How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Take? | Smith Family and Cosmetic Dentistry (2024)

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures, offering a quick and effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile. Professional whitening is designed to remove stains and lighten the pigmentation within the tooth enamel, and it’s a service we proudly offer at all our offices, including those in Jacksonville and Surf City.

A Timeline for Professional Teeth Whitening

Immediate Results

One of the benefits of professional whitening is the immediacy of the results. Unlike at-home treatments that can take several weeks to show significant changes, professional whitening can produce noticeable results in just one session. However, for optimal results, multiple sessions may be recommended.

Number of Sessions

The total number of sessions required for professional whitening will vary based on individual factors such as the degree of staining and the desired shade of whiteness. Generally, patients can expect to undergo one to three sessions, with each session making the teeth several shades lighter.

If multiple sessions are necessary, we typically recommend a gap of one to two weeks between appointments. This interval allows the teeth to adjust to the whitening process and minimizes any tooth sensitivity.

Factors Affecting the Process

Your Starting Shade

The initial color of your teeth will influence the duration of the whitening process. Teeth with yellow tones tend to whiten more effectively, while teeth with a grayish hue may require more sessions to achieve the desired results.

Your Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle choices, such as smoking or consuming staining foods and beverages can affect the longevity of whitening results. To maintain the effects of professional whitening, it’s important to avoid or minimize exposure to these staining agents.

Particularly staining foods and beverages to minimize include red wines, coffee and tea, dark juices like grape or cranberry, pasta sauce, blueberries, beets, curries, and sodas. If you need to eat or drink these, be sure to clean your teeth immediately afterward.

Your Overall Oral Hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene can extend the results of whitening. Regular brushing and flossing, along with professional cleanings, help to prevent new stains from forming.

Touch-Up Treatments

Over time, teeth can begin to discolor again. Touch-up treatments may be necessary every 6 to 12 months, depending on individual habits and the type of staining.

Sensitivity Management

Some patients may experience tooth sensitivity following whitening treatments. Using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help manage this. If sensitivity persists, consult with us for personalized solutions.

What to Expect During Professional Teeth Whitening

When you opt for professional whitening, you are choosing a customized treatment tailored to your specific dental needs. Unlike over-the-counter options, professional whitening involves the creation of personalized bleaching trays that fit snugly over your teeth.

The journey to a brighter smile begins with the preparation of customized bleaching trays. These trays are crafted from impressions of your teeth, ensuring a perfect fit that optimizes the whitening process and minimizes the risk of irritation to your gums or the soft tissues of your mouth.

During professional whitening, your dental hygienist will apply the whitening gel to the custom trays, place them in your mouth, and monitor the process. This supervision is crucial to ensure that the procedure is safe and effective, as a professional can adjust the treatment as necessary to avoid sensitivity or irritation.

The Individual Whitening Session

A single whitening session at a dental office can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, the bleaching agent works to break down stains and discoloration. The exact duration will depend on the extent of staining and your desired level of whiteness.

The Whitening Agent

Professional whitening treatments use a high-concentration bleaching gel that accelerates the whitening process. This gel typically contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient, which penetrates the enamel to lift stains that have accumulated over the years.

Monitoring Progress

Your dental professional will carefully monitor the progress throughout the session, checking for any signs of gum irritation and ensuring that the whitening process is proceeding smoothly. Adjustments to the concentration of the whitening agent or the duration of exposure may be made to tailor the treatment to your needs.

The Advantages of Professional Whitening Over OTC Options

We’re all aware that over-the-counter whitening options exist, from toothpastes that promise whiter teeth in just a few days to bleaching trays that promise deeper results. Why have this process done at a dentist’s office rather than at home?

Superior Customization

Professional whitening offers a level of customization that over-the-counter (OTC) products can’t match. Custom-fitted trays ensure that the whitening agent is evenly distributed over your teeth, reducing the risk of uneven whitening and minimizing contact with gums, which can lead to irritation.

Professional Strength

The whitening agents used by dental professionals are stronger than those available in OTC kits, meaning that they can often achieve more noticeable results in a shorter amount of time. This efficiency also reduces the overall exposure of your teeth to bleaching agents, which is better for your tooth health.

Expert Guidance

Having a professional oversee your whitening process means any issues that arise can be addressed immediately. Dental professionals can also provide you with customized advice on how to maintain your results, tailor aftercare to reduce sensitivity, and personalized treatments for stubborn stains.

Enamel Protection

Professional whitening is designed to be safe for tooth enamel when performed correctly. Dental professionals take precautions to protect the enamel, such as using barriers to shield the gums and neutralizing gels to prevent damage.

Oral Health Monitoring

Regular monitoring by a dental professional allows for the early detection and treatment of any oral health issues. This proactive approach is not possible with OTC or DIY whitening methods.

Safety Standards

Professional whitening products meet stringent safety standards and are approved by dental health authorities. These regulations ensure that the products are not only effective but also safe for use in the long term.

Dangers of DIY Whitening

Unpredictable Results

DIY teeth whitening, especially using methods found on the internet like using baking soda, lemon juice, or other abrasive substances, can lead to unpredictable and sometimes undesirable results. These substances can wear away enamel, leading to increased sensitivity and vulnerability to decay.

Risk of Overuse

Without professional guidance, there’s a risk of overusing whitening products, which can damage tooth enamel and irritate gum tissue. This overuse can lead to translucent teeth, where the edges of the teeth start appearing blue or gray as the enamel becomes excessively thin.

Gum Damage and Tooth Sensitivity

Improper use of whitening agents can cause significant gum damage and increased tooth sensitivity. Some DIY whitening methods can even result in chemical burns to the gums or the soft tissues of the mouth.

Professional Whitening in Jacksonville, Surf City, and Beyond

We pride ourselves on delivering professional whitening services tailored to your individual needs. Our trays are customized for your unique dental structure, ensuring comfort and effectiveness, and our commitment to your care extends beyond the whitening session. We provide guidance on aftercare and lifestyle adjustments to help you enjoy your brighter smile for as long as possible. Contact us at Smith Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Surf City, Jacksonville, Hampstead, Sneads Ferry, Porters Neck, or Goldsboro today to get started.

How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Take? | Smith Family and Cosmetic Dentistry (2024)


How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Take? | Smith Family and Cosmetic Dentistry? ›

Teeth Whitening Treatment Length

How long does it take to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

The length of professional teeth whitening depends on the dentist you choose, how many shades the patients want to lighten their smile, and other factors. In general, it typically takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. The following is a review of professional teeth whitening and how long the process takes.

How long does a course of teeth whitening take? ›

Professional teeth whitening treatment typically takes three to four weeks. First, the dental team needs to make the mouth guard using impressions to ensure that the teeth whitening solution goes on all the teeth.

How many sessions does it take to whiten teeth at the dentist? ›

When choosing in-office teeth whitening, patients often only require one visit annually (at most) to maintain consistently white teeth. Depending on the patient's objectives and the intensity of the stains, the dentist may use multiple applications of the bleaching solution during each session.

What is the timeline for teeth whitening? ›

The tray is so thin that you should even be able to talk and work while wearing it. Some bleaching systems recommend bleaching your teeth from 2 to 4 hours a day. These usually take 3 to 6 weeks to complete and work best on people with sensitive teeth.

Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

As a result, you may wonder if professional tooth whitening is worth the cost. Lots of patients are curious about in-office treatment and ask if it is really better than at-home options. The answer is a resounding yes. The most effective way to whiten teeth is with a professional in-office treatment.

How long do teeth hurt after professional whitening? ›

Sensitive teeth are a common side effect of most whitening treatments. The good news is that these zingers typically only last a few hours after treatment. If they persist for more than a day or two, contact your dentist in Rancho Bernardo to discuss possible causes and solutions.

Why does it take 2 weeks to whiten teeth? ›

It takes 14 days to whiten your teeth

As you age your teeth get less porous and the inner tooth dentine gets thicker and denser so over 60's may also need to bleach for longer. This is something that the dentist can assess at the time of whitening and warn you about prior to starting.

What is the most effective teeth whitening method? ›

Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening

This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.

Do bottom teeth take longer to whiten? ›

You may find that your lower teeth do not lighten as quickly as the upper teeth. This is because the lower teeth are smaller, and the reservoirs of the tray will be smaller.

How often should I professionally whiten my teeth? ›

In-office teeth whitening treatment offers a way for you to brighten your smile safely. Dentists recommend getting whitening treatment once a year or so for most patients to keep their smiles looking aesthetically pleasing. Whitening teeth too often could cause certain oral health concerns, such as worn-down enamel.

Can teeth whitening be done in one visit? ›

Thankfully, professional, in-office teeth whitening often produces immediate results, which means the teeth will appear much whiter and brighter after one session. However, with store-bought products, the results may not work in just one day.

How long does it take to whiten yellow teeth? ›

Ideally, you will use an electric toothbrush to eliminate as much staining as possible. Use teeth whitening toothpaste two times per day and you might notice whiter teeth in as little as half a month's time. However, it could take upwards of a month and a half to produce meaningful results.

Can I eat after teeth whitening? ›

For at least the first 48 hours after whitening, patients should choose foods and drinks that are white or pale. This will help to avoid any stains developing, while also preventing any further irritation to your teeth and gums. Drinking plenty of water will help your gum tissue to recover quicker.

Do teeth get whiter days after whitening? ›

Your teeth will continue to lighten for a couple of days even after you stop a whitening session.

Is teeth whitening painful? ›

With proper care and precaution, patients should not feel pain during teeth whitening procedures. In some cases, tooth sensitivity or gum irritation can occur when the bleaching solution is applied for too long.

Can a dentist whiten teeth in one day? ›

To whiten teeth in one day, an in-office whitening treatment might be the best bet. Just beware of the sensitivity side effects. Harris adds that in-office, same-day systems like Zoom Advanced Power is highly effective for immediate results when dealing with stains caused by internal discoloration.

Is having your teeth whitened painful? ›

Where some people may find discomfort from teeth whitening is the sensitivity that may affect some after the procedure. This should not be long term, but it can be known for patients to feel mild discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure for a few hours.

Does getting your teeth whitened hurt? ›

With proper care and precaution, patients should not feel pain during teeth whitening procedures. In some cases, tooth sensitivity or gum irritation can occur when the bleaching solution is applied for too long.

Can you get your teeth whitened just once? ›

Is teeth whitening permanent? Teeth whitening isn't permanent. It can last from a few months to up to 3 years – it varies from person to person. The whitening effect won't last as long if you smoke or drink red wine, tea or coffee, which can all stain your teeth.

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