Can receding gums grow back? (2024)

The simple answer is, no. If your gums are damaged by, for exampleperiodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, it’s not possible for receding gums to grow back. However, even though receding gums can’t be reversed there are treatments that can help to stop the problem from getting worse.


There are a few signs you might spot that can tell you if you have gum problems, or gum recession. It happens when your gums pull back from your teeth, leaving the root beneath exposed and the first thing you might feel is increased tooth sensitivity. You might also notice that your teeth look longer, or feel a notch where the gum meets the tooth.

While you may see these signs, it’s not always easy to tell if you have receding gums. The best thing to do is have regular check ups with your dentist, as a professional can identify and treat gum problems. This is particularly important with receding gums as getting treatment as soon as possible is the best way to stop them from getting worse.


There are many factors that can cause your gums to recede and your dentist will be able to tell you which is causing your gum recession:

  • Brushing your teeth too hard– this can wear away the enamel on your teeth and make your gums recede.
  • Poor oral health– if you don’t keep your teeth clean with regular brushing and flossing,plaquecan build up and turn into a hard deposit called tartar. If this isn’t removed it can lead to gum disease and gum recession.
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth– if this is severe it can put pressure on your gums which can cause them to recede.
  • Smoking– if yousmokeyou are more likely to get receding gums.
  • Periodontitis– In severe gum disease, called periodontitis, the gums can pull away from the teeth and form pockets. These may become infected and when they do this can damage the tissue and bone that holds teeth in place making them loose and wobbly. It can even lead to tooth loss.


If you want to find out if you have gum recession or think you have receding gums, the first thing to do is book an appointment to see your dentist and get professional advice on how to stop receding gums.

There are several receding gum treatments including:


In cases of gum recession, your dentist might suggest scaling and root planing. This is a two-part procedure done by your dentist. Firstly, all the plaque and hardened tartar above and below the gum line (where the gum meets the tooth) is removed. Then your dentist will do root planing, which is smoothing out your teeth roots to help the gums reattach to the teeth. Your dentist may offer a local anesthetic during the procedure and it may take more than one visit to complete.

After your treatment it’s normal for your gums to be red, swollen and sore and for there to be increased sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend using a short course of antimicrobial mouthwash likeCorsodyl 0.2% Mouthwashto help reduce bacteria and prevent infection.

Scaling and planing is often enough to fix the problem, but you will need to have regular check ups to make sure your receding gums have improved and are not getting worse. It’s also important to maintain a good oral health routine to protect your gums.


For more severe cases of receding gums your dentist may recommend gum surgery. There are few different types including:

  • Open flap scaling and planing:If non-surgical treatment hasn’t worked, your dentist may recommend open flap scaling and planing, where the affected gum tissue is folded back to get better access to clean and smooth the roots. The gum is then reattached snugly, making it easier to keep clean and healthy.
  • Regeneration:This is surgical treatment that can help to regenerate the damaged bone and gum tissue. Your dentist will clean above and below the gum to remove bacteria and plaque. Then a regenerative material – a membrane, tissue-stimulating protein or graft tissue, will be applied to encourage your body to naturally restore the damaged bone and tissue. The gum is then securely reattached over the root of the tooth.


If gum tissue has been lost your dentist may suggest soft tissue, or gum graft, surgery. This is where tissue is grafted from surrounding gums or the roof of your mouth and stitched to the gum tissue to cover the exposed root of your tooth.


The best protection against receding gums is regular check ups with a dentist and a good oral health routine. Brushing for two minutes, twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste or a daily specialist gum health toothpaste likeCorsodyl Complete Protection, helps to remove plaque bacteria to keep your gums, and teeth, healthy.

Can receding gums grow back? (2024)


Can receding gums grow back? ›

The simple answer is, no. If your gums are damaged by, for example periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, it's not possible for receding gums to grow back. However, even though receding gums can't be reversed there are treatments that can help to stop the problem from getting worse.

Can gums go back to normal after receding? ›

Receding gums cannot grow back. However, oral hygiene changes can stop gum recession, and some treatments can reconstruct gum tissue. Healthy gums fit snugly around the visible part, or the crown, of the teeth. Receding gums is when the gums pull back from the teeth, exposing each tooth and its roots further.

How can I stimulate my gums to regenerate? ›

How Can You Rebuild Your Gums Naturally?
  1. Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is a popular age-long practice for removing plaques and other food particles from the mouth with natural oils. ...
  2. Salt Water. ...
  3. Eucalyptus Oil. ...
  4. Brushing Correctly. ...
  5. Peppermint Essential Oil. ...
  6. Green Tea. ...
  7. Flossing Regularly. ...
  8. Hydrogen Peroxide.

Can you fix receding gums? ›

It's caused by a number of factors, including aggressive brushing, smoking and even genetics. Treatments include antibiotics, antimicrobial mouth rinses and surgery. Gum recession can't be reversed, but treatment can prevent it from getting worse.

How long does it take to fix receding gums? ›

How long does it take for receding gums to heal after treatment? On average, it takes about 2-4 weeks for gums to heal, but it can take longer depending on the severity. You will want to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist to check your healing and overall gum health.

How to fix gum recession at home? ›

Below are some natural remedies that people can use alongside standard treatments for gum recession.
  1. Oil pulling. ...
  2. Herbal extracts. ...
  3. Antioxidants. ...
  4. Aloe vera gel. ...
  5. Septilin. ...
  6. Omega-3 fatty acids. ...
  7. Brushing and flossing.
Sep 30, 2020

How to repair a gum recession without surgery? ›

Pinhole technique is another option that offers an alternative to surgery for gum disease treatment. It is a minimally invasive treatment that helps address gum recession. Pinhole technique involves making small holes in your gum line, pinholes.

At what age do gums start receding? ›

Receding gums are more likely to affect people over 30, but aging does not necessarily cause it. Gum recession is often a symptom of gum disease, an infection of gum tissues caused by the bacteria inside plaque and tartar.

How to stop gum recession from getting worse? ›

Good Oral Hygiene Habits

One of the most important things you can do to avoid further gum recession is to brush and floss your teeth twice daily. If your gums have receded due to aggressive brushing, be mindful of the force you are applying while brushing and use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

What toothpaste is best for receding gums? ›

Corsodyl Toothpaste

Chlorhexidine is the active ingredient in Corsodyl, working as an antiseptic in your mouth. Various mouth conditions such as thrush, mouth ulcers, cleaning wisdom teeth, and improving gum disease, which results in gum recession, receive help from Corsodyl besides battling against receding gums.

What mouthwash is good for receding gums? ›

The Corsodyl mouthwash helps with bleeding gums as well as recession, and it prevents gum disease. It is the go-to brand for many people with gum recession. Corsodyl contains an active ingredient called chlorhexidine digluconate, an antiseptic that kills bacteria that aren't layered onto the teeth.

What gel helps your gums grow back? ›

Straumann Emdogain is an easy-to-apply, protein-based gel that is designed to promote predictable regeneration of lost periodontal hard and soft tissues caused by periodontitis, helping to save and preserve the tooth.

What does a gum recession look like? ›

In a healthy mouth, the gums are pink, and the gum line is consistent around all the teeth. If gum recession develops, the gums often look inflamed. The gum line also looks lower around some teeth than around others. Gum tissue wears away, leaving more of a tooth exposed.

Will I lose my teeth with receding gums? ›

When gum recession occurs, "pockets," or gaps, form between the teeth and gum line, making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. If left untreated, the supporting tissue and bone structures of the teeth can be severely damaged, and may ultimately result in tooth loss.

What makes a gum recession worse? ›

Poor oral hygiene

Once plaque has built up on your gums and teeth, it begins damaging your gums, causing them to recede. As your gums pull back from your teeth, new pockets are created, giving plaque and bacteria more space to grow.

How painful is gum grafting? ›

Throughout your surgery, you can expect to feel no pain whatsoever, as the anesthesia will ensure you are thoroughly numb. However, once you are home and the effects have worn off, it is not uncommon to experience some soreness and discomfort. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the pain and avoid complications.

What is the new treatment for receding gums? ›

The pinhole gum rejuvenation surgery is a game-changer in addressing receding gums and is utilized by very few dentists in Charlotte because it is such a new technique. The gum rejuvenation treatment is completely safe and is actually less invasive and traumatic than traditional gum grafting.

Will receding gums keep getting worse? ›

If the cause of your gum recession is due to periodontal disease, the issue will only continue to worsen, and may lead to the loss of bone and teeth.

When is it too late for gum grafting? ›

In some cases, it may be too late for gum grafting to save the gums. If your gums are severely damaged, receding so far back that they expose the tooth's root, or if there is significant bone loss from advanced gum disease, gum grafting may not be able to restore them to their healthy state.

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