbell Walking Lunges

Dumbbell walking lunges are one of my favorite leg exercises. Shifting your weight from one leg to the other engages all those small but critical hip stabilizers and strengthens your core. High-rep sets of dumbbell walking lunges are also great for conditioning and fat-burning. Seriously; what’s NOT to love about dumbbell walking lunges?

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Walking Lunge is done:

How to do it:

  1. If it’s your first time doing lunges, then grab a pair of lightweight dumbbells.
  2. Hold the dumbbell using a neutral grip with your chest up and spine straight.
  3. Take a big step forward with your right leg.
  4. Lower your body until the right thigh gets parallel to the ground.
  5. Keep your chest high with your shoulder blades tucked back.
  6. Transfer the whole body weight to the right leg to lift yourself up to get into the starting position.
  7. Now step forward with your left leg and alternate between legs for recommended reps.

Pro tip: Keep your front shin vertical and power through the front leg heel.


  • Walking lunge is a unilateral movement that helps you equally train both legs.
  • It also improves hip mobility and core stability.
  • Helps you develop bulletproof knees.
  • It’s a functional exercise that increases longevity and will make your day-to-day task easier.
  • Walking lunges strengthen your glutes. A 2020 study suggests that walking lunges offers better glute activation than conventional squats. [1].

Target muscles: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abdominals, hips.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-10 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 3-5 reps for each leg

Progression: Plyo lunge

9. Dumbbell Around the World Lunges

Around the world lunges take the classic lunge and add a new level of difficulty by changing the angle of the exercise. It’s not just a forward lunge, but it incorporates a side Lunge (also known as a lateral lunge), reverse lunge, and, with some variations, even angled lunges (to 45 and 135-degree angles). This lunge variation is ideal for intermediate and advanced exercisers, as well as athletes.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Around the World Lunge is done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of lightweight dumbbells and hold them in a neutral position. Let your arms hang freely by your side.
  2. Inhale and step forward with your right leg. Lower your body down until your right thigh is parallel to the ground.
  3. Exhale and push yourself back into the starting position.
  4. Inhale again and get into a side lunge by positioning your right leg wide at the side of your body.
  5. Exhale and push off the floor to get yourself back again.
  6. Inhale and take a giant step backward with your right leg. Bend your knee until your left thigh gets parallel to the ground.
  7. Exhale and push yourself back into the starting position.
  8. That’s it; it completes your single repetition of the right leg.
  9. Do at least five reps on each leg.

Pro tip: Avoid partial reps, decrease the weight, and try for a full range of motion.


  • It’s a great lunge variation that strengthens the lower body from multiple angles.
  • It improves balance and stability.
  • Around the world lunges improve muscle coordination and correct imbalances.

Target muscles: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abdominals, adductors, hip flexors.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: -10 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 1-3 reps for each leg

Regression: Dumbbell lateral lunge

10. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunges are more glute and hamstring-centric than forward lunges. In addition, they also tend to be more knee-friendly. It’s much easier to keep your front shin vertical during reverse lunges, and this is one of my preferred lunging variations for beginners and clients with less balance and stability.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Reverse Lunge is done:

How to do it:

  1. Hold the dumbbell in a neutral grip with your chest up and spine upright.
  2. Take a big backward step with your right leg.
  3. Lower your body until the left thigh is parallel to the ground.
  4. Keep your chest high with your shoulder blades tucked back.
  5. Transfer the whole body weight to the left leg to push yourself up to get into the starting position.
  6. Now step backward with your left leg and keep alternating legs for eight reps for each leg.


  • Reverse lunges activate and strengthen your glute, quad, and hamstrings.
  • It’s relatively easier on knee joints than the forward walking lunge.
  • It’s another unilateral movement that improves the whole body’s stability and balance.

Target muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps for each leg

Strength: 1-5 reps for each leg

Progression: Dumbbell skater squat

11. Dumbbell Crossover Lunge

The crossover lunge is a fascinating variation of the classic forward lunge. It targets the same muscles—quads, hamstrings, and glutes—but pays extra attention to the hamstrings and glutes to enhance your lower body strength overall.Thanks to the addition of the crossover movement, this exercise introduces an element of instability that your body will have to compensate for.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Crossover Lunge is done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Engage your core and let your arms hang straight below the shoulders.
  3. From the standing position, take a step forward across your body.
  4. Bend both knees and lower your body until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the ground.
  5. Keep your chest high with your shoulder blades tucked back.
  6. Push yourself up to get into the starting position.
  7. Complete the recommended reps with both legs.

Pro tip: Start with a lightweight dumbbell and pause at the bottom of every rep.


  • It’s a brilliant exercise to challenge your glutes in a transverse and frontal plane.
  • Develop toned and functional legs.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Regression: Crossover reverse lunge

12. Dumbbell Step-Ups

Step-ups are basically vertical lunges. They work one leg at a time and carry over well to many daily and athletic activities, including running, walking, and stair climbing. The higher the step, the more challenging this exercise becomes, so they’re also very scalable and suitable for all fitness levels.

Watch this video to see how Dumbbell Step-Ups are done:

How to do it:

  1. Stand in front of a bench or stepper and grab a pair of dumbbells using a neutral grip.
  2. Step up while keeping your torso upright.
  3. Straighten your leg to bring yourself up to the stepper.
  4. Slowly lower yourself to get into the starting position.

Pro tip: Control the negatives.


  • Develop toned and functional legs.
  • It will increase your squatting and deadlift strength.
  • Excellent leg exercise for someone with back pain.
  • You can increase or decrease the intensity by changing the platform height.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, adductors, hip flexors, hamstrings, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 8-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Dumbbell step-up jump

13. Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a unilateral exercise that targets your quads, hips, hamstrings, glutes, and even your calves. Your core also has to work extra hard to keep your spine stable. In addition, this is an excellent exercise for improving hip mobility and balance. Don’t go too heavy too soon; this is a very challenging but worthwhile exercise.

Watch this video to see how the Bulgarian Split Squat is done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Begin with your left foot on the ground and your right foot on a bench behind you.
  3. Keep your chest up and your torso braced.
  4. Inhale and bend your knees to lower yourself until your left thigh is parallel to the ground.
  5. Exhale and push yourself back up.
  6. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides.

Pro tip: Your front foot will be the working leg during this exercise, and you should not assist the lift by pushing through the leg placed on the bench.


  • Focuses on unilateral leg development while improving balance.

Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 1-5 reps for each leg

Progression: Medicine ball Bulgarian split squat

14. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

Take your split squat to another level with the front foot elevated split squat. The elevated split squat requires you to keep your front foot on an elevated surface to experience a deeper stretch in the quads.It is a game-changer for someone who struggles with limited mobility.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Front Foot Elevated Split Squat is done:

How to do it:

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand, while standing in front of a stepper or thick weight plate.
  2. Begin with your left foot on the ground and your right foot on the elevated surface.
  3. Keep your scapula retracted while keeping your torso braced.
  4. Inhale and bend your right knee to lower your body until your rear knee is just an inch above the ground. Don’t let your non-working knee rest on the ground.
  5. Exhale and push yourself back up.
  6. Repeat the recommended reps before switching sides.

Pro tip: Slow the rep tempo for better mind-muscle connection.


  • It’s a beginner-friendly unilateral movement that will develop stronger legs.
  • Improves hip mobility and strengthens the groin area.
  • It also improves body balance.

Target muscles: Quads, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 1-5 reps for each leg

Progression: Walking lunge

15. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Many lifters consider the deadlift a back exercise, but the Romanian deadlift is an incredible compound movement that trains the whole posterior chain. Dumbbell Romanian deadlift (RDL) will help you train and strengthen the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, adductors, calves, arms, and core.

Watch this video to see how the Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift is done:

How to do it:

  1. Plant your feet on the ground at hip-width apart and pick up a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip.
  2. You don’t necessarily need to pick the dumbbell from the floor; you can grab a pair of dumbbells from the weight rack.
  3. Hold the dumbbell in front of your thighs, chest high, and scapula retracted.
  4. Hinge at your hips and lower your upper body.
  5. Lower your torso until it is parallel to the ground.
  6. Exhale and pull yourself up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for recommended reps.

Pro tip: Maximize glute and hamstring development by slowing down eccentric motion.


  • It enhances the performance of the lower back, hip, and hamstrings.
  • It’s a compound movement that adds serious strength.
  • Improves your ability to deadlift or squat.

Target muscles: Erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, adductors, calves, arms, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Single-leg dumbbell deadlift

16. Dumbbell Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

Single-leg Romanian deadlifts are one of the best ways to target your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, also known as your posterior chain. Working one leg at a time will also test and develop your balance while fixing and preventing left-to-right strength imbalances. This unilateral exercise is also more lower back-friendly than the bilateral version.

Watch this video to see how the Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift is done:

How to do it:

  1. If you are going to start unilateral RDL with your right leg first, then grab a dumbbell with your left hand and with an overhand grip.
  2. Brace your core while keeping the chest up and get into a hip-width stance.
  3. Lift the left leg off the ground and hinge forward, and lower your torso.
  4. As you lower the torso parallel to the ground, you should be able to feel a stretch in the glutes and hamstrings.
  5. Pause for two seconds before you get back into the starting position.
  6. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides.

Pro tip: Keep your back straight and tight, and avoid overarching. The primary focus should be on the glutes and hamstrings, not on hitting a new PR.


  • Improves lower body balance and coordination.
  • Single-leg RDL improves hip mobility, making it a great warmup exercise before deadlifts or squats.

Target muscles: Erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, adductors, calves, core.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps for each leg
  • Strength: 3-5 reps for each leg

Regression: Romanian deadlift

17. Standing Calf Raise

The standing calf raise is one of the best exercises to target your calf muscles, a muscle that gets far less love than your upper legs but is actually a lot more important than most people realize.Calf muscles play a role in the stability of your ankle and foot joints. Strong calves reduce the risk of ankle and foot injuries.By adding dumbbells, you increase the load on your calf muscles, forcing them to work even harder.

Watch this video to see how the Standing Calf Raise is done:

How to do it:

  1. Hold the dumbbell in each hand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Keep your arms extended on your sides.
  3. Rise up onto your toes, and squeeze your calves for two seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for recommended reps.

Pro tip: Make every rep count by holding the contraction for two seconds.


  • Develop calf strength, endurance, and explosiveness.
  • Improves ankle stability.

Target muscles: Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantar flexion.

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-15 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Dumbbell calf jump

18. Dumbbell Seated Calf Raise

In order to build symmetrical legs, one should never neglect the importance of calf raises.

Seated calf raise is an excellent calf exercise that primarily trains the soleus. The soleus is responsible for building calf thickness.

Watch this video to see how the Seated Calf Raise is done:

How to do it:

  1. Sit down on a bench or any other stable elevated surface.
  2. Place a stepper or thick weight plate in front of your bench to place the balls of your feet on.
  3. Get a set of moderate-weight dumbbells and place them vertically on your thighs just above your knee.
  4. Now push through the balls of your feet to feel the contraction in your calves.
  5. Lower your heels as far as you can for a deep stretch.
  6. Perform for recommended reps.

Pro tip: Squeeze every contraction for three seconds.


  • Seated calf raises will help develop calf thickness.
  • Stronger calves boost your running and jumping performance.
  • Develop a resilient ankle.

Target muscles: Calves (soleus).

Rep range:

  • Hypertrophy: 10-15 reps
  • Strength: 1-5 reps

Progression: Dumbbell farmer’s walk on toes

Dumbbell-Only Legs Workout Plan

Barbell squats are undeniably the best way to add strength and size to the legs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t develop stronger legs without a barbell. A dumbbell-only leg routine is enough to build a stronger foundation and beach-ready body.

Give below are two dumbbell leg workouts. Now you might ask, why two workouts? Two workouts are best for folks who like to train their legs twice a week; it will prevent redundancy in training.

Dumbbell Legs Workout #1

1Dumbbell Squat48-101-2 Minutes
2Dumbbell Front Squat310-1260-90 Seconds
3Reverse Lunge312-1560 Seconds
4Dumbbell Elevated Split Squat38-1060 Seconds
5Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift48-1290 Seconds
6Dumbbell Hip Lift March31260 Seconds
7Dumbbell Seated Calf Raise41230 Seconds

Dumbbell Legs Workout #2

1Dumbbell Goblet Squat410-121-2 Minutes
2Bulgarian Split Squat310-1260 Seconds
3Dumbbell Step-Up312-1560 Seconds
4Dumbbell Around the World Lunge38-1060 Seconds
5Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift48-1260 Seconds
6Dumbbell Hip Thrust31260 Seconds
7Standing Calf Raise41230 Seconds

More Leg Workouts:

  • How to Get Bigger Thighs
  • Ronnie Coleman’s Leg Workout
  • Three Killer Leg Workouts
  • At-Home Leg Workouts
  • Best Quadriceps Exercises
  • Best Old-School Leg Workouts
  • Simple Old-School Way To Grow Your Legs
  • Front Squat Hypertrophy Guide
  • Ronnie Coleman’s Quad Workout

Legs Anatomy

While you don’t need a degree in muscle anatomy and physiology to build strong, capable, great-looking legs, a little knowledge can be helpful. For example, knowing your glutes from your quads will make it easier to choose the best exercises for your needs and goals. To that end, here is an overview of the muscles that make up your marvelous lower body.


Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (1)

The front part of the upper leg is called the quadricep (quad). Its primary function is knee extension. Quads comprise four muscle fibers: vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris.

Vascus lateralis is the biggest quad muscle; it comprises about 69 percent fast-twitch fibers and about 32 percent slow-twitch fibers, meaning your quad will respond more to high-intensity or high-strength exercises.


Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (2)

Hamstrings are located at the back of your upper legs, and knee flexion is their primary function. The hamstrings comprise four muscles: the long head of the biceps femoris, the short head of the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus..


Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (3)

Technically, the glutes are not a part of the legs, but they play a major role in the quality of your leg workout. Glutes comprise of three muscles gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Strong glutes are essential for proper pelvic alignment, and they also support the lower back during training. With weak glutes, you will never be able to maximize your squatting performance.

The glutes work as a primary stabilizer, and all three glute muscles are strengthened while squatting. However, it is always a good idea to include some glute-focused workouts like single-leg glute bridges, sumo deadlifts, and single-leg RDLs, in your workout.


Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (4)

Big and strong calves are for more than just good looks; calves play a critical role in ankle, foot, and toe movement. Calves consist of two main muscles — the gastrocnemius and soleus.

The ratio of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers in your calves is 50:50. Meaning, you should train calves equally at a higher and lower intensity.

Dumbbell Leg Training Benefits

Dumbbell leg training has unique benefits. Let’s have a look at some practical benefits that dumbbells provide:

1. Joint-Friendly Training

Dumbbell squats are a joint-friendly alternative for people who experience back or hip pain. They allow you to work around your injuries during the muscle rehabilitation process.

2. Great For Unilateral Training

Unilateral training gets more critical when training a complex body part.

You can perform a wide range of unilateral activities with the help of dumbbells. You can do forward lunges, reverse lunges, Bulgarian split squats, single-leg stiff-legged deadlifts, single-leg step up, and many other exercises.

The significant benefit of unilateral training is it equally trains both sides to rectify asymmetries and imbalances.

3. Dumbbells Are Easier To Train With

Beginners are often uneasy about squatting down with a barbell on their backs. A dumbbell is definitely a safer and more convenient option for many exercises.

Additionally, you don’t need to worry about having a spotter. You can just drop the dumbbells if you are about to fail during a rep.

4. Dumbbells Are Easily Available

Unlike squat racks, dumbbells are usually available during gym rush hours.

Dumbbells are also an excellent tool for someone who wants to work out at home but does not have the budget to invest in a squat rack or barbells.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to work out legs every day?

Before answering this question, ask yourself, why do you want to train your legs daily?

If you want fast results, we suggest you focus more on nutrition and recovery; training your legs daily is not going to grow them faster. Instead, it will increase the chances of muscle overuse injuries.

A few sets of bodyweight squats or lunges can be done daily, but if you are thinking about heavy-weight leg training days, then we do not suggest you do that every day.

Do legs respond better to higher reps?

It has been known that heavy weight and low reps help increase strength, and lightweight and high reps increase endurance.

Higher reps activate slow-twitch muscle fibers that are responsible for greater endurance. Higher reps also keep the joints healthy and muscles toned.

If you are someone who does not have access to weights, then doing a few reps of bodyweight squats and lunges sounds like a good idea to stay in shape. You can also choose exercises that are difficult with just bodyweight, for example: skater squat, single-leg squat, etc.

Can I target all leg muscles with dumbbell exercises in a single day?

Yes, of course. We have designed a dumbbell-only leg program that will target the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. You can find those workout plans above.

How to warm up for a dumbbell leg workout?

Muscle warm before legs training is not about 10-minutes jogging; your warmup routine should wake up and activate all the target and supporting muscle groups. Here is a list of exercises you should do as a warmup.

  • Jumping jack: To wake up your legs.
  • Bodyweight jump squats: They will activate fast-twitch muscle fibers.
  • Good Morning: Will activate the whole posterior chain for the workout.
  • Single leg RDL: To activate the hamstrings and glutes for the workout. Do it with bodyweight or lightweight.
  • Bodyweight side lunges: To open up hips and activate the inner portion of thighs.

How can I tone my legs with dumbbells?

Are you afraid that you might develop huge legs like pro bodybuilders if you squat 150 pounds? Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen overnight!

If you want to keep your legs strong but toned, then focus more on high reps unilateral movements (ex: walking lunges) and plyometric movements (ex: jump squats).

Keeping the leg muscle non-bulky can be done by optimizing nutrition. Do not eat more than your daily calorie needs, and eat plenty of lean protein to maintain aesthetic legs.

How can I do a good leg workout only with moderate-weight dumbbells?

By focusing more on unilateral movements!

When you train unilaterally, you are lifting yourself with a single leg instead of both legs, which means you have already increased the resistance.

Additionally, you can focus more on advanced exercises that are almost impossible to practice with heavy weights. Exercises like box jumps, single-leg squats, skater squats, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, and single-leg calf raises are some great exercises that can give you a good leg workout with moderate weights.

Do I always have to hold the dumbbells down by my sides?

While most dumbbell leg exercises are prescribed with the weights by your sides, there are other positions you can use for your workouts. In some cases, the position of the dumbbells will emphasize certain muscles, while in others, it’s more a case of comfort or personal preference. Your main options are:

  • Two dumbbells by your side – a low center of gravity, so good for maximizing balance and stability.
  • A single dumbbell by your side – increases lateral loading, increasing core engagement and more challenging for your balance.
  • Dumbbells in the front rack position – this is where the dumbbells are held on your shoulders. The higher center of gravity means this position increases core engagement. You’ll also need to stabilize your upper back.
  • A single dumbbell between your legs – good for wide-stance exercises and for working your glutes and hamstrings more.
  • A single dumbbell in front of your chest – the so-called goblet position. This increases upper body engagement and is good for improving posture.

I suggest you experiment with these positions to determine which options work and feel best.

Need more information about dumbbell leg training? Drop me a line below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

Wrapping Up

Using dumbbells for your leg workouts lowers the load placement, reducing the strain on your lower back while enabling you to target the leg muscles effectively. It’s also a great alternative to working out at home if you don’t have barbells, squat racks, and other equipment.

With the movements above, you’ll be able to shred all the critical leg musclesquads, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and calves—for a better, stronger, more mobile lower body!


Fitness Volt is committed to providing our readers with science-based information. We use only credible and peer-reviewed sources to support the information we share in our articles.

  1. Neto W K, Soares E G, Vieira T L, Aguiar R, Chola T A, Sampaio VD L, and Gama E F. Gluteus Maximus Activation during Common Strength and Hypertrophy Exercises: A Systematic Review. J Sports Sci Med. 2020 Mar; 19(1): 195–203. 2020 Feb 24. PMID: 32132843

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Categories:Legs Workouts

Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises and Workouts – Fitness Volt (2024)


Can you train legs with dumbbells only? ›

Dumbbells are a highly useful tool for building lower body strength. Using them for workout moves like lunges, squats, and twists makes those simple exercises more complex and challenging. Dumbbell leg exercises should be avoided by anyone with a lower body, wrist, or back injury.

Are dumbbells enough for legs? ›

The bottom line. Training legs with dumbbells is a straightforward and effective way to strengthen and grow your major lower body musculature. You can combine a variety of exercises to train your various lower body muscles effectively and efficiently.

What is the most optimal leg workout? ›

Barbell Squats are by far the best compound movement for the legs. HOW TO DO BARBELL SQUATS: For this traditional squat exercise, starting position is with a loaded barbell and position your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar from the rack and place it upon your traps – not your neck.

What leg exercises burn the most calories? ›

Compound exercises that use multiple joints, such as the squat or lunges, burn more calories than isolation-style moves such as calf raises.

What happens if I only train legs? ›

You'll Get Better Overall Results

Leg day exercises will help you build strength, yes. But they'll also teach you to improve your power output and explosiveness. They'll improve your mobility. And they can even help improve endurance.

Are 3 exercises enough for legs? ›

As a beginner looking to increase general fitness — and following the theme of keeping things simple — choose 3–5 exercises per leg workout. Then complete 3 sets of 8–12 reps of each exercise, ensuring that you're working your muscles to fatigue but not failure (1).

Can I build muscle with dumbbells only? ›

A resounding yes. Dumbbells are one of the top resistance training tools for both beginners and elite athletes.

Are reps or weight more important for legs? ›

In the elite coach's own words, which echo MH's verdict on the matter, 'In conclusion, this age old debate about lifting heavy or going lighter with more reps really comes down to your personal fitness goal, whether you're looking to gain strength or to build muscle mass, there's benefits to both approaches.

What is the hardest leg muscle to grow? ›

Calves are often either the most complained about muscle to build mass or the most overlooked. Either way they often pose more of a problem compared to other muscle sets. And there's an actually a reason behind why they are so challenging. The anatomical configuration of the calf muscles resists the act of hypertrophy.

How to get massive legs fast? ›

The key to building bigger, stronger legs is to place a primary focus on compound exercises, which target multiple muscle groups at once under greater load. Examples of compound exercises include squats, deadlifts and lunges, and they're essential for building strength and muscle.

What is the easiest leg muscle to build? ›

The quadriceps is the large muscle in the front of your thigh. Most lower body exercises involving pushing activate the quadriceps, but you can also target them with specific exercises, such as box jumps, lunges, and squats. The leg press machine also focuses on the quadriceps.

How to burn 1000 calories a day? ›

The calories burned during a run depend on body weight, running pace, and duration. While the actual calorie expenditure varies based on individual characteristics, running at a moderate speed of 13 km per hour for approximately 1.5 hours can help burn around 1000 calories.

Is dumbbell better than barbell for legs? ›

Although dumbbells may have a lot of exercises you can do with them, if you want to target your legs, back, and core with maximum intensity, it is the barbell that you need. There's just nothing like doing a barbell squat or deadlift to build big legs, core, and back muscles.

Can you train legs without machines? ›

Moves like pop squats and jump lunges are good for working your legs, developing your power, and perhaps introducing a little bit of cardio too. When doing bodyweight leg work, it's important to incorporate both hinge variations, like good mornings and glute bridges, and squat variations, like squats and lunges.

Is it OK if I don't train legs? ›

If you don't train your legs, you'll be stuck walking around on all fours like a dog. Your arms will get strong from all the crawling, but your legs will remain weak. You'll probably end up with a lot of knee problems from all the strain of supporting your body weight on just your arms.

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