Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (2024)

Solar Plexus Hand GestureBenefits

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (1)

Given below are the benefits from the practice of Rudra Mudra:

  1. Stretches, Strengthens, lengthens: In Solar Plexus Hand gesture, students need to sit straight for a longer time, for which the spine is stretched, abdomen is pulled up which helps strengthening the Core (Abs). The good habit of sitting for a while with patience also makes the hip bone stronger. As this gesture activates the earth element of the body, this helps strengthen the hard parts of the body or the bones in simple terms. Besides, when you look forward with the straight posture the shoulders and the neck muscles also get sufficient pressure and these areas are strengthened too.
  2. Chest, Diaphragm and Breath: Breath awareness has an important role in Solar Plexus Hand Gesture. During the practice of the mudra when you breath in, the diaphragm expands for sufficient air intake, and hence, it is advisable to the students they practice the gesture at an open space like on the roof, or balcony or park.
  3. Awareness and Focus: The practice of any hasta yoga mudra impacts the breath and the flow of prana in the body. Hence, being aware of the breath, the change in the body's temperature, the change in the state of mind, or any other change is important. Since this practice is to increase the heat in the body (when the tips of the fingers are touched we increase the element that is represented in that finger, and in this case it is agni, on the other hand when the root of the main element finger is touched, we control that element and reduce it), care should be taken to ensure there is drastic change in the body temperature. Once this awareness is set in and understood, then yoga teachers can take the practice to 20 mins, in a stretch.
  4. Alignment, Energizing, Relaxing: One of the most important aspects of any meditative practices that involves hasta mudra is keeping the spine active. Lengthening the spine helps with the easy flow of prana. This easy flow of energy helps clear the channels, which also means the body feels more energized with the fresh flow of prana, and in this case with the agni being active, the body's energy levels will slowly increase. However, aligning the top of the spine (which is the crown of the head) to the base of the spine (which is the root and tailbone) ensures for the smooth flow of prana both upwards and downwards. Thus, with better alignment and posture, the energy flow is smooth and rhythmic, supporting the practice of Rudra Mudra to gain all the benefits from it.
  5. Stimulation and Organs: As the posture involved in the gesture expands the diaphragm and stretches the abdomen, these help in improving the lung capacity and digestion respectively. The pressure generated from the contact of thumb, index and ring finger is believed to regulate the body temperature and cool the nervous system, while keeping it active. Students suffering from insomnia can gain from this practice as it clears the mind with unwanted thoughts, keeps the body energized yet calm, improves self awareness and self confidence, and balances the emotions and thoughts. Together when these are taken care, the body is relaxed and sleep comes naturally.
  6. Therapeutic, Healing and Ailments: Any imbalance in the body related to the chakras, doshas, or prana impacts the body and the state of mind. Therapeutically Rudra Mudra can address certain physical conditions like depression, weak bone structure (by activating the Earth element with the right finger), underweight issues, laziness (when kapha dosha is high), digestive related issues (by activating the agni which is the thumb), with breathing related issues (by activating the vayu which is the index finger), and so. However, care should be taken by yoga teachers to have a clear and clean understanding of their student's conditions before introducing this mudra.
  7. Balance and Emotions: As a part of pranayama, this mudra is a powerful component of yoga and a mental wellness exercise. By controlling the flow of prana across the body, the mudra helps connect the body and the mind, and with time, improves the functioning of the nervous system and certain organs.
  8. Others: Solar plexus Hand gesture can be practiced when sitting. So, as compared to other yoga poses this gesture becomes easier for the senior students. Kids, and the teens can be encouraged to practice this mudra since it helps reduce the laziness and tiredness in the body with the activation of the Earth, Air and Fire elements.

Learn more:Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Benefits

Solar Plexus Hand GestureContraindications

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture is a beginner level yoga pose that is performed insitting position.Solar Plexus Hand Gesture additionally involvespranayama, meditative and balance.Need Solar Plexus Hand Gesture contraindications? Please sign-up to request contraindications of Solar Plexus Hand Gesture and we will notify you as soon as your request has been completed.

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Variations

Below are some common variations of the yoga pose Solar Plexus Hand Gesturewith base pose as Mudra(Mudra).

Solar Plexus Hand GestureSteps

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (8)

Given below are the step-by-step instructions for the practice of Rudra Mudra (Solar Plexus Hand Gesture):

  1. Solar plexus Hand gesture can be started by simply sitting in a comfortable position like Lotus Pose or Half-Lotus Pose or Easy Pose. One thing to be remembered that, when you sit, your back should be completely straight.
  2. Place both the hands on your thighs with the open palm facing upwards. Students also can take the hand in front of the chest with the palm facing to your body to perform the mudra. You are free to choose your comfortable posture.
  3. Next, start inhaling deeply but in a very gentle way. Completely focus the breath to achieve body-breath awareness. Throughout the process, students should keep their eyes closed to achieve meditation.
  4. Now, you can fold your ring finger and index finger to connect the tips of the fingers with the tip of the thumb and press it smoothly. Meanwhile, keep the other fingers straight and extended as much as you can.
  5. Now, focus on your solar plexus chakra. Feel that point at the diaphragm. In your mind you can chant the root mantra for this gesture i.e. the word Ram. There are many mobile applications which can provide you the desired calm-music for the pose to keep you on track for a longer period of time.
  6. Now, try to keep the gesture for at least 15 minutes or the time till you can do it with comfort. Then, you can come back to your respective base pose from where you started at the step one.

Learn more: Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Steps

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga Sequence Preparatory Poses

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (9)

    Easy Pose

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    Easy Pose Variation Arms Knees

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (11)

    Shunya Mudra

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (12)

    Shiva Linga Mudra

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (13)

    Vayu Mudra

  • +15
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Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga Sequence Relaxing Follow-up Poses

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (15)

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  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (17)

    Easy Pose

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    Easy Pose Warm Up Flow

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (19)

    Three Part Breath

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  • Sign-up to view all 15 Relaxing poses of Solar Plexus Hand Gesture andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

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Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga Sequence Relaxing Follow-up Poses

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (21)

    Shakti Mudra

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    Hridaya Mudra

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (25)

    Adi Mudra

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  • Sign-up to view all 15 Levelup poses of Solar Plexus Hand Gesture andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

How to do Solar Plexus Hand Gesture

The below cues and yoga sequences added by yoga teachers show multiple ways to do Solar Plexus Hand Gesture depending on the focus of your yogasequence and the ability of your students.

To view the complete steps and corresponding yoga sequence, pleaseconsider signing-up to yoga sequence builder that is trusted by yoga teachers worldwideto plan their yoga classes.

  1. Short meditation and intention

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    • added on by a yoga-student
  2. 3 - SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA - RUDRA MUDRA Our 3rd Chakra, is the Solar Plexus Charka, manipura, which is located just above your belly button. This chakra is all about our relationship with ourselves. It’s our centre of identity and where our willpower, confidence, self-discipline and self-esteem all...

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher
  3. Affirmations: Every choice I make empowers me. Every choice I make increases my confidence. Every choice I make is in alignment with my self care. Repeat mantras 3 times Continue with breath focused on the rise and fall of the diaphragm, energizing the solar plexus.

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  4. Rudra Mudra, for activating solar plexus, and power of transformation. Breath comfortably drawing attention to solar plexus and notice the rise and fall of the diaphragm as you inhale and exhale. Bring index finger, ring finger, and thumb together on each hand. Pinky and middle finger will stick ...

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  5. From here we are going to bring our hands into a solar plexus gesture and rest our hand back onto our knees. From here we will take an inhale for a count of 4 and "OM" on an exhale and we will do this 3 times, ready, inhale 2,3,4 "OM".

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  6. We will start today with Rudra Mudra, turning palms up, place on the knees, curl your index finger and ring finger to meet your thumb. Stretch out your pinkie and middle finger. Gently rub the thumb across the two fingers and build up the connection ad energy here. This mudra is associated with t...

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher
  7. Use Rudra mudra with cactus arms and begin kapalbhati (45-60 seconds) - repeat up to 2x while holding pose. Alternatively, access Rudra mudra and chant RAM with exhale breath (RAM, RAM, RAM, RAM...8x, or RRRAAAAAMMMMM 1x). Repeat 4 more times. Transition to Warrior II.

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    • added on by a yoga-therapist
  8. Thumb and middle finger and say RAM

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  9. Thumb, index and ring finger together. This mudra helps with dizziness, regulates breath and blood pressure, improves concentration and eyesight. Achieve clarity in thoughts. Activates energy in the Solar Plexus to grow self-worth.

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  11. Placing your hands in between your heart and stomach, fingers out and away, cross at your thumbs Let's inhale and exhale RAAAAMMM

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher
  12. Rudra Mudra Take a deep breath in through your nose, open your mouth sigh it out. 3 more times. Mantra. I am confident. I am worthy. I am enough.

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    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  13. place the middle finger and ring finger on the tip of the thumb on each hand rest the hands on the knees with palms facing up Rudra Mudra: the solar plexus hand gesture

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  14. Apana mudra in meditation.After 37 week completion,20 to 30 mins daily.

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    • added on by a yoga-student

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Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga Sequences

Please sign-up to view Solar Plexus Hand Gesture yoga sequences. We have 750000+ reference sequences along withfoundational yoga sequences built from a library of 6000+ yoga poses(with new yoga poses added daily).

Solar Plexus Hand GestureTitles in English and Sanskrit

Many yoga poses have multiple titles because of differences in their Sanskrit to English title translationor a specific title becoming popular because of it's common usage amongst yoga teachers and yoga practitioners. Below are common titles of Solar Plexus Hand Gesture:

  • Solar Plexus Hand Gesture
  • Rudra Mudra

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Sanskrit

Solar Plexus Hand Gesture sanskrit title is Rudra Mudra. Please click on the link below to listen to Sanskrit pronunciation of Solar Plexus Hand Gesture:

Play Sanskrit audio pronunciation for Rudra Mudra

More about Solar Plexus Hand Gesture

  • Benefits
  • Steps
  • How To Do
  • Titles in English and Sanskrit
Solar Plexus Hand Gesture Yoga  (Rudra Mudra) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (2024)
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