Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (2025)

by Mauro ·

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5 Responses

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  1. Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (4)Daniel Parkinson says:

    February 2, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Quote: for example he
    [quote]for example he related how, during an expedition, he hid some crates containing emergency equipment and 60 guineas along the way, just in case He recovered the cache on his way back to civilization but a couple of years later he heard how an "Englishman" was supposed to have buried an immense treasure in the jungle, worth 60.000 guineas![/quote]

    Great example of how legends develop.

  2. Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (5)Mauro says:

    February 2, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Fawcett, for his fascinating
    Fawcett, for his fascinating life, his beliefs and his disappearance, has become a Fortean icon.
    Some of his adventures, like the killing of the giant anaconda, sound almost impossible; others, like his numerous brushes with renegade soldiers on the ill-defined borders he was surveying or runaway gunmen on the Andes, are more reminiscent of the popular Indiana Jones series than anything else; others still, like the meeting with the Maricoxi, have an air of all out strangeness about them.
    There’s always the temptation of saying "he just made it all up!" or "his son embellished the truth a little". But then why he just limited himself to giant snakes (albeit of a known species) and naked, hairy savages? Why not hidden cities and lost civilizations?
    Ivan Sanderson was particulary fond of Fawcett’s memories (published by his second son) and considered him generally sincere. Bernard Heuvelmans, on the other side, considered him (or his son) too prone to flights of fancy. But again Heuvelmans, despite being the "Father of Cryptozoology" was a very down-to-Earth, deeply sceptical character.
    A final word on Fawcett’s demise. While he probably met his end through starvation, disease or a brush with outlaws, a contemporary "legend" told how he lost his firstborn son and his other companion during his last, fateful journey and swore never to return to cvilization again, settling among a tribe of Indios in the remotest part of Mato Grosso to live the rest of his life.

  3. Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (6)Urisk says:

    February 2, 2009 at 9:44 am

    Fawcet is one of those
    Fawcet is one of those characters I’ve always wanted to learn about, but to be honest I wouldn’t know where to start.

  4. Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (7)Mauro says:

    February 2, 2009 at 9:45 am

    There are to books by his
    There are to books by his son Brian, Lost Trails, Lost Cities and Exploration Fawcett which are supposed to be unabridges versions of his diaries, though I suspect his heir wasn’t above temptation to embellish the truth a little to make an extra penny.

    There’s always been a lot of the Americans of yore would have called "rascalty" attached to Percy Fawcett’s legacy. Recently a number of papers, allegedly part of his journals, have been offered for sale, mostly on shady Internet sites.

    That somebody hoped to got money out of them speaks volumes about Fawcett’s enduring fame.

  5. Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (8)Ian Topham says:

    February 2, 2009 at 9:48 am

    You can check out the latest
    You can check out the latest book on Fawcett in our book review section: Here

Percy Fawcett – Mysterious Britain & Ireland (2025)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.