the_garfield_aprentice (2024)

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the_garfield_aprentice -

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  1. the_garfield_aprentice (1)
  2. Writer: cookie the cat
  3. Resume: cookie’s corner

Genre: Drama the_garfield_aprentice (2) director: Kelly Reichardt Toby Jones Jonathan Raymond country: USA.

BUNDLE LAUNCHES SUNDAY DECEMBER 1ST 5PM GMT Merry tidings to all! We're proud to announce the Jingle Jam 2019 - great charities, special livestreams, a big bundle of games, your favourite guys and gals, lots of fun and plenty of gin! Give generously to some fantastic causes and we hope you enjoy! Stream link: Donation page: VODs on Yogs Live: Highlights: 60+ with new games revealed at 5pm every day! Pick your own charity from a huge list or support our favourites! Combined RRP for 2019 is over $700+! Check out the Humble page for the latest game unlocks! Schedule: Times are in GMT Week 1 schedule as a picture with more details on guests! Time 1st Dec 2nd Dec 3rd Dec 4th Dec 5th Dec 6th Dec 7th Dec 11am-2pm Decorating The Office Youtube link Baubles With Bouphe & Lydia Youtube Link Minecraft Server Day Jingle Jam Is Perfectly Balanced Youtube Link Community Dragon Slayer Youtube Link Youtube Link Team Double Awkward Youtube Link Crimbo Colony Crew Youtube Link 2pm- 5pm Jingle Jam Hype up! Youtube Link Feed A Cow For Christmas Youtube Link with Special Guests! Hat Films Suck At Painting Youtube Link Christmas Mysteries Youtube Link Live Action Risk Youtube Link Pre-Poker Party Youtube Link 5pm- 8pm Jingle Cats & Launch Youtube Link Hat Films Christmas Album Youtube Link 12 hours! The Jingle Jerk Off Youtube Link] Civilization 5 Live At 5 Chilluminativity Youtube Link Poker Tournament 8pm- 11pm Trains & Chill Youtube Link Hat Films Christmas Album Youtube Link Continued! Protessional Strem Youtube Link Civilization 5 Live At 5 Sweden Vs Scotland Youtube Link Poker Tournament Time 8th Dec 9th Dec 10th Dec 11th Dec 12th Dec 13th Dec 14th Dec 11am-2pm Drink More Glurp! Youtube Link Xmas Studs Youtube Link Hat Films Cook The World's Biggest Cakes! Youtuble Link Bodega Radio Play Live Youtube Link Yogs Rumble Youtube Link 3 Dads And An Irishman Morning Tea And Chat 2pm- 5pm Star Wars Roleplay Youtube Link T. A. B. S. H. O. R. E How To: Christmas Dinner Youtube Link Pre-Party Karaoke Youtube Link IRL Christmas Market Pokemon Go in Bristol Part 2 Hat Films In London / Gingerbread House Making 5pm- 8pm High Rollers Xmas Special Nazis vs The Good Guys Youtube Link Terraria Survival Youtube Link Karaoke Night Gmod Build Off Special Sweaty Shooters Games Night Boardgames 8pm- 11pm Rust Server Madness Youtube Link Xmas Just Dance Terraria Custom Minigames Youtube Link Karaoke Night Recreating Christmas Movie Scenes in Sims 4 Dead By Daylight Overwatch Central In House Time 15th Dec 16th Dec 17th Dec 18th Dec 19th Dec 20th Dec 21st Dec 11am-2pm Christmas Chilling! Jingle Jam Games and Chill Paintlicking Probably More Benga TBH Bundles and Mysteries Christmas Warmer Colony Crew Super Stocking Stuffer 2pm- 5pm Kim's Birthday Party Minecraft Special Part 2 RTGame Wii Sports Game Jam Top 10 Finals TBC Secret Santa Opening Colony Crew Super Stocking Stuffer 5pm- 8pm High Rollers Variety Games Call of Cthulhu Roleplay Hat Films Music Remix Lewis & Ben Make The Yuletide Gay Big Fat Quiz Of The Year Part2 Sex and Science 8pm- 11pm Lo-Fi Music Remixes Call of Cthulhu Roleplay Hunting With Marbles Lewis and Ben Make The Yuletide Gay Important Videos Fizone Festive Fun Time 22nd Dec 23rd Dec 24th Dec 25th Dec 26th Dec 27th Dec 28th Dec 11am-2pm Stocking Stuffers Stocking Stuffers YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema Stocking Stuffers Colony Crew Christmas 2pm- 5pm RUM CHUMS JAIL BREAK Christmas Puzzles YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema The Jingle Slam 2k19 Conlony Crew Christmas 5pm- 8pm Raft Christmas Chill Out YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema Fizone Finale 8pm- 11pm YogCinema Pyrion Flax Takeover YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema YogCinema Time 29th Dec 30th Dec 31st Dec 11am-2pm 40k Apocalypse Fighting Fantasy Game of the Year 2pm- 5pm 40k Apocalypse Fighting Fantasy Armchair Admirals New Years Special 5pm- 8pm Warhammer Roleplay Pokemon Nuzlite Armchair Admirals New Years Special 8pm- 11pm YogCinema YogCinema Armchair Admirals New Years Special Charities: Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal - "We continually invest in all wards and departments in Bristol Children’s Hospital, supporting the highest standard of care, fund pioneering equipment to help save the lives of sick children and babies from across the South West region and beyond, and more. " Stand Up To Cancer - "Stand Up To Cancer funds research, which takes developments in the labs and accelerates them into brand new tests and treatments for cancer patients who need them. " Access Sport - "To drive change in the way sport is delivered locally in the UK, dramatically improving access to sport and all its benefits for tens of thousands of vulnerable children and young people " Whale and Dolphin Conservation - "The WDC fights against whaling, the practice of keeping whales and dolphins in captivity, and promotes and funds creating marine protected areas in e. g. Bangladesh. " Special Effect - "We put fun and inclusion back into the lives of people with physical disabilities by helping them to play video games. " Mental Health Foundation - "We develop and run research and delivery programmes across the UK that have, for more than six decades, given us the evidence and expertise to know what works and how to intervene earlier. " CODE - Call of Duty Endowment - "The Call of Duty Endowment identifies and funds the most efficient and effective organizations that get unemployed veterans back to work. " Choose Your Own Charity - Over three thousand amazing causes, so if there is something close to your heart, you can choose to buy games and do great things with the money! Notes and FAQ: Why are you doing this? The Jingle Jam started because every Christmas people would offer to buy us presents to say thank you. The best gift you can give is to help those less fortunate at this time of year! We started with special charity livestreams and then began reaching out to all of our contacts in the games industry and rewarding kind donators with a big bundle of games! We are incredibly grateful to all the devs and the games industry for their great generosity, which has helped the Jingle Jam raise over $15 million over the last 7 years for some fantastic causes! What's the best way to give money? The best way is through the Humble Bundle! Humble do this for free, so 100% of your donation goes to charity! Humble send the money directly to the charities involved when the Bundle ends! Can I donate to you guys as normal? No donations to the main channel () will be accepted in December - any donations we receive will be pushed back through to Humble! What's happening with money from subscriptions/adverts on Subs/ads on are not donated to charity! Instead, streamers and guests share subs/ads as normal. Losing a month of twitch revenue and donations is hard for some of our streamers, who also give up their free time during the busiest month of the year. How can I best support my favourite streamers? If you wish to support any specific streamer directly, the best way to do this is to buy your favourite merch from our store: What's happens if a game runs out of codes? Unfortunately some games in the bundle do have a limited number of keys. - and if we run out it will appear grey and have "sold out" on the Humble Bundle page. The earliest donators will have first dibs on copies of newly added games. What the deal with "free to play" games appearing in the bundle? Free to play games are tricky to add to the bundle - but we have asked devs to put together packs with a value of at least $20 - or to have content that is exclusive to the bundle!

Movie Stream. Movie Stream First com favicon. Came here immediately after watching james's departure video and hearing james sound so happy here makes me really hope that he'll be happy again with his new endeavors.

Mom: See's stories about the killer doll Also Mom: We'll keep the doll

Movie stream first cows. Movie Stream First cowcotland. Movie Stream First cowblog. Movie stream first cowboys. First cow & read m"ore When "First Cow" First Cow movie watch for free Watch First Cow movie vidzi Download First Cow Dailymotion... Movie Stream first contact. Movie Stream First cow parade. Where is my man on fire A24. Movie Stream first coffee. Movie Stream First cowboy. Didnt realize A24 was directing Kendrick Lamar music videos now. The rest of the series can be found here “Jon-Jon! Oh I was sooo worried about you! ” A stocky Polynesian woman with a streak of gray in her hair cried as she threw herself on him kissing him repeatedly on the head. The nurse who escorted her smiled and left, closing the door. “Jon-Jon? ” Jon asked with a laugh. “I’m one of your lovers darling! I rushed here all the way from Nakamura when I heard you got a little boo-boo! ” she exclaimed as she laid another big kiss on his face. “Damn, it’s good to see you again Jon, ” she said with a toothy smile. “Same here, Oliana. How have you been? ” “Doing great! I signed on with Greyweather Consulting and business has been good! ” “Still can’t believe you went and became a merc, ” Jon said shaking his head. “What about all that talk of settling down and becoming a real nurse? ” “Yeah… I tried that. f*ck that noise! I lasted all of four months before I had to walk. So much bullsh*t! Couldn’t do anything without asking some asshole for permission. With Greyweather I can actually do sh*t, actually save lives instead of standing in front of a computer screen with my thumb up my ass. ” “Well I for one am very happy the nasty rumors I heard about you were true, ” Jon smiled. “So, you got it? ” “Of course sweetie, ” Oliana said as she opened the huge box of chocolates tucked under her arm and lifted off the top tray revealing a med-scanner, vials of an evil looking green liquid, some syringes, and other devices. “And I got you the good stuff. It even isn’t expired yet! ” “Is that greenweaver? ” Jon asked in surprise. “That’s restricted... ” “Well you said you were in a hurry, darling, and this is hurry in a bottle. Roll over and let me peek at that cute backside of yours. ” With a pained grunt Jon rolled over on his side. Oliana pulled out the scanner and carefully surveyed the damage. “Tsk… Civilians... ” She said. “What? Did they screw something up? ” Jon asked in alarm. “Nah, it’s fine, perfectly textbook for a civilian surgeon. They let the goddamn bots do the work. Perfectly safe, lazy, and exactly why your ass was going to be laying here for quite awhile. Don’t get me started… Yup. We can work with this, ” she said as she pulled a thin plastic pad from the chocolate box and carefully slid it underneath his vitals monitor. “There, now they will be none the wiser, ” she said with a smile. “Your real vitals are about to do some freaky sh*t. ” “Oh I’m down with the freaky sh*t. ” “Not like this you aren’t, ” she laughed as she pulled up his gown and drew a measure of the green liquid into the first syringe. “Ever had this stuff in your spine before? ” “Nope. ” “It might sting a little. Seriously. This is going to hurt. ” “Do I need something to bite on? ” “Won’t help, ” Oliana said as she pulled out some combat auto-injectors “sh*t. Are you going to heal me or shoot me? ” “They will prevent you from going into shock. Yeah, it’s going to be that bad, Jon. You sure you want to do this? ” Jon just smiled at her as he reached for the first auto-injector... “You’re tough. I’ll give you that, ” Oliana said about an hour later. “That’s all we can do for now. We wait for two hours and then we start the second course. ” “Can’t wait, ” Jon said grimly looking quite pale and haggard. There was a beeping noise. “What’s that? ” Jon asked with a little concern. “My lookout just picked up a nurse saying that she was going to check on you, ” Oliana said as she covered up the box. “She thinks you’re cute by the way. ” The door opened and the nurse walked in. “It’s time for your morning meds, ” she said with a big smile and then paused. “Are you feeling ok? ” “Oh yeah, just fine, ” Jon said with a pleasant even smile. “Just got a rather unpleasant e-mail, that’s all. Sorry, can’t talk about it. Classified. I don’t mean to be short but I really need to get back to it, ” he said weakly raising up his tablet. Everything doesn’t look fine, she thought as she pulled up his vitals on her work tablet. Everything was well within normal ranges though. That must have been one hell of an e-mail. “Ok, here, ” the nurse said handing him a little polymer cup and a glass of water. It took all the willpower he had to move his arms but he took them with a smile. “Appreciate it, ” Jon said forcing another smile. When Oliana said it was going to hurt she wasn’t f*cking kidding. As soon as the nurse left Jon just sagged into the bed. “How long is this hell going to last? ” “No more than a couple of days… tops. ” “Are you f*cking with me right now? ” “I really wish I was. ” Timing her work around visits from an entirely overly inquisitive nurse, damn her good instincts, Oliana finally finished up the third and final series. “There. You still with me Jon? ” “Define ‘with you’? ” he laughed weakly. “Now what? ” “Now you suffer for awhile, ” she said as she pulled out a tablet and carefully examined his real, actual vital signs. “Lovely. ” “I’m going to hang out for a bit to see how these first few hours go but then I have to bail. I would rather not go to prison. I would for you in a heartbeat, honey, but not if I can avoid it. ” “No. Don’t risk yourself over this. Go now. ” “Not until I see how this is going to turn out. These civilian twerps don’t know about this sh*t and if anything goes wrong they are going to need me. Don’t worry your pretty little butt, ” she said giving it a little pat. “Everything goes well and I will be able to get away long before they figure out what I did. ” “I feel like a sh*t not asking this until now, ” Jon said as he clenched his teeth, “but how are you going to get away? ” “Sweetie, I’m with f*cking Greyweather. Just give us a good half hour before you peel off that sensor and I’ll be halfway to a waiting ship and when they pull up their security feeds it will be like I was never even here. ” she said with a smile. “Nice, ” Jon said as he convulsed. Oliana jumped up with her scanner. “sh*t. Don’t scare me like that! ” She exclaimed. “Don’t scare you?!? What the f*ck was that?!? ” “Just some nerves coming back online. No biggie. ” “If that’s no biggie, what’s a biggie like. ” “Let’s just hope you don’t find out. ” “Jon, that’s the last injector I can give you, ” Oliana said gravely about two hours later. “It’s about to really get rough. ” “Oh... that doesn’t sound good. ” Jon mumbled. “On the bright side, ” she said stroking his face, “It looks like everything took. They should be able to take it from here or at least have time to call someone. ” “You’re... gonna split? ” “Yeah, all they have to do now is monitor you and give you real neural stabilizers and maybe a pain blocker or two. They might try to tell you that you need to go into a medical coma but that’s bullsh*t. ” “I’ll… bear that… in mind... ” “Try to give me at least a few minutes before you separate that sensor from that little pad, ” she said as she kissed his forehead. “But if you feel like you are going to pass out, be sure yank the f*cker off before you do. I might not look like it but I can still haul ass… or take down a security guard if I have to. ” “All this affection is… completely inappropriate…” “Not anymore it isn’t, ” she said as she planted a big kiss on his lips. “Whatever it is you are about to do, kick some ass. ” “… intend to... ” he said with a smile. “Now go. You will… get that half… hour... ” “If you need me, you know where to find me, ” she said as she got to her feet. “And remember, Greyweather Consulting is the Republic’s premier provider of private strategic, tactical, security, and intelligence services. ‘If you want to cry havoc, call Greyweather. ’… And we are all loyal to the Republic for what it’s worth. Don’t know what you are neck deep in but keep us in mind. ” With that she blew him a kiss and walked out the door. About half an hour later the nurse on duty walked in. “It seems like your sensor fell off. Oh, there it is, ” she said as she picked the sensor out of the sheet and pressed it to his skin. Her tablet started beeping immediately. She looked down at it in shock. “That can’t be right... She trotted out of the room and quickly returned with a full medical scanner in her hands. “What? This can’t be…” She looked down at her scanner and then back up at Jon. He should be screaming in agony. Why is he just smiling at me? she thought and then she recalled the conversations between him and the doctor and put two and two together. Accelerators! “What did you do? What did she give you? ” she demanded. “What... do you think? ” Jon mumbled with a grin. She turned red in the face and screamed “ IDIOT!!! ” at him and sprinted out of the room. About fifteen minutes later the door opened and an old kalesh with a white robe draped around him walked in. “Ok, you crazy bastard, ” he said wiggling his eyestalks, “What are you on? What did she give you? ” “ Greenweaver. ” “Holy sh*t. That stuff actually exists? ” the old kalesh said as he pulled out a scanner and gently rolled Jon over on his side. ” “Ow. ” “I can imagine, ” the old doctor said as he looked at he scans. “f*ck, right into the spine too. How the are you even conscious? Hell, why didn’t you go into shock? ” Jon just smiled and reached under his pillow retrieving a handful of combat auto-injectors. “You crazy stupid f*cker! Well, I guess it isn’t crazy if it worked, huh? ” He rolled Jon back over. “Oh, I’m Doctor Balken, formerly Major Balken by the way, Republic Army, and I’m going to be taking over your case. So, you have a gallon of greenweaver in your back and more injectors in your blood stream than I’ve ever seen before, ” he wiggled his eyestalks, “This is going to be fun! ” He looked at his scanner again. “Now I have a couple of questions for ya, ” the doctor said, “This sort of black-magic voodoo was nothing but a wet dream back when I was in the service. Hell, it’s still nothing but a wet dream for most of us. Considering your… creative method in obtaining it I take it you want to keep this quiet or can I just call in the experts and be done with it? ” “.. ” “Figured. Ok, next question. Is there a very and I mean very good reason for what you are doing? ” “yes… critical… Republic... ” “Good enough for me, ” He said with an eye wiggle. “Ok, ambassador, let’s do this. I’ll do some quick research and make a few discreet phone calls but it looks like what you really need is a top-shelf neural stabilizer and probably something for what I can only assume are truly biblical levels of pain. You also have a brain-curdlingly high temperature but I don’t want to screw with anything metabolism related until I actually know more about whatever the hell I’m dealing with here. We will just have to go old school, very old school. We will get started with that and the we’ll do… something… about all that combat gunk in your bloodstream. ” He wiggled his eyestalks. “Now I will leave you to your well deserved suffering, ” He laughed as he left. Moments later he heard the head nurse exclaim “Ice?!? ” from down the hall. Back on the White Star Helena had finally gotten around to talking to the passengers. She was quite relieved to see how well they were being treated. “So are you one of them, too? ” Rupert Glent asked Helena eyeing Roberts nervously. “Me, nah, ” Helena replied. “I’m just a reporter that sweet talked herself into one hell of an exclusive. I had absolutely no idea the cute guy I picked up at the bar was a f*cking pirate, ” she said as she poked Roberts playfully. “My ability to pick ‘em remains as f*cked as ever. ” Rupert’s wife gave her a dirty look. “Please watch your language, ” she said icily. “There are children here. ” “Oh sh*t, ” Helena replied. “Sorry. ” She couldn’t see Roberts snickering behind her. “So, how have you been treated? ” Helena asked them as she switched on her camera. “Just awful! ” Rupert’s wife exclaimed. “We have to sleep on these rags and they just feed us cheap cereal and junk food! ” Rupert just winced. “Ms. Helena, I think it would be far more interesting for your readers if-” “Oh that sounds awful! ” Helena gushed zooming in on his wife. “Imagine! Making you have to sleep on just a simple mattress with nothing but blankets and pillows… those animals! ” “And that isn’t the worst part! ” she moaned. “All we get to drink is water, cheap sodas, and that awful synth-milk! My poor children! ” “Jesus... ” Helena said in a shocked voice managing to keep a straight face. “And the bread… It wasn’t fresh! It was at least a day or two old and I don’t know what ‘baloney’ is or what it’s made from is but it is simply-” “It’s made of lips and assholes. ” Helena said artfully angling the camera to accentuate the woman’s expressions. “Actually it’s all the parts of left over… whatever animal they got their hands on that week ground up into a pink paste and squeezed into a plastic tube. ” “Oh God! ” “Um, darling... ” Rupert said giving Helena an evil glance. “And that so called ‘cheese’… It is horrific! Each slice is wrapped in… wrapped in plastic! ” she wailed. “I had to feed my children that! ” “And did you like it? ” Helena asked panning over to the kids. “Oh yes! ” Rupert’s daughter exclaimed. “Baloney and cheese is awesome! ” Helena grinned at the kid. If she was anymore photogenic the camera would burst into flames. “It is clear that you have truly suffered, ” Helena said with big sympathetic eyes as she turned the camera back to Rupert’s wife. “It’s important that I document everything so the Federation, no, the entire galaxy knows what sort of savages these people are. What… what else have you had to endure? ” As his wife started to reply Rupert lunged forward putting himself between the camera and his lovely wife. “So, Helena was it? ” Rupert asked, “Do you have any idea what they are going to do to us? ” “I’m not sure to be perfectly honest, ” Helena replied glancing uncertainly over at Roberts. “But I’ve kinda gotten to know their boss and she said you would survive this if you behaved. She seems to be the kind of woman who keeps her word… Right? ” she asked looking over at Roberts. “Right, ” he replied. “If we were going to kill you we would have done it right off and not bothered with having to guard you and feed you cheap cold cuts and cereal, ” he smiled. “Current plan is that we get you off this ship and back to civilization ass intact. ” “Well, that’s a relief. ” Rupert replied although he knew that if they were going to massacre them this guy certainly wouldn’t tell him about it. “So, Rupert, ” Helena said with a wicked smile as she made sure to frame his face perfectly, “what sort of money-grubbing porkie slime bullsh*t do you do when you aren’t cruising around space on a ship full of pedophiles and rapists? ” Helena asked focusing the camera on him. “Hey! I had no idea about that! I just knew the White Star was the best and I just wanted to take my family on a wonderful vacation, that’s all! All I knew was that this thing was supposed to be fantastic and that we were going to get to see a neutron star up close! I had no idea something like… like that was going on! ” “Lucky for you neither did we, ” Roberts said with a cruel smile. “Because if we had our tactics might have been a little different, like you not having to endure bologna, fake cheese and Comet Soda different. ” Rupert flinched. Looking into Roberts’ eyes he had no doubt that he was telling the God’s honest truth. “I only found out about it once our plan was already set and it was too late to make any 'adjustments', ” Paul continued, “If we did know about it before hand, there would have definitely been 'adjustments'. Count on it. Be sure to let Axion Lines know how much you appreciate them almost making your family’s vacation especially ‘memorable’. ” “I intend to, ” Rupert said with a snarl. “Trust me. I f*cking intend to. ” “Darling! Language! ” his wife exclaimed holding her hands over her daughters ears. “He said ‘f*ck’ mommy! ” she giggled. “What does ‘f*ck’ mean? ” she asked just giggling her ass off. “Stop it! It’s a bad word! Don’t ever say it! ” “But daddy just did! ” the child exclaimed looking at everybody with triumphant wicked eyes. “Your mommy, daddy and everybody else in this f*cking room are very f*cking lucky you are so f*cking adorable, ” Roberts said as he knelt down to face the girl. “And the word ‘f*ck’ is a great word! All us pirates use it! ” he said with a big friendly smile. “f*ck! ” the girl exclaimed. “There you go! Now you sound just like a pirate! ” Roberts laughed. “You have a lovely child, ” he said to Rupert. “Try not to oink at her too much. It would be a real shame if she grew up to be like her... Wait… hang on... ” Roberts said as he cupped his earpiece. “Got it. We’re on our way! ” He replied to the air. “Helena we gotta cut this short. The guys just found something unbelievable! ” “Wait! ” Rupert’s wife called out. “Could you please talk to that leader of yours about what they are feeding us? ” “Heh… sure. ” Roberts grinned. “Paul, no. ” Helena said playfully punching his arm. “Killjoy, ” Roberts replied with a laugh. “So kid, ” Roberts said to the little girl. “What’s your favorite cereal? ” “Bunny Crunch! ” “Got it. I’ll put the word out that you get the Bunny Crunch, ” he said to her as her mother looked on in horror. “Bunny Crunch is awesome! ” Helena replied. “You just gotta try it on ice cream! ” The girl looked up at Helena with wide eyes. Her mind had just officially been blown. As they were heading to the bank Jessie came scampering up at a full sprint with a huge scientific scanner in her grip. “(gasp) I just got relieved by T (gasp)! Can you f*cking (gasp) believe it? ” “No. It’s-… and she’s gone, ” Roberts replied to the back of Jessie as she tore off again. Roberts just smiled and shook his head. “What did they find? ” Helena asked excitedly. “We aren’t entirely sure yet, ” Roberts replied calmly. “But if we’re right… Well it’s probably best if you just see it. It’s amazing! ” Everyone was just silently gathered inside a cluttered storage chamber looking down at something. They were all packed so tightly Helena couldn’t see. “Well? ” Shelia asked excitedly. “Give me a minute, geez! ” Jessie said as she wrestled with an almost comically oversized scanner. Helena finally managed to wiggle around them camera in hand only to find them all huddled around some boxes filled with rows of little vials filled with a white liquid. “It’s confirmed! sem*n! ” Jessie almost screamed. “Perfectly chemically stabilized! I bet you could do in vitro straight out of the tube! ” “It’s… cum... ” Helena said in a less than enthusiastic manner. “Yeah, just look at it! ” Shelia said excitedly. “Rows and rows of the money shot! ” “Cum… You drug me all the way over here for cum... ” “Do we have an id? ” Gloria asked sounding like an actual human being and an excited one at that. “Cum. You guys are excited about cum... ” “Working on it, ” Jessie chirped. “So, Bunny, what is it? ” “While you have saved an amazing amount of data concerning ejacul*te, ” Bunny replied. “None of the images or movies capture it in sufficient detail for me to make any scientific comparison. ” “(sigh) The archive, Bunny! What do we have in the archive? ” “Surprisingly enough, ” Bunny snarked, “we don’t have a whole lot in the way of sem*n related information. We dived deep but not that deep. (Thank God. )” “Well you have to have genetic profiles of sh*t on file, ” Shelia said. “Cum… You made me sprint across the ship for some cum... ” Helena muttered. “I had the queen of the porkies in my f*cking sights and I let her go over cum... ” Nobody was paying her any attention, not even Roberts. “Son of a bitch! ” Eno shouted from further inside as he pulled out a glass covered frame. “Look! ” he held as he held aloft a collection of butterflies. “And there’s more! Oh Mother of God! … Are these… bees? ” “Cum and dead bugs… of course…" Helena grumbled. "We have works from Leonardo da motherf*ckcing Vinci in the hold and nobody blinks an eye. A vault full of ji*zz and dead bugs and they lose their f*cking minds... ” “Well can you scan the DNA or not, goddammit? ” Shelia shouted at Jessie’s tablet. “Yes and no, ” Bunny replied. “With that stupid scanner that Jessie insisted on dragging along we can definitely image the DNA and I’m going through everything we have but so far I haven’t found much on genetic sequences of various species. It’s not what we usually go for, you know. ” “In all of those petabytes you don’t have a goddamn thing? Bullsh*t. ” Shelia said impatiently. “We have a lot of petabytes and I mean a lot of them, ” Bunny replied. “It’s going to take awhile. ” “Cum… Seriously? ” Helena muttered to nobody in particular. “You’re in a f*cking quantum supercomputer now. How long can it possibly take? ” Shelia responded. “Oh just the read times of the same old drives we always had. Jessie didn’t think it was important to migrate all that ‘old archival sh*t’. ” “Hey! Don’t blame this on me! ” Jessie laughed. “Who else is there to blame? ” Bunny responded. “I’m just a f*cking machine. I don’t do anything unless I’m told to. ” “You don’t do anything unless you are told to!?! Oh that is a steaming pants-load and you know it! ” Jessie excliamed as she gripped her tablet in both hands and stared straight into the camera. “Hey! ” Shelia barked snapping her fingers. “Focus you two! Can we do it and how long will it take? ” “Yes we can and I have absolutely no idea how long it will take, ” Bunny replied. “Ditto, ” Jessie chirped. “No f*cking clue. We may have to wait until we are back in the Republic and hit the networks. I’m not sure if we have a lot of genetic stuff. ” “You have absolutely everything else! How can you not have… Whatever. Bunny, start digging. Jessie start scanning. I want to get these back in the cases and out of the light ASAP. ” “Cum… Honestly? ” “My God! ” Jessie bubbled happily as she opened another box. “Look at all these vials! There’s so much! ” “Ok! What is the deal with the f*cking cum? ” Helena demanded raising her voice. Everybody stopped and just looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “Don’t you realize what this is? ” Roberts said excitedly. “Splooge? ” “I almost forgot you were a porkie there for a moment, ” Shelia replied. “Makes sense that you might not immediately get it. ” “So… Terrans love cum. ” she turned the camera to face herself. “You heard it here first, gentle viewers. “This is one of the things we prize more than anything. ” Roberts said almost in awe. “Note to self. Never kiss you again. ” “This is biodiversity! Terra took a beating and what the ash and frost didn’t kill we finished off ourselves, ” Roberts replied. “A lot of species went entirely extinct either from starvation or from simply being hunted to extinction. That hamburger you like? Cows didn’t make it. They went completely extinct. They were re-created from genes that we managed to salvage somewhere and a lot of them are damn near clones, or actual clones, of each other. We have managed to find more than one sample, of course, but nothing compared to the diversity before they went extinct. The number of different varieties of even the humble cow was staggering! The same goes for damn near any other animal you can name. This could be completely new genetic source material either for an animal we already recreated or maybe even a lost species! Helena, ” Roberts said looking deep into her eyes, “This is huge! ” he exclaimed as he hugged her. “So while the fire and ash was falling someone ran around jerking off their cows? ” “The right term is bull and no, they likely didn’t. ” Greg laughed. “It was a common practice if there was an exceptional animal, a ‘prize’ cow, or horse, or whatever to collect its sem*n to sell to other breeders so they could impregnate their females with it. This is likely what this stuff is! ” “Weird. ” “The only thing that’s ‘weird’ is that it is just sitting here gathering dust! ” Shelia exclaimed. “Look at all the beetles! ” Eno yelled from across the room while holding up another box of specimens. “We have beans and grain over here! ” Jacob yelled. “Holy sh*t! Look! ” He hollered as he held up a handful of garden seed packets. “We find f*cking lost masterpieces in here and this is what you are surprised to find? ” “Well, yeah! ” Shelia said with a laugh. “This stuff… Jesus… You can quickly sell it for a f*cking fortune which is exactly what we are going to do, ” she said with glee. "The big bio firms will get into a bidding war over damn near anything. There are people who make a very good living ‘prospecting’ for just scraps of genes out in the wasteland. If this stuff is what I think it is, intact premium livestock goo, we can get an auction set up in just days and the take will be unbelievable. There is absolutely no reason for it to just be sitting here. Even a porkie would have no problem moving this. The bio giants would come to them! If any of those seeds are a new variety or lost species they are worth a fortune even by our standards, ” Shelia said spinning around happily. “If nothing else it’s just neat as hell! This is better than anything we could have hoped for! Those paintings are just pretty. This stuff? This stuff is useful! ” “Yeah, it is weird that it’s just sitting here, ” Jessie chirped as she was kneeling down among the cases of sem*n. “Bunny, can we find out who was the generous soul who just gave us this wonderful gift? ” “The encryption is pretty standard. Give me a minute... ” Bunny replied as Jessie was gleefully scanning vial after vial. “A hundred bottles of ji*zz on the wall… A hundred bottles of ji*zz! ” Jessie started singing as she scanned away. “Jessie I am fully prepared to hurt you, ” Shelia laughed. Jessie clutched a vial to her chest. “Not in front of the children! ” she giggled. “Scan it! Don’t play with it! Jesus! ” Sheila exclaimed as she shook her head. “Oh you are going to f*cking love this, ” Bunny said as documents started to pop up on Jessie’s tablet. “Well, now there’s a reason, ” Jessie laughed. “Anyone here recognize the name Jayce Mortisen? ” “Who? ” Roberts asked. “He’s a brilliant scientist! An actual real f*cking genius! ” Helena gushed. “He has built a f*cking empire on what he has created, not what he raided, or swindled, or stole, created! He just whipped up some of the most important crops we grow over here, no research team, no budget, nothing. He just sat down at his computer and just with just the power of his mind he… he… f*ck. ” Shelia and the crew started laughing. “Goddammit! ” Helena yelled. “I admired that asshole! I even have one of his bullsh*t quotes hanging over my f*cking desk! I can’t believe this! ” “Which quote was it, ” Jessie giggled. “Was it the one with the angels, or the one with the doves? ” she snickered as she held up an image of an inspirational poster as everyone howled with laughter. “If you must f*cking know it’s a cross-stitch I made when I was fifteen! ” Helena said gritting her teeth. The guys started roaring, Shelia was literally crying with laughter and Jessie was giggling so hard she was gasping for breath. “Yeah, laugh it up! ” Helena yelled. “f*cking laugh it up! I bought it! I bought the whole line, him fleeing from Earth with only the clothes on his back and the desire to build a better future for the whole human race, the whole ‘pull yourself and your people up by your bootstraps’ bullsh*t, the power of inspiration and creativity, all of it! Gah!!! ” she ranted. “Did you know we awarded him the Humanity Award? That’s like one of our greatest honors! He was even given the f*cking Federation Spiral! … Oh I’m going to f*cking bury him! ” she yelled. “Jessie! Can you get me proof, like something even a greased porkie can’t wiggle out of kind of proof? ” “Hey, you’re the reporter. You figure it out, ” Jessie laughed. “No but seriously we’ll get you what we can. Pulling down a beloved porkie icon sounds fun! ” “Um… guys? ” Jacob yelled as he opened another footlocker and pulled out a nearly empty bottle of seeds. “These samples have Cyrillic labeling... ” “Oh, do they now? ” Shelia said, her eyes flashing. “Helena, my dear, ” she said as she gave Helena a look that made her blood run cold, “We are going to be finding out all about this guy. I personally guarantee it. ”.

This is an incredible movie that depicts poverty and childhood - an unrepresented population in America. It delves into the bitter truth of living in a culture of systemic exploitation. We see both the mom and the children in the movie learning the rules of living a life where exploitation is the cultural norm. It is a Thelma and Louise of childhood. Going back a bit farther, it is akin to Mother Courage and Her Children - a play by Bertolt Brecht which depicts life as a mother trying to survive in a decades long European war. "Q: There are so many self-care practices for dealing with stress. What does Buddhism teach about overcoming stress and staying healthy? " Q, why must you insist upon doing that thing where you begin the discussion by needlessly generalizing about a broader topic of discussion that you already know will have nothing to do with the answer, because it's only a matter of time before our friend "A" invites over his friends C, U, L and T. It's obvious you're only doing it to make this whole wretched affair sound a little bit smarter, a bit more worldly, and to blithely suggest that this segment might ever be anything other than laser-focused on the talking points of Soka doctrine. Not fair. Look, I can play that game too: "There are soooo many types of delicious cake to eat in this world! Does this mean I should join a cult? " It's a little distracting, right? And then... there's your use of the word "Buddhism" to describe this religion. I know what you're trying to say, and I know I should be used to it, given that we've been doing these columns for a year now (a year! ). But actually no, the opposite has proven to be true: The more I read of this obsessive garbage, the less I can tolerate its discrepancies. They stand out so much more clearly now than they originally did. So I wont waste any time in pointing out that the religion you are petitioning for help, Q, is not really Buddhism, but is better described as Ikedaism. You are asking Ikedaism for its point of view on how to avoid stress. You know, the fascist-themed religious organization that wants to keep people endlessly busy acting like soldiers in some imaginary war? Either way you might be barking up the wrong tree. People don't generally go to the Buddha for workout tips. I know I sure don't. It has long comforted me to know that not all religious icons rock six-pack abs. One of my favorite anecdotes from the world of real Buddhism was when one of Gautama's disciples was having trouble maintaining focus on his meditation, so he used his magical vision to see that in a previous life this person had been a cow, and he still strongly resonated with the ways of the moo. Upon seeing this, he granted his disciple permission to meditate lying down, like a total lazy-ass (score! ), and suddenly his inner potential was unleashed, and he reached all-star levels of meditative whatever metrics such things are measured. I like this anecdote because it involves making life simpler, and also it illustrates how the Buddha himself actually acknowledged fundamental differences between people and tailored his approach accordingly. As opposed to the cherry-peach-plum snow job offered by Nichiren as a way of telling people, "yeah you're different... now CONFORM! " So no, the Buddha was not exactly Jillian Michaels, but then again, neither was Daisaku "you might as well eat some vegetables" Ikeda. In case you've never seen a picture of him (which is understandable because he was extremely camera shy), he has been known to exist at a level of pudge suitable for a North Korean dictator. Maybe this is why he publicly fantasized about moving to America, so that one day he would not have to be the jolliest person in the room, so to speak. His advice was always more of the "stay in school and conform so ruthlessly that you don't even have time to misbehave" variety. I don't remember anything about health or fitness being said in "Discussions on Youth". And in fact, nothing about the fun parts of life at all, apart from that one reference he makes to getting drunk as being like "dancing in a dream".. sounds rather cool if you ask me. (Can confirm. Is awesome. ) Now feels like a good time to mention that the Japanese lead the world in rates of stomach cancer as a result of all the social pressure they thrust upom one another. Ikeda's own son had himself a little-bitty stomach problem, if I recall correctly. But no, by all means, coach us on how to avoid stress, mister overbearing buttoned-up workaholic father-figure businessman. And yes, pressure to feel happy all the time, or think only positive thoughts, or do only the "right things" even when you don't really want to, is still a very real and unhealthy form of pressure. But regardless of what you think of either philosophy -- Buddhism v. Ikedaism, that is -- I hope you can at least accept that the kinds of answers you are going to get from the guy under the bodhi tree will be very different from the ones offered by the man seen in the videos addressing his army of identically-dressed flunkies. If not, we have a much more fundamental problem on our hands -- the problem being that you are somehow lying to yourself, because the differences in tone could not be more apparent. If you're looking to live your best life here, Q, a little honesty might be a great place to start. It might be useful to start calling a spade a spade: Pressure is pressure; the fat man is fat; a cult is a cult, and things which defy Buddhist principles have no right to call themselves Buddhist. Maybe the case could be made that the rigid structure of the cult environment is a good fit for certain it's a lot harder to make that case when lying to oneself is the default mode of participation. Stripped of its coyness, your question may as well have been phrased as follows: "There are many programs of self-help out there; why don't you hurry up and sell me on yours, because I'm obviously in the market for something. " And sell you they will, using an amalgamation of every tired half-answer they use to answer all of the questions. But as you listen, keep one thing in mind: this organization takes consistent stance on all of life's issues, which is that the members need to do everything for themselves. Philanthropy? Charity? Take care of that on your own time. Making friends? Mixing? Nah, we're here to work. Learning a skill? Getting ahead? Seeking therapy? Doing anything at all of value? The advice is to then do it all yourself! Without even having to look, what do you think they would have to offer us on the topic of health? It should amount to amount to nothing more than... Chant, do Gongyo, stay in then get off your ass and do healthy things, you knob! What are you looking at us for? We're not your life coaches. Come up with something yourself! Tell you one thing, though: that something had better not interfere with your chanting schedule if you know what's good for you! What is it we're supposed to need this organization for, again? And meanwhile, the individual member is left to make excuses, to oneself and others, for why this state of affairs must be, and why it's completely justifiable for an organization that demands so much from its members in terms of time and energy to give back virtually nothing in terms of actual education, actual opportunity and actual support. We've all done it... "Oh, it's a good thing this organization never does any kind of outreach! It has very limited resources, and needs to stay focused on saving the world through spreading the gospel of magic mumbles! And no one is ordering us to worship the head of this cult of personality, we all simply choose to of our own accord, out of deep respect for his awesomeness! " Constantly making excuses for something that sucks is a fair sign you might be in a cult. But the good news is, we don't have to do it anymore! We can call things out for being conflicted and wrong, confusing and meaningless, dishonest and useless, or completely untrue! So let's take a peek at what promises to be some of the most generic and possibly misleading health advice you'll ever hear in your life, as we unravel the myster-ies of a certain Mister "A". A? "A:The list of stressors may seem endless... " Ohhhhhh, these troubled times in which we live!!! ".. relationships and finances to the state of our world. " So here, in addition to your actual problems, take on a bunch of imaginary ones! Now you can obsess about karma, rebirth, religious propagation, and the imperatives of an organization that does nothing for you! "However, Buddhism teaches us how to transform all our stressors into vital fuel for bringing forth our strength, wisdom and compassion to advance our lives and benefit those around us. " Really?? A secret technique for transforming stress directly into wisdom, strength and compassion? This must be a very influentual and sought-after organization for being in possession of such life-changing technology! Please, do tell me more. "While there are various ways to take care of ourselves and lead healthy lives... " Such as the one you were about to share, yes... ".. President Ikeda says that “true health is found in a positive attitude that refuses to be defeated by anything (The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 2, p. 105). In addition, he lays out the following four mottoes for good health:" Mottoes? I thought you had some great life-changing secret? Can't you see how eager I am for you to take my money!? I'm beginning to think you don't have anything worth sharing... "1) Do an invigorating gongyo.He calls this the “first foundation for health and long life. ” He also says: “Sitting properly with our palms pressed together as we do gongyo and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is, in every sense, the most solemn and meaningful activity, in accord with the underlying principles governing the universe” (WCHP-2, 240). " First foundation? Wouldn't the "first foundation for health" be the very air that one uses to breathe that gongyo? Followed closely by water, food, sanitation, like that? Nope? It's gongyo? Okay. But what exactly is so special about sitting in a chair with your palms pressed together, mumbling words like a robot, such that it deserves the distinction of being the most solemn and meaningful activity in the universe? Could you explain this to me? "Through engaging in the daily practice of gongyo, we align and merge our lives with the fundamental rhythm of the universe. This is how we rejuvenate ourselves—body and mind—each day. " Should I even bother to ask what you mean? Namely, what is the "rhythm of the universe", how does one "align" with it, and how does doing so result in "rejuvenation"? A, do you realize how crazy you sound right now? You sound like you're very high on drugs, reeling off a bunch of disjointed ideas about the rhythm, maaan, and the principles of the universe, bro -- stuff that you aren't even going to remember saying -- and you haven't even offered to share any of those drugs with me, and it's getting a little frustrating. You invited me to this potluck, and I have gotten neither stoned nor lucky. The hell kind of host are you? From where I'm sitting, the only form of exercise you're proposing is a strict regimen of mental gymnastics aimed at elevating your favorite antisocial activity into a realm of undeserved mythic importance. I dunno man, we've all seen people who start reflexively chanting at the first sign of stress, and it doesn't seem to help them in any way imaginable. What is a person supposed to be thinking in that situation? That they're sending out waves of goodness to melt the hearts of the bad guys, like some sort of Care Bear? Seems pretty obvious that when something becomes a habit, and then that habit becomes an addiction, the addiction becomes its own source of stress. "I can't get anything done unless I start my day with at least an hour of chanting" remains one of the least healthy things I have ever heard a person say. Shouldn't one of the goals of spiritual practice be to help break addictions? Perhaps the situation can be described thusly: There's this advertisment going up all over town, right? It's for a dating app on your phone, similar to Tinder, and the ad says that our app is so good, and so effective, that it's designed to be deleted. You're going to find the love of your life so quickly you'll forget you ever met on a dating app. It's a clever ad. Whatever. Maybe I should get on it. Point is, perhaps meditation is supposed to be the same way: so good at doing what it does, that it lessens your need to even do it so much. Sounds radical, I know, where's the fun in that? But what's the alternative: using something everyday as a crutch because it lacks any real power to change the way you feel? Something to consider. Also, it'd be a real shame if people got the idea that chanting is an effective means of addressing disease, wouldn't it? Where would they possibly get that idea? You ever notice how actual supplements and technologies - regardless of how helpful they may or may not be - are held to a strict legal standard and made to carry a disclaimer about not intending to diagnose, treat or cure disease... while religious practice is basically exempt from all that? Faith healing is one of those moral grey areas in society -- despite its immense potential for exploitation, it cannot be legislated upon without infringing on personal freedom. Would we be better off living in a world where the Gohonzon conferral card carries a warning about how chanting doesn't cure disease? Some people might benefit from hearing this, no doubt, but it would also be gravely unconstitutional. So, for better or worse, people are free to pray to a piece of paper, and to make all manner of claims about what they think it can do or may have done. That's just the way it goes. What's the next motto, you fowl vowel? "2) Lead a balanced and productive lifestyle.In order to be most productive and active each day, we need to get good sleep each night. Creating this healthy daily rhythm requires wisdom and discipline. “Not getting enough sleep, ” President Ikeda says, “is like leaving a car’s engine constantly running. Eventually, it will malfunction or break down” (WCHP-2, 240). " That's it? "Get more sleep"? Some real groundbreaking sh*t there, Sensei. Who is this advice intended for anyway, people who need to be reminded to blink from time to time? I'll bet you're about to instruct us to eat when were hiungry? [Glances down at point four]. Aww, for the love of... Point three is where things get interesting anyway. Let's talk about stress, bay-bee! "3) Contribute to the welfare of others.The best remedy for relieving stress—moving and taking action. " Oh yeahhhh... Now we're talking! Everything you thought you knew about relaxation is dead wrong! All those clichés we associate with it -- bubble baths, foot rubs, sexy time, time off, Tai Chi, Chai Tea, Kenny G, a little CBD in your Hi-C... all that crap is for losers. No, what you need is a little bit of the "Japanese Prozac", otherwise known as "stop complaining and get your sorry ass back to work! ". And if that sounds harsh to you -- it is. Remember, we're calling spades spades now. Let's pay close attention to how Sensei chooses to describe the concept of stress: “Stress can be described as an attack on our spirits from outside. We need to fight back against it. If we remain still, we will be overwhelmed by its pressure, which will destroy us both physically and mentally. " Aw geez, Rick, I got stressed out just reading that! Talk about "attack on our spirits"! Does this mean I'm supposed to fight back against you now, Sensei, before you destroy me both physically and mentally with your unwanted pressure? "One effective response to stress is to meet it by stepping forward and taking action. One of the most beneficial actions we can take is to help others. Just as Nichiren Daishonin writes, “If one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way” (“On the Three Virtues of Food, ”The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 1060). " On the Three Virtues of Food!? Damn, must have been a slow news day on Gumdrop Island. Might I take a guess at what those virtues might be? 1)Is yummy. 2)Forestalls death. 3)Seriously, could somebody please send me some actual food, or at least a little cherry syrup for all this snow!? Let's take a look at the Gosho itself. It's a short one. "Food hasthree virtues. First, it sustains life. Second, it enlivens the complexion. Third, it nourishes strength. " Oh, is that what it does!? Truly the world would plunge into darkness without insights such as yours, Nichiren! "If one gives foodtoothers, one will improve one’s own lot, just as, for example, if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way. " Aww, that's really touching. Merry Christmas, Nichiren. "But if one provides food for those who do evil, then by prolonging their lives, one will increase their vitality; by enlivening their complexions, one will add lighttotheir eyes; by nourishing their strength, one will make their legs faster and their hands more skillful. And because this is so, the person who provided food will find, on the contrary, that as a result his own complexion grows pale, his vitality wanes, and he is deprived of strength. " Oh. Right. So they include the part about how groovy it is to feed strangers, but conveniently omit his subsequent warning about how feeding the wrong people will cause the flesh to start dropping from my bones like some doomed character from a Stephen King novel? Why? Just because it sounds completely cracked out, and is yet another reason to throw one's copy of the Gosho into a wood chipper? That's no excuse! I thought the name of this segment was "Good to Know"! Well, at least now we do know why it is the SGI never feeds the hungry: because they don't know which of those hungry ghosts might also be eeeevil. Best not to risk it. What is one to do, walk around town with a tray of muffins, going ah-ah-AH? Are you evil!? No way! This religion is weird enough. "Fish look on water as their parent... " What? ".. look on trees as their home... " Is this a limerick? "For people, food is a prize.... It is written that the ruler of a large state looks on the people as his parent, and the people look on food as their Heaven. " Go away, Nichiren, you're ruining Christmas with your insanity. Now what was it Sensei was trying to tell us about stress? That the proper response to feeling challenged is to rise up, clench our fists and take action? Maybe if you're the repressive sort of person, and your typical response to stress is to shut down and become stuck, it could be said that the best course of action is to somehow get moving. But what if you're already the reactive sort of person, who instinctively responds to challenging situations by trying to either fight or control them? How could it possibly help you to become even more reactive? Wouldn't the proper lesson for those people have more to do with taking a step back, breathing, and letting some things go? You know, I'm starting to suspect that all Sensei cares about is turning people into loyal soldiers. Doesn't it concern him that some people might actually take his sh*tty advice to heart, and that roughly half of them will have their bad tendencies exacerbated by it? Based on my knowledge of classic video-gamery, I thought frogs were supposed to be experts on the subject of handling stress. Jump jump here, sidestep there, insert another quarter if you get flattened by a semi. (Why they die from falling in the water, however, remains a deep and profound mystery). So I came to this column prepared to give Louis Arm-short the benefit of the doubt. He isn't entirely wrong to describe stress as a pressure that comes from the environment, because to a large extent it does. But in typical fashion his advice is one-sided... and lacks context... and fails to stimulate serious discussion... and is annoying... because it sucks. So let's help this froggie cross the road, in pursuit of a little perspective. In trying to understand the nature of stress, it helps to consider that the human organism is subject to myriad forms of pressure in this life. Many of them are entirely necessary, rooted as they are in the biological imperatives to survive, reproduce, specialize, and generally advance the physical, emotional and intellectual evolution of our species. Humans are programmed to experience various types of dissatisfaction with the status quo, which motivates progress. Without these kinds of pressures nothing would happen. But then there's a more generalized type of pressure which humans exert on one another simply by existing in the same space. Even when others aren't actively trying to pressure us, we still have various ways of being affected by one another's presence. Imagine sitting in a library by yourself reading a book. You're perfectly content to spend some time alone with your favorite teenaged wizard. But then a stranger comes in and sits at the other end of the table to read a book of his own. Not bothering you, not interacting with you, but still, part of you is now aware of their presence, as you ought to be, and the amount of attention you are paying to your book has taken a slight dip. Now imagine five more people coming in, also totally chill, but undeniably there with the shuffling, and the breathing, and the texting. (Oh so much texting. ) On account of these folks, your level of concentration now dips somewhat more noticeably. Then imagine twenty more people piling in -- must be happy hour at the library or something -- and suddenly the feeling of being immersed in a crowd has become inescapable. You find that you don't want to be there anymore, and you pack up your things to head somewhere a little more secluded. None of those individuals were trying to ruin your quiet time, but collectively they all did. Maybe some people can sit in that crowded room and stay engrossed in their book, while for another person any company would be too much for their liking. The crowded room would be like living in a big city. Some people feel they can handle it, others don't, and maybe some people really do thrive on that kind of excitement. But it's also possible that the people who think they are doing okay in that kind of pressure cooker aren't reeeeally as relaxed as they think they are, and it's not until they get out into quieter environs that they realize just how tightly they've been wound, how shallow their breathing had become, and how distorted their concept of normal had become. This is basically the Buddhist and Hindu concept of Maya, which is somewhat like describing the effects of sharing a room -- i. e. the planet -- with billions of other people. It states that the auras of every person on the planet interlock to form a dense energy field - described alternately as a veil, a sheath, or a bubble - which has the effect of obscuring our inner vision and making us unable to perceive our oneness with the cosmos. This is indeed a stressful state of affairs, as it is this very separation anxiety which is at the root of all other fears. But it's also a necessary illusion, a built-in feature of the human experience, and the price we pay for being able to experience the wonderful world of individuality. Without our "fundamental darkness" life would have no color. Maya is a self-perpetuating system, a sort of feedback loop between individuals and the environment whereby the fear in the atmosphere creates the conditions for fear in the individual, who then puts out more fear-based energy to reinforce the field. And because this universe we live in is holographic (meaning the image of the whole is contained in every one of its parts) we could expect to see this same basic template repeated at all levels of the human experience, and we do, in cycles of behavior that are reinforced socially, interpersonally, intergenerationally, and within the individual as we come to identify with our own egos and act in accordance with our own prior actions. As we all know, misery loves company, and stressful situations have a way of multiplying. But so does life. Life itself could be described as a stressful situation that finds a way of multiplying. Indeed, feedback loops (both positive and negative - reinforcing and limiting) are to be found all over nature and biology, in the way that cells ceaselessly divide to foster growth and reproduction, and in the regulatory mechanisms that try to keep the whole thing within some kind of order. Once again, it's not a bad thing, but being a part of the pressure train, for better or worse, is simply the price of admission for being born into the world of form. Even consciousness itself has a very real momentum to it, as every moment of awareness transfers its momentum to the next one. This is exactly the nature of the breakthrough had by the Buddha under the Bodhi tree: he became so good at meditating that we was able to slow down the ordinarily fluid-looking movie of reality into individual frames -- with individual parts within those frames known as skandhas -- to observe how each frame rises, falls, and gives way to the next. Having seen this, he was able to go back out into the world with the good news that hey, this thing we call reality isn't as real as it appears! No matter how stuck we might feel within the infinity of Maya, there is always hope for tracing our steps back out of this mess. Buddhism, unlike Ikedaism, is about interrupting cycles, starting with the ones operating at the level of our own minds: if we can learn to maintain some level of detachment from our own thoughts and feelings, and become less invested in the narratives to which our egos cling for importance, perhaps such relaxation could have a beneficial effect which would also extend to the state of our bodies, our relationships, and in some way or another, to the world-at-large. It's the path of peace through wisdom. In fact, if I may share something with you, my own personal definition of Buddhism is quite simple: it consists of anything we learn about the nature of life, reality, or the mind which defuses our existing holding patterns of tension. Lessons that lessen, if you will. I like this definition because it is completely divorced from any culture, any history, any personages, and all religious traditions whatsoever. It just so happens that the religion we call Buddhism contains a concentration of such lessons, but really they can be found anywhere, in anything. This definition is rooted in the concept that there are essentially three paths to self-betterment -- love (and self-sacrifice), wisdom, and discipline/self-mastery -- and these paths are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps a person will be naturally inclined toward one path in general, ahead of the other two, but really, any good spiritual practice will contain elements of all three. It would also imply that the definition of Buddhahood would have something to do with the extinguishment of all unnecessary tension. action is needed. thought is necessary. feelings arise. But doing so. Basically, being done with the need for drama in life, and coming to rest in some sort of blissful endgame. There are a rare few on this planet in whom this awesome state of stillness has arisen, and they tend to have such a deeply calming effect on those around them that they inevitably attract a highly devoted inner circle, which then attracts an outer circle of hangers on, and eventually forms into a religion. It never works out though, because the state of being the original person was experiencing cannot be transmitted in words or encapsulated in practice. Eventually that person passes, and while their surrounding movement may have originally been a force for good, all that's left in its place is a set of rules and hierarchies which serves no purpose other than control. The best a well-meaning Buddha could do would be to drop hints from the other side: hints for future generations as to how walk a decent path, and how to recognize the beginning stages of awakening - strange as they may be - when they begin to dawn within you. All that said, let's return our focus to the SGI, because whatever it is they're doing, it doesn't seem to be helping people reduce stress levels or make any useful sense of the events of their lives. To be fair, as I suggested before with the three-paths-up-the-mountain analogy, there are different kinds of benefit to be had in any activity. People engaging in the social lifestyle of a proselyte may in fact have found an outlet for their yearnings toward love, community, and self-sacrifice. It could in fact be better than being alone. Now, SGI scores poor marks on this axis as well, given that the community is weak, the love is conditional, and the opportunities for actually engaging in philanthropic activity are bizarrely absent. So while it has some of the feel-good elements of religious community in general, it's sadly more of an opportunity for servitude than actual service. Does it promote discipline or self-mastery? Again, maybe to a certain extent it does. Perhaps the ritual lends a certain structure to life, and Ikeda's overbearing advice rings true from time to time, and maybe your stupid work shift will give you a reason not to show up drunk. But really, how much self-mastery is involved in sitting your ass on a chair and mumbling the same mamanomos for hours on end? That's more like self defeat. And remember how it's pitched to newcomers: Oh, you don't have to change anything else in your life, just add this practice and see what happens? That's the opposite of self-mastery. And then there's the big one: Does this religion even provide the one thing it's supposed to, given the path it claims to represent, which is wisdom? Hashtaaaaag...... #No! Not in the slightest! Of those three paths, the only one that even comes close to describing SGI practice is the first one -- love and self-sacrifice -- which puts it much closer to Evangelical Christianity than anything resembling Buddhism: something people get together and do to stir up some feels, but which is in no way dependent on the cultivation of genuine wisdom. If anything, they peddle in anti-wisdom! Half of the advice in these publications is too shallow to be useful, and the other half is an absolutely hideous celebration of all things desirous and egoic! When they're not puffing you up about how important you are, or pressuring you to feel happy all the time, they're solidly reinforcing any pre-existing tendencies you may have towards status-seeking, materialism, workaholism, and in general having to prove yourself. Then set the whole thing against a classical backdrop of religious fear and guilt -- because why not -- and what do you get? The cure for stress, no doubt. In fact, the entire aim of their social conditioning program, from the ever-present distraction of chanting, to the ridiculous amounts of busywork, to the constant stream of patently un-Buddhist advice, seems to be to actually aimed at keeping your mind trapped within the illusion. It's highly suspect, to say the least. Consider the ritual itself. Is there a difference between aggressive chanting and quieter forms of meditation? If the point of meditation is to help us live in the space between thoughts, does chanting do this? Is there a distinction to be made between mindfulness and being in a trance state? Does the repetitive intonation allow for interruption of thought -- is it actually useful in that regard -- or is it really preventing such interruption by somehow short-circuiting awareness of the present moment? Kind of an important question there, and potentially a very complicated and technical issue as well. But lucky for us, all we need to know in order to make a solid choice about whether a practice is worth pursuing is this: Do we wish to emulate the example of the people doing it, or not? Do they appear to have their stress under control, or are they just like you and me? Or slightly worse? Or potentially much worse? And that's saying nothing about the lifestyle of a core SGI member, because it goes without saying that the worst way to control stress is to sign up for one of the most strict and ridiculous after-school programs ever devised by man. That's just a given. It's why so few people care to get involved. But when it comes to chanting itself, either the proponents of it are on to something, or they're not. You know how some people say they find chanting more comfortable because they have such naturally busy minds, or... "it gives my big mouth something to do while I reap all the benefits"? Well maybe, just maybe... shutting the hell up is the ENTIRE POINT OF MEDITATION! It's quiet. It's difficult. It's boring at first. You can't take your baggage with you. You can't dwell on your drama. You aren't encouraged to think about stuff, or wish for things, or pine desperately for anything. You just sit. You are LITERALLY NOT ALLOWED to look at your phone at any point. Meditation isn't meant to be a contiguous part of your life, during which you answer text messages -- it's meant to be a nothing! And it's also a great way to deal with stress! And finally, let's consider the mantra itself. I pledge allegiance... to the law of cause and effect. Over and over and over and over again, into the millions. But what is the law of cause and effect? I propose that the "law of cause and effect" is the very mechanism of the feedback loop itself: the closed chain of subsequent states which perpetuates consciousness and the workings of nature. The "law of cause and effect" is karma itself, is Maya itself, is life itself, and it is the bardo state between lives. It's just as they say: there's a rhythm to the universe, and the law of cause and effect is it. Put another way, "pledging devotion to the law of cause and effect" is the same as saying, "I worship life, I worship life, I worship life... " "I worship Maya, I worship Maya, I worship Maya. " And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with loving life, and desiring things, and wanting to experience life to the fullest? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Nothing is wrong with it. But My-oh-Maya is it NOT Buddhism! Buddhism is supposed to be a strategy for putting the brakes on Maya, for slowing the momentum of the world of form when it has gotten out of control, for breaking the habits and unwinding the coils of desire that have become wrapped around our very hearts. When it's time to live, and be ambitious, and pursue goals, such is the appropriate thing to do. But when it's time to rest, and reflect, and when our very sanity depends on being less of 's where Buddhism saves the day. Desire itself is neither right or wrong. You wanna worship life? Worship life. You wanna worship youth? Worship youth. Wanna make money, be powerful, be influential, and convince yourself that your life is worthwhile? Do that. You wanna join a cult? Go ahead. Might be fun. Hopefully it's a sexy cult instead of the dweebiest sh*t imaginable. But don't lie about it. And don't be lied to about it. Therein lies the the problem. This is why people sometimes ask whether this entire practice is by its very nature "Satanic", because the fundamental concept is exactly the same: Satan is supposed to be a figure who grants wishes, and entices you with the things of this world. Even those Satanists who don't believe in deity still describe him as the personification of our own desirous nature. The things themselves aren't bad, but they come at a monumental cost which is not explained upfront: the cost of forgetting your own true nature and getting wrapped up in worshipping the world of form. The Christians would say this dooms you to hell, the Buddhists would say this drives you further into the cycles of Maya, but either way, the name of the game is deception. Illusion. Misdirection. So here we have a practice masquerading as Buddhism, when it's not. It's all about the granting of wishes. It involves a practice which pretends to be meditation, when it might actually have the opposite effect. It encourages you to chant a mantra you don't understand, and pledge allegiance to the rhythm of life, without considering what in fact this might mean. Who could be behind such a thing? Could it beeeeeeeeee..... Santa? Yeah, let's say Santa Claus. But hey, it's your life, spend it how you want to. Lots of people love Christmas. Presents are fun. And if you want to be involved in this Pagan monstrosity trying to stake its claim on the New Age market, by all means. Just try to be aware of which master you serve, both figuratively, and in the personage of Droopy Dingus. But if your chosen path involves roping people in via deception or coersion -- especially young people -- and if your business model consists of taking people who are desperate for a cure for stress, and feeding them a mantra about how greed is good, and more is better, and karma is our friend... You're an asshole. Anything else, my friend A-for-asshole? "4) Eat wisely. " Shut up. I'm done with you. For me "eating wisely" means cutting myself off from the steady diet of falsehoods you serve up to the well-intentioned hippies of the world which works against us ever discovering who we really are. Thank you for reading, everybody. It's been an amazing year of speaking out against the amphibiocracy, and it would have all been for nothing if not for your very ears upon which my words could fall. I now feel like I can put this column to rest, especially given the cyclical nature of Maya, I have a funny feeling these dipsh*ts are going to start repeating their questions soon anyway. I'll continue to write, though, as long as the subject matter of Buddhism, both real and imaginary, continues to be fascinating without end. Here's wishing you peace, love and happiness for this upcoming year, and all of your years, in hopes that the door never closes on your journey of self-discovery. Happy New Year. Hai.

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▌putlockers▌ Saint Frances

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Saint francis of assisi. Everyone is God's child and everyone must respect him. He is our saviour. Saint Francis of Assisi O. F. M. Founder of the Franciscan Order The oldest surviving depiction of Saint Francis is a fresco near the entrance of the Benedictine abbey of Subiaco, painted between March 1228 and March 1229. He is depicted without the stigmata, but the image is a religious image and not a portrait. [1] Religious, Deacon, Confessor Stigmatist and Religious Founder Born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone 1181 or 1182 Assisi, Duchy of Spoleto, Holy Roman Empire Died 3 October 1226 (aged 44 years) [2] Assisi, Umbria, Papal States [3] Veneratedin Catholic Church Anglican Communion [4] Lutheranism [5] Old Catholic Church Canonized 16 July 1228, Assisi, Papal States by Pope Gregory IX Major shrine Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi Feast 4 October Patronage Stowaways [6] Italy [7] Ecology [7] Animals [8] [9] Saint Francis of Assisi ( Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi, Latin: Sanctus Franciscus Assisiensis), born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, informally named as Francesco (1181/1182–3 October 1226), [2] was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon and preacher. He founded the men's Order of Friars Minor, the women's Order of Saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land. Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in Christianity. [3] Pope Gregory IX canonized Francis on 16 July 1228. Along with Saint Catherine of Siena, he was designated Patron saint of Italy. He later became associated with patronage of animals and the natural environment, and it became customary for churches to hold ceremonies blessing animals on or near his feast day of 4 October. In 1219, he went to Egypt in an attempt to convert the Sultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades. [10] By this point, the Franciscan Order had grown to such an extent that its primitive organizational structure was no longer sufficient. He returned to Italy to organize the Order. Once his community was authorized by the Pope, he withdrew increasingly from external affairs. Francis is also known for his love of the Eucharist. [11] In 1223, Francis arranged for the first Christmas live nativity scene. [12] [13] [2] According to Christian tradition, in 1224 he received the stigmata during the apparition of Seraphic angels in a religious ecstasy, [14] which would make him the second person in Christian tradition after St. Paul (Galatians 6:17) to bear the wounds of Christ's Passion. [15] He died during the evening hours of 3 October 1226, while listening to a reading he had requested of Psalm 142 (141). Biography [ edit] Early life [ edit] Francis of Assisi was born in late 1181 or early 1182, one of several children of an Italian father, Pietro di Bernardone dei Moriconi, a prosperous silk merchant, and a French mother, Pica de Bourlemont, about whom little is known except that she was a noblewoman originally from Provence. [16] Pietro was in France on business when Francis was born in Assisi, and Pica had him baptized as Giovanni. [17] Upon his return to Assisi, Pietro took to calling his son Francesco ("the Frenchman"), possibly in honor of his commercial success and enthusiasm for all things French. [18] Since the child was renamed in infancy, the change can hardly have had anything to do with his aptitude for learning French, as some have thought. [2] The house where Francis of Assisi lived when young Indulged by his parents, Francis lived the high-spirited life typical of a wealthy young man. [14] As a youth, Francesco became a devotee of troubadours and was fascinated with all things Transalpine. [18] He was handsome, witty, gallant, and delighted in fine clothes. He spent money lavishly. [2] Although many hagiographers remark about his bright clothing, rich friends, and love of pleasures, [16] his displays of disillusionment toward the world that surrounded him came fairly early in his life, as is shown in the "story of the beggar". In this account, he was selling cloth and velvet in the marketplace on behalf of his father when a beggar came to him and asked for alms. At the conclusion of his business deal, Francis abandoned his wares and ran after the beggar. When he found him, Francis gave the man everything he had in his pockets. His friends quickly chided and mocked him for his act of charity. When he got home, his father scolded him in rage. [19] Around 1202, he joined a military expedition against Perugia and was taken as a prisoner at Collestrada, spending a year as a captive. [20] An illness caused him to re-evaluate his life. It is possible that his spiritual conversion was a gradual process rooted in this experience. Upon his return to Assisi in 1203, Francis returned to his carefree life. In 1205, Francis left for Apulia to enlist in the army of Walter III, Count of Brienne. A strange vision made him return to Assisi, having lost his taste for the worldly life. [14] According to hagiographic accounts, thereafter he began to avoid the sports and the feasts of his former companions. In response, they asked him laughingly whether he was thinking of marrying, to which he answered, "Yes, a fairer bride than any of you have ever seen", meaning his "Lady Poverty". [2] Saint Francis Abandons His Father. Francis of Assisi breaking off his relationship with his father and renouncing his patrimony, laying aside publicly even the garments he had received from him. On a pilgrimage to Rome, he joined the poor in begging at St. Peter's Basilica. [14] He spent some time in lonely places, asking God for spiritual enlightenment. He said he had a mystical vision of Jesus Christ in the forsaken country chapel of San Damiano, just outside Assisi, in which the Icon of Christ Crucified said to him, "Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins. " He took this to mean the ruined church in which he was presently praying, and so he sold some cloth from his father's store to assist the priest there for this purpose. [21] When the priest refused to accept the ill-gotten gains, an indignant Francis threw the coins on the floor. [2] In order to avoid his father's wrath, Francis hid in a cave near San Damiano for about a month. When he returned to town, hungry and dirty, he was dragged home by his father, beaten, bound, and locked in a small storeroom. Freed by his mother during Bernardone's absence, Francis returned at once to San Damiano, where he found shelter with the officiating priest, but he was soon cited before the city consuls by his father. The latter, not content with having recovered the scattered gold from San Damiano, sought also to force his son to forego his inheritance by way of restitution. In the midst of legal proceedings before the Bishop of Assisi, Francis renounced his father and his patrimony. [2] Some accounts report that he stripped himself naked in token of this renunciation, and the Bishop covered him with his own cloak. [22] [23] For the next couple of months, Francis wandered as a beggar in the hills behind Assisi. He spent some time at a neighbouring monastery working as a scullion. He then went to Gubbio, where a friend gave him, as an alms, the cloak, girdle, and staff of a pilgrim. Returning to Assisi, he traversed the city begging stones for the restoration of St. Damiano's. These he carried to the old chapel, set in place himself, and so at length rebuilt it. Over the course of two years, he embraced the life of a penitent, during which he restored several ruined chapels in the countryside around Assisi, among them San Pietro in Spina (in the area of San Petrignano in the valley about a kilometer from Rivotorto, today on private property and once again in ruin); and the Porziuncola, the little chapel of St. Mary of the Angels in the plain just below the town. [2] This later became his favorite abode. [21] By degrees he took to nursing lepers, in the lazar houses near Assisi. Founding of the Franciscan Orders [ edit] The Friars Minor [ edit] One morning in February 1208, Francis was hearing Mass in the chapel of St. Mary of the Angels, near which he had then built himself a hut. The Gospel of the day was the "Commissioning of the Twelve" from the Book of Matthew. The disciples are to go and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Francis was inspired to devote himself to a life of poverty. Having obtained a coarse woolen tunic, the dress then worn by the poorest Umbrian peasants, he tied it around him with a knotted rope and went forth at once exhorting the people of the country-side to penance, brotherly love, and peace. Francis' preaching to ordinary people was unusual since he had no license to do so. [3] His example drew others to him. Within a year Francis had eleven followers. The brothers lived a simple life in the deserted lazar house of Rivo Torto near Assisi; but they spent much of their time wandering through the mountainous districts of Umbria, making a deep impression upon their hearers by their earnest exhortations. [2] In 1209 he composed a simple rule for his followers ("friars"), the Regula primitiva or "Primitive Rule", which came from verses in the Bible. The rule was "To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps". He then led his first eleven followers to Rome to seek permission from Pope Innocent III to found a new religious Order. [24] Upon entry to Rome, the brothers encountered Bishop Guido of Assisi, who had in his company Giovanni di San Paolo, the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina. The Cardinal, who was the confessor of Pope InnocentIII, was immediately sympathetic to Francis and agreed to represent Francis to the pope. Reluctantly, Pope Innocent agreed to meet with Francis and the brothers the next day. After several days, the pope agreed to admit the group informally, adding that when God increased the group in grace and number, they could return for an official admittance. The group was tonsured. [25] This was important in part because it recognized Church authority and prevented his following from possible accusations of heresy, as had happened to the Waldensians decades earlier. Though a number of the Pope's counselors considered the mode of life proposed by Francis as unsafe and impractical, following a dream in which he saw Francis holding up the Basilica of St. John Lateran (the cathedral of Rome, thus the 'home church' of all Christendom), he decided to endorse Francis' Order. This occurred, according to tradition, on 16 April 1210, and constituted the official founding of the Franciscan Order. [3] The group, then the "Lesser Brothers" ( Order of Friars Minor also known as the Franciscan Order or the Seraphic Order), were centered in the Porziuncola and preached first in Umbria, before expanding throughout Italy. [3] Francis chose never to be ordained a priest, although he was later ordained a deacon. [2] The Poor Clares and the Third Order [ edit] St. Clare is received by St. Francis, Josep Benlliure From then on, the new Order grew quickly with new vocations. Hearing Francis preaching in the church of San Rufino in Assisi in 1211, the young noblewoman Clare of Assisi became deeply touched by his message and realized her calling. Her cousin Rufino, the only male member of the family in their generation, was also attracted to the new Order, which he joined. On the night of Palm Sunday, 28 March 1212, Clare clandestinely left her family's palace. Francis received her at the Porziuncola and thereby established the Order of Poor Ladies. [26] This was an Order for women, and he gave Clare a religious habit, or garment, similar to his own, before lodging her in a nearby monastery of Benedictine nuns until he could provide a suitable retreat for her, and for her younger sister, Caterina, and the other young women who had joined her. Later he transferred them to San Damiano, [3] to a few small huts or cells of wattle, straw, and mud, and enclosed by a hedge. This became the first monastery of the Second Franciscan Order, now known as Poor Clares. [2] For those who could not leave their homes, he later formed the Third Order of Brothers and Sisters of Penance, a fraternity composed of either laity or clergy whose members neither withdrew from the world nor took religious vows. Instead, they observed the principles of Franciscan life in their daily lives. [3] Before long, this Third Order grew beyond Italy. The Third Order is now titled the Secular Franciscan Order. Travels [ edit] Determined to bring the Gospel to all peoples of the World and convert them, after the example of the first disciples of Jesus, Francis sought on several occasions to take his message out of Italy. In the late spring of 1212, he set out for Jerusalem, but was shipwrecked by a storm on the Dalmatian coast, forcing him to return to Italy. On 8 May 1213, he was given the use of the mountain of La Verna (Alverna) as a gift from Count Orlando di Chiusi, who described it as “eminently suitable for whoever wishes to do penance in a place remote from mankind”. [27] The mountain would become one of his favourite retreats for prayer. [28] In the same year, Francis sailed for Morocco, but this time an illness forced him to break off his journey in Spain. Back in Assisi, several noblemen (among them Tommaso da Celano, who would later write the biography of St. Francis), and some well-educated men joined his Order. In 1215, Francis may have gone to Rome for the Fourth Lateran Council, but that is not certain. During this time, he probably met a canon, Dominic de Guzman [6] (later to be Saint Dominic, the founder of the Friars Preachers, another Catholic religious order). In 1217, he offered to go to France. Cardinal Ugolino of Segni (the future Pope Gregory IX), an early and important supporter of Francis, advised him against this and said that he was still needed in Italy. In 1219, accompanied by another friar and hoping to convert the Sultan of Egypt or win martyrdom in the attempt, Francis went to Egypt during the Fifth Crusade where a Crusader army had been encamped for over a year besieging the walled city of Damietta two miles (3. 2 kilometres) upstream from the mouth of one of the main channels of the Nile. The Sultan, al-Kamil, a nephew of Saladin, had succeeded his father as Sultan of Egypt in 1218 and was encamped upstream of Damietta, unable to relieve it. A bloody and futile attack on the city was launched by the Christians on 29 August 1219, following which both sides agreed to a ceasefire which lasted four weeks. [29] It was most probably during this interlude that Francis and his companion crossed the Muslims' lines and were brought before the Sultan, remaining in his camp for a few days. [30] The visit is reported in contemporary Crusader sources and in the earliest biographies of Francis, but they give no information about what transpired during the encounter beyond noting that the Sultan received Francis graciously and that Francis preached to the Muslims without effect, returning unharmed to the Crusader camp. [31] No contemporary Arab source mentions the visit. [32] One detail, added by Bonaventure in the official life of Francis (written forty years after the event), has Francis offering to challenge the Sultan's "priests" to trial-by-fire in order to prove the veracity of the Christian Gospel. Such an incident is alluded to in a scene in the late 13th-century fresco cycle, attributed to Giotto, in the upper basilica at Assisi. [33] It has been suggested that the winged figures atop the columns piercing the roof of the building on the left of the scene are not idols (as Erwin Panofsky had proposed) but are part of the secular iconography of the sultan, affirming his worldly power which, as the scene demonstrates, is limited even as regards his own "priests" who shun the challenge. [34] [35] Although Bonaventure asserts that the sultan refused to permit the challenge, subsequent biographies went further, claiming that a fire was actually kindled which Francis unhesitatingly entered without suffering burns. The scene in the fresco adopts a position midway between the two extremes. Since the idea was put forward by the German art historian, Friedrich Rintelen in 1912, [36] many scholars have expressed doubt that Giotto was the author of the Upper Church frescoes. According to some late sources, the Sultan gave Francis permission to visit the sacred places in the Holy Land and even to preach there. All that can safely be asserted is that Francis and his companion left the Crusader camp for Acre, from where they embarked for Italy in the latter half of 1220. Drawing on a 1267 sermon by Bonaventure, later sources report that the Sultan secretly converted or accepted a death-bed baptism as a result of the encounter with Francis. [37] The Franciscan Order has been present in the Holy Land almost uninterruptedly since 1217 when Brother Elias arrived at Acre. It received concessions from the Mameluke Sultan in 1333 with regard to certain Holy Places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and (so far as concerns the Catholic Church) jurisdictional privileges from Pope Clement VI in 1342. [38] Reorganization of the Franciscan Order [ edit] By this time, the growing Order of friars was divided into provinces and groups were sent to France, Germany, Hungary, and Spain and to the East. Upon receiving a report of the martyrdom of five brothers in Morocco, Francis returned to Italy via Venice. [39] Cardinal Ugolino di Conti was then nominated by the Pope as the protector of the Order. Another reason for Francis' return to Italy was that the Franciscan Order had grown at an unprecedented rate compared to previous religious orders, but its organizational sophistication had not kept up with this growth and had little more to govern it than Francis' example and simple rule. To address this problem, Francis prepared a new and more detailed Rule, the "First Rule" or "Rule Without a Papal Bull " ( Regula prima, Regula non bullata), which again asserted devotion to poverty and the apostolic life. However, it also introduced greater institutional structure, though this was never officially endorsed by the pope. [3] On 29 September 1220, Francis handed over the governance of the Order to Brother Peter Catani at the Porziuncola, but Brother Peter died only five months later, on 10 March 1221, and was buried there. When numerous miracles were attributed to the deceased brother, people started to flock to the Porziuncola, disturbing the daily life of the Franciscans. Francis then prayed, asking Peter to stop the miracles and to obey in death as he had obeyed during his life. The reports of miracles ceased. Brother Peter was succeeded by Brother Elias as Vicar of Francis. Two years later, Francis modified the "First Rule", creating the "Second Rule" or "Rule With a Bull", which was approved by Pope Honorius III on 29 November 1223. As the official Rule of the Order, it called on the friars "to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience without anything of our own and in chastity". In addition, it set regulations for discipline, preaching, and entry into the Order. Once the Rule was endorsed by the Pope, Francis withdrew increasingly from external affairs. [3] During 1221 and 1222, Francis crossed Italy, first as far south as Catania in Sicily and afterwards as far north as Bologna. Stigmata, final days, and Sainthood [ edit] While he was praying on the mountain of Verna, during a forty-day fast in preparation for Michaelmas (29 September), Francis is said to have had a vision on or about 14 September 1224, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, as a result of which he received the stigmata. Brother Leo, who had been with Francis at the time, left a clear and simple account of the event, the first definite account of the phenomenon of stigmata. "Suddenly he saw a vision of a seraph, a six-winged angel on a cross. This angel gave him the gift of the five wounds of Christ. " [42] Suffering from these stigmata and from trachoma, Francis received care in several cities ( Siena, Cortona, Nocera) to no avail. In the end, he was brought back to a hut next to the Porziuncola. Here, in the place where the Franciscan movement began, and feeling that the end of his life was approaching, he spent his last days dictating his spiritual testament. He died on the evening of Saturday, 3 October 1226, singing Psalm 142 (141), "Voce mea ad Dominum". On 16 July 1228, he was pronounced a saint by Pope Gregory IX (the former cardinal Ugolino di Conti, friend of Saint Francis and Cardinal Protector of the Order). The next day, the Pope laid the foundation stone for the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi. Francis was buried on 25 May 1230, under the Lower Basilica, but his tomb was soon hidden on orders of Brother Elias to protect it from Saracen invaders. His exact burial place remained unknown until it was re-discovered in 1818. Pasquale Belli then constructed for the remains a crypt in neo-classical style in the Lower Basilica. It was refashioned between 1927 and 1930 into its present form by Ugo Tarchi, stripping the wall of its marble decorations. In 1978, the remains of Saint Francis were examined and confirmed by a commission of scholars appointed by Pope Paul VI, and put into a glass urn in the ancient stone tomb. Character and legacy [ edit] Francis set out to imitate Christ and literally carry out his work. This is important in understanding Francis' character, his affinity for the Eucharist and respect for the priests who carried out the sacrament. [3] He preached: "Your God is of your flesh, He lives in your nearest neighbor, in every man. " [43] He and his followers celebrated and even venerated poverty, which was so central to his character that in his last written work, the Testament, he said that absolute personal and corporate poverty was the essential lifestyle for the members of his order. [3] He believed that nature itself was the mirror of God. He called all creatures his "brothers" and "sisters", and even preached to the birds [44] [45] and supposedly persuaded a wolf in Gubbio to stop attacking some locals if they agreed to feed the wolf. In his Canticle of the Creatures ("Praises of Creatures" or " Canticle of the Sun "), he mentioned the "Brother Sun" and "Sister Moon", the wind and water. His deep sense of brotherhood under God embraced others, and he declared that "he considered himself no friend of Christ if he did not cherish those for whom Christ died". [3] Francis' visit to Egypt and attempted rapprochement with the Muslim world had far-reaching consequences, long past his own death, since after the fall of the Crusader Kingdom, it would be the Franciscans, of all Catholics, who would be allowed to stay on in the Holy Land and be recognized as " Custodians of the Holy Land " on behalf of the Catholic Church. At Greccio near Assisi, around 1220, Francis celebrated Christmas by setting up the first known presepio or crèche ( Nativity scene). [46] His nativity imagery reflected the scene in traditional paintings. He used real animals to create a living scene so that the worshipers could contemplate the birth of the child Jesus in a direct way, making use of the senses, especially sight. [46] Both Thomas of Celano and Saint Bonaventure, biographers of Saint Francis, tell how he used only a straw-filled manger (feeding trough) set between a real ox and donkey. [46] According to Thomas, it was beautiful in its simplicity, with the manger acting as the altar for the Christmas Mass. Nature and the environment [ edit] Francis preached the Christian doctrine that the world was created good and beautiful by God but suffers a need for redemption because of human sin. He believed that all creatures should praise God (a common theme in the Psalms) and the people have a duty to protect and enjoy nature as both the stewards of God's creation and as creatures ourselves. [44] Many of the stories that surround the life of Saint Francis say that he had a great love for animals and the environment. [44] A garden statue of Francis of Assisi with birds An incident illustrating the Saint's humility towards nature is recounted in the "Fioretti" ("Little Flowers"), a collection of legends and folklore that sprang up after the Saint's death. One day, while Francis was traveling with some companions, they happened upon a place in the road where birds filled the trees on either side. Francis told his companions to "wait for me while I go to preach to my sisters the birds. " [44] The birds surrounded him, intrigued by the power of his voice, and not one of them flew away. He is often portrayed with a bird, typically in his hand. Another legend from the Fioretti tells that in the city of Gubbio, where Francis lived for some time, was a wolf "terrifying and ferocious, who devoured men as well as animals". Francis had compassion upon the townsfolk, and so he went up into the hills to find the wolf. Soon, fear of the animal had caused all his companions to flee, though the saint pressed on. When he found the wolf, he made the sign of the cross and commanded the wolf to come to him and hurt no one. Miraculously the wolf closed his jaws and lay down at Francis' feet. "Brother Wolf, you do much harm in these parts and you have done great evil", said Francis. "All these people accuse you and curse you... But brother wolf, I would like to make peace between you and the people. " Then Francis led the wolf into the town, and surrounded by startled citizens made a pact between them and the wolf. Because the wolf had “done evil out of hunger, the townsfolk were to feed the wolf regularly. In return, the wolf would no longer prey upon them or their flocks. In this manner Gubbio was freed from the menace of the predator. Francis even made a pact on behalf of the town dogs, that they would not bother the wolf again. Finally, to show the townspeople that they would not be harmed, Francis blessed the wolf. Three-quarters of a millennium after his death, St Francis remains an important figure and symbol in and out of Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches. On 29 November 1979, Pope John Paul II declared Saint Francis the Patron Saint of Ecology. [47] During the World Environment Day 1982, John Paul II said that Saint Francis' love and care for creation was a challenge for contemporary Catholics and a reminder "not to behave like dissident predators where nature is concerned, but to assume responsibility for it, taking all care so that everything stays healthy and integrated, so as to offer a welcoming and friendly environment even to those who succeed us. " The same Pope wrote on the occasion of the World Day of Peace, 1 January 1990, the saint of Assisi "offers Christians an example of genuine and deep respect for the integrity of creation... " He went on to make the point that: "As a friend of the poor who was loved by God's creatures, Saint Francis invited all of creation – animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon – to give honor and praise to the Lord. The poor man of Assisi gives us striking witness that when we are at peace with God we are better able to devote ourselves to building up that peace with all creation which is inseparable from peace among all peoples. " [48] Pope John Paul II concluded that section of the document with these words, "It is my hope that the inspiration of Saint Francis will help us to keep ever alive a sense of 'fraternity' with all those good and beautiful things which Almighty God has created. " Feast day [ edit] Francis' last resting place at Assisi A relic of Francis of Assisi Saint Francis' feast day is observed on 4 October. A secondary feast in honor of the stigmata received by Saint Francis, celebrated on 17 September, was inserted in the General Roman Calendar in 1585 (later than the Tridentine Calendar) and suppressed in 1604, but was restored in 1615. In the New Roman Missal of 1969, it was removed again from the General Calendar, as something of a duplication of the main feast on 4 October, and left to the calendars of certain localities and of the Franciscan Order. [49] Wherever the traditional Roman Missal is used, however, the feast of the Stigmata remains in the General Calendar. On 18 June 1939, Pope Pius XII named Francis a joint Patron Saint of Italy along with Saint Catherine of Siena with the apostolic letter "Licet Commissa". [50] Pope Pius also mentioned the two saints in the laudative discourse he pronounced on 5 May 1949, in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. Saint Francis is honored in the Church of England, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Episcopal Church USA, the Old Catholic Churches, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and other churches and religious communities on 4 October. Papal name [ edit] On 13 March 2013, upon his election as Pope, Archbishop and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, becoming Pope Francis. [51] At his first audience on 16 March 2013, Pope Francis told journalists that he had chosen the name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, and had done so because he was especially concerned for the well-being of the poor. [52] [53] [54] He explained that, as it was becoming clear during the conclave voting that he would be elected the new bishop of Rome, the Brazilian Cardinal Cláudio Hummes had embraced him and whispered, "Don't forget the poor", which had made Bergoglio think of the saint. [55] [56] Bergoglio had previously expressed his admiration for St. Francis, explaining that “He brought to Christianity an idea of poverty against the luxury, pride, vanity of the civil and ecclesiastical powers of the time. He changed history. " [57] Bergoglio's selection of his papal name is the first time that a pope has been named Francis. [a] Patronage [ edit] St. Francis is the patron of animals, merchants, and ecology. [9] He is also considered the patron saint against dying alone; patron saint against fire; patron saint of the Franciscan Order and Catholic Action; patron saint of families, peace, and needle workers. He is the patron saint of many dioceses and other locations around the world, including: Italy; San Pawl il-Bahar, Malta; Freising, Germany; Lancaster, England; Kottapuram, India; San Francisco de Malabon, Philippines (General Trias City); San Francisco, California; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Colorado; Salina, Kansas; Metuchen, New Jersey; and Quibdó, Colombia. [59] [ unreliable source] Outside Catholicism [ edit] Protestantism [ edit] Emerging since the 19th century, there are several Protestant adherents and groups, sometimes organised as religious orders, which strive to adhere to the teachings and spiritual disciplines of Saint Francis. The 20th century High Church Movement gave birth to Franciscan inspired orders among revival of religious orders in Protestant Christianity. One of the results of the Oxford Movement in the Anglican Church during the 19th century was the re-establishment of religious orders, including some of Franciscan inspiration. The principal Anglican communities in the Franciscan tradition are the Community of St. Francis (women, founded 1905), the Poor Clares of Reparation (P. C. R. ), the Society of Saint Francis (men, founded 1934), and the Community of St. Clare (women, enclosed). A U. S. -founded order within the Anglican world communion is the Seattle-founded order of Clares in Seattle (Diocese of Olympia), The Little Sisters of St. Clare. [60] There are also some small Franciscan communities within European Protestantism and the Old Catholic Church. [61] There are some Franciscan orders in Lutheran Churches, including the Order of Lutheran Franciscans, the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, and the Evangelische Kanaan Franziskus-Bruderschaft (Kanaan Franciscan Brothers). In addition, there are associations of Franciscan inspiration not connected with a mainstream Christian tradition and describing themselves as ecumenical or dispersed. The Anglican church retained the Catholic tradition of blessing animals on or near Francis' feast day of 4 October, and more recently Lutheran and other Protestant churches have adopted the practice. [62] Orthodox churches [ edit] St Francis' feast is celebrated at New Skete, an Orthodox Christian monastic community in Cambridge, New York. [63] Other faiths [ edit] Outside of Christianity, other individuals and movements are influenced by the example and teachings of Saint Francis. These include the popular philosopher Eckhart Tolle, who has made videos on the spirituality of Saint Francis. [64] The interfaith spiritual community of Skanda Vale also takes inspiration from the example of Saint Francis, and models itself as an interfaith Franciscan order. [65] St Francis' Way [ edit] In 2019, the Umbria tourist board was continuing the process of refurbishing the route from Florence to Rome that Francis is believed to have used. Called the Via di Francesco or Cammino di Francesco, the 550 kilometer St Francis Way "pilgrimage route" is intended for travel on foot or by bicycle. [66] [67] [68] Main writings [ edit] Canticum Fratris Solis or Laudes Creaturarum; Canticle of the Sun. Prayer before the Crucifix, 1205 (extant in the original Umbrian dialect as well as in a contemporary Latin translation); Regula non bullata, the Earlier Rule, 1221; Regula bullata, the Later Rule, 1223; Testament, 1226; Admonitions. For a complete list, see The Franciscan Experience. [69] Saint Francis is considered the first Italian poet by literary critics. [70] He believed commoners should be able to pray to God in their own language, and he wrote often in the dialect of Umbria instead of Latin. His writings are considered to have great literary and religious value. [71] The anonymous 20th-century prayer " Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace " is widely but erroneously attributed to Saint Francis. [72] [73] In art [ edit] The Franciscan Order promoted devotion to the life of Saint Francis from his canonization onwards, and commissioned large numbers of works for Franciscan churches, either showing Saint Francis with sacred figures, or episodes from his life. There are large early fresco cycles in the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi, parts of which are shown above. Francis of Assisi in art St. Francis and scenes from his life, 13th century Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy by Jusepe de Ribera, (1639) Francis of Assisi visiting his convent while far away, in a chariot of fire, José Benlliure y Gil (1855–1937) Media [ edit] Basilica of Saint Francis, Assisi Statue of Saint Francis in front of the Catholic church of Chania. Films [ edit] The Flowers of St. Francis, a 1950 film directed by Roberto Rossellini and co-written by Federico Fellini Francis of Assisi, a 1961 film directed by Michael Curtiz, based on the novel The Joyful Beggar by Louis de Wohl Francis of Assisi, a 1966 film directed by Liliana Cavani Uccellacci e uccellini ( The Hawks and the Sparrows), a 1966 film directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini Brother Sun, Sister Moon, a 1972 film by Franco Zeffirelli Francesco, a 1989 film by Liliana Cavani, contemplatively paced, follows Francis of Assisi's evolution from rich man's son to religious humanitarian, and eventually to a full-fledged self-tortured saint. Saint Francis is played by Mickey Rourke, and the woman who later became Saint Clare, is played by Helena Bonham Carter St. Francis, a 2002 film directed by Michele Soavi, starring Raoul Bova and Amélie Daure Clare and Francis, a 2007 film directed by Fabrizio Costa, starring Mary Petruolo and Ettore Bassi Pranchiyettan and the Saint, a 2010 satirical Indian Malayalam film Finding Saint Francis, a 2014 film directed by Paul Alexander L'ami – François d'Assise et ses frères, a 2016 film directed by Renaud Fely and Arnaud Louvet, starring Elio Germano The Sultan and the Saint, a 2016 film directed by Alexander Kronemer, starring Alexander McPherson In Search of Saint Francis of Assisi, [74] documentary featuring Franciscan monks and others Music [ edit] Franz Liszt: Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi, S. 4 (sacred choral work, 1862, 1880–81; versions of the Prelude for piano, S. 498c, 499, 499a; version of the Prelude for organ, S. 665, 760; version of the Hosannah for organ and bass trombone, S. 677) St. François d'Assise: La Prédication aux oiseaux, No. 1 of Deux Légendes, S. 175 (piano, 1862–63) William Henry Draper: All Creatures of Our God and King (hymn paraphrase of Canticle of the Sun, published 1919) Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Fioretti (voice and orchestra, 1920) Gian Francesco Malipiero: San Francesco d'Assisi (soloists, chorus and orchestra, 1920–21) Hermann Suter: Le Laudi (The Praises) or Le Laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, based on the Canticle of the Sun, ( oratorio, 1923) Amy Beach: Canticle of the Sun (soloists, chorus and orchestra, 1928) Paul Hindemith: Nobilissima Visione (ballet 1938) Leo Sowerby: Canticle of the Sun (cantata for mixed voices with accompaniment for piano or orchestra, 1944) Francis Poulenc: Quatre petites prières de saint François d’Assise (men's chorus, 1948) Seth Bingham: The Canticle of the Sun (cantata for chorus of mixed voices with soli ad lib. and accompaniment for organ or orchestra, 1949) William Walton: Cantico del sol (chorus, 1973–74) Olivier Messiaen: Saint François d'Assise (opera, 1975–83) Juliusz Łuciuk [ pl]: Święty Franciszek z Asyżu (oratorio for soprano, tenor, baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra, 1976) Peter Janssens: Franz von Assisi, Musikspiel (Musical play, text: Wilhelm Wilms, 1978) Michele Paulicelli: Forza venite gente [ it] (musical theater, 1981) Karlheinz Stockhausen: Luzifers Abschied (1982), scene 4 of the opera Samstag aus Licht Libby Larsen: I Will Sing and Raise a Psalm (SATB chorus and organ, 1995) Sofia Gubaidulina: Sonnengesang (solo cello, chamber choir and percussion, 1997) Juventude Franciscana [ pt]: Balada de Francisco (voices accompanied by guitar, 1999) Angelo Branduardi: L'infinitamente piccolo (album, 2000) Lewis Nielson: St. Francis Preaches to the Birds (chamber concerto for violin, 2005) Peter Reulein (composer) / Helmut Schlegel (libretto): Laudato si' ( oratorio, 2016) Books [ edit] Part of a series on Christian mysticism Theology · Philosophy Apophatic Ascetical Cataphatic Catholic spirituality Hellenistic Mystical theology Neoplatonic Henosis Practices Monasticism Asceticism Spiritual direction Meditation Lectio Divina Invoking of Mystic Saints Active asceticism Contemplation Hesychasm Jesus prayer Quietism Stages of Christian perfection Divinization Catharsis Theosis Kenosis Spiritual dryness Religious ecstasy Passive asceticism Abstinence People (by era or century) Antiquity Ancient African Origen Gregory of Nyssa Pseudo-Dionysius Desert Fathers Paul of Thebes Anthony the Great Arsenius the Great Poemen Macarius of Egypt Moses the Black Syncletica Athanasius John Chrysostom Hilarion John Cassian 11th · 12th Bernard of Clairvaux Guigo II Hildegard of Bingen Symeon the New Theologian 13th · 14th Dominican Dominic de Guzmán Franciscan Francis of Assisi Anthony of Padua Bonaventure Jacopone da Todi Angela of Foligno English Richard Rolle Walter Hilton Julian of Norwich Margery Kempe Flemish Hadewijch Beatrice of Nazareth Lutgardis John of Ruysbroeck German Meister Eckhart Johannes Tauler Henry Suso Female Bridget of Sweden Catherine of Siena Mechthild of Magdeburg Marguerite Porete 15th · 16th Spanish Ignatius of Loyola Francisco de Osuna John of Ávila Teresa of Ávila John of the Cross Others Catherine of Genoa 17th · 18th French Margaret Mary Alacoque Pierre de Bérulle Jean-Jacques Olier Louis de Montfort Charles de Condren John Eudes John of St. Samson María de Ágreda Anne Catherine Emmerich Veronica Giuliani Francis de Sales 19th Dina Bélanger Catherine Labouré Mélanie Calvat Maximin Giraud Bernadette Soubirous Conchita de Armida Luisa Piccarreta Mary of the Divine Heart Thérèse of Lisieux Gemma Galgani 20th Padre Pio Therese Neumann Marthe Robin Alexandrina of Balazar Faustina Kowalska Berthe Petit Sister Lúcia of Fátima Edgar Cayce Simone Weil Alfred Delp Thomas Merton Charles de Foucauld Edvige Carboni Elena Aiello Contemporary papal views Aspects of meditation ( Orationis Formas, 1989) Reflection on the New Age (2003) Literature · Media Lingua Ignota Ordo Virtutum Scivias Ascent of Mount Carmel Dark Night of the Soul Spiritual Canticle Way of Perfection Book of the First Monks The Interior Castle Abbey of the Holy Ghost A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart The Glories of Mary The Imitation of Christ The Ladder of Divine Ascent Philokalia Revelations of Divine Love The Story of a Soul Theologia Germanica Devotio Moderna The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima Sol de Fátima The Cloud of Unknowing The Consolation of Philosophy The Mirror of Simple Souls Sister Catherine Treatise Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii The Vision of Adamnán Divine Comedy Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso v t e Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers (Fioretti), London, 2012. ISBN 978-1-78336-013-0 Saint Francis of Assisi, written and illustrated by Demi, Wisdom Tales, 2012, ISBN 978-1-937786-04-5 Francis of Assisi: A New Biography, by Augustine Thompson, O. P., Cornell University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-080145-070-9 Francis of Assisi in the Sources and Writings, by Robert Rusconi and translated by Nancy Celaschi, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2008. ISBN 978-1-57659-152-9 The Complete Francis of Assisi: His Life, The Complete Writings, and The Little Flowers, ed. and trans. Jon M. Sweeney, Paraclete Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1-61261-688-9 The Stigmata of Francis of Assisi, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2006. ISBN 978-1-57659-140-6 Francis of Assisi – The Message in His Writings, by Thaddee Matura, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1997. ISBN 978-1-57659-127-7 Saint Francis of Assisi, by John R. H. Moorman, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1987. ISBN 978-0-8199-0904-6 First Encounter with Francis of Assisi, by Damien Vorreux and translated by Paul LaChance, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1979. ISBN 978-0-8199-0698-4 St. Francis of Assisi, by Raoul Manselli, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1985. ISBN 978-0-8199-0880-3 Saint Francis of Assisi, by Thomas of Celano and translated by Placid Hermann, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1988. ISBN 978-0-8199-0554-3 Francis the Incomparable Saint, by Joseph Lortz, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1986, ISBN 978-1-57659-067-6 Respectfully Yours: Signed and Sealed, Francis of Assisi, by Edith van den Goorbergh and Theodore Zweerman, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2001. ISBN 978-1-57659-178-9 The Admonitions of St. Francis: Sources and Meanings, by Robert J. Karris, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1999. ISBN 978-1-57659-166-6 We Saw Brother Francis, by Francis de Beer, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1983. ISBN 978-0-8199-0803-2 Sant Francesc (Saint Francis, 1895), a book of forty-three Saint Francis poems by Catalan poet-priest Jacint Verdaguer, three of which are included in English translation in Selected Poems of Jacint Verdaguer: A Bilingual Edition, edited and translated by Ronald Puppo, with an introduction by Ramon Pinyol i Torrents (University of Chicago, 2007). The three poems are "The Turtledoves", "Preaching to Birds" and "The Pilgrim". Saint Francis of Assisi (1923), a book by G. K. Chesterton Blessed Are The Meek (1944). a book by Zofia Kossak Saint Francis of Assisi a Doubleday Image Book translated by T. O'Conor Sloane, Ph. D., LL. D. in 1955 from the Danish original researched and written by Johannes Jorgensen and published in 1912 by Longmans, Green and Company, Inc. Saint Francis of Assisi (God's Pauper) (1962), a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis Scripta Leonis, Rufini Et Angeli Sociorum S. Francisci: The Writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo Companions of St. Francis (1970), edited by Rosalind B. Brooke, in Latin and English, containing testimony recorded by intimate, long-time companions of Saint Francis Saint Francis and His Four Ladies (1970), a book by Joan Mowat Erikson The Life and Words of St. Francis of Assisi (1973), by Ira Peck The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi (1996), a book by Patricia Stewart Reluctant Saint: The Life of Francis of Assisi (2002), a book by Donald Spoto Flowers for St. Francis (2005), a book by Raj Arumugam Chasing Francis, 2006, a book by Ian Cron John Tolan, St. Francis and the Sultan: The Curious History of a Christian-Muslim Encounter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Vita di un uomo: Francesco d'Assisi (1995) a book by Chiara Frugoni, preface by Jacques Le Goff, Torino: Einaudi. Francis, Brother of the Universe (1982), a 48-page comic book by Marvel Comics on the life of Saint Francis of Assisi written by Father Roy Gasnik O. and Mary Jo Duffy, artwork by John Buscema and Marie Severin, lettering by Jim Novak and edited by Jim Shooter. Other [ edit] Part of a series on Eucharistic adoration of the Catholic Church Solar monstrance of the Eucharist Papal documents Mirae caritatis Dominicae cenae Mysterium fidei Mediator Dei Ecclesia de Eucharistia Organisations and events Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Servants of the Blessed Sacrament Perpetual Adorers Tabernacle Societies Eucharistic congress Notable individuals Peter Julian Eymard John Vianney Marie Tamisier Leo Dupont Fulton J. Sheen Mary Therese Vicente Eucharistic meditators Maria Candida Maria Valtorta Catholicism portal v t e In Rubén Darío 's poem Los Motivos Del Lobo (The Reasons Of The Wolf) St. Francis tames a terrible wolf only to discover that the human heart harbors darker desires than those of the beast. In Fyodor Dostoyevsky 's The Brothers Karamazov, Ivan Karamazov invokes the name of 'Pater Seraphicus, ' an epithet applied to St. Francis, to describe Alyosha's spiritual guide Zosima. The reference is found in Goethe's "Faust", Part 2, Act 5, lines 11918–25. [75] In Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, Henry Adams ' chapter on the "Mystics" discusses Francis extensively. Francesco's Friendly World was a 1996–97 direct-to-video Christian animated series produced by Lyrick Studios that was about Francesco and his talking animal friends as they rebuild the Church of San Damiano. [76] Rich Mullins co-wrote Canticle of the Plains, a musical, with Mitch McVicker. Released in 1997, it was based on the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, but told as a western story. Bernard Malamud 's novel The Assistant (1957) features a protagonist, Frank Alpine, who exemplifies the life of Saint Francis in mid-20th-century Brooklyn, New York City. See also [ edit] Pardon of Assisi Fraticelli Society of Saint Francis Saint Juniper, one of Francis' original followers St. Benedict's Cave, which contains a portrait of Francis made during his lifetime Saint-François d'Assise, an opera by Olivier Messiaen Saint-François (disambiguation) (places named after Francis of Assisi in French-speaking countries) List of places named after Saint Francis Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint archive Blessing of animals Prayers Canticle of the Sun, a prayer by Saint Francis Prayer of Saint Francis, a prayer often misattributed to Saint Francis Notes [ edit] ^ On the day of his election, the Vatican clarified that his official papal name was "Francis", not "Francis I". A Vatican spokesman said that the name would become Francis I if and when there is a Francis II. [53] [58] References [ edit] ^ Brooke, Rosalind B. The Image of St Francis: Responses to Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 161–62. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "St. Francis of Assisi". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Brady, Ignatius Charles. " Saint Francis of Assisi. " Encyclopædia Britannica Online. ^ "Holy Men and Holy Women" (PDF).. ^ "Notable Lutheran Saints".. ^ a b Chesterton (1924), p. 126 ^ a b "Saint Francis of Assisi | Biography, Facts, Feast Day, & Legacy". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 20 March 2019. ^ "The Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology". Earth Day Network. 6 October 2016. Retrieved 20 March 2019. ^ a b Media, Franciscan (4 October 2016). "Saint Francis of Assisi". Franciscan Media. Retrieved 20 March 2019. ^ Tolan, John (2009). St. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199239726. ^ "St. Francis of Assisi – Franciscan Friars of the Renewal".. Retrieved 24 October 2012. ^ The Christmas scenes made by Saint Francis at the time were not inanimate objects, but live ones, later commercialised into inanimate representations of the Blessed Lord and His parents. ^ Herbermann, Charles, ed. "Christmas". New York: Robert Appleton Company. ^ a b c d Cross, F. L., ed. (2005). "Francis of Assisi". The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199566712. ^ Cross, F. "Stigmatization". ISBN 0199566712. ^ a b Englebert, Omer (1951). The Lives of the Saints. New York: Barnes & Noble. p. 529. ISBN 978-1-56619-516-4. ^ Dagger, Jacob (November–December 2006). "Blessing All Creatures, Great and Small". Duke Magazine. Retrieved 1 December 2019. ^ a b Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1924). Francis of Assisi" (14 ed. ). Garden City, New York: Image Books: 158. ^ Chesterton (1924), pp.40–41 ^ St. Bonaventure; Cardinal Manning (1867). The Life of St. Francis of Assisi (from the Legenda Sancti Francisci) (1988 ed. Rockford, Illinois: TAN Books & Publishers. p.190. ISBN 978-0-89555-343-0. ^ a b Chesterton (1924), pp.54–56 ^ de la Riva, Fr. John (2011). "Life of St. Francis". Francis of Assisi National Shrine. Retrieved 11 June 2019. ^ Kiefer, James E. (1999). "Francis of Assisi, Friar". Biographical sketches of memorable Christians of the past. Retrieved 11 June 2019. ^ Chesterton (1924), pp.107–108 ^ Galli(2002), pp.74–80 ^ Chesterton (1924), pp.110–111 ^ Fioretti quoted in: St. Francis, The Little Flowers, Legends, and Lauds, trans. N. Wydenbruck, ed. Otto Karrer (London: Sheed and Ward, 1979) 244. ^ Chesterton (1924), p. 130 ^ Runciman, Steven. History of the Crusades, vol. 3: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, Cambridge University Press (1951, paperback 1987), pp. 151–161. ^ Tolan, pp. 4f. ^ e. g., Jacques de Vitry, Letter 6 of February or March 1220 and Historia orientalis (c. 1223–1225) cap. XXII; Tommaso da Celano, Vita prima (1228), §57: the relevant passages are quoted in an English translation in Tolan, pp. 19f. and 54 respectively. ^ Tolan, p. 5 ^ e. g., Chesterton, Saint Francis, Hodder & Stoughton (1924) chapter 8. Tolan (p. 126) discusses the incident as recounted by Bonaventure, an incident which does not extend to a fire actually being lit. ^ Péter Bokody, "Idolatry or Power: St. Francis in Front of the Sultan", in: Promoting the Saints: Cults and Their Contexts from Late Antiquity until the Early Modern Period, ed. Ottó Gecser and others (Budapest: CEU Press, 2010), 69–81, esp. at pp. 74 and 76–78. The views of Panofsky (idols: see Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art, New York 1972, p. 148, n. 3) and Tolan (undecided: p. 143) are cited at p. 73. ^ Bonaventure, Legenda major (1260–1263), cap. IX §7–9, criticized by, e. g., Sabatier, La Vie de St. François d'Assise (1894), chapter 13, and Paul Moses, The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi's Mission of Peace, Doubleday Religion (2009) excerpted in a restricted-view article in Commonwealth magazine, 25 September 2009 "Mission improbable: St. Francis & the Sultan", accessed 4 April 2015 ^ Friedrich Rintelen, Giotto und die Giotto-apokryphen, (1912) ^ For grants of various permissions and privileges to Francis as attributed by later sources, see, e. g., Tolan, pp. 258–263. The first mention of the Sultan's conversion occurs in a sermon delivered by Bonaventure on 4 October 1267. See Tolan, pp. 168 ^ Bulla Gratias agimus, commemorated by Pope John Paul II in a Letter dated 30 November 1992. See also Tolan, p. 258. On the Franciscan presence, including an historical overview, see, generally the official website at Custodia and Custodian of the Holy Land ^ Bonaventure (1867), p.162 ^ Le Goff, Jacques. Saint Francis of Assisi, 2003 ISBN 0-415-28473-2 page 44 ^ Miles, Margaret Ruth. The Word made flesh: a history of Christian thought, 2004 ISBN 978-1-4051-0846-1 pages 160–161 ^ Chesterton (1924), p. 131 ^ Eimerl, Sarel (1967). The World of Giotto: c. 1267–1337. et al. Time-Life Books. p. 15. ISBN 0-900658-15-0. ^ a b c d Bonaventure (1867), pp.78–85 ^ Ugolino Brunforte (Brother Ugolino) (1958). The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. Calvin College: CCEL. ISBN 978-1-61025212-6. Quote. ^ a b c Bonaventure (1867), p. 178 ^ Pope John Paul II (29 November 1979). "Inter Sanctos (Apostolic Letter AAS 71)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 August 2014. Retrieved 7 August 2014. ^ Pope John Paul II (8 December 1989). "World Day of Peace 1990". Retrieved 24 October 2012. ^ Calendarium Romanum (Libreria Editrice Vaticana), p. 139 ^ Pope Pius XII (18 June 1939). "Licet Commissa" (Apostolic Letter AAS 31, pp. 256–257) ^ Pope Francis (16 March 2013). "Audience to Representatives of the Communications Media". Retrieved 9 August 2014. ^ "Pope Francis explains decision to take St Francis of Assisi's name". The Guardian. London. 16 March 2013. Archived from the original on 17 March 2013. ^ a b "New Pope Fra[n]cis visits St. Mary Major, collects suitcases and pays bill at hotel".. 14 March 2013. Archived from the original on 17 March 2013. Retrieved 4 January 2017. ^ Michael Martinez, CNN Vatican analyst: Pope Francis' name choice 'precedent shattering', CNN (13 March 2013). Retrieved 13 March 2013. ^ Laura Smith-Spark et al. : Pope Francis explains name, calls for church 'for the poor' CNN, 16 March 2013 ^ "Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor ' ". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 16 March 2013. ^ Bethune, Brian, "Pope Francis: How the first New World pontiff could save the church",, 26 March 2013, Retrieved 27 March 2013 ^ Alpert, Emily (13 March 2013). "Vatican: It's Pope Francis, not Pope Francis I". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 15 March 2013. Retrieved 4 January 2017. ^ Beverly Johnson Roberts, "St. Francis Patron". Archived 21 March 2009. ^ "The Little Sisters of St. Clare". Archived from the original on 2010-09-02. Retrieved 2019-04-16. ^ For example, the OSFOC [ permanent dead link]. ^ Bliss, Peggy Ann (3 October 2019). "Animals to be blessed Saturday at Episcopal Cathedral" (PDF). The San Juan Daily Star. p.20. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 October 2019. Retrieved 6 October 2019. ^ "Events, New Skete Monastery".. ^ "St Francis of Assisi - What is Perfect Joy! ". Eckhart Tolle Now. Retrieved 26 June 2019. ^ "Skanda Vale - Frequently asked questions". Skanda Vale. Retrieved 14 November 2018. ^ "Walking in Italy: on the trail of Saint Francis of Assisi". 3 November 2019. Retrieved 4 November 2019. ^ "St Francis' Way". Via di Francesco. 6 June 2019. Retrieved 4 November 2019. intends to reintroduce the Franciscan experience in the lands that the Poor Man walked through on his travels. ^ "St Francis Way in Italy". Camino Ways. Retrieved 4 November 2019. ^ "Writings of St. Francis – Part 2". Archived from the original on 2013-01-28. Retrieved 2013-01-17. ^ Brand, Peter; Pertile, Lino, eds. "2 – Poetry. Francis of Assisi (pp. 5ff. )". The Cambridge History of Italian Literature. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-52166622-0. Retrieved 31 December 2015. ^ Chesterton, G. (1987). Francis. Image. pp.160 p. ISBN 0-385-02900-4. Archived from the original on 12 August 2013. CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown ( link) ^ Renoux, Christian (2001). La prière pour la paix attribuée à saint François: une énigme à résoudre. Paris: Editions franciscaines. ISBN 2-85020-096-4. ^ Renoux, Christian. "The Origin of the Peace Prayer of St. Retrieved 9 August 2014. ^ In Search of Saint Francis of Assisi, Green Apple Entertainment. Retrieved 20 December 2019. ^ Медведев, Александр (2015). " " Сердце милующее": образы праведников в творчестве Ф. М. Достоевского и св. Франциск Ассизский". Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 2: Гуманитарные науки. №2 (139): 222–233. Retrieved 11 July 2019 – via. ^ "Mark Bernthal - TV-VIDEOS".. Bibliography [ edit] Scripta Leonis, Rufini et Angeli Sociorum S. Francis, original manuscript, 1246, compiled by Brother Leo and other companions (1970, 1990, reprinted with corrections), Oxford, Oxford University Press, edited by Rosalind B. Brooke, in Latin and English, ISBN 0-19-822214-9, containing testimony recorded by intimate, long-time companions of St. Francis Bonaventure; Cardinal Manning (1867). ISBN 978-0-89555-343-0 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1924). Francis of Assisi (14 ed. Garden City, New York: Image Books. Englebert, Omer (1951). New York: Barnes & Noble. Karrer, Otto, ed., St. Wydenbruck, (London: Sheed and Ward, 1979) Tolan, John (2009). Saint Francis and the Sultan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Further reading [ edit] Acocella, Joan (14 January 2013). "Rich Man, Poor Man: The Radical Visions of St. The New Yorker. 88 (43). p.72–77. Retrieved 23 January 2015. Antony, Manjiyil. Assisiyile Francis. Alwaye, Santhome Creations, 2013. Fioretti di San Francesco, the " Little Flowers of St. Francis ", end of the 14thcentury: an anonymous Italian version of the Actus; the most popular of the sources, but very late and therefore not the best authority by any means. Friar Julian of Speyer, Vita Sancti Francisci, 1232–1239. Friar Tommaso da Celano: Vita Prima Sancti Francisci, 1228; Vita Secunda Sancti Francisci, 1246–1247; Tractatus de Miraculis Sancti Francisci, 1252–1253. Friar Elias, Epistola Encyclica de Transitu Sancti Francisci, 1226. Pope Gregory IX, Bulla "Mira circa nos" for the canonization of St. Francis, 19 July 1228. St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Legenda Maior Sancti Francisci, 1260–1263. The Little Flowers of Saint Francis (Translated by Raphael Brown), Doubleday, 1998. ISBN 978-0-385-07544-2 Ugolino da Montegiorgio, Actus Beati Francisci et sociorum eius, 1327–1342. External links [ edit] "Saint Francis of Assisi", Encyclopædia Britannica online "St. Francis of Assisium, Confessor", Butler's Lives of the Saints The Franciscan Archive Saint Francis of Assisi – Catholic Saints & Angels Here Followeth the Life of Saint Francis from Caxton's translation of the Golden Legend Colonnade Statue in St Peter's Square Founder Statue in St Peter's Basilica "The Poor Man of Assisi". Invisible Monastery of carity and fraternity – Christian prayer group. Archived from the original on 23 March 2018. Works by or about Francis of Assisi at Internet Archive Works by Francis of Assisi at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks).

@JerevLann Unfortunately, this is what we were forced to do, to block a user, the first time for us in history that we had to resort to this drastic measure. 2020 are you kidding? Oh my God I can't wait for this. I like the color scheme. Esports Overnight Feb 16-17 Tour the arena, meet the players, and get to game! Details A New Home for Theatre SFU moves one step closer to making the Resinski Black Box Theatre a reality. Learn more Featured News January 29, 2020 SFU Blanket Collection Kicks off February 3 The Community Blanketeers collection will begin February 3 and run through March 30, 2020. Two SFU Students Become Esports Legends Two students, Anthony McFeaters and Tyler Tomechak, have reached Legendary status playing the game, Hearthstone. January 24, 2020 Registration Now Open for STEAM Summer Academies The academies are one-week long immersive programs in engineering, aviation, computer science, mathematics, pre-medicine, health sciences, biology and chemistry for high school students entering grades 11 and 12 in Fall 2020. January 22, 2020 SFU Magazine 2019 Vol 2: Finding Light in the Darkness, JFK Campus Club, and More Uniting After Tragedy • JFK Campus Club • Inside the New Experiential Learning Commons see more news Featured Events Feb 15 SFU Esports NHL20 High School Tournament Location: 1st Summit Arena (Johnstown War Memorial) Party Pit SFU Esports to hold a video game tournament, SFU Esports NHL20 Tournament, for High Schoolers in Johnstown with the Tomahawks. Feb 17 Open House: Presidents' Day Explore academic, social, and spiritual life at SFU. Feb 22 Preview Day 2/22 Location: JFK Student Center - Frankie’s Red & White Conference Room A student-guided tour highlights many topics that are important to first-year students including housing, dining, academics, and activities. Mar 21 Preview Day 3/21 Location: Schwab Hall see more events.

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Saint francis of assisi church nyc. Saint Frances of Rome, Obl. O. S. B. Part of a series The Life of St. Frances of Rome Tor de' Specchi Monastery, Rome, Italy by Antoniazzo Romano (1468) Patroness of Benedictine Oblates Born 1384 Rome, Papal States Died March 9, 1440 Rome, Papal States Veneratedin Roman Catholic Church Canonized 1608, Rome, Papal States, by Pope Paul V Major shrine Church of Santa Francesca Romana, Rome, Italy Feast March 9 Patronage Benedictine oblates; automobile drivers; widows. Frances of Rome, Obl. B., ( Italian: Santa Francesca Romana) (1384 – March 9, 1440) is an Italian saint who was a wife, mother, mystic, organizer of charitable services and a Benedictine oblate who founded a religious community of oblates, who share a common life without religious vows. Life [ edit] Frances was born in 1384 in Rome to a wealthy and aristocratic couple, Paolo Bussa and Iacobella dei Roffredeschi, in the up-and-coming district of Parione and christened in the nearby Church of St. Agnes on the famed Piazza Navona. [1] When she was eleven years old, she wanted to be a nun, but, at about the age of twelve, her parents forced her to marry Lorenzo Ponziani, commander of the papal troops of Rome and member of an extremely wealthy family. Although the marriage had been arranged, it was a happy one, lasting for forty years, partly because Lorenzo admired his wife, and partly because he was frequently away at war. With her sister-in-law Vannozza, Frances visited the poor and took care of the sick, inspiring other wealthy women of the city to do the same. Soon after her marriage, Frances fell seriously ill. Her husband called a man in who dabbled in magic, but Frances drove him away, and later recounted to Vannozza that St. Alexis had appeared to her and cured her. [2] When her mother-in-law died, Frances became mistress of the household. During a time of flood and famine, she turned part of the family's country estate into a hospital [3] and distributed food and clothing to the poor. According to one account, her father-in-law was so angry that he took away from her the keys to the supply rooms; but gave them back when he saw that the corn bin and wine barrel were replenished after Frances finished praying. St Francesca Romana Giving Alms, Baciccio During the wars between the pope in Rome and various anti-popes in the Western Schism of the Catholic Church, Lorenzo served the former. According to one story, their son Battista was to be delivered as a hostage to the commander of the Neapolitan troops. Obeying this order on the command of her spiritual director, Frances took her son to the Campidoglio. On the way, she stopped in the Church of the Aracoeli located there and entrusted her son's life to the Blessed Mother. When they arrived at the appointed site, the soldiers tried to put her son on a horse to transport him to captivity. However, the horse refused to move despite heavy whipping. The superstitious soldiers saw the hand of God in this and returned the boy to his mother. [4] During a period of forced exile, much of Lorenzo's property and possessions were destroyed. [5] In the course of one occupation of Rome by Neapolitan forces in the early part of the century, he was wounded so severely that he never fully recovered. Frances nursed him throughout the rest of his life. Frances experienced other sorrows during her marriage to Lorenzo. They lost two children to the plague. Chaos ruled the city in that period of neglect by the pope and the ongoing warfare between him and the various forces competing for power on the Italian peninsula devastated the city. The city of Rome was largely in ruins, and wolves were known to enter the streets. Frances again opened her home as a hospital and drove her wagon through the countryside to collect wood for fire and herbs for medicine. [6] It is said she had the gift of healing, and over 60 cases were attested to during the canonization proceedings. [4] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "With her husband's consent St. Frances practiced continence, and advanced in a life of contemplation. Her visions often assumed the form of drama enacted for her by heavenly personages. She had the gift of miracles and ecstasy, as well as the bodily vision of her guardian angel, had revelations concerning Purgatory and Hell, and foretold the ending of the Western Schism. She could read the secrets of consciences and detect plots of diabolical origin. She was remarkable for her humility and detachment, her obedience and patience". [5] On August 15, 1425, the feast of the Assumption of Mary, she founded the Olivetan Oblates of Mary, a confraternity of pious women, under the authority of the Olivetan monks of the Abbey of Santa Maria Nova in Rome, but neither cloistered nor bound by formal vows, so they could follow her pattern of combining a life of prayer with answering the needs of their society. [7] In March 1433 she founded a monastery at Tor de' Specchi, near the Campidoglio, in order to allow for a common life by those members of the confraternity who felt so called. [4] This monastery remains the only house of the Institute. That July 4, they received the approval of Pope Eugene IV as a religious congregation of oblates with private religious vows. The community later became known simply as the Oblates of St. Frances of Rome. Frances herself remained in her own home, nursing her husband for the last seven years of his life from wounds he had received in battle. When he died in 1436, she moved into the monastery and became the superior. [5] She died in 1440 and was buried in Santa Maria Nova. Frances of Rome Accompanied by her guardian angel Veneration [ edit] On May 9, 1608, she was canonized by Pope Paul V, [2] and in the following decades a diligent search was made for her remains, which had been hidden due to the troubled times in which she lived. Her body was found incorrupt some months after her death. Her grave was identified on April 2, 1638, (but this time only the bones remained), and her remains were reburied in the Church of Santa Maria Nova on March 9, 1649, which since then has been her feast day. Again, in 1869, her body was exhumed and has since then been displayed in a glass coffin for the veneration of the faithful. The Church of Santa Maria Nova is now usually referred to as the Church of St. Frances. Patronage [ edit] In 1925, Pope Pius XI declared her the patron saint of automobile drivers because of a legend that an angel used to light the road before her with a lantern when she traveled, keeping her safe from hazards. Within the Benedictine Order, she is honored as a patron saint of all oblates. She is also a patron saint of widows. See also [ edit] Oblates of St. Frances of Rome Tor de' Specchi Monastery Order of St. Benedict Olivetans References [ edit] ^ Life of St. Frances on the website of her monastery (in Italian) [1] ^ a b Habig O. F. M., Marion. The Franciscan Book of Saints, Franciscan Herald Press, 1959 ^ Foley O. M., Leonard. Saint of the Day, Lives, Lessons and Feast, (revised by Pat McCloskey O. M. ), Franciscan Media ^ a b c Fullerton, Georgiana Charlotte. The life of St. Frances of Rome, Chap V, Burns and Lambert, 1855 ^ a b c Paoli, Francesco. "St. Frances of Rome. " The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. January 31, 2014 ^ "Saint Frances of Rome", Loyola Press ^ Farmer, David Hugh (1997). The Oxford dictionary of saints (4. ed. ). Oxford [u. a. ]: Oxford Univ. Press. p.191. ISBN 0-19-280058-2. External links [ edit] Founder Statue in St Peter's Basilica Colonnade Statue in St Peter's Square Saint of the Day, March 9: Frances of Rome at Santiebeati (in Italian) Website of the Monastery of Tor de' Specchi (in Italian) Saint Frances of Rome at the Christian Iconography web site This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). " article name needed ". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton.

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The following list of top posts in this sub may help you if you are looking for a specific high scoring post, but you do not need to limit yourself to only a post listed here. Any post made during the year is eligible. January Score Author Title 19 AtomsMakeStuffUp Michael Meets David Brent (Ricky Gervais) who plays Michaels' counterpart in the UK version of The Office 17 kaicyr21 Shawshank egg 14 JeromePaulos They're right 10 Eggabase Found an easter egg of Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. in Big Hero 6 9 randomarchhacker Google's sauce 9 Pooboy151 Easter Egg in Music Video likely Referencing another Film - Giving Reddit Gold to Whoever can Help me Find it! 8 dylanweber Searching "marquee html" on Google puts a tag around the number of results 8 meuh210 Am I the only who saw a stormtrooper in the last Thor:Ragnarok movie? 6 AtomsMakeStuffUp This website changes its picture when you resize your browser 5 my_pets_names Call Of Cthulhu reference in Finding Dory 7 AtomsMakeStuffUp My Favorite Portal 2 Easter Eggs 6 AtomsMakeStuffUp My favorite website easter eggs 5 pdp hammer time in secapps fuzzer February Score Author Title 68 SongBirdsWrath This copyPasta reference in Black Mirror 22 mandraulic54 Found this in the 2015 Clue game, don't know what it is. Anyone know? 17 HanSolOwen The Exploding Kittens website has something hidden in its HTML... 14 TMCMK doom 3 may be old, but I can't find this ANYWhere else... 7 katuee Ok Im sorry if someone has posted this before but has anyone noticed that in Parks n Rec the episodes posted on netflix are different than the ones on Hulu?!? I dont understand why there are even at least 2 different versions of the episodes out there but now I need to watch both! 3 chefsquatch Man on a ledge movie easter egg? 2 YourUrban See Every Disney Easter Egg from Pixar's Short Films March Score Author Title 45 angy1910 On Fortnite I found this writing in a stake in Tomato Town and I cant read what is written, if you can read it contact me. I think it's an easter egg. 33 karthique T-Rex in google doodle 26 leedagoodboi I clicked on three videos that all have playback errors and on the third error screen a Kiwi bird showed up. Did I just found a new YouTube Easter egg? 17 tarlungs1104 I made an account just for this. Sorry if someone else has posted it. I watch Pink Floyd's the wall almost yearly. During this scene the song "When the tigers broke free"is playing the way the shadows line up in the middle mirror look just like a tigers face. 8 Battlefield_One Coolest Easter Egg Ever - Battlefield 1 Gramphone Easter Egg - 7 LavenDeath Bloodborne Easter Egg? (Inside of the dolls head) 8 DisplayTHEContent Easter egg..? Google Earth's Sun dies down when you zoom in to Earth, and comes back when you zoom out. 7 blueberrybadguy repeatedly click on the spin button (desktop or laptop only) 5 aditheconquerer Google Translator EasterEgg 5 mconheady Game Company's boring page hides a cute little game 6 Arash_Jawan Has Anyone seen this? High Hell 4 DisplayTHEContent le me being the curious george i am... (mac os x 10. 13 "high sierra" with safari) 3 diggy987 android 2 ExperimentalGuys Easter egg prank! April Score Author Title 67 Polyducks In Cars, you can spot Sully and Mike in cars form! 48 StaleTheBread The credits for pizza delivery guys in an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine 20 SpicaPixie Nidavellir is GOT 19 greatminds1 The HTML5 Version of QWOP has an interesting Glyphic before the start of the game 16 At0micPyro In enter the gungeon, before entering a boss fight as the huntress she can be seen wearing a serious sam belt buckle as shown. 17 Polyducks /r/eastereggs interviews Glenda Adams (Duke Nukem 3d, Tomb Raider 2) about hidden content 11 Ibrahim70_1 found easter egg 3D map in fortnite 8 aqua_zesty_man [request] looking for a particular easter egg, some guy reading from a book like he was a pirate 6 Metroid_SamusAran In celebration of Easter, here's a slightly lewd and unexpected Easter Egg from the Metroid series... 7 cariucho [Help][Old PC Game] Does anyone knows from which game this easter egg comes from? 4 Leo0903 Ookla is back! (Found by u/potatoewedge) 3 pacey-j Happy Egg Hunt! 2 blackygreen Which is your favourite Easter Egg?? 2 jmurisan Easter Morning Big Surprises and Unexpected Events 2 acrowsmurder When you click on Dark Bum on Platinumgod. May Score Author Title 66 At0micPyro Loss meme easter egg in The Loud House (Poster above the mirror) 42 trollaweigh CannaEgg 23 Polyducks When Jeff Goldblum looks up his wifes address in Independence Day (1996), it reads as 123 Heresheis Avenue. 20 fbarbie99 Karate Kid easter egg in The Lost Boys? All Valley Under 18 Karate Championship flyer on the bulletin board. 19 koboty Found in Skate 3 (came out in 2010). I can't believe this meme already exsisted back then, good job, Black box! 18 root88 IF YOU OPEN THE DEVELOPER BAR IN YOUR BROWSER WHILE ON REDDIT, THERE IS AN AD LOOKING FOR DEVELOPERS 10 SPOTTED3 Trap adventure 2 zoom 6 garysweet Easter egg hunters of Reddit 3 acrowsmurder Check out the Street View person when you go to Groom Lake ("Area 51") 3 _ash47 Octogeddon - Hidden Buddy Discovered! 2 akademmy The next, current and previous button for search results on nasa's photojournal are the planets Venus, Earth and Mars. June Score Author Title 47 Kaytronik_ Polar A370 fitness watch secret "flappy bird" easteregg 42 undefined_reference The Google Street View guy is wearing a birthday hat and holding balloons in celebration of my birthday today. Thanks little guy! 38 TheLoneController I found an Easter egg in Wreck-it-Ralph literally right next to another Easter egg (the Paperman note) (note: I found this while watching My Top 10 Easter Eggs and Secrets in Animated Movies by FunWithGuru, a very good Easter egg channel. I do not have the movie myself. ) 13 Tippiiie CyberPunk 2077 E3 Trailer Easter EGG Hidden Site!! Help! 10 TeNNoX Flixbus Shop - Easteregg game after typing Konami Code sequence 8 Carbon09 Found this in a Minecraft map called greenfield GG fam 7 otiks55 Help (The Crew 2) 6 Kassu6 Hidden game in Polar A370 fitness watch 6 BrokenOpus2 Darth Vader and Famous Memes in The Crew 2 (beta) 3 hAnzIehat How long have you got? competition 3 karmisson Imgur's 404 page.... 2 edt49er Top 10 Things To Look For In Incredibles 2 July Score Author Title 26 Supermagicalcookie Im fortnite if you run past a speedometer you run 12(MPH? ) The same as Michael Scott 18 LawlessCoffeh There's an unusual animal on the roster of "Anonymous [ANIMAL]" when somebody views your public google docs. 12 KaptinNova On the side of the hover-train from the incredibles 2 has MGLV-A113 MGLV stands for Motion Graphics Las Vegas and A113 is obviously the room that many of the animators learnt their trade at CAL Arts 7 abhishekmcj 250 Best Alexa Easter Eggs of 2018 7 DucksPC New After Hours DLC Easter egg 5 Wigbeartoe Jacob and Robert Marley in the Muppets Christmas Carol August Score Author Title 54 Jwall0903 Fry and Lisas hair can be seen in disenchantment. (Sorry for bad quality) 38 GranttH Ookla Speedtest Easter egg when you hold down the Go button 21 XironeHeate yay reddit 22 newscrash In Overwatch, tablets can be seen playing Hearthstone, another game by Blizzard. 15 PuppyViolet (The Simpsons: Tapped Out) One of Maggies jobs references the episode they made The Simpsons the longest-running sitcom! 15 ElBlackHuevo Spotted a possible Hydra easter egg in Spider-Man 2! 15 thereisamistake We found the easteregg guys. 13 deathpage_ Red Redemption 1 easter egg 10 fainton Cyberpunk 2077 shirt easteregg 9 Ice_Walls Satoru Iwata's Hidden Message in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 3 tangerinecwb Funny plant vs zombie easter egg!! September Score Author Title 34 Polyducks Twin Towers easter egg in Spider-Man PS4 31 eat-sleep-fortnite My monitor is big. 33 kaibixler has anyone ever noticed the big hero 6 references from ratatouille? 20 jckboi This sub seems a little dry 11 PEAplays Spider-Man - The Story Behind "The Saddest Easter Egg Ever" 16 Gido-555 This Dog hidden far away in Samsung test center.. (Try yourself) 14 vinaypp This could be the coveted easter egg Gunn is talking about 9 theredking19 Just found an Easter egg in guardians of the galaxy one. 7 DanielGT500 I shall have fun in doing that! 7 endless90 Weird messages in Silver 8 MyLittleRocketShip ehhhh it's reddit 7 BrokenOpus2 Marvels Spider-Man - Spider-Man Action Figures and Statues seen in interior details through windows. 5 Trivium1493 Insomniacs Whiteboard Easter Egg - Marvels Spider-Man 4 PooDiPee Need to confirm - Maybe lot of easter egg in "The man in the High Castle" 3 Cthulhu_Police17 Spongebob reference in the Kyne's sacred trials quest in skyrim? October Score Author Title 25 OftenAimless Hotel Artemis movie has Russian Covfefe easter egg 25 noodlehoodlum In Chilling Adventures of Sabrina S01E01 Sabrina has an Archies thermos 21 BeardySi Blackadder went forth! Lord Edmund's brief appearance on the wall of Buckingham Palace in the Mr Bean animated series. 23 _gratitudecafe Parts Unknown S10 E2, 20:50 - Anthony Bourdains face on a statue in the French Alps 17 SuAmigo Has anyone ever seen this before? Saw this October 1st 15 Jamedu Phineas and Ferb: Episode 9, Season 1: Netflix subtitles say that Buford is "missing a chromosome". May be offensive. 13 actualsnuffelupagus Easter Eggs That Imply Different TV Shows Are Set In The Same Universe 12 Nabakin Google Search text adventure easter egg 10 ijb1989 Isle of Dogs 10 ruraj Google secretly employed Charmander to match your Java characters 10 unnamed1030 LOTR reference in Google translate. 6 zzpza (/u/attempt_number_1) Found a crazy Easter egg 2 CleausAg Gimlet in the show Maniac (small spoilers) 5 iByNiki_ Google translator creepy easteregg 6 DavrK DELTARUNE - DOGTARUNE EASTER EGG (+ how to spawn in any room) November Score Author Title 37 JACK101Star The left is Moana, and the right is Wreck it Ralph 2. 30 MoLoCoRo In "Flushed Away" a Chicken Run DVD can be seen 28 HarrietRead Just found this on my hoody 23 Reddeadshot2K Found in the Google back button code 19 texasheat81 Fallout76:Another cult and a weird head embedded in the ground like fallout 4. 16 Fayr24 Rag a man 8 Twiggyo13 Yeah I know its a cross post, but I thought you guys would appreciate it 10 crosstowN101 10 Red dead redemption 2 easter eggs 10 TsukiZombina Notepad++ Easter Egg(s) 8 Gojirahunter Seven reference in fallout 76 4 Justintime9719 Found an easter egg in the Xbox YouTube app. 2 aogusto Crianca aparece em cenas de corridas em diversos filmes de Velozes e Furiosos December Score Author Title 35 CRN110... tab 98, tab 99, tab:D 27 cumulus_floccus A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding movie news ticker scene. "US Pres insists Earth is flat and round earth stories are "fake"' 26 warriorparsley Just found this guy hidden behind a shed in battlefield 5 in the wolf and dog section of the campaign 25 Yogayto As I was playing Pipe Dreams I found out that I could go out of bounds the game "crashed" and I got an email from the devs 16 rega_rega What foreign language translations have you noticed being purposely incorrect in English language films? 9 ComplicatedMilk For all the gamers out there, yes they did this... Yes Just Cause 4 took 'Getting over it! ' and put it into the game. 7 OneEyeRick Up address in Ralph Breaks the Internet 6 Toofgib Instructions included 5 MovieBossYT Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Movie Breakdown - Easter Eggs and Trivia! 4 Nabakin Google Christmas easter egg (might not work on mobile) 4 MovieBossYT Bumblebee Movie Breakdown - Easter Eggs and Trivia! If you have any questions or comments, please post them here and not in the nomination thread. Nomination thread:.

Zombie child costume boys. Zombie child and family facebook. Download zombi child. Now this looks good... Zombi child welfare. Zombie children movies. Zombi child care. Zombie child make-up. I watched this trailer like a thousand times. Movies are saved.

Zombi child preview. 7:04 : A young girl is promised the best... by pressing a button with a snake... IS THIS A MODERN TAKE ON THE TEMPTATION OF EVE. Zombi child plot. A zombie is a reanimated corpse, and you probably already knew that, though. The word originates from Haitian folklore. The original zombie stories often used magic or known commonly as voodoo to explain the ability for the dead to walk. In these stories the dead may have been deceased for years before becoming a zombie. A bokor or a witch is said to use black magic and necromancy to summon the dead. In these stories the zombies have no will of their own and are under the control of the bokor. The earliest use of the English word zombie was recorded in the early 1800s. The early tales of the zombie were introduced in books. One influential novel Frankenstein, used technology to reanimate the dead. With some influence taken from gothic romanticism, the zombie continued to evolve. In the stories written by H. P. Lovecraft, more ideas of the undead are explored. One example was Cool Air that featured a doctor that used refrigeration to prevent his body from decomposing. Starting in the mid and late 1900s, film zombies became what we think of today as a modern zombie. The undead were typically infected by a pathogen, scientific accident, or under the control of a fatal virus. These distinct zombies crave human flesh or brains. Their bite would infect more people, turning them into zombies. Although slow and thoughtless as individuals, these zombies could sometimes form large groups. Films helped popularize the evolution of the fast zombie, which was slow until disturbed. In the 1990s, Japanese consoles paved the way for zombies in video games. Most notably, Resident Evil and The House of the Dead. One of the earliest online zombie games was a game called De-animator where zombies would approach from the side. The player would control a pistol and needed to shoot the zombies before they approached. Since then, browser based zombies games have come a long way. Pixel Apocalypse - Multiplayer zombie game. Call of Zombies 3 - 3D Zombie survival game. Exiled Zombies - Realistic graphics with scary horror style. Sniper vs. Zombie.

Zombi child. Zombi child bande annonce. Zombi child development. Beginning in Haiti in the early sixties, Zombi Child" deals with voodoo and is one of the best and most poetic horror films in many a moon. It is obvious from the title and the setting that we are meant to think of a much earlier film with a similar setting but that would appear to be where the comparisons with Jacques Tourneur's "I Walked with a Zombie" ends for in the next scene we are in comtemporary France and a group of schoolgirls are being taught French history in a very white classroom.
What follows is a deliciously unsettling movie that manages to encompass the pains of teenage romance with a tale of the 'undead' as a metaphor for colonialism and it actually works. I can't think of too many examples in recent cinema where two opposing themes have been as beautifully united as they are here. In some ways it's closer to something like "The Neon Demon" or the recent remake of "Suspiria" than it is to Val Lewton. Here is a film with a creeping sense of dread, we've all seen films in which schoolgirls are not as sweet as they appear to be) and the grand guignol finale is as spooky as a good horror movie should be. It also confirms director Bertrand Bonello as one of the most exciting talents working anywhere today.

Zombie child trailer english. Finally we get to see lupita in comedic performance. Zombie child video. Zombi child soundtrack.

2:15 kung fu panda in plant vs zombies CONFIRMED

Although the last twenty minutes are breathless, the introduction languishes and lasts about eighty minutes. Thus, in order to appreciate the very ending, you'll have to be patient. very patient... Zombi child mubi. Georgie:do you have a brother Girl: yes Georgie: what is this name? Girl: billy Georgie: wait HE IS MY BROTHER Girl:no Georgie HE IS Girl: uhhhhh okay O_O. Zombie child girl. Zombie children's book. Zombie child movie. Zombi child full movie. the_garfield_aprentice (10) Zombie children eating people in movies. © Copyright 2013 - 2020 is an initiative of Maxflow BV, Lei 33/402, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. (VAT: BE 0550. 758. 377)

the_garfield_aprentice (11) That WotW trailer has me excited. I love every one of them before this. But BBC One? Is that a series then. #ZombiChild movie free download (Zombi Full Episode. Watch Zombi Child Online Tube Watch Online Rapidvideo #zombi childFullMovie2018... When child's play I screamed, I just love the movies, and Chucky ❤️ - ❤️ But they DESTROYED CHUCKY ¬-¬.

Zombie child film.
Wow a plot twist I actually didn't see coming. This was really good.
Her eyes were the scariest part of the movie. THAT got her the role.

Yall gripe when the trailer shows too much of the movie, and you gripe when you don't know what the hell is going on in the trailer but you're blown away by the gore and effects. can't please everyone. Smh.

Nice. Zombies who only eat sex offenders. Well, you know, until the ACLU shuts it down

Zombi child review. Zombi child bertrand bonello itunes. Zombie child movie trailer. Zombi childrens. Zombi children. The stress of getting back over there, is REAL. I mean LOOK at this sh*t, this only happens to me! I died lmao. Thus the Minecraft zombie baby was born 😂😂. Zombie child wiki. the_garfield_aprentice (12) Zombi child trailer. 1:13 those zombies took a mighty L. It's got Gary Oldman in it! I'm in. Pls come back.

Zombi Child full movie watch online in english

Zombi child watch online. I will watch this, it reminds me of the film Fallen with Denzel Washington. Zombi child bonello.

the_garfield_aprentice (13)

Zombi child online.

A witchy witchy man, should be aware of the consequences. A silent killer with no criminal 👏👏👏. Long way from Dary lmao 😂. This article is about the regular zombie. For other variants and zombie-like mobs, see Zombie (disambiguation). Zombies are common undead hostile mobs that attack players and villagers and burn in the daylight. Spawning [ edit] Naturally [ edit] In the Overworld, zombies spawn in groups of 4 at a light level of 7 or less. In deserts, all zombies exposed to the sky have an 80% chance to be replaced by husks, a zombie variant. Zombies that are not husks have a 5% chance to spawn as a zombie villager while all zombie variants also have a 5% chance to spawn as a baby zombie type. Baby zombies have an additional 5% chance of spawning as a chicken jockey. ‌ [ JE only] Baby zombies have a 15% chance to want to be a jockey, and if they do, then upon nearing the player and before attacking, they check for one of the following and mount it: adult zombies, chickens, sheep, cows, pigs, llamas, ocelots, foxes, pandas, mooshrooms, untamed cats, untamed wolves, horses and variants, spiders and cave spiders. ‌ [ BE only] A zombie can also spawn from a husk that drowns in water, but converts to a drowned if its head remains submerged. Sieges [ edit] If a player is in a village with at least 10 beds and 20 villagers at midnight, up to 20 zombies may be spawned near the edge of the village with accordance to mob spawning rules. It can happen in any biome except the Mushroom Fields biome and its variants. Zombies spawned as a part of a siege are always normal zombies; zombie villagers, husks and drowned never spawn as a part of a siege. Spawners [ edit] Zombies may spawn from 50% of spawners inside dungeons. Variants [ edit] Baby zombies [ edit] An armored baby zombie riding a chicken. Baby zombies make up 5% of zombie spawns. They behave similar to regular zombies, with the following oddities: They are 30% faster than the normal zombies, yet they have the same HP as normal zombies. This makes baby zombies more dangerous than their adult counterparts. The noises they make are higher-pitched than adult zombie sound effects. If a baby zombie is riding a mob that is also rideable by a player, that mob becomes un-rideable by any player. Baby zombie villagers turn into baby villagers if cured. Worn armor shrinks to fit their body size. They are able to fit through 1×1 block gaps. They give 12 experience points when killed by the player or a tamed wolf instead of 5. Unlike most other baby mobs, they remain babies indefinitely, and never become adult zombies. They have a decreased hitbox size. A baby zombie has a 15% chance to become a jockey when it tries attacking. ‌ [ BE only] A baby zombie riding a chicken is known as a chicken jockey. In Bedrock Edition, a baby zombie can ride: They use the baby zombie's speed. Zombie villagers [ edit] Zombie villagers have a 5% chance of spawning in place of zombies, and may also spawn from a villager killed by a zombie. They can be cured back into villagers using golden apples and weakness potions. There is more of a chance for zombie villagers to spawn in plains biomes, 10% chance instead of 5%. ‌ [ BE only] [ more information needed] Husks [ edit] Main article: Husk Husks often spawn in desert biomes in place of zombies. They attack like regular zombies, but inflict hunger for several seconds and do not burn under sunlight. Drowned [ edit] Drowned spawn in rivers, most of oceans or when a normal zombie drowns. They are able to swim and breathe underwater as well as walk on land. Most drowned use melee attacks, but some spawn with tridents and throw them when attacking instead. In Java Edition, zombies that are wearing armor and go underwater continue wearing the armor when converted to a drowned, although tools and weapons are lost. In Bedrock Edition, zombies that convert to drowned drop all worn or held equipment with full durability. Geared zombies [ edit] An extremely rare variation Some zombies spawn wearing armor and holding tools, which may be enchanted. The chances of that event are listed below. Zombie villagers can also spawn naturally with armor, weapons or tools. If a zombie spawns wearing multiple pieces of armor, the armor is never mismatched (i. e. all pieces are made of the same material). Chances of zombies wearing or picking up armor, per difficulty Easy Normal Hard Can Pick Up Loot ‌ [ JE only] 0% 0%-55% [note 1] 6. 875%-55% [note 1] Armor 0%-15% [note 1] 1. 875%-15% [note 1] Armor Enchantment [note 2] 0-50% [note 1] 6. 25%-50% [note 1] Weapon [note 3] 1% 5% Weapon Enchantment [note 2] 0%-25% [note 1] 3. 125%-25% [note 1] ↑ a b c d e f g h i Value is based on the regional difficulty. ↑ a b Enchantment is the same as on an enchantment table at level 5–22. [note 1] ↑ 1 ⁄ 3 chance of an iron sword, 2 ⁄ 3 chance of an iron shovel If a zombie does spawn with armor, the chances of specific armor are as follows: Chances of different armor pieces, per difficulty Easy & Normal Helmet 100% Helmet & Chestplate 75% 90% Helmet & Chestplate & Leggings 56. 25% 81% Full set 42. 19% 72. 9% The chances of it being of a particular material are: Chances of different armor types Armor Type Chance Leather 37. 06% Gold 48. 73% Chain 12. 90% Iron 1. 27% Diamond 0. 04% Armor worn by zombies is not damaged from most damage sources, which means it cannot "wear out" the way player armor does. Helmets (not blocks like pumpkins) on zombies can eventually wear away and break if the zombie is exposed to daylight or has an anvil or other falling block dropped on its head. Zombies also have a natural armor rating of 2(), giving 1. 6 - 4%‌ [ Java Edition only] /8%‌ [ Bedrock Edition only] damage reduction from most sources. Any zombie that spawns with equipment gives 1–3 extra experience points per item when killed. Drops [ edit] When they die, zombies drop 0–2 Rotten Flesh. The maximum drop is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III. They can also drop one of the following when killed by a player or tamed wolf: Iron Ingot Carrot Potato This drop has a 2. 5% chance of occurring, increasing by 1% per level of looting. Individual items have the following chances of dropping: 1 ⁄ 120 (about 0. 83%) 11 ⁄ 600 (about 1. 83%) with Looting I 17 ⁄ 600 (about 2. 83%) with Looting II 23 ⁄ 600 (about 3. 83%) with Looting III A zombie also drops a Zombie Head when killed by a charged creeper. Any picked-up equipment has 100% chance of dropping, and drops without changing the damage that has accumulated on it. Naturally-spawned equipment [ edit] Carved Pumpkin [note 1] Jack o'Lantern ‌ [ Java Edition only] [note 1] Iron Shovel Iron Sword Random Armor (sometimes enchanted) Zombies have an 8. 5% chance of dropping their naturally-spawned equipment, and drop it with a random durability. Each level of Looting increases the chance 1 percentage point (11. 5% with Looting III). A zombie has a 0. 04% chance to spawn with diamond armor and a 0. 02% chance to spawn as a diamond armored baby zombie chicken jockey. Experience [ edit] Adult zombies drop 5 experience and an additional 1–3 experience per naturally-spawned equipment. Baby zombies drop 12 experience. Halloween [ edit] If a zombie wearing a pumpkin or jack o'lantern ‌ [ Java Edition only] is killed using a weapon enchanted with Looting, there is a chance equivalent to the level of Looting used to drop the pumpkin or jack o'lantern, up to a maximum of a 3% chance of a drop. Behavior [ edit] Attacking the player [ edit] Zombies and other hostile mobs can deal damage through closed doors. Zombies spawn in groups of 4. They pursue the player on sight from roughly 40 blocks away, as opposed to 16 blocks for other hostile mobs. The detection range of zombies is reduced to half of their normal range (20 blocks) when the player is wearing a zombie mob head. ‌ [ Java Edition only] Zombies periodically make groaning sounds, which can be heard up to 16 blocks away. Zombies attempt to avoid obstacles, including sheer cliffs and lava, and try to find the shortest path toward the player. [1] Unlike skeletons, zombies do not try to avoid being hit, and continue to pursue the player even when being attacked. Zombies can sometimes deal damage through a closed door, as shown in the picture to the right. Zombies sink in water, facilitating their transformation into drowned. Burning under daylight [ edit] At dawn, generally when the sun is 15 degrees or more above the ground (that is, when the moon can no longer be seen), zombie variants except for husks and zombie pigmen burn once exposed to direct sunlight. Burning is suppressed when the zombie is: in a sufficiently shaded area: a sunlight level of 11 or less (a 1 block roof overhang provides sufficient protection even if it would have a sunlight level of 14); in water; wearing head armor (the helmet absorbs the damage from light but may take several day cycles to wear out completely). Zombies may make some attempt to seek out shade during the day, or enter bodies of water to protect themselves from burning up, but they leave protective areas to chase a nearby player or villager. If they attack an entity while burning, they may set it on fire, with a (30 × regional difficulty)% chance, and with a 2 × floor ( regional difficulty) second duration. If wearing armor enchanted with Thorns while burning they may set players attacking them on fire with thorns damage alone. Undead [ edit] Zombies are undead mobs, harmed by the status effect Healing, healed by the status effect Instant Damage and are unaffected by Regeneration and Poison. The Wither does not attack Zombies. Zombies are affected by the Smite enchantment, which can deal more damage than Sharpness on undead mobs. Picking up items [ edit] Similar to skeletons, some zombies are capable of automatically picking up dropped items that they come across. Jack o'lanterns ‌ [ Java Edition only], mob heads, and pumpkins are automatically worn on their heads. Zombies can use armor, weapons, or tools. If a zombie encounters another similar item, it may drop the previous item in favor of the new one, if: the new item is armor or a sword and the old item was not (for example, zombies prefer swords to pickaxes, and helmets to pumpkins), both items are armor/swords and the new item is better damage-wise (reduces more damage for armor, or inflicts more damage for swords), both items are armor/swords with the same damage reduction/infliction, the new item has NBT tags while the old does not or the new item is more damaged than the old item, or both items are bows and the new item has NBT tags while the old does not. Items dropped by mobs in exchange for another cannot be picked up by players or mobs for 10 game ticks (0. 5 seconds, barring lag), but can be picked up by hoppers. A zombie holding a picked-up item does not despawn when left alone. Picked-up items do not cause the zombie to drop more experience when killed, unlike naturally-spawned gear. Attacking villagers [ edit] A zombie trying to break the door down instead of taking an alternative path. Zombies target villagers within 42 blocks, and they can always see villagers through walls. Once a zombie has focused on a villager, the zombie ignores any other villagers and the player, until its target is dead or the zombie is attacked. Attacking wandering traders [ edit] Zombies attack wandering traders within 35 blocks, and can see traders through walls. The zombie focuses solely on the trader unless it's attacked, or either it or the target is killed or moved out of range, or under invisibility effect. Breaking doors [ edit] Up to 14. 5% of zombies (depending on regional difficulty) in pursuit of a target can bang on closed wooden doors, and on Hard (and Hardcore) difficulty can succeed in breaking them down. Otherwise, the door cracks, but does not break. Iron doors are always safe. Attacking iron golems [ edit] Zombies attack iron golems within 42 blocks. Iron golems and snow golems attack zombies without provocation. Reinforcements [ edit] On all difficulty levels, damaged zombies also call all other zombies within a 67×67×21 to 111×111×21 area [n 1] centered on the attacked zombie to target the attacking player, like zombie pigmen. On Hard difficulty, zombies can spawn additional zombies to “help” when damaged. Each zombie has a "likeliness to call reinforcements" statistic ranging from 0–10%, and "leader" zombies (0–5% depending on regional difficulty) get a bonus of 50–75 percentage points to the stat. When the zombie is damaged by an entity or is damaged while targeting an entity, up to 50 attempts are made to randomly choose a spawn location (0 or ±7–40 blocks away in all three axes) that is above a block with a solid top surface, has light level 9 or lower, has no players within 7 blocks, and has no colliding entities or blocks at which to spawn the reinforcement. Both the damaged zombie and the new zombie has a 5 percentage point penalty to their "likeliness to call reinforcement" stat, preventing infinite zombies from spawning this way. These effects can be negated by killing the zombie in as few hits as possible, by using environmental damage such as cactus or lava, or by avoiding them completely. Additionally, reinforcements do not spawn at all, even on Hard difficulty, if /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false. Attacking turtles [ edit] Zombies attack baby turtles and actively seek out and destroy turtle eggs, by jumping on them until they crack and break. Becoming drowned [ edit] If a zombie is in water, and not in a boat, for 30 seconds it begins converting into a drowned. The zombie shakes, similar to a zombie villager being cured, and after 15 seconds the zombie becomes a drowned. Once this process starts, it cannot be stopped. The converted drowned keeps any items worn or held when it was a zombie. In Bedrock Edition, an empty-handed zombie converted to drowned has a small chance of holding a nautilus shell or a trident after conversion. Only normal zombies can become drowned; zombie villagers and zombie pigmen cannot be converted. [2] Husks, however, convert into zombies if they drown, and then this zombie converts into a drowned as a normal zombie does. A converted drowned always begins with full health even if converted from a damaged zombie. Sounds [ edit] Sound Subtitle Namespaced ID Subtitle ID Source Pitch Volume Attenuation distance Zombie groans??? 16 Block broken??? Zombie converted to Drowned??? Zombie dies??? No subtitle (Likely plays when jumping on turtle eggs)??? Zombie hurts??? Zombie infects??? Footsteps??? Data values [ edit] Zombies have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob. Entity data IsBaby: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this zombie is a baby. May be absent. CanBreakDoors: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the zombie can break doors (default value is 0). DrownedConversionTime: The number of ticks until this zombie converts to a drowned, or husk to zombie. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way). InWaterTime: The number of ticks this zombie or husk has been under water, used to start the drowning conversion. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way). Achievements [ edit] Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Availability Xbox points earned Trophy type (PS) Bedrock Legacy Console editions Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Monster Hunter Attack and destroy a monster Kill a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: enderman, zombie pigman, spider, cave spider. Yes Xbox One Yes Yes 15G Bronze Xbox 360 Alt 20G Advancements [ edit] Advancement Parent Actual requirements (if different) Adventure Adventure, exploration, and combat — Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity. adventure/root Monster Hunter Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 27 mobs. In Java Edition 1. 16, ‌‌ [ upcoming] hoglins and piglins are also required for this advancement. Other mobs are ignored for this advancement. adventure/kill_a_mob Monsters Hunted Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 25 mobs. 16, ‌‌ [ upcoming] hoglins and piglins are also required for the advancement. Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for the advancement. adventure/kill_all_mobs Video [ edit] Note: At the time of this video, baby zombies did not burn in sunlight. They now burn in sunlight since Java Edition 1. 13. History [ edit] Java Edition Classic August 14, 2009 Notch teased zombies. 0. 24_SURVIVAL_TEST Added zombies. Zombies are the second mob to be added to Minecraft. Zombies can run as fast as the player. Zombies occasionally appear wearing armor, but this has no protective effect on their health. Zombies have arm swinging animations when they attack. [3] Killing a zombie rewards 100 points. 0. 25_SURVIVAL_TEST Zombies are now more dangerous, respawn, despawn, and will fight a skeleton if shot by it. Java Edition Indev 0. 31 February 1, 2010, 2 Zombies' armor has now been removed, as well as their arm swinging attack animations. February 14, 2010, 1 Zombies now catch on fire when exposed to sunlight. February 18, 2010 The chances of zombies catching on fire in sunlight have been tweaked. Zombies now burn only when the sunlight level is greater than 7, and not due to torches at night [ verify]. February 19, 2010 Zombies now drop 0–2 feathers upon death. Before chickens were added in Minecraft, Notch confessed [4] that he made zombies drop feathers because he had no idea what they should have dropped when killed. Java Edition Beta 1. 8 Pre-release Zombies now drop rotten flesh instead of feathers. Java Edition 1. 0. 0 Beta 1. 9 Prerelease 4 Zombies can now be harmed by splash potions of healing, and healed by splash potions of harming. Zombies have now become immune to poison and regeneration. 1. 2. 1 12w03a The zombies' AI has been improved, giving them a much better sense of direction when pursuing the player, allowing them to navigate obstacles, and even small mazes if constructed, to get to the player. Zombies have now been given the ability to 'see' through windows, the first mob able to do so intelligently (not counting spiders, who are able to see through all blocks). 12w04a The zombies' AI has been improved again to cope with catching fire in sunlight. If a zombie is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, it searches for a body of water to douse the flames, or at least a shelter to hide from sun. 12w06a Zombies now chase and attack villagers, attack doors (breaking them on Hard and Hardcore difficulties). Zombies now sometimes drop iron ingots, helmets, shovels and swords as a rare drop. Zombies now sometimes attack villagers in preference to the player, and always chose the shortest way to the target, even if there is a door in the way. 12w07a The drop rate of rare drops for zombies have been reduced. 1. 4. 2? Added baby zombies. Baby zombies cannot spawn naturally and can be spawned only through map editors and NBT editing. 12w32a Zombie armor has now been added back into the game, and they can now wear any type of armor. Zombies can now hold an iron sword or iron shovel. Zombies now have a chance of dropping these items, if they have them. Iron helmets, swords and shovels have now been removed as rare drops from zombies. Zombies now use their attack animation like they did in Survival Test. This shows only when a zombie is holding a weapon. When a zombie holds a weapon the damage it does is equal to the damage the player would do with the weapon added to the normal damage of the zombie. Armor worn by zombies now work the same as it does for the player, each piece gives a certain amount of armor points, where each 1() gives 4% damage reduction, but the total damage reduction is limited to 80%. 5% of zombies now spawn as zombie villagers. Villagers now become infected when killed by a zombie. When a zombie infects a baby villager, it now creates a baby zombie villager, which is faster than a normal zombie and does not age. 12w34a Zombies now have two new rare drops – carrots and potatoes. 12w34b Zombies can now pick up and equip dropped items. [5] [6] If killed, the zombie drops the item it is holding. Zombies can now survive in sunlight, if they are wearing a helmet or a pumpkin. [7] 12w36a The zombie and zombie pigmen models and texture layouts have now been changed (no visual change, but breaks texture packs). 12w38a Zombies have now been given new sounds.? On Halloween, zombies can now spawn wearing pumpkins or jack o'lanterns. 1. 5 13w03a Zombies are now able to set the player on fire, if they are on fire and they attack the player. Zombies can now call other zombies from the nearby area (radius dependent on difficulty) to attack the player, making packs of zombies approach shortly after damaging the zombie. Zombies now cause more damage when their health is lower. 1. 6. 1 13w17a When damaged, zombies now have a low chance to spawn more zombies. 13w21a Zombie damage increasing with decreasing health has now been removed. 13w23b Zombie AI and mechanics have been changed – this has now made them much more horde-like. Zombies are now able to detect the player up to 40 blocks. 1. 2 pre Baby zombies now spawn among regular zombies, with the same percentage of spawning as zombie villagers. 1. 7. 2 13w36a Baby zombies now drop loot and experience. 1. 4 13w49a Added chicken jockeys – a rare version of the baby zombie. 1. 8 14w11a Zombies now run away from creepers that are about to explode. 14w30a Zombies now drop their head when killed by a charged creeper. 1. 8. 1 pre1 Zombies no longer run away from creepers that are about to explode. 1. 9 15w32a The detection range of zombies is now halved when the player is wearing a zombie mob head. 15w33c The detection range for players wearing the zombie mob head has now been adjusted, now 37. 5% of the normal range. 15w34a Zombies now have an attack animation similar to the one they had in Survival Test, even without weapons. 15w36a The detection range for players wearing the zombie mob head has been changed to 50% of the normal range again. 1. 10 pre1 The chance of a zombie setting its target on fire when burning, and the duration of the effect, now depend on raw regional difficulty. 1. 11 16w32a Entity ID Zombie is now zombie, zombie_villager and husk for those respective mobs. Removed the ZombieType tag, added the Profession tag to zombie_villager only, and made ConversionTime apply to zombie_villager only. 1. 13 18w07a Zombies now intentionally stomp on turtle eggs and attack baby turtles. 18w10d Baby zombies now burn in the sun. 18w11a Zombies now sink underwater. Zombies now convert into a drowned instead of dying from drowning. 18w21b Husks now convert into zombies when drowning. 1. 14 18w43a The textures of zombies and baby zombies have now been changed. 19w05a Zombies attack the new wandering trader. Pocket Edition Alpha 0. 0 Added zombies. 0. 0 Zombies can now drop feathers. 0. 5. 0 Zombies now have new animations. 0. 0 build 2 Zombies now spawn more frequently. Zombies now have rare drops of carrots and potatoes. 0. 9. 0 build 1 Zombie AI and mechanics have been changed – this now makes them much smarter. 0. 4 Zombies now have 2() armor points, preventing 8% of damage. 0. 11. 0 build 1 Added baby zombies and chicken jockeys. Zombies now drop rotten flesh. 0. 12. 1 build 1 Zombies can now spawn wearing armor. Zombies now have the ability to pick up items. Zombies can now break down doors. Zombies are now able to detect the player from up to 40 blocks. 0. 14. 0 build 1 Baby zombies and baby zombie villagers have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, adult zombie villager, adult zombie pigmen, cows, pigs, sheep, cave spiders or spiders. 0. 16. 0? Adult zombie pigman are no longer ridden by baby zombie variants. Bedrock Edition 1. 0 beta 1. 20. 1 Baby zombies now burn in daylight. 1. 1 Zombies now sink underwater. Husks now transform into zombies, instead of dying from drowning. Zombie now transform into drowned when drowning. beta 1. 4 Zombies now attack baby turtles and stomp on turtle eggs. 1. 8 Baby zombies can now mount adult stray cats and pandas. 1. 10. 3 The textures of zombies and baby zombies have now been changed. Zombies now attack wandering traders. 1. 13. 9 Adult zombie pigmen can now be ridden again by baby zombie variants. Legacy Console Edition TU1 CU1 1. 00 Patch 1 Added zombies. TU5 Zombies now drop rotten flesh, instead of feathers. TU12 The zombies' AI has been improved, which gives them a much better sense of direction when pursuing the player, allowing them to navigate obstacles, and even small mazes if constructed, to get to the player. Zombies have now been given the ability to 'see' through windows. If a zombie is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, it now search for a body of water to douse the flames. Zombies now chase and attack villagers and now attack doors (breaking them on Hard difficulty). Zombies now attack villagers in preference to the player, and always chose the shortest way to the target, even if there is a door in the way. Zombies now sometimes drop iron ingots, helmets, shovels and swords as rare drops. TU15 1. 05 Zombies' rare loot drops have been changed to be carrots, potatoes or iron ingots. TU19 CU7 1. 12 Zombies can now pick up items. Zombies now occasionally spawn with armor and/or weapons. Added baby zombies. TU31 CU19 1. 22 Patch 3 Baby zombies now drop experience. Zombies now drop their skull when killed by a charged creeper. TU60 CU51 1. 64 Patch 30 Baby zombies now have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, cows, pigs, sheep, spiders or cave spiders. TU69 1. 76 Patch 38 Baby zombies now burn in sunlight. Zombies now sink in water. Zombies now convert into drowned, instead of dying from drowning. Husks now convert into zombies when drowning. PlayStation 4 Edition 1. 83 Baby zombies can now ride adult stray cats and pandas. 1. 90 The textures of zombies and baby zombies have now been changed. 1. 91 Zombies are now hostile toward wandering traders. New Nintendo 3DS Edition 0. 1. 0 Added zombies and baby zombies. Minecraft Earth 0. 0 Added Zombies. Issues [ edit] Issues relating to "Zombie" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there. Gallery [ edit] This page would benefit from the addition of isometric renders. Please remove this notice once you've added suitable isometric renders to the article. The specific instructions are: Husks, zombie villagers, baby zombies, etc. wearing a full set of each armor tier (despite the fact these last ones would be better suited to their own articles for obvious reasons) A zombie emerging from a dark cave. Zombie trap using a spawner. 97 zombies have been trapped already. A zombie horde that spawned outside a village hammering at a door. A height comparison between the player and the zombie. Note the zombie being slightly higher than the player. The swinging arms animation. Size comparison between a husk and a normal zombie, the husk being 2 pixels taller, but have the same hitbox. A baby zombie standing next to a baby husk. A baby zombie villager wearing full diamond armor. Two zombies trying to break through a door instead of taking an alternative path to their right. Armor [ edit] Naturally armored zombies. A zombie with full leather armor. A zombie with full gold armor. A zombie with full chainmail armor. A zombie with full iron armor. A zombie with full diamond armor. A zombie with full plate armor in Survival Test. Tools [ edit] An armored zombie that picked up a bookshelf as a melee weapon. A zombie holding a piece of white wool. [8] A zombie wielding an iron shovel doing its attack animation. A zombie holding an iron Sword Hats [ edit] A baby zombie "wearing" a jack o'lantern on its head on Halloween. This glitch no longer happens. Zombie With Pumpkin Baby Zombie With Pumpkin In other media [ edit] Official 8. 5-inch Baby Zombie Plushie made by JINX. Trivia [ edit] The rarest mob in Bedrock Edition is a baby husk riding a brown panda, which has a 2. 88×10 −13 chance (one in 3. 47 2 trillion) of spawning. In Java Edition, the rarest mob is a baby zombie villager with full diamond armor and an enchanted sword riding a chicken. Zombies, along with skeletons and creepers, are the oldest hostile mobs in the game that have not been removed. The oldest ever in the game is the human, which has been removed from the game entirely. Prior to Update Aquatic, baby zombies did not burn in daylight. Notes [ edit] ↑ The inradius is based on the followRange stat: base value is 35, ±5% random spawn bonus, then plus 0–50% random zombie-spawn bonus See also [ edit] Zombie Villager Husk Zombie Pigman Drowned Zombie Horse References [ edit].

Zombie children. It looks interesting ill check it out. Zombie child costume. That's the Michael Bay we know. Zombi child fandango. I see Gary Oldman, I click. Why they all wearing yeezy season 5 gear. Can you make a 2019. I'm 32. I've been watching for the last three years. Zombi child abuse.

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Cheapest private health insurance for family. Nice so i still got 30 years to meet my special lady. Adam Sandler is literally just playing a GTA character at this point lol. The first sound this trailer plays sounds like the beginning of moonlight earrape lmao. Midnight family luke lorentzen. Ill say this much: Best ever acting performance by a Seagull. Midnight family rotten tomatoes. I clicked because of Black Widow and Kylo Ren. I watched because of Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver.

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  1. the_garfield_aprentice (16)
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USA / Waymon Boone / Kevin Pollak / Synopsis A group of young people, guided by an app which connects living with the dead, find themselves at an abandoned castle. A place with a horrific history tied to each of them, for reasons they'll soon discover / Tomatometers 3,3 / 10 / genre Horror. A fav nice to see still done live. This could have been a lot better had they got people who could actually act... From the start I lost interest due to the poor dialog and budget must have been very for this film as nearly the same tune is played out in the entire movie and every murder happened off screen with the audience left with just the sound of the killings... I don't normally rate movies on this as you can my God this is bad...

They could have made the edible house the most standing out building in that world but it's the same depressing shade as the rest of the movie 🎦. @Zeldabo146676 Yeah man, I completely agree. It has a very different feel to it, even without the orchestral stuff. I'm really happy that they were able to add in the orchestra while still keeping their instruments in the front, something that Fleshgod failed to do on their last record. My favorite on the album too :D.

the_garfield_aprentice (17) After reading the top post on r/Filmmakers today, I was reminded of a forum thread I ran across a couple months ago when I was looking for a beginner steadicam. I feel like people in the film making industry are the most elitist, arrogant, entitled children I have have ever run across. And I'm on the internet ALL day. If I ever got into the business, would I have to deal with these type of people all day? I copy and pasted the important parts of the conversation below, but if you want to read it for yourself, here is the link: *Keep in mind this guy is posting in the "Steadi Newbie" section of the forums. * Title of the Thread: Cheap Steadicam for a DSLR Rush Jopson: Hey guys, newbie here just wondering if anyone can recommend a cheap Steadicam for use exclusively with DSLRs. Doesnt have to be fancy, or take heavy cameras. Theres a LOT of stabilizers for DSLR cameras out there and its very confusing which one to please! Matthew Fleischmann: I would recommend something like a Steadicam FlyerLE, I am currently selling one and will link you to the post. The great thing about the FlyerLE is that it ranges from 5-20 pounds so you have a full range to grow into. The Steadicam Flyer in my opinion is better than getting something like the JR or the Merlin because it is a true steadicam in that it has an arm and vest which adds for increased ease in stabilization as well as makes it easier on yourself because your not holding the rig in just your arm for long periods of time. I would also recommend something like this because you have the option to attach a remote focus system such as a preston or a bartech. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding steadicam. (Links to a $6, 000 setup) Steve Wymer: Check out this post that I dug up in the archives. Merlin (Links to $900 Merlin) Rush Jopson: I would recommend something like a Steadicam FlyerLE Hahah I wish! Man that looks sweet, that is a REAL steadicam... unfortunately for me im looking for a cheap (I know, I know, that IS cheap for a real steadicam) job as im just gettting into it. 5 and a half grand in US dollars is over 7k in NZ currency so just a tad outside of my budget. Thanks for the link though mate, I would love to get a pro rig like that but am going to have to start out amateur unfortunately. Check out this post that I dug up in the archives. Merlin Ive heard good things about these marlins, I assume theyre a good brand? Once again though many of them look pretty pricey, I guess im dreaming if I want to find an okay stabilizer under $500 USD? Afton Grant: I’ve heard good things about these marlins, I assume theyre a good brand? Heard about the marlins huh? Yeah, they're a great brand. A little smelly, but stable as hell. Dude, I think you might've just come through the wrong door. This is a forum of serious, working, professional operators. We're more than happy to give advice to the new crowd, but like any industry, a certain level of respect is expected. When you come in here, asking for advice, laugh at it and then suggest we comment on a piece of equipment with which none of us are familiar that costs less than one of our batteries.... well, it's a little insulting. Not to mention your post over in the other forum about Garrett's name. You obviously have a knowledge of this equipment that is limited at best, coupled with an attitude that is not exactly a good fit. My sincere advice to you would be to sign off. Take a couple months and read the mountains of knowledge available here on this forum alone. Pick up Jerry's (sorry bro, you'll have to look that one up) book. Educate yourself. Humble yourself. Then maybe slowly come back and ease into the conversations. Or, just buy your Balvanz sled, operate your DSLR's the way you can best figure out, and enjoy your work! Not a bad option. Best of luck to you. Eric Fletcher S. O. C. : Afton, You're saying what I'm thinking. This guy REALLY started off the wrong way Louis Puli SOC: How is this for cheap Rush. "I guess im dreaming if I want to find an okay stabilizer under $500 USD? " (Links youtube video of a $14 DIY steadicam) James Davis: There are lots of cheap crappy "Steadicam impersonators/camera stabilizer shaped objects" out there, but I doubt you will find anyone here recommending them because none of us use them. A large portion of the operators here will have in excess of £20-30, 000 that they have personally invested in equipment, many have sleds that are worth close to that on their own. This doesn't even take into account workshops attended, all the time spent training in the beginning with the rig on, practicing switch moves, walking the line, going round corners, up and down stairs, tuning the equipment, then that initial period of your career when you have to go out and try and sell this new service that you are offering to existing or new clients to get your Steadicam career gathering momentum. Then it takes time to develop the "on the job" experience before you can balance the rig quickly under pressure to keep the rest of the crew happy, it also takes time before you can really forget about just "keeping it steady" and concentrate on the more subtle stylistic elements of a shot. This is what most (if not all) of the professional working operators on here have to go through to get where they are and to earn a living out of being a Steadicam Operator. So maybe that should help you understand that when you come on here with the attitude of an angry teenager, like the world owes you a favour, why everyone here isn't falling over themselves to help you... Heed Afton's advice, go do some reading and then come back when you've grown up a bit and have a better attitude. Rush Jopson: So I guess the part of the forum labelled "steadi-newbies" isnt actually for newbie questions? I was warned about some operators being tech snobs but jeeezus, didnt expect to make people feel welcome. Not sure why but some people seem to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder towards those of us that are blatantly ignorant to the whole thing, heard it from another about these forums but thought he was just being a bit sensitive. Way to encourage newbies guys! Janice Arthur: Rush; Boy you must have a death wish... You gots lots of advice, way deeper than the unit you asked about; you got input on better similar units; and even your unit; and you got a few lessons in the culture of Steadicam and you still didn't get it. Good luck in your shooting lifetime. JA Rush Jopson: Yup I got some awesome responses definitely, and some good advice, but for every one of them was three "this site is for pros with 30k rigs" to go along with it. Death wish? Man please dont take yourself that seriously its kinda not that big a im an ignorant newbie then just ignore me. If I ask a stupid question just dont waste your time and answer it For those that did just answer my question and didnt engage in random bollocking I thank you, I will be checking out the links and models recommended, theres some good stuff out there that actually does an amazing job without spending 10's of thousands of I wont be running down stairs in shots or using a massive heavy camera and stuff on it but as I said its for small DSLRs so appreciate you staying on topic and not engaging in "listen here youngin' youve got a thing or two to learn" as ive heard plenty of that from every conceivable veteran crew member ive met since starting out already.... Janice Arthur: Rush; "listen here youngin' youve got a thing or two to learn" as ive heard plenty of that from every conceivable veteran crew member ive met since starting out already.... They were trying to tell you something but you tuned them out because of their approach. I wish you well and since your learning style is so advanced I'll just let you get it all figured out now that we've thrown out all the info we have for you. Have fun and I'll look for you in the credits. Lars Erik: Rush, please, take some advice and at least try to understand that the words you choose, are chosen poorly. You laugh at someone who tells you that a Flyer is a good rig, simply because it's out of your price range. Then you go on and blabber about how you're looking for the cheapest thing you can get, no sense whatsoever to the quality. Most of us on this forum are dedicated to our work, and have spent at lot of money on their gear. And we've also spent a lot of time practicing and improving our profession. So when you charge in like a mad bull, raging on about how cheap you want things, and with no respect to the community, how surprised can you be about your welcome? What you do, is to piss on our commitment to our work. This forum has great use when used wisely. As anything else in life. Read through the newbie section, and you'll see that operators give wonderful advice to newbies all the time. The difference is that these newbies don't come in with guns blazing and nothing to show for it. You come off as a bit arrogant and a not too intelligent person. I hope you're neither, and wish you luck in the future and welcome you back, if you just read through your own posts before you post them. All the best LE Norbert von der Heidt: Hey Rush I think your main problem here started with what you think the definition of "Steadi-Newbie" is. This is a professional forum and the "Newbie" designation will usually mean, in the majority of cases, for a working cinematographer with experience and proficiency at the basics of equipment set-up, framing, focus, etc (or "pan-tilt and invoice" as I like to call it;o) who is expanding his skill and equipment arsenal or someone who is making a very serious financial commitment and long term lifestyle choice. "Newbie" doesn't mean they woke up one morning and decided "Hey, showbiz... what a good idea! " If you have little or no real production skills and no money, maybe "The Home Built Stabilizer Forum" is more in keeping with where you are at this point in life: Good luck with your future endeavours. Cheers Norbert Sanjay Sami if im an ignorant newbie then just ignore me. If I ask a stupid question just dont waste your time and answer it Done.... Kevin Andrews SOC: I really don't like these "film school" attitudes that are popping up everywhere now. Just because you shot some crap movies in school doesn't mean anything. I must have humbly read this forum for at least a year before even signing up for an account never mind making a post. Then and only then after being educated and learning and respecting the culture, did I make a business decision to purchase equipment. But if owning a dslr makes you "big" in the industry, and pointing it at something is called a "feature", then I'm now a feature film DP/Director/Executive Producer. I can play this game too. Ok, I'm done. James Davis: "Listen here young un" I am no veteran compared to many if not most on this forum, but I will throw my last bit of advice in the proverbial melting pot here... It doesn't matter what camera you are shooting on, what kit you are using, if you run around with a crap attitude, ignore advice from people who've been working at the job/skill you want to get good at for longer than you've been alive and then proceed to generally behave like a fool you'll slide down the career ladder faster than a Teflon coated snake on an ice rink. Good luck. THEY ALL GO ON A 5-6 POST RANT MAKING FUN OF OP Terry Robinson: Joined this ridiculous forum of overinfated ego's and arrogance; to post this... I've just read through this thread, it's absolutely sickening, picking on this kid, some good people here, thanks to them. The elitists are a disgrace: Kid comes in, clearly new to things, just asking some advice and you all tore him apart becuase he ain't in the club and isn't pro (like you), elitist idiocy ran rampant in this thread. I am sure some of you are very good as operators, but as human's? It costs you nothing to be polite and kind. I could tell from his first post, he was new, but why not take a couple of minutes and apply the skills you DO have, check the market for low end devices that YOU feel would be the best fit for the kids request instead of telling this 'young un' why he's sh*t and you are all so much better/skilled/accomplished. Those that slated him for asking advice, you just came off as bitter; out of work idiots, who spent all their money and now have to resort to jumping on the nearest bandwagon that they think will get them into higher teirs of contacts/forum access. Questionable attitudes throughout the thread and certainly not in line with this Forums guidelines: "Be courteous, civil and respectful of others at all times. " "Avoid sarcasm" Where are the moderators? Terrible forum to encourage this kind of sicophantic bullying, so I can only assume the mods feel that this behavior is fine. I'll post to retort, and I welcome your responses, but you better think before you post because not everyone is as patient as the OP with the kind of people described above! Once again, to those who tried to help the kid, well done and thanks, to those that tore him down, you must be very proud/imoportant/busy/clever < insert superlative ego boost here, ridiculous behaviour from supposed "elders". Terry Robinson! Eric Fletcher S. : So you have the Ego and the Arrogance to come into our forum and tell us how to behave? go on, you're fascinating William Demeritt: Calls out “Terry Robinson! ” with this picture: Kris Torch Wilson: I'm with Terry. The kid posted this in the newbie section so what exactly is the problem. After taking a peek at some of the IMDB pages of you "experts" a little humility might be in order. Go ahead, I'm a big boy. Torch.

#Readmorehere Whither Apparition Apparition'gomovies. Here Apparition" Watch Online Goodvideohost.

Finally, I found a trailer that doesn't tell me the entire story. Can you please get Terry O'Quinn on Person of Interest so that I can enjoy some more alternate universe adventures of Ben and Locke? You should know that I'm anxious to work with Terry as soon as possible. But he's a big deal actor and I don't know if they can find a part large enough for him! Also, is Jim Caviezel as serious on set as Reese when the cameras aren't rolling? Jim is sometimes serious, but he's very often silly also. So you get a little of everything. He does a lot of funny voices, sings songs, he does a crazy good impression of Christopher Walken. I'm a huuuge fan of your work, Mr. Emerson! What attracted you to Person of Interest? Is there a role that you really wanted but in the end did not get? Well, Mr Finch was the role I wanted. And what attracted me was not so much the character but the tone and setting of the show, it had a noir feeling, that kind of late night in New York City, dangerous, paranoid scenario. I liked that. Hey Michael, your character on "Lost" was more misunderstood than evil, and very complex. Do these types of characters appeal to you? Oh yes, those are always the best. It's always best to bring ambiguity into play, because an audience will not tolerate you long if you have no mystery. Even if you're playing a pack character like the Sheriff, your job as an actor is to mix that up a bit. Let's say you are the good guy. The actor should find some bad habits in that character, something that makes the audience a little uneasy and keeps them watching. My roommates and I are just finishing watching the whole Lost series(their first time, my third), and your character has been one of my favorites each time. Any thoughts on how the series ended? Well I know that lots of people were disappointed, but I was not. I thought it was a beautiful ending, and a satisfying one. And I can't imagine how else they could have wrapped it up. I can defend that proposition at more length, but I imagine that's enough for right now. That being said, what's your favorite piece(or maybe what you think Ben's would be) to use when playing Monopoly? Benjamin Linus - let's say the iron. For me personally, when I was a boy I always wanted the race car. But now I might choose the top hat. Hello, Michael! Do you ever read the books that they reference in the script? Who is your favorite author? Both on Lost and Person of Interest, the writers have intuited that I'm a big reader. So they always give me interesting books to put on the table or in my hand. And there have been some that I've though "oh, I should probably read this book. " Like they gave me Ulysses on Lost once. And just in the course of a day's work, with a good book as your prop, during the time between shots you start skimming through it, you start reading through it. And the set for Person of Interest that I'm at most often is a library, and it's full of books that I'm sure they bought by the ton, and there are a lot of great titles and I'm sure some first editions. What's one thing about yourself that people don't know about you that you wish they did? I am a good drawer of pictures, and I'm proud of it. I made my living as a magazine illustrator for ten or fifteen years. I worked for the Times, and all the Dow Jones publications, Psychology Today, Barrons, Business Week, The Atlantic Monthly, The Boston Globe, all sorts of things. Yeah that map you gave Ana Lucia was top notch. Okay! How do you feel when people do fan art of YOU? does it feel strange to be immortalized in people's drawings? No, I think it's flattering, and it's interesting because I used to draw pictures for a living. So I look at them both as a fellow artist and also as a drawing teacher, so sometimes I will look at a pencil portrait they sent me and I will say something like "oh, they're just on the verge of a breakthrough! " Do you miss working in Hawaii? Did you see and talk with J. J. Abrams a lot or was he already not around so much anymore? I have lately felt some nostalgia for Hawaii. I had had enough of it I think when LOST was over, and I thought "this has been lovely, and I don't need to come back again" but then you make attachments there, people and places that you love, certain restaurants and attractions and hiking trails and beaches, and there is nothing quite like having a Mai Tai at Sunset on Waikiki. I think Carrie and I will steal a weekend sometime soon and relive those days. I really like J. J., it's not like we run into each other very often though, maybe 3 or 4 times when we were working together. And he was very nice to my mom. When he left the table my mom said "is that your agent? " and I said "no mom, that's my boss, not my agent! " Good day Mr. Emerson! It's very wonderful that you are doing this AMA and big thanks for that! Just yesterday I checked the episode of Law & Order:SVU where you starred, do you remember that one? Yes, I've been a reader all my life. I'm reading a non-fiction book called The Drunken Botanist, it's about fermentation, distillation, and all the herbs, berries, barks and spices that go into making alcoholic beverages around the world. Sort of a compendium of lore about alcoholic beverages around the world. And I am just beginning The Goldfinch. The main question is - I noticed narrated some books. Do you have passion for reading (a. k. a big library of Harold Finch)? If yes, then where this passion comes from? And what are you reading right now? And I do remember that episode. The thing I most remember about it - this is funny - at that stage, I never got anything without auditioning for it, so I thought 'this is great! but I should ask at least what kind of character it is' and the casting director said "oh it's an academic with a secret. " "Great! " i thought! But it turns out his secret is ordering mail-order Nigerian children and killing them. Oh he was a terrible villain. Who was a better partner, Hurley or Mr. Reese? That is so much apples and oranges. They are both lovely partners in their own way, but my relationship with Mr Reese is far more nuanced and complicated. What do you think about Mr. Finch? Is there any insight you'd like to give us about the way you play him? 2) I don't know, I've been playing the part so long I don't even know what I'm doing anymore! My insight into how I play him is to put on those clothes and affect a limp. I guess I do have some sense in real life of what it is to be bookish, or smart, or articulate. And he is those things. but the science of it, I'm not good at computers but I'm happy to read about computer science. 3) You know, it doesn't come up. I don't think about that, I look at him and think "oh he couldn't have possibly played that part, because who could have possibly survived playing the role so dark and physically punishing. " I do know that Jim and I both have Catholic backgrounds, and I think it has served as actors to a certain extent. It has given us a taste for or understanding of suffering, and I probably shouldn't have explore that further. How is it like to work with Jesus Jim Caviezel? 1) Well, it's embarrassing to say, but I do kind of fritter it away. I like to wander the streets of New York and look in windows and go in galleries, I like to take the dog to the park. I like to space out, possibly because the work I do is so focused or requires a lot of focus, it's intense work so I like to have some time to vegetate and sort of reboot. Do you still keep in touch with your fellow cast members from Lost? Yes, I'm in touch regularly with Terry O'Quinn and with Jorge Garcia also. Hi big fan from the UK, when i wear a suit... ITS ALL BUSINESS. Q) what was the biggest prank pulled off from set? I don't remember any! I'm so the wrong actor to ask this question. I hate pranks on set. I hate practical jokes. And so I never indulge in them and if other people indulge in them, I'm trying to focus on staying in the scene. I like to stay in the work I guess. Junior/senior high band teacher here. Did you play an instrument in school? Also, if Ben were to play an instrument other than the piano, what do you think it would be and why? Yes. Oh this is terrible. In the orchestra, I played the oboe. Believe it or not. I was first chair, but then I was the only chair. In the marching band I played percussion. Started out on cymbals, worked my way up through glockenspiel to tenor drum, finally. Oh, it would be something obscure and ancient, an old English instrument like a sackbutt, or a shawm, a double reeded instrument. Is it difficult to act so stiff and walk with a limp as Finch? No, it's second nature to me now. It's more difficult to do the scenes in flashback where I don't have the limp. It's harder to remember to do it right. Hey Micheal Emerson! I'm a huge fan and I hope you get to answer my questions, thank you for doing this AMA! What was it like voicing The Joker in the Dark Knight Retunrs? Well it was really hard work. That is very demanding work, doing those big animated voice characterizations. And it was made the more daunting when I realized what a following a genre franchise like Batman has behind it. A lot of fans who have very definite opinions about it. I'm happy that it went as well as it did. Do you see yourself voicing The Joker again or even portraying him in a film? Thank you again for this AMA, on behalf of this AMA I'd like to commend you on your amazing talent and wish you luck on your current and future projects. Oh, to play the Joker in front of a camera, I don't know anyone with any sense who would attempt that for a long time, because it's going to take a long time to forget Heath Ledger. But I would voice him again, it was good work and I think it's fairly successful. Hard work though I must say. Hi Michael, big fan of your work on PoI and Lost! What's the most recent memory you have of experiencing pure happiness? And what's your most memorable happy moment? :) Pure happiness… that's kind of hard to define. I have great happiness at family gatherings, events when our nephews are present and our dog is present, it's hilarious and heartwarming and you feel like "this is what it's all about. " You have private life happiness, you know, the day that your wife agreed to marry you, that's a happy day. Those landmarks in your life together, finding that first apartment, or getting a dog, or winning awards. When Carrie won the Emmy last september, I was delirious and stupefied from happiness. Did you know Ben was who he was since the beginning or did you also have to ponder if he was indeed Henry the ballooner guy? I did not know where they were going, but I figured it out before anybody else told me. About 4-5 episodes into it, I was given some strange directions, and I thought "that's an odd direction if I'm this innocent from Minnesota, why are you making me be so sinister? unless I'm the head of the bad guys. " And I went to a director, can't remember which one, and said "Wouldn't it be a kick if I was the head of the Others? " and he blinked twice and said "I can't talk about it. " How fun is it to work with Jim Caviezel, Nolan and Sarah? It's good fun, for many different reasons. Sarah is a great shot in the arm on our show because she is lively, and funny, and she is just a kick and very well-prepared. We have a lot of fun. Nolan is great. Our show could not be in better hands, I think. I wish I saw more of him because he is in Los Angeles and we film in New York. I'm always happy to see him when I can. And he has given us all a great opportunity to do some lovely work. Jim is also great. We have always gotten along, which is funny because we are such different people. I suppose at the end of the day we have real empathy for one another. We look at each other and see how hard the other is working, and how earnest our wish is for the quality of the show. I like to honor his investments, and the care he brings to his work with me, and that I hope to my work with him. It's a good team, and a delicate thing, and like all relationships both personal and professional, you want to handle it gently. Good afternoon Mr. Emerson. How enjoyable was it for you to work with your wonderful wife Carrie Preston on Person of Interest? What were the pros and cons of working with your significant other? Well, the Pros of working with your spouse are that it's fun, and sweet, and strange to see your actress wife on your set. Maybe in the trailer next to you, it's cute and unreal. The acting part is tricky, I have to say. It's easy and we're comfortable with one another, but people say "it must be so easy to play a romantic scene with your wife. " It is easy in some ways, but in acting, you have a two-tiered problem. First I have to erase her "Wife-ness" before I can replace it with her character. So you have to tune out all that easiness and familiarity, and you have to make her the stranger that she would be in the world of the narrative. Carrie says I'm a little spooky at work. I saw that you and Terry O'Quinn were in line to star in a show called "Odd Jobs" several years ago. Could you tell me a little more about it and why it didn't happen? Well, it was a thing we spent a lot of time talking about, and it was a great idea, and it's still a great idea, and maybe someday it will see the light of day. The kernel of the idea for it was that we had both played on LOST guys who had sort of a supernatural power, we could get hit and stand up again, we could get hurt really badly and one episode later and be fine. So we thought what if we told the real story about men in their 50s, how hard it would be to get back up again. We wanted to tell a story of human frailty, of guys who couldn't really do it anymore. We sort of thought it would be a little bit of a comedy, but ultimately it would be a serious show, and we didn't really know. But the more they bought in writers to work on the show, the more "super" we became - "oh look we kicked down a door, oh look we fought 20 men in hand-to-hand combat" - exactly the opposite of what we wanted the show to be. Then I guess it got put on the back burner is the best way to characterize it, but who knows? Someday Terry and I may be sitting in the office at Bad Robot and we may try to fire that thing up again. Did you pick Finch's Glasses yourself? Actually, we did. I went with John Glazer, who was designing when we first started the series. The viewer will notice that the glasses are different after the pilot. The show got kind of redesigned between the pilot and the second episode, so I went with the designer to a high-end eyeglasses place and we picked the ones we thought were Mr. Finch, and they have become him. And I went out and bought a new pair of glasses for myself personally that look like his, and I thought "oh that's stupid, now I'm asking for people to recognize me. " But it's useful on days when we might forget my prop glasses, in which case I can use mind and the audience won't notice most likely. As an amateur female actor, I find myself frequently jealous of the meaty theater roles for men. Are there any female parts you'd love to play? I would want to play the character of Lady Wishfort in The Way of the World. I played it once in Graduate School, I shaved off my eyebrows and my chest hair to do it, but I was too young to do it. I hope I get another chance at it. It may be the funniest role in English ever. If Ben and Finch had a battle of the wits, who'd win? Good question. I think maybe Harold Finch might win, because his education is deeper and broader. Ben Linus is more desperate and driven, and maybe that balances that out. I don't know, this is a good one! Hi Michael, #1 Korean fan here. :) You have a great voice. Have you been to Karaoke? If you did, what is your favorite song to sing? No, I don't do Karaoke because I have a terror of it. I never do it. It makes me really nervous. For the same reason I won't do improvisation. Hi! Thank you for doing an AMA. Ben Linus was one of the best characters on Lost, especially because of how much his character changed from the beginning to the end. What was your most memorable experience as a cast member on Lost? Or, how has your life changed from Lost? Thanks again! There were so many. The most memorable dramatic event in the show was Ben witnessing the assassination of his daughter. As a cast member, I think just working in that beautiful and unreal landscape, day after day, beautiful beaches, mountaintops, jungles, sunsets, it's incredible and one of the most beautiful places a show was set scenically. My life changed in so many big and little ways. The biggest thing I noticed was that people recognize me on the street. They know who I am, and I don't know who they are. What was it like building chemistry with Jim Caviezel, seeing is your characters are so different? Well I think we've been fortunate that we are really different actors, and that by some magic, the different-ness of us, the Odd Couple of us, has worked out because you can't calculate that, or buy it, or make it happen. It's a thing to be hoped for, and we have a good kind of odd chemistry. Also, What was your favorite "Ben" related moment from LOST? Favorite Ben related moment? I tend to gravitate towards the more humorous moments, and he said some great one-liners. In answer to a question from Locke once, he said "if you're talking about time-traveling bunnies, then yes. " But he has one more famous line which is "you guys got any milk? " That is maybe his most immortal line. Do you ever catch yourself acting Harold Finch's limp in real life? Only if - and this happened once - if I'm running a scene in my head as I'm walking down the street. And then I think "what are you doing? everyone is probably looking at you as the cuckoo guy from POI. " 1) What is it that makes your 2 noteable roles so magnetic (in your opinion)? Is it the character, what you bring to the role or perhaps a crazy mix of both? 1) I don't know why my roles worked! They probably don't work for everyone. Maybe I'm getting out of the way of the writing enough so that the writing is clear. And I'm thinking about the voice of the character. 2) In both roles you deal with very "deep" matters... some of which are theoretical, others fictional. From a subject matter point of view, how did you prepare for those roles and the immense detail in sertain issues (POI being a very high end technical/coding background)? Perhaps you find some of this enjoyable outside of acting? 2) I have to say because I do read a lot, that there aren't many issues that come up on the show that I don't have the beginning of an opinion about. So it seems to me that the character I play in Mr. Finch is just having a conversation with the world just as I would. 3) On a more personal note, what (if any) project would you like to be involved in more outside of acting? 3) I have my charitable inclinations that I am happy I can do more about in my life. I wish I could do more of the legwork of it, though, rather than writing a check, that there was a night a week where I could read aloud to someone who cares to listen. I have my other interests and hobbies that I look forward to someday having time for. What actor would you like to work with that you haven't worked with already? I would say to be careful what you wish for, because an actor you adore might not be so much fun, but I do admire Ben Kingsley. So if I looked at a call sheet and saw that it had Ben Kingsley on it, I think that would be a lot of fun. Would you consider you to have a similar personality to Finch? Also, what can we look forward to on Person Of Interest? A little bit, maybe. There's always some overlap. For an actor, some part of him always leaks in around the edges. I'm a lot more fun than Harold Finch, but he's a fair amount of fun himself. If he didn't have these damn suicidal missions he was on, he'd be a riot at a party. You can look forward to more independent behavior from machines… Hi Michael, just want to say as a fan of you on lost and person of interest you sir have played 2 of the coolest roles ive seen. So i only have one question which is more fun playing a good guy or a bad guy? On average, it's more fun to be a villain. I think. That's because the villain is usually a little more complicated than the good guy. But if the good guy is complex, like Mr. Finch is, then that's pretty great too. What is one country that you haven't been to but really want to? The country I think I'd most like to visit next is Scotland, particularly the Hebrides, those wind-swept islands off the coast. What is your eyewear prescription? And my prescription is really strong, I think it's eight and a half if that means anything to you. Hi, Michael! Greetings from Ecuador! Love POI, so my question goes this way: It's very sad and also very brave that Finch had to renounce his lover. So, for you, what would be the hardest to give up to if you had to make a similar choice? No one should have to make those choices. I'm not sure Mr. Finch made the right choice. What's your favourite kind of tea? I like it as weak as possible, so usually white tea. The strength of tea goes with its color. The darker the tea, the more caffeine it will have, so white tea is the weakest in terms of caffeine. Then you go through green to gray and brown and black. But I'm a real lightweight. Thanks for being so kind to my wounded warrior buddies and I on set in OCT. Was truly one of the best experiences I have had. Michael you admit your not a tech person, has POI influenced you to be more technical or less with all the surveillance issues that the show and real life NSA scandal have brought to life? Ps. Did you end up ever watching the outtakes from season 2 that we discussed where it has you screaming at the truck driver for honking? Lol. I don't think there is anything that could make me better at it, but I am more conscious of it now. And I see cameras everywhere. Hi! I loved you in Lost and am so excited I may have caught you in time to answer a question! What was your favorite episode of Lost to film, and if you could have been cast as any other character than Ben Linus, who would it be? It would have been great to play Richard Alpert, which was played by Nestor Carbonell, because he was a great, mysterious, time-traveling question mark. Favorite episode to film: we would often shoot out on these lava cliffs on the south side of Oahu. They were barren, they were so swept by the surf and it was always very windy out there. It was a highly dramatic and dangerous setting. There was also an episode where I made a fancy dinner where I had a lot of dialogue and food to prepare in the scene. It was a great acting challenge, with a lot of props. What has been your favorite feature of The Machine? Well, there was an episode at the end of season 2 where the Machine was scrambling to protect itself and it seems childlike, that the Machine was caught out with a problem it was not programmed to solve so it tried to defend itself the only ways it knew how. And I felt tenderly about the Machine, and about the idea of a Machine being like that. It's complicated. This AI stuff. It brings up a lot of questions. Hello Mr Emerson. I'm a huge admirer of your work. How do you think or hope Person of Interest will end in the series finale? Also, the characters in person of interest break the law to help others. Would you ever break the law to save someone you love? I would hope that there's a way for Reese and Finch to set down their burdens and walk away from it. Yes, if it didn't mean harm for someone else, or if it was not to gain an advantage over others. But there are many rules and statutes and customs that should be challenged, I think. Hi Michael, I'm from Italy. Have you ever listened to your character dubbed in another language? Did you like it? Thanks for the AMA, greetings from Italy! I'm anxious to hear me dubbed in any language I can get. I think it would be so funny and so interesting. And I'm hoping someday that somebody at maybe WB or CBS international will get me a little clip of what it sounds like in Italy. I live in Scotland, just outside the capital Edinburgh. We would absolutely love a visit from you! Anyhow, on POI we are beginning to see Harold's character develop through flashbacks of his childhood and how he became involved with technology ect. Have you got a preference or an idea as to how his character develops further as the series progresses? Also, I'm very interested in illustration as I love to draw. Any hints as to how to break into the industry? Thanks! I would love to visit Scotland someday! I think it's such a wild and beautiful place. I think the writers are very close to having filled in most of the blanks in the Harold Finch backstory. Except for a big blank space when he was at college, and what he did professionally post-graduation. But that's good, they want to dole that stuff out slowly. I think the most important thing for anyone who works in graphics is to draw from life, and to draw for accuracy, not trying to express yourself but trying to capture the world around you accurately. I used to teach drawing. Hi Michael I love the show my question is would you ever be involved in a comic book movie if you had a choice what character would you play? Sure. Never say never. but I sometimes think that we are secretly comic book characters on Person of Interest. We're just pretty sophisticated ones, and we're not wearing capes and masks. There's a lot we have in common with graphic novels. I can't thank you enough for doing this, as I'm a huge fan of yours. I was hoping you could tell me if you are as addicted to Lost as we all are? Or is it rather just a job for you? I found it gripping. Carrie my wife was always a huge fan. But I wasn't as taken with season 1 as she was. That all changed when I got to Hawaii. What's your favorite stage production that you've ever done and do you see yourself going back to being a stage actor for an extended period of time in the future? I sure would like to get back on the stage. I have a number of favorites, but I should always mention Gross Indecency, which is the play that began my career, when I played Oscar Wilde in New York. That was my break. I fondly remember my Broadway debut as well in The Iceman Cometh. Hey Mr Emerson! David from the UK here, and a huge fan of POI! You're doing an excellent job and do not look your age whatsoever. I hope I'm this sexy in specs when I get to your age sir. Anyway! In POI you have your character's younger counterparts, have you had the opportunity to meet these lads and if so did you feel like imparting advice to encapsulate what you created as Harold? What you're not thinking is that I'm never in scenes with those guys, so generally, once in a great while I will see some other iteration of Harold Finch, maybe at lunch or something. But all you can do then is say "hi, hope you're having fun, keep up the good work. " Where do you think Henry Gale Benjamin Linus ranks among the top villains in television history? Oh, it would be inappropriate for me to venture a guess on that question, although I will say that he probably ranks #1 on the amount of beatings he took onscreen. I think he is probably unrivaled in that category. When reading your scripts, do you like to memorize section by section, or memorize the whole thing at once? You can't really memorize - well, you probably could - you're probably a theater person. It's not like a play, you don't start chipping away at the whole, you're going to do it scene by scene as it comes up during the shooting schedule. Hello Michael is your favorite artist and why? I am floored by Vermeer, and at the other end of the scale, I'm floored by Paul Klee. But I'm most drawn at this stage of my life to third world handicrafts and design, folk art. What has been your favorite film this year? I actually don't go to the movies very often. I am so far behind on movies. One of the best things I watched last night was a movie from 1973, a treatment of the play The Homecoming, from the American Theater Film Series, with a fabulous mysterious script. Hello, Mr. Emerson, I'm your big fan~ First I want to say is that there are lots of fans of you in China, and we all obsessed with your acting and personality. Then there are some questions I'm going to ask. Do you think the relationship between Finch and Reese will be different from the old days? 1) well, that's the thing that the writers have to balance out. That relationship has to evolve and change, and yes, there has to be a kind of constancy in that relationship for the viewers. Do you have any plan to shoot films? We really look forward to enjoying your acting in the cinema!!! 3) Well, I think villains have a slight edge over heroes. 2) Someday it would be nice. I don't really have time for that work now, but maybe someday. Did you and the other main actors on Lost have any idea what story you were telling or was it as much of a mystery to you as it was to the viewers? It was always a mystery to us as well. We never knew anything beyond the scenes we were shooting. We would tear into each new script with interest because we were trying to figure out where it was going too! Where is the strangest location that somebody asked you for an autograph? Well, hardly anyone asks for an autograph anymore. I take 100 pictures for every autograph. I think that any public men's room is a strange place to be signing an autograph. It would be ok if that would be an off limits place where you didn't have those kinds of social interactions, maybe you wait until you get outside. Hello Michael Emerson, I have two questions for you. Would something interesting happen if the Machine were to give you the number 4815162342? Are you hacking Reddit as we speak? You wish that I was! That would be a nice context in which to place this whole event.

Get in rhythm * snaps OUT of rhythm* scariest part of the trailer Edit: yup I just watched the film theres a rude awakening to everyone who thought I was wrong. The vibes are strong with this one. #Apparition What I was looking for…. For those who don't know, this is suppose to be the true story of the Balto movie. What I didn't know years later after watching that movie as a kid is that Balto wasn't the real hero of the story. It was a dog named Togo. In fact, there was so much hatred for Balto taking the fame that him and his owner weren't welcomed to the award ceremony for Togo and his owner. The music reminds me of Tron and Guardians of the Galaxy especially the 2nd movie, more the Marvel movies than Tron. Guess DC really stepping up their game this time, eh? Good for them.

the_garfield_aprentice (18) the_garfield_aprentice (19) the_garfield_aprentice (20) Nice gameplay! bro good luck.

the_garfield_aprentice (21) Le village a invoqué maman Marie avec les chapelets tout les soirs. CONTENT COURTESY OF COLUMBIA CVB ON STAGE “Frankenstein” Wednesday-Sunday 8 PM at Hoot Design Co., (an immersive adaptation by Elizabeth Braaten Palmieri). Last year GTP tackled the world of Mary Shelley and what inspired or drove her mad enough to create such characters as that in the classic and beloved novel, Frankenstein. This year, we decided to continue our affair with Shelley, as the story turns 200 years old and present an immersive take on the haunting story. The audience will travel through the performance space as the action takes place around them. Following actors is encouraged, but BEWARE… you may not be prepared for where you are led. “We Found Love…” Thursday-Saturday 7:30 PM and Sunday 2 PM at Columbia Entertainment Company. The hard-luck ladies of the Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society mount yet another assault on the classics! This time “anything goes” in their original work inspired by Gilbert and Sullivan and the 1930s musical comedy. The ladies prove that the age of elegance, glamour and enchantment is not dead… well, not quite. Circ*mstances, almost beyond their control, threaten to wreck the evening’s entertainment aboard the luxury ocean liner SS Farndale Avenue but the leading ladies and Gordon, in true Farndale form, soar above such matters to present some catchy numbers and a stunning underwater sequence. “It’s Only Life” Friday-Saturday 7:30 PM and Sunday 2 PM at Talking Horse Productions. A musical revue about longing, fulfillment, triumph, loss, and ultimately wisdom. John Bucchino’s music is some of the most beautiful and interesting being written for cabaret and theatre today. “Lady Parts: A Song Cycle” Friday-Saturday 7:30 PM at Leadership Auditorium, MU Student Center. The majority of musical theatre songs written for women have men as the topic. “Lady Parts, ” a new song cycle, was written to break that mold. Sponsored by the MU Women’s & Gender Studies Department, this world premiere performance includes 16 original new songs, ranging from hilarious to bittersweet, that give female performers the chance to sing about being human. Recommended for ages 13 and up (contains mature language). Admission is $10 for general public. 74th Annual ‘The Collections’ Fashion Show Saturday 2 PM, 4:30 PM, and 7 PM at Stephens College. The Collections, Stephens College’s Annual Student Designer Fashion Show, showcases the up and coming talent from the Stephens College Fashion Program. Whether they are designing the clothing, producing the show or marketing the event to the public, this show is 100% student lead. The Get Down Saturday 6 PM at Jesse Auditorium. Come watch dance teams from Mizzou and schools from across the state and surrounding areas as they compete for cash prizes! SPECIAL EVENTS MO Folk Arts Event: Presentation by Barry Bergey Tuesday 5:30 PM at Museum of Art and Archaeology. Folk Masters: A Portrait of America - This book presents stunning photographs of 100 masters of traditional arts. Coauthor, Barry Bergey, will speak about the process of selecting the images and writing about the selected artists. “Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” Tuesday 6:15 PM at Ragtag Cinema. In this, the 42nd documentary by Frederick Wiseman (recipient of an Honorary Oscar in 2016), the legendary filmmaker brings his incisive vision behind the scenes of one of the world's greatest institutions of learning, capturing the vast programmatic scope of NYC's library system. The NYPL is blessed with uniformly passionate staff and deeply devoted, appreciative bibliophiles and beneficiaries across its 92 branches. The film reveals a venerable place of welcome, cultural exchange, and intellectual creativity. At 3pm Wednesday, April 11, Ragtag is thrilled to host a free Skype conversation with Ex Libris director and documentary legend Frederick Wiseman. Special thanks to the Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism. This is a free event, but a ticket is required for entry. Our free ticket policy applies. Hopped Up: Anthropological Explorations of Alcoholic Brews Wednesday 6 PM at Craft Beer Cellar. Join Christine Boston from Lincoln University's social and behavioral sciences department as she discusses the origins and significance of all things brewed. Wildflower Walk Thursday 5:30 PM at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park. Each week, park volunteer Randal Clark will lead a hike to a different part of the park and show participants the wildflowers that are in bloom as spring progresses. Whether you come every week or attend only once, you’ll learn about the identification and folklore of each wildflower. This is Randal’s 37th year to lead wildflower walks at Rock Bridge Memorial State park. Meet at the Devil’s Icebox parking lot. Reservations are not required. “The Experimental City” Thursday 6:30 PM at Ragtag Cinema. The latest film from Columbia-based director Chad Freidrichs (The Pruitt-Igoe Myth) The Experimental City is a documentary about the Minnesota Experimental City project, a futuristic attempt to solve urban problems by creating a full-size city from scratch in the isolated woods of northern Minnesota. At the heart of the story is renowned scientist, inventor and comic-strip author Athelstan Spilhaus, who dreams of a new kind of planned city – a truly experimental city that continuously changes to find workable urban solutions. Columbia Farmers Market Saturday 8 AM-12 PM at Parkade Plaza. Find us every Saturday from 8am to noon (mid-March-mid-November) in our new temporary location, the northeast Parkade Center’s parking lot (601 Business Loop 70W). Fresh vegetables & fruit, meat, farm fresh eggs, cheeses, honey, cut flowers, plants, artisan items & more. As a producer-only market, everything sold here is offered by the farmers and artisans who help sustain our region. SNAP (food stamps) accepted at all markets. Live music every Saturday! Rain or Shine! International Day Saturday 10 AM – 2 PM at Norma Sutherland Smith Park. Come out to the first International Day to learn about different countries through food, dance, music and culture. Free for all ages, bring your lawn chairs. Meet the Author: Noppadol Paothong Saturday 10:30 AM at Boone County History & Culture Center. Nationally-acclaimed wildlife and conservation photographer, Noppadol Paothong will discuss his new book, Sage Grouse – Icon of the West, at 10:30 am and an artist’s reception featuring his photography in the Montminy Gallery will follow at 12:00 pm. Shakespeare’s Pizza 5K Saturday 10 AM at Flat Branch Park. The cheesiest 5k in Como returns! Join us for the 2nd Annual Shakespeare’s Pizza Run! Run, walk, or dance through our non-competitive course with surprises at every turn and get yourself a slice of Shakespeare’s Pizza at the finish line. Columbia’s Natural Health Expo Saturday 11 AM – 3 PM at Holiday Inn Executive Center. We have 23 vendors all from right here in Columbia. These vendors range from Doctors, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Health Coaches, Food, Restaurants, Autism and Sensory Development Centers, Cleaning Products and MORE! We will have health professionals speaking and presenting information regarding current health related topics. The event is $5 for adults and free for kids 12 and under. We will have big giveaways and door prices for all of our attendees. Wine for Wetlands Saturday 2-5 PM at Courtyard by Marriott. Grab your girlfriends and enjoy wine, raffles, silent auction, games, and great food. Ticket cost includes a one-year membership to Ducks Unlimited, bottomless wine glass, and tier raffle tickets. Ladies only. Murder Mystery Dinner Theater Saturday 6 PM at Victorian Country Inn, Hallsville. Solve the mystery at, Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. All guests are given characters, costumes, and clues to either help or hinder the PI. Group Rates and overnight rates are available at $10 off. You can come as a couple with friends, families, or as an office party if booked in time for available seating. Go to Purrr Oak Cat Adoption Saturday 2-5 PM at Bur Oak Brewing Co. Join us at Bur Oak Brewing Company for an afternoon of beer and adoptable cats! In honor of our very own rescue cat, Clyde, we have teamed up with the Central Missouri Humane Society to host an adoption night at the brewery. 10% of our profits that night will go directly to the CMHS. A Light Through the Darkness Saturday 9 PM at The Industry, The Tiger Hotel. An even to celebrate life and raise suicide awareness and prevention, A Light Through the Darkness will feature a variety of speakers, music and live performances. A portion of proceeds from the event will go to foundation for Suicide Prevention Greater MidMissouri Chapter. Doors open at 8 p. m., and the event begins at 9 p. m. $15 at the door. GALLERY Bread // Asa Lory from March 1-April 15 at Resident Arts. Asa Lory is a photographer and photojournalist studying in Columbia, MO. He is an avid consumer and producer of visual arts, steeped in a surprisingly vibrant small-town community. Bread is a striking series of black and white photographic images capturing the close up landscapes and seemingly alien texture of baked goods. Cuban Contemporary Exhibit from April 6 at Sager | Braudis Gallery. The staff at Sager Braudis traveled to Cuba where they acquired the artwork that will be featured in this exhibit. Created by 15 artists working in Havana, the art spans a variety of mediums. Stranger Than Fiction through April 27 at Columbia Art League. A concept bequeathed to the public by a quirky group of Frenchmen. Surreal literally means beyond real and conjures images of the bizarre and the unusual, the unbelievable and uncanny, as well as freakish, unearthly dreamscapes; worlds that are truly Stranger than Fiction. We invite artists to explore the fantastic and the strange. Victor Costa: Designing Dreams in Fashion through May 6 at Stephens College Cosume Museum. Victor Costa is known as the “King of the Copycats. ” He began his career designing bridal wear and went on to become the insider who sketched and sold the most important looks from the Parisian runways in American stores. His eye for design, whether from the runway, television or Hollywood, catapulted his own named label in the 1970s. Victor Costa is the excessive, daring and bold look women from all walks of life wore throughout the 1970s and 1990s. Quilt Show through April 29 at Columbia Public Library. For the fourth year, a variety of quilts will line the balconies and open areas throughout the Columbia Public Library. From April 7-29 nearly 60 examples of the “Social World of Quilting” will be on display, and the public will be invited to vote for their favorite quilt. Being Bussabarger: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Sketchbooks, and More through May 5 at the State Historical Society of Missouri. Painter, sculptor, and ceramicist Robert Bussabarger (1922–2013) lived and worked in Missouri for over fifty years. Being Bussabarger pays tribute to the artist's creative spirit with a retrospective selection of his artworks from the 1940s to the 2010s. The wide range of media within the Society's collection of Bussabarger's art demonstrates the depth and breadth of his talent. Pre-Columbian Pottery from the Museums' Collections: Ancient Peru from April 10 at Museum of Art and Archaeology. Pottery from ancient Peru is justly celebrated for its beauty and technical craftsmanship, combining elements of naturalism and patterned abstraction with bold imagination. Reflecting a range of cultures and belief systems spanning more than a millennium, this exhibit highlights ceramic arts from the Chavin, Tiwanaku, Moche, Nazca, Wari, Sican and Chimu cultures. Salvador Dali exhibit at The Tiger Hotel. In the lobby of the hotel, you will find two lithographs from Dali’s 1977 ‘Twelve Apostles or Knights of the Round Table’ Suite: James the Lesser or The Vicar of Britain and Phillip or Knighting of Sir Galahad. Between them is Dali’s1974 original work, The Last Corner of the Last Planet, from a suite of twelve paintings known as ‘Conquest of Cosmos. SPORTS Stephens College Softball vs. Park University TUE 2 PM at Antimi Sports Complex Mizzou Softball vs. Omaha WED 4 PM at Mizzou Softball Complex Columbia College Lacrosse vs. Robert Morris University TH 7 PM at Columbia College Columbia College Baseball vs. Hannibal LaGrange FRI 4 PM, SAT 1 PM at Columbia College Stephens College Softball vs. MacMurray FRI 4 PM at Antimi Sports Complex Mizzou Softball vs. Auburn FRI 6:30 PM, SAT 2 PM, SUN 12 PM at Mizzou Softball Complex Mizzou Football Spring Game SAT 12 PM at Faurot Field Stephens College Softball vs. Ecclesia College SAT 1 PM at Antimi Sports Complex LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Ryley Walker, B. Chlapek, Pilcher & Lord Presented By Hitt Rex And Dismal Niche 9 PM at Café Berlin; $8 in advance, $10 day of show. Thursday Pokey LaFarge 8:30 PM at The Blue Note; $17 in advance, $20 day of show. Preston Ary: Album Release 8:30 PM at Rose Music Hall; $5. Friday Mangosteen 7 PM at The Industry. Whiskey Autumn, Crooked Fix, Dream Squeeze 8 PM at Café Berlin. The Floozies 9 PM at The Blue Note; $17 in advance, $20 day of show. Old Salt Union 9:30 PM at Rose Music Hall; $7 in advance, $10 day of show. Saturday Alec Davis Album Release 8:30 PM at Rose Music Hall; $5 or $20 for VIP. Zoso: The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience 9 PM at The Blue Note; $13 in advance, $15 day of show. Siren Suit, Acid Leather, Slusk, Grand Maul 9 PM at Café Berlin; $5. Sunday Hermon Mehari Quartet 3:30 PM and 7 PM at Murry’s. An Evening of African and American Spirituals 6:30 PM at Memorial Baptist Church. Rocky’Jay x Tony’J 8:30 PM at Rose Music Hall; $5. MOVIE GUIDE A FANTASTIC WOMAN - Somewhere in Santiago at a dimly-lit nightclub, Orlando, the kindly and well-off owner of a textile company, locks eyes with Marina, a hopeful singer and the roughly half-his-age love of his life. But, unfortunately, after Marina's birthday celebration and a night of passion, Orlando falls gravely ill--and by the following morning--he dies in hospital. In the wake of her companion's untimely death, Marina will soon realize that, from now on, everything is brought into question: her involvement in Orlando's death, their unconventional relationship; and above all, her right to mourn her beloved deceased. A QUIET PLACE - In the modern horror thriller A QUIET PLACE, a family of four must navigate their lives in silence after mysterious creatures that hunt by sound threaten their survival. If they hear you, they hunt you. BEIRUT - A U. S. diplomat (Jon Hamm) flees Lebanon in 1972 after a tragic incident at his home. Ten years later, he is called back to war-torn Beirut by CIA operatives (Rosamund Pike) to negotiate for the life of a friend he left behind. BLOCKERS - When three parents stumble upon their daughters’ pact to lose their virginity at prom, they launch a covert one-night operation to stop the teens from sealing the deal. THE DEATH OF STALIN - The one-liners fly as fast as political fortunes fall in this uproarious, wickedly irreverent satire from Armando Iannucci. Moscow, 1953: when tyrannical dictator Joseph Stalin drops dead, his parasitic cronies square off in a frantic power struggle to be the next Soviet leader. Among the contenders are the dweeby Georgy Malenkov, the wily Nikita Khrushchev, and the sad*stic secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria. But as they bumble, brawl, and backstab their way to the top, just who is running the government? Combining palace intrigue with rapid-fire farce, this audacious comedy is a bitingly funny takedown of bureaucratic dysfunction performed to the hilt by a sparkling ensemble cast. GAME NIGHT - Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party -- complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE - This true story follows the life of Bart Millard, lead singer of the Christian band MercyMe, who loses his father to cancer and inspires him to write the mega-hit song, I Can Only Imagine. ISLE OF DOGS - Another immaculately constructed film from Wes Anderson (Grand Budapest Hotel), Isle of Dogs tells the story of Atari Kobayashi, 12-year-old ward to corrupt Mayor Kobayashi. When, by Executive Decree, all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to a vast garbage-dump, Atari sets off alone in a miniature Junior-Turbo Prop and flies to Trash Island in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots. There, with the assistance of a pack of newly-found mongrel friends, he begins an epic journey that will decide the fate and future of the entire Prefecture. THE MIRACLE SEASON - After the tragic death of the school's star player Caroline "Line" Found, the remaining team players must band together under the guidance of their tough-love coach in hope of winning the state championship. PACIFIC RIM UPRISING - Rebellious pilot Jake Pentecost and his estranged sister must lead a brave new generation of fighters against otherworldly monsters that want to destroy humanity. RAMPAGE - A silverback gorilla, a wolf and a reptile grow to a monstrous size after a rogue genetic experiment goes wrong. Primatologist Davis Okoye soon joins forces with the military to prevent the mutated beasts from destroying everything in their path. READY PLAYER ONE - OASIS creator James Halliday left his immense fortune and control of the Oasis to the winner of a contest. When Wade Watts conquers the first challenge, he and his friends are hurled into a fantastical universe to save the OASIS and their world. TOMB RAIDER (2018) - Going explicitly against his final wishes, Lara leaves everything she knows behind in search of her dad’s last-known destination: a fabled tomb on a mythical island that might be somewhere off the coast of Japan. TRUTH OR DARE - A harmless game of “Truth or Dare” among friends turns deadly when someone—or something—begins to punish those who tell a lie—or refuse the dare. TYLER PERRY’S ACRIMONY - A faithful wife (Taraji P. Henson) tired of standing by her devious husband (Lyriq Bent) is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed. CHECK EACH THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES RAGTAG CINEMA – 10 Hitt Street 573-443-4359 REGAL STADIUM 14 THEATER – 2800 Goodwin Pointe Drive 844-462-7342 GOODRICH FORUM 8 – 1209 Forum Katy Parkway 573-445-7469.

This movie had me on the edge of my chair the entire time! It was much more suspenseful versus blood and gore. I. Elle a du mal à se déplacer mais elle a réussi à monter 😯. the_garfield_aprentice (22)

the_garfield_aprentice (23)

As RuPaul so famously told America, "I just don't understand you young queens who don't know your references". So here we are: it's off-season, it's summertime, and it's the dying hours of sh*tpost Saturday, which means the mods will let me get away with some sh*t. In this post, I've compiled the curriculum for Drag References 101. Starting around 1929 and coming up to about 1995, I've compiled clips from dozens of films you can watch, TV shows you can pick up, divas you can study, and specific moments which will help you go deeper into the drag world. You won't watch most of the sh*t on this list, and that's totally fine. But I hope you'll find a few doors you never even knew you wanted to walk through: films you'd never heard of, people whose names you didn't know, and references which you might not even have known were references. And once you know who that diva was, or what the film was called, you can read more, and watch more, and study more, until you're flinging out references like RuPaul on a podcast. Notes on the Curriculum For Beginners 🔰: These are the most accessible and most popular pieces of media on the list. If you just want something light and easy, stick to these ones. Divas 💃: If these women didn't exist, some drag queen would have had to invent them. Camp 🏕️: It's hard to define camp: it's very much a know-it-when-you-see-it aesthetic. But if we have to nail it down, camp embraces the tacky, the outré and the salacious. Camp is so bad it's good. And camp is, above all, a love note to whatever it's riffing on: always affectionate, never judgy. Borscht! ✡️: The last vestige of American vaudeville was the Borscht Belt circuit, a series of summer resorts in upstate New York which catered to New York City's new-money Jews from the 1930s to the 1960s. This circuit fostered a group of comedians (some Jewish, some Gentile) who, along with their inheritors, would essentially take over American comedy between 1950 and 1990: Woody Allen, George Burns, Gene Wilder, Groucho Marx (and his brothers and cousins), Allan Sherman, Joan Rivers, Madeline Kahn, Carl Reiner, Phyllis Diller, Jack Benny, Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles... and countless more who you wouldn't recognize from their names alone, but who made their marks as screenwriters, TV writers and awards-show contributors. Drag humour is defined by one-liners, reads, formula jokes (knock knock... ), insult comedy, self-deprecation, wordplay, musical parody, and jokes which often go bawdy but stop just short of being merely dirty. All of these are textbook Borscht humour, and understanding its genesis will help you understand why it still resonates today. Queer History 📚: These revolve around the actual lived experiences of queer people in their era, while most media on this list sort of skates around it. Drag As Drag 💄: Queens being queens. Mens dressing up as wimmens and wimmens dressing up as menseses. These treatments don't just influence or reference drag: they exhibit it. Award-Winners 🌟: Many of the items on this list are regarded as among the greatest visual media ever made. Follow the stars to find them. Diversity 🌐: This is, on the whole, a very white list: in many cases, even when visible minority cultures were depicted in media, this treatment was filtered through a disconcertingly white lens: the performers might not be white, but the directors, choreographers, designers and writers sure as hell were. This can make it difficult to find even halfway-authentic depictions of nonwhite experiences. This being so, I've tried to source depictions of nonwhite performers and nonwhite culture where I can while avoiding the most harmful stereotypes. If you'd like to focus on these people and their experiences, follow the globe. Safe 👶: These movies won't embarrass you in front of your parents. Totally safe, will not even offend the straights. Raunchy 👯‍♂️: You might not want your roommate to walk in on you watching this. Just sayin'. You do you, though. 🔰🔰🔰 Looking Like A Snack Don't have 90 minutes to catch a film? Here are a few snippets, as well as some odds and ends which don't fit neatly below. Some of these are short as 40 seconds, some go on for 20 minutes. Miss Ella Shields, a drag king who wowed the Music Halls as a gender-bending artist from 1910 until her death in the 50s, 1929 💄 Marlene Dietrich puts on a tuxedo and instantly becomes a sex symbol in Morocco, 1930 💃💄 Anna May Wong and Marlene Dietrich prude-shame an old biddy in Shanghai Express, 1932 💃💃🌐 Fred Astaire serenades Ginger Rogers about the importance of living while one still can, 1936 🏕️💃 Mae West flirts so hard with a ventriloquist's dummy that she got banned from the radio for a decade, 1937 💃 Carmen Miranda performing her signature song, Chica Chica Boom Chic, 1941 💃🏕️🌐 Ruth Wallis whose husband is into all sorts of "queer things", 195? 🏕️ Eartha Kitt proves she's nobody's good girl, 1953 💃🏕️🌐 Dorothy Dandridge sings the aria you recognize from Carmen in Carmen Jones, the first all-black Hollywood musical, 1954 💃🌐 Vampira (Maila Nurmi) offers you a drink, 1954 🏕️ When Gracie Allen fails to show up for a gig, her husband George Burns convinces comedian Jack Benny to play her in drag, 1954 🏕️🏕️🏕️✡️💄 Josephine Baker shows you why she was the most celebrated act in Paris for nearly 30 years, 1955 💃🌐 Tallulah Bankhead tries to order lunch at the automat, 1957 💃🏕️ Marilyn Monroe sings Happy Birthday to president Kennedy (with whom she was having an affair), 1962 💃🏕️ Judy Garland, addled by pills and booze, belts the crap out of her signature number, 1964 💃💃💃 Carol Burnett, guess-starring on Lucille Ball's sitcom, knocks the crap out of a burlesque standard 1966 💃🏕️ A midcentury newsreel focuses on American drag artist Ricky Renee, 1967 💄🏕️ Pearl Bailey, who doesn't have time for men who don't have time for her, 1968 💃🌐 Phyllis Diller and Liberace appear on-screen together, creating the gayest episode of TV until they invented RuPaul, 1969 💃🏕️✡️ The Cast of Laugh-In crack some good old-fashioned vaudeville jokes, 1969 ✡️🏕️ Peggy Lee, who is completely over it, 1969 💃🏕️ Divine, starring in Female Trouble, ruins Christmas, 1972 💄🏕️ Liza Minelli, aided by Kander & Ebb and Bobby Fosse, tells you how to bag a husband in Manhattan, 1972 💃🏕️ The kooky kids of Match Game tell us what they think of Batman and Robin, 197? 🏕️✡️ Flip Wilson, the most successful black comedian of his generation, who rocked a drag character called Geraldine, 197? 🏕️🏕️🌐 A highlight number from A Chorus Line, wherein a career dancer teaches you how to succeed in the industry, 1975 🏕️ The Gong Show, an anarchic, low-budget, surrealist talent show where everyone's drunk or high and the points don't matter (but do clock that live studio vaudeville band! ), 1977 🏕️🏕️🏕️ Madame, puppeted by Wayland Flowers, schmoozes on late-night TV, 1977 💄🏕️👯‍♂️ The cast of The Wiz puts on a fashion show in three colours, 1978 🏕️🌐🌐🌐 The Soul Train dancers line up and get they swerve on to some Earth Wind and Fire, 1979 🏕️🌐🌐🌐 Hinge and Bracket, a drag double act, sing and lead the audience in an Edwardian entertainment, 1981 💄🏕️🏕️ Carole Pope, who creams her jeans when a certain girl goes her way, 1981 👯‍♂️ Danny La Rue performs a drag set in the turn-of-the-century music hall style -- and he sings live!, 1983 💄🏕️ Carol Channing, who never sang a bad song in her life, 1985 💃💃🏕️ Regina Resnik explains the difference between a consort (like herself) and a whor* (like her daughter), 1990 💃🏕️ Lipsynka is best-known for her use of spoken-word dialogue in lip syncs, but she's really just mad about period style: here, she recreates an entire 1950s nightclub (playing half of it herself! ) and celebrates how, in this brave new world, Anything Goes, 1991 💄🏕️ k. d. lang performs in drag, commemorating the time she was actually named Miss Chatelaine, cover girl of Canada's leading women's magazine, 1992 💃🏕️ Bea Arthur pays tribute to Jerry Herman and spills the tea about the Man in the Moon, 1993 💃🏕️ Leigh Bowery, one of the most important Club Kids, has his crowning moment live on stage at Wigstock and shocks his audience, 1994 👯‍♂️💄🏕️🏕️🏕️ Selena communicates her heartbeat and shows you why Valentina's so obsessed, 1995 💃🌐 The Big List Early (1940-1960) 🔰 His Girl Friday (1940 💃🌟), a classic screen comedy with all the fixings. Rosalind Russell, a hardboiled reporter, leaves the newspaper (and Cary Grant! ) to move upstate with an insurance agent. Grant does everything he can to thwart her, and when the story of the century lands in their laps, the sh*t really hits the fan. Widely considered one of the greatest comedies of all time, and Ros Russell's performance is 80% of the reason why. Watch it for: 90 straight minutes of rat-a-tat-tat non-stop dialogue delivered by actors with incredible timing. You Bet Your Life! (1947 - 1961 ✡️✡️✡️), a thin quiz-show pretext for Groucho Marx to be Groucho Marx. The Marx Brothers were a legendary vaudeville act who successfully transitioned into pictures: Groucho, the star sibling, was so successful that his iconic moustache and glasses remain symbols of comedy to this day. In You Bet Your Life, he literally just riffs on whatever the hell the contestants say: he's quick, he's dirty, and he's good. (You should see the outtakes! ) Watch it for: observational, wry, smart, irreverent and damned fast comedy; those eyebrows, man. 🔰 All About Eve (1950 💃🏕️🌟), in which Bette Davis basically plays herself. A beautiful script about female friendship and rivalry, several actors giving performances of a lifetime, and the direct inspiration for countless drag performers up into the 90s. When people talk about Bette Davis being legendary, they're talking about All About Eve. Watch it for: Thelma Ritter stealing scenes as a personal assistant; Bette's ability to direct the camera with little more than a glare. I Love Lucy (1951-1957 🌟💃🏕️✡️), a legendary sitcom. Lucille Ball was such a talented comedian that she could milk two minutes of audience laughter out of kneading dough and throwing it in the oven. Armed with the best writers in the business and her straight-man husband, she knocked 'em dead for six straight seasons, establishing herself as a gay icon and setting the modern standard for female character comedians. Watch It For: laying down the tropes which would define sitcoms and female comedians for the next half-century. 🔰 Some Like It Hot (1959 🌟🏕️💃👶💄✡️), a screwball comedy where two musicians have to join an all-girl orchestra in order to escape from the mob. Widely regarded as one of the funniest films ever made. Watch it for: Marilyn Monroe's greatest performance; the musical numbers; a remarkably progressive ending for 1959. 1960s 🔰 Gypsy (1962 ✡️💃🌟🏕️), an adaptation of an adaptation of burlesque star Gypsy Rose Lee's memoirs. Built around Stephen Sondheim's musical treatment, Gypsy is best known for featuring Mama Rose, the stage mother from hell -- but it's also got some pretty snappy numbers, and it's a fine musical on its own merits. One of the few musicals of its era to have a predominantly female cast, too. Watch it for: a glimpse into the 1950s burlesque houses; Rose's Turn. What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962 🌟💃💃💃🏕️🏕️🏕️), a black-as-tar hagsploitation thriller. One of the darkest mainstream films of its era, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford play two fading vaudevillian sisters who live together in a decrepit Hollywood mansion. Creepy, vicious, playful and extremely campy. Watch it for: if you like drag, you've probably already seen tons of bits which reference this film, you just don't know it yet. Watch it and so much will crystallize. Charade (1963 💃🌟👶), a fusion of romantic comedy and thriller. Audrey Hepburn's husband got into a nasty business, and now she's got to repay what he stole before they kill her, too. Pursued across Paris by three hitmen and Cary Grant, director Stanley Donen makes plenty of time for jokes and camp, but never lets up the tension, either. Watch it for: Audrey Hepburn at the height of her powers; Paris in all its glory, filmed on location; Walter Matthau in a tiny, perfect performance. 🔰 Cabaret (1966 musical 🌟🏕️🏕️🏕️👯‍♂️ / 1972 film 💃🏕️), a sharply political musical. Inspired by Christopher Isherwood's memoirs of life in Wiemar Berlin, composers Kander and Ebb explore the rise of the Nazis through the glittering life of a satirical cabaret performance. Modern stage productions tend to strongly emphasise the raunch, sex and sharp political angles of the piece; the film, starring Liza Minelli and Joel Grey, inhabits the gentler version that hit Broadway in the 1960s. Watch it for: "Tomorrow Belongs To Me", always a highlight; "The Pineapple Song", which didn't make it into the film; "Money", which did. 🔰 The Carol Burnett Show (1967 🌟💃🏕️🏕️🏕️), an old-school variety series focusing on one of America's greatest comedians. In the 70s, Burnett was queen of all media: she sings, she acts, she does stand-up, she improvises, she makes fries julienne -- and her outtakes were reliably even funnier than her prints. There's a reason why nearly every comedy queen cites Burnett as an influence. Watch it for: the incredible ensemble cast; the little surprises packed behind every corner. Funeral Parade of Roses (1968 📚💄🌐🌐🌐), a visually-arresting drama which re-imagines Oedipus Rex within the Tokyo gay subculture of the late 60s. Psychadelic, groovy, and eminently watchable. Watch it for: realistic depictions of gay, drag and queer life in a modernizing society; the visuals, darling, the visuals. Barbarella (1968 💃👯‍♂️), a highly visual sci-fi adventure which also functions as a veritable parade of flesh. (Careful boys, there's titt*es in that clip! ) The designs of this film are so iconic, and the sheer loopiness of its plot cannot be overstated: it's dumb, it's fun, it's a protracted in excuse in getting Jane Fonda into form-fitting costumes, just go along with it! Watch it for: laying the groundwork for damn near every sci fi parody to follow (including Rocky Horror! ). The Queen (1968 🏕️💄📚📚📚), a documentary set at and around a big-stage Manhattan drag pageant. Interviews with constants, footage of the ceremony, behind-the-scenes moments, and some hard truths between the moments of joy. Watch it for: a glimpse at the frank reality of being out and gay in the 1960s; Crys👏Tal👏La👏Bei👏Ja👏. Carry On Camping (1969 🏕️🏕️🏕️👯‍♂️), a British slapstick film about bawdy behaviour at a holiday camp. Part of a vast series of ensemble comedies made very cheaply between the 60s and 80s (literally dozens of them: Carry On Doctor, Carry On Nurse, Carry On Screaming, Carry On Constable... ), and widely regarded as one of the best of that chain. Dumb jokes, juvenile sex humour, and classically-trained gay actors mincing across the screen. Watch it for: Kenneth Williams running away with every single scene; a glimpse at just how bad sexism used to be in public life. 1970s 🔰 Are You Being Served (1972 - 1985 🏕️🏕️🏕️🏕️🏕️), the embodiment of 70s camp humour, a style which influences drag to this day. Every episode is a careless shambles of puns, sex jokes, prissy twits, miscommunication, snarky asides delivered centre stage, and reaction shots -- and it's a thing of beauty. If you like Peaches Christ, you'll love Are You Being Served. Watch it for: John Inman's queer Mister Humphries (although the standards of the era did not allow him to actually go anywhere with it); a glimpse at Miss Slocombe's puss*. The Naked Civil Servant (1975, 🌟📚🏕️), a dramatisation of Quentin Crisp's memoirs of the same title. Crisp famously wandered the streets of London in drag: fake nails, pink hair, feminine clothing -- and did so before WWII, long before hom*osexuality, crossdressing or trans activism were on polite society's radar. The memoirs are great, and the story held up so well that, more than 40 years later, a sequel was produced featuring Crisp's later years in New York. Watch it for: an authentic depiction of what it was like to live as genderqueer in an intolerant era. 🔰 Young Frankenstein (1974 🌟✡️🏕️👶), a comic parody of gothic horror. Mel Brooks books all his best friends and does a black-and-white love letter to a genre that died 20 years earlier. Every scene is just pure camp: one-liners, brick jokes, women playing grotesques, and musical numbers. One of those films you can watch 3-4 times and still find new jokes. Watch it for: Madeline Kahn, one of the campiest actors America ever produced; a surprising musical number; Gene Wilder's mascara. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975 💄🏕️👯‍♂️), a sci-fi musical loaded down with camp, sex and genderf*ckery. While Richard O'Brien largely wrote this as a parody of mid-century science fiction, the rampant sex, gender reversal and androgyny gave it a life of its own: if you like dudes in corsets, women in leather, or any kind of creepy or campy drag, O'Brien kicked open some doors for you. Watch it for: everything, the cast, the songs, the staging, the fashion, the morality, everything. Grey Gardens (1975 🌟🏕️), a documentary about two fading society hostesses (mother and daughter) and how they've coped with their slide into cat-food-eating poverty. The filmmakers got unprecedented access to the home and lives of Big and Little Edie Beale, and the film became such a phenomenon that not only did it lead to a Tony-winning musical, it even spawned a shot-for-shot remake starring Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. Watch it for: it's a little bit wholesome, a little bit cringe, a little bit hagsploitation, and completely watchable. The Stepford Wives (1975 🏕️🏕️), a sci fi dark parody of gender roles. When her husband decides to relocate the family from New York to an idyllic Connecticut suburb, the newly-minted housewife (Katharine Ross) is startled to discover a whole neighbourhood of picture-perfect women straight out of commercials. She finds a few free spirits who join her in trying to shake up the small town -- but when her friends start turning into Stepford Wives themselves, she stumbles into the middle of something far darker. (But nothing a little Prell Liquid can't solve! ) Watch it for: the agonizing final shot; the beautiful 70s LL Bean catalogue fashions; the opposite of Rocky Horror in so many ways. The Ritz (1976 ✡️🏕️🏕️🏕️), a questionable comedy. A Cleveland businessman hides out in a Manhattan gay bathhouse to escape from a homicidal relative. At The Ritz, he meets chubby chasers, men in chaps, the world's worst lounge singer, and his wife. Watch it for: a surprisingly realistic treatment of gay baths in this era; camp, camp, camp, camp. 🔰 La Cage Aux Folles (1978 🌟💄🏕️👶), a French comedy about drag, love and family. The owner of a drag bar and his star performer have cohabitated for more than 20 years, and -- together -- raised a son. But when the son falls in love, the two dads struggle to cope with his demands that they "straighten up" in order to impress the prospective in-laws. Watch it for: Zaza, Zaza, la magnifique Zaza! ; a surprisingly progressive outlook for 1978. 1980s 9 to 5 (1980 🏕️💃💃💃👶), a black comedy about gender relations in the 80s. A minor business executive pushes his staff too far, stealing their ideas, sexually harassing them, and promoting less-qualified men over them. His three employees -- Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin -- eventually hit their breaking point. And when they snap, they snap hard. Watch it for: creative usage of a garage door opener; a glimpse into the realities of the workplace in 1980; the period fashions on display everywhere you look. Mommie Dearest (1981 🏕️💃), a biography of Joan Crawford starring Faye Dunaway. While Joan Collins' incredible work on Dynasty is worth your attention, the original 80s power-bitch was Faye Dunaway through and through. Such a fierce performance that audiences were scarcely sure whether to laugh, scream or quiver, such a total dismantling of celebrity and fame, and such an influential bit of schlocky cinema. Watch it for: NO WIRE HANGERS! NO WIRE HANGERS EVER! Victor/Victoria (1982 💃🏕️✡️💄👶), a musical comedy about a woman who goes undercover as a man who performs as a drag queen (as Michelle Visage, as Danny DeVito). But, seriously, it's Julie Andrews, it's a family comedy about a pseudo-drag-king, it's not a great film, but it's a lovely little cream puff all the same. Watch it for: Robert Preston's echo of an earlier number; Lesley Ann Warren's beautiful idiot. 🔰 Tootsie (1982 🌟💄👶🏕️), a beloved caper comedy. Dustin Hoffman's a struggling actor who, on a whim, auditions in drag, gets the part, and becomes a national soap star. But when he falls in love with a co-worker, his entire narrative starts to unravel -- and the director's increasingly overt sexism starts to take a toll as well. Watch it for: an unpacking of the soap-opera medium; a frank depiction of how the entertainment industry treated women in the 80s. 🔰 The Golden Girls (1985-1992 🌟🏕️💃💃✡️), an ensemble sitcom about four broads who retire to Miami and get into classic hijinx. The Golden Girls was famously beloved by gay men, in large part for the banter between Southern Belle Blanche and sharp-tongued battleaxe Dorothy: in 2019, the gay bars show Drag Race; in 1990, they showed The Golden Girls, and the show's resultant impact upon gay humour was incredible. Watch it for: it's light, it's funny, it's iconic, and it wrote half the jokes drag queens still use. Clue (1985 🏕️🏕️🏕️💃✡️), a whodunnit packed full of slapstick and wordplay. Six guests gather at the home of a mysterious Mr. Boddy and try to figure out who murdered him before the killer bumps them all off. Everyone in this film's a character actor, all of them fine comedians, and the ensemble just gels so well. The sound recording is weird, but the soundtrack is lovely, and the pace of the thing -- zip zip zip from start to finish -- is remarkable. Watch it for: the whole cast chewing on scenery for 90 minutes; Madeline Kahn's firey improvisation. Hairspray (1988 💄🏕️), a campy nostalgia trip led by director John Waters. Spunky, delightful Tracey Turnblad, supported by her ample mother (played by Divine) shakes her thang, integrates television, and solves race relations. Watch it for: Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry as a pair of vicious, syrupy parents; Riki Lake, who damn near sparkles in every scene; the groovy early-1960s vinyl soundtrack. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988 🏕️💃✡️), a character comedy with Cassandra Peterson's Elvira front and centre. (And left, and right, and a nice little behind, too. ) Cheap jokes, dumb humour, huge tit*, sex puns, rock music and no shame. What can she be except a drag queen? Watch it for: "How's your head? " "No complaints! " 1990s In Living Color (1990-1994 💄🌐🏕️), a sketch comedy series led by black artists, which often involved drag, often involved gender and queerness, and always involved camp. A breath of fresh air in its own era (it often parodied how boring and outdated mainstream depictions of black culture had become), this show was must-see TV for a generation of young Americans. Watch it for: the in-house dance crew, which -- in later seasons -- featured a young Jennifer Lopez; several comedians who remain iconic today. Geraldo (1990 📚📚💄💄🏕️🏕️🌐), a very special episode where he interviews a panel of NYC Club Kids. Watch it for: an encounter between Middle America and a whole row of genderqueer, genderf*cky and genderanarchist club kids. 🔰 Paris is Burning (1991 📚📚📚🌟💄🌐🌐🌐), a documentary about Harlem's underground drag ball culture. Extensive, deeply personal interviews with the predominantly black and hispanic stars of this era, set against live footage from some of the liveliest balls ever held: 10s, 10s, 10s across the board. Watch it for: the genesis of modern drag; the delightful Dorian Corey talkin' you through the basics. Death Becomes Her (1992 💃🏕️✡️), a dark comedy (you seeing a pattern? ) twist on an old story. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn play vain rivals for a man's affection, who try to destroy each other -- but find that eternal life gets in their way. The characters go nowhere and the plot's over before it begins, but fun in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way: Jinkx Monsoon has cited it as one of the reasons she got into drag in the first place. Watch it for: Isabella Rossellini as a sinister merchant; several death scenes; the grand finale. The Crying Game (1992 🌟👯‍♂️), a tense drama set inside the IRA. The trans element is more salacious than realistic, but this film remains a watershed for trans cinema: an award-winning, star-making feature which attracted 39 positive reviews for each negative -- no small feat for a film about civil war and trans politics in 1992. Watch it for: surprises, my friend. Surprises. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994 💄💄💄🏕️), a dramedy which runs heavier than you're expecting. Three drag queens set out from Sydney to take a four-week gig at a casino in a rural centre (population ~17, 000), and the gruelling drive takes them into the outback, where many of the locals haven't seen anything quite like these ladies -- or their bright lavender tour bus, who they christen Priscilla. Watch it for: the costumes, which won an Oscar; the outstanding performance numbers. Serial Mom (1994 💃🏕️👯‍♂️), a black-as-tar comedy in which John Waters imagines a serial killer in the suburbs. Violent (several characters get killed on-camera), vulgar, degrading and hilarious, Serial Mom never attains anything approaching good taste, and just revels in it. Watch it for: Patty Hearst in a tiny little role; the best use of Annie in a film; the courtroom confrontation. To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (1995 💄💄💄🏕️🌐), a roadtrip comedy. Three drag queens (Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze and John Leguizamo) set out from New York City to compete in Hollywood's national pageant, but get stranded along the way. They have run-ins with the law, spread the love of drag, and win over an entire town -- but can they make the pageant in time? Watch it for: all the itty bitty little cameos, including RuPaul, Robin Williams, and others. The Birdcage (1996 ✡️👶👶👶💄), a family comedy about the couple who run a Miami drag bar confronting the fact that their son is getting married. Based on an incredible French film (La Cage Aux Folles) which also appears on this list. Watch it for: Hank Azaria's svelte houseboy stealing scenes; a delightful rehearsal bit; Christine Baranski doing outstanding work, as always.

the_garfield_aprentice (24) The words of the Queen of Heaven to her beloved daughter about the wonderful love the Son had for His Virgin Mother, and about how the Mother of Christ was conceived within the most chaste marriage and sanctified in the womb. She tells how she was assumed, body and soul, into Heaven, and about the power of her name, and about the good and evil angels assigned to men for their protection or trial. Chapter 9 “I am the Queen of Heaven. Love my Son, for he is most worthy; when you have him, you have all that is worthwhile. He is also most desirable; when you have him, you have all that is desirable. Love him, too, for he is most virtuous; when you have him, you have every virtue. I want to tell you how wonderful his love for my body and soul was and how much he honored my name. My Son loved me before I loved him, since he is my Creator. He united my father and mother in a marriage so chaste that there could not be found a more chaste marriage at that time. They never wanted to come together except in accordance with the Law, and only then with the intention to bring forth offspring. When an angel revealed to them that they would give birth to the Virgin from whom the salvation of the world would come, they would rather have died than to come together in carnal love; lust was dead in them. I assure you that when they did come together, it was because of divine love and because of the angels message, not out of carnal desire, but against their will and out of a holy love for God. In this way, my flesh was put together by their seed and through divine love. Then, when my body had been made and formed, God infused the created soul into it from his divinity, and the soul was immediately sanctified along with the body, and the angels guarded and served it day and night. When my soul was sanctified and joined to its body, my mother felt such great joy that it would have been impossible to describe it! Afterwards, when my lifetime had been accomplished, my Son first raised up my soul - for it was the mistress of the body - to a more excellent place than others in heaven, right next to his Divinity. Later, he also raised up my body in such a manner that no other creatures body is so close to God as mine. See how much my Son loved my soul and body! Yet, there are some people with a malevolent spirit who deny that I was assumed into Heaven, body and soul, and also others who simply do not know any better. But this is a most certain truth: I, with body and soul, was assumed to the Divinity! Hear now how much my Son honored my name! My name is Mary, as it is said in the Gospel. When the angels hear this name, they rejoice in their mind and thank God for the great mercy that he worked through me and with me and because they see my Sons Humanity glorified in his Divinity. Those within the fire of purgatory rejoice exceedingly, just like a sick and bedridden man does if he receives a word of comfort that pleases his soul: he is suddenly overjoyed! When the good angels hear my name, they immediately move closer to the righteous for whom they are guardians, and rejoice over their progress in good deeds and virtues. All humans have been given both good angels for their protection, and bad angels to test them. The good angels are not separated from God; they serve the soul without leaving God. They are constantly in his sight. Yet they work to inflame and incite the soul to do good. All the demons, however, shudder with fear at the name of Mary! When they hear the name, “Mary”, they immediately release a soul out of the claws with which they had held her. Just as a bird or hawk, with its claws and beak embedded into its prey, releases it immediately if it hears a sound, but soon returns when it sees that no action follows, so do the demons - frightened when they hear my name – release the soul. But they return and fly back as fast as an arrow if no improvement follows. No one is so cold in his love of God (unless he is damned) that he will not experience the devil releasing him from his habitual sins if only he invokes my name with the true intention of never returning to his evil deeds. The devil will never return to him unless he resumes the will to commit mortal sins. Sometimes, though, the devil is allowed to trouble him for the sake of his greater reward. However, the devil shall never own him.

Cadaverotica by Al Bruno III It's the golden rule of Hollywood. The writer always gets the shaft. The producers make all the money, the actors get all the fame, the director gets to put his vision on the screen, the rest of the crew get paid and get to go home; but the writer? The writer pours his guts out onto the page and if he's lucky he sees 20% of what he wrote make it through the grinder. If he's really lucky, he gets paid what he's worth. That's my story in a nutshell. Two weeks ago, I was in a mansion, sipping margaritas and making love to one of the most desired women in the world. Now I'm alone, locked in a toolshed on some godforsaken island in the South Pacific waiting to die. I'm writing this in ballpoint pen on forty-something year old army stationary. I'm trying to get it all down while there's still sunlight streaming in through the shed's grimy windows. When the sun sets they're going to come for me. They're going to -- No wait. Let me begin at the beginning. When I came here, I had already sold a pair of spec scripts and a few short stories to some literary magazines. I was a young man out to make his fortune and while my sales were steady and I was getting good reviews for my work I wasn't making nearly enough to cover my expenses. So I started looking for other ways to use my writing talent to make cash. You know, greeting cards, ad copy, non-fiction articles for in-flight magazines, that kind of thing. That led to the mistake that torpedoed my budding career. I wrote some material for an obscure roleplaying game company. I needed the money and I figured no one would ever see the half-assed crap I was churning out so what was the harm? Well, they put some of that half-assed crap on their web page, crowing about the big time author they've got working for them. Just like that my legitimate writing career was over. I mean I couldn't get arrested in this town after my work on The Alien Empires Roleplaying Game's Space Angel Sourcebook came out. After that the only offers I had coming in where to work on more roleplaying games or churning out scripts for Lurid Video -- the adult film company. Given the choice between Dungeons and Dragons and Spanking Lesbians Unchained I took the better paying choice. And yes my smart-ass reader, there are scripts for adult films. You just happen to fast forward through all my best work. Of course, there's more to the story about how I got involved in the business but let me speed ahead and set the scene where the real story takes place. I'll fill in the background as I go. The Lurid Video film crew arrived here three days ago by chartered boat -- the SS Polaris. The ship was manned by three smarmy characters who asked no questions and charged little. Their cargo for this little excursion was a complete Lurid Video film crew. Said crew consisted of two cameramen, one lighting guy, one sound guy, six "performers, " one tired, sunburnt writer and a producer who was also one of the performers. The island was some little flyspeck of a place, too unimportant to be claimed by anyone. It was half jungle and half beach and not much of anything else. It was only notable because of the strange little statues that dotted the landscape. They were a little bit Easter Island, a little bit Aztec and a whole lot of H. R. Geiger. Their bestial features were half-lost to erosion. The damn things looked like something out of arts and crafts night at the Ritalin Ward. If there was a pattern to the way the things were placed I couldn't see it. Despite the expense of location filming, the producer had insisted we use this island. This was to be Lurid Video's magnum opus, a p*rno adaptation of Lord of the Flies. That was also the producer's idea, not mine. She was very specific about how she wanted this film to be made and she was painfully specific about the script. I'd just finished re-re-rewriting the damn thing an hour before we dropped anchor. A few words of background about our producer, perhaps you've heard of her? Vanessa Summerisle. I see you have, at the mere mention of her name sends blood rushing to thousands of male organs. Well unbeknownst to most people, the lovely raven-haired Miss Summerisle is also the owner of Lurid Video and has a hand if not a featured role in most of their productions. She is also in charge of their pay website, she writes the Java code for it and everything. She was also responsible for plucking yours truly from twenty-sided die obscurity and making me Lurid Video's wordsmith of choice. Vanessa Summerisle was beautiful, smart, limber and utterly ruthless. And truth be told, I was a little smitten with her. Yeah, yeah -- I know I'm a sap. Yeah, yeah -- I know Miss Summerisle's been hit with more oversized loads than an industrial laundry machine, but there was this certain something about her. Maybe it's because she thought I was a genius. When she approached me to become one of her scriptwriters, she said she knew my work. She even had one of the literary magazines one of my stories had appeared in. What can I say? I was impressed and flattered, mostly flattered. Anyway, from the moment we set foot on the beach we were filming, I stood there, trying not to cringe as the pretty young, pierced and tattooed "actresses" mangled my precious dialogue. The plot was simple enough. A group of stewardesses are marooned on a strange island with only one man. They revert to sapphic savagery as they battle for exclusive rights to him. It sounds stupid I know, but I promise you it had a very happy ending. As the skinny-dipping/lesbian six-way scene began, I excused myself to go and explore the island. You m ay find it hard to believe but watching people film other people having sex is about as exciting as taking class on dentistry. Besides I was having a hard time watching Vanessa work. The island was strange. I know I said this before but I don't think I've quite gotten across to you how strange. First of all, the place was totally silent, no birds chirping, no nothing. It was like the whole jungle was holding its breath waiting for something. The only sign of life were the clouds of bloated black flies that seemed to linger around the statues. The air was filled with this faint, sickly-sweet smell, just strong enough to tickle your gag reflex but not strong enough to be recognizable. I wandered around for an hour or so when I spied a figure crouching up ahead. It was perfectly still, staring at me. I froze my breath catching in my throat before I realized that it was another one of those weird statues. It was about three-feet tall, almost child-like in proportion. Like I said before, the details were washed away with age but what I could see of the face was enough to give me the willies. The head was bulbous and misshapen, like one of those potatoes you find at the bottom of the bag. The eyes were too close to its forehead and too far apart, the mouth was too far down on the chin and too small. Despite of the dry weather, the stone was clammy to the touch. Yes, I touched the thing, don't ask me why. "It's a headstone. " someone purred softly behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin until I recognized Vanessa's voice. I turned to see her in her hiking boots, cutoff shorts and Smashing Pumpkin's T-shirt. I smiled, "Shouldn't you be working? " "Geoff is doing the action close ups of the other girls, " she said, approaching the statue with a kind of awe, "I wanted to explore a little. " "You know more about this island than you're telling, don't you? " "There are stories, rumors, and legends. " She ran her soft hands along the length of the statue, "Some say the island is haunted. " "So... " this is how I liked her best, dressed like a normal girl. I could almost fall in love with her when she looks like that, then I remember what she does for a living and the affection I feel becomes a kind of queasiness. "... we're making a p*rno film on a haunted island? " "Scared? I thought you didn't believe in the afterlife. " With a mischievous grin she patted the statue on the head and started trudging deeper into the jungle. I followed her, swatting at the sickly, low-hanging branches, "I'm an agnostic, not an atheist. " "Yeah you don't know what you believe. At least I've committed myself to not believing in something. " she led me deeper into the jungle. "Have you been here before? " "Are we talking about reincarnation or the island? " I rolled my eyes, "The island. " "No. I read all about it though -- it has an interesting story to it. " "Do tell--" I slipped on a mossy cluster of stones and fell on my face, "Damnit! " "Preston! " she was at my side, helping me to sit up. "Damnit. " I said again, this time with a mouthful of dirt. "You are so clumsy. " She laughed, brushing off my face. I hoped the dirt would hide my blushing, "Only when you're around. " "Flatterer. " she kissed my cheek. "Come on, not much further. There's something I want you to see. " Not much further turned out to be an hour of walking, mostly uphill. It was pretty darn hot too, and there wasn't even the slightest trace of a breeze to take an edge off the heat. In case you hadn't already guessed, us writer types usually aren't in the best of shape. Oh sure, there are exceptions, but for every Ernest Hemmingway you have about twenty other vaguely gourd-shaped men like me. Like I said before though, I was pretty well smitten with my silicone-enhanced tour guide. You know I can't even really explain to you why I came here, except that she asked me to. Of course, she asked me to join the shoot after she had screwed my brains out in her hot tub. How the Hell was I supposed to say no after that? Yes you heard me, I had sex with Vanessa Summerisle. Really. I'm not making this up. Believe me or don't believe me, see if I care. I'll be just as dead by the time someone finds this. This is how it happened. She invited me over to her place to discuss some last minute project she had in mind. A little f*ck-fest filmed on location on an exotic little island in the south Pacific. Vanessa told me that she, a film crew and a handful of performers were heading out in forty-eight hours but they had no script. Would I be willing to bring along my laptop and bang out a script on the way there? At first I'd said no. I hate flying, I hate going on location and I was planning on devoting some more time to my novel in progress The Black Rider. It was a western epic in the tradition of Lonesome Dove; I'd been working on it for almost seven years. It was about halfway done, maybe. Vanessa and I talked about the book some more, the conversation drifted to our hopes and plans, she plied me with margaritas and complements and asked me where I wanted to be twenty-five years from now. The next thing you know, she pounces on me, her lips her hands everywhere. Suddenly I was doing something most men can only dream about. There were other scriptwriters she could have called over that night but she chose me, but in that one moment that one night she'd wanted me for something more. I'll pause so you can finish retching. Hmmm. Now where was I going with this? Oh yes, the island. After passing by another dozen or so of those strange little statues, each one of them different yet just like the others, she led me to a clearing. In that clearing was a rusted old Quonset hut and a handful of rotting olive-colored tents. It looked like the exterior set from M. A. S. H gone to Hell. There was even a jeep, its tires flat, its body half-eaten by time and corrosion, parked in front of the dilapidated tool shed that would become my prison. "What is this doing here? " Even though the place was obviously long abandoned, we spoke in hushed tones. "It was an army base during Second World War. An entire platoon of men where stationed here. They all disappeared without a trace. " "Charming. " I said a cold tremor of worry settling into my stomach. "Are you sure you want to use this island? " "Oh yes. Its got terrific atmosphere. " I sniffed the air, "Its got atmosphere all right. " "I want this film to have an undercurrent of danger. I want this to be the one they remember me by. " "They'll remember this one all right. " I said, thinking of the script she had outlined for me; scene after scene of crude couplings and how the statues figured prominently into most of them. "Come on then. " she started walking again, "The best part is up ahead. " I swung my arms in a sweeping gesture, "Better than all this? " She laughed, "Shut up and march. " "Yes ma'am! " I caught up with her. To my surprise, she took my hand as she led me back into the jungle. "You said something about headstones? " "Each one of these is a grave marker. " She paused before on of the grotesque effigies, "The people of this island was the last strong hold of the Tcho-Tcho culture. " "And what does that mean in English? " "Let's just say they had some very strange religious beliefs. " "Human sacrifice? " She flashed me that grin of hers again, "Much worse than that. These guys were mummified and buried while they where still alive. " "You're sure this island is deserted right? " I stared back the way we had come. "Very sure. " "So this is like their cemetery island? " "In a way. You see the only ones that got the fancy treatment and the ugly statue were their high priests. They where chosen at birth and lived like kings until their thirty-fifth year. Then, " she patted the clammy stone, "they surrendered themselves to their god knowing that they would not truly die but would instead sleep under the Earth until they where summoned back to life by their god. " "Where did you come up with this? " "Not all the books I read are about Java code and the stock market. " "Ever thought about hunkering down with a Jane Austen novel? " "Read'em all. " Another hour of walking brought us to another clearing. The pale-green grass was knee high. It undulated slowly back and forth. The grass surrounded the squat stone rim of a well. It was made from the same material as those ugly-ass statues. There were these little hieroglyphics all along the side; it bothered me if I looked at them for too long. Trembling with either terror or excitement, Vanessa approached it, "It's here. I knew it! " "Shame we didn't bring a camera. " I let her lead me to the well, this is where that nauseating smell as coming from. It was a cloying fetid odor, hard to describe. Imagine the smell of a butcher shop, mixed with the stink of an open sewer and add a dash of the scent of your grandma's house. By the time we actually got up to the thing, my eyes were watering. "This is where their god came to them, " her voice was muffled, she had her hand over her mouth and nose, "Delphanos the Mad God. " She was peering down into the depths of the well, the beckoned me to join her. I risked a glimpse down into the murky depths. The air wafting up the stone shaft was hot and putrid. There was this thick, sloshing noise down there, like water slopping up against the edge of a solid surface. Something glistened in the shadows. My heart started to pound, I felt like I was being stared back at. I thought I saw -- No. I didn't see anything. There was nothing down there but decade's worth of stagnant water and worse. I bet those GI's had used it for a latrine. I remembered saying, "We should be getting back now. " Vanessa was quiet after that. She got me back to the boat just as it started to rain. That pissed the director off mightily, apparently he had fallen behind shooting the anal sex scene. His words, not mine. We called it a day and retired to the Polaris' cramped quarters. Vanessa turned in early, the rest of us whiled away the night, swapping stories, smoking cigarettes, snacking on breakfast bars and drinking pop. I used to eat pretty healthy but a few months in this business and you never want to see another spoon full of yogurt again. I remember asking Vanessa why she got into the p*rn industry, with her smarts she could have done anything. She smiled and explained to me that this was the one place where women were truly empowered. That led to a pretty enjoyable debate until she pointed out to me that I was asking pretty much asking my boss if she thought she was being exploited. Ah the sweet sting of irony. The sun set with no sign of the rain letting up so I decided to turn in as well. Vanessa had a little cabin all to herself I thought of knocking on her door to wish her good night but I thought better of it. The gentle rocking of the boat quickly lulled me to sleep. The dream I had that night was just plain f*cked up. In it, I was standing in the middle of the street in a ruined city; it was like something out of Mad Max. The stink from Delphanos' Well was thick in the air. Then I heard this marching sound, and what I mean is that it was like marching but it wasn't. The steps were all in unison but there was this strange broken quality to them. Curious I followed the noise and found myself at a crumbling intersection. There was an army moving down the street, a sea of figures clad from head to toe in glistening black leather, their faces were concealed by blunt, snout-like masks. Their every step was uneven and loping, but somehow they managed to move unsteadily in perfect unison with one another. In the midst of the dark shambling mass, they carried an elaborate, jewel encrusted palanquin. It pitched and yawed with the dark-clad things' movements. The figure riding in the litter wore a frayed ivory-yellow cloak around his shoulders. A mask concealed all his features save for his cool, dusky eyes. The mask hugged his face like a second skin and was the color of bone. I could hear him singing. It ain't no sin To take off your skin And dance around in your bones It ain't no sin To take off your skin And dance around in your bones Those nonsensical words hounded me, they chased me back the way I had come where I found myself face to face with another freakish army. They might have been human once, but their features, their bodies, where withered and blackened with the passage of aeons. They limped and they hissed, carrying upon their twisted backs a fleshy crucifix that boiled with maggots. The woman nailed to the cross, was naked and oiled, her ebony hair hid her face. I could hear her singing as well, her voice familiar as the telltale sting of a paper cut. Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk aroun' Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun' Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun' Oh, hear the word of the Lord. The head bone connected to the neck bone, The neck bone connected to the back bone, The back bone connected to the thigh bone, The thigh bone connected to the knee bone, The knee bone connected to the leg bone, The leg bone connected to the foot bone, Oh, hear the word of the Lord! Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk aroun', Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun' Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun' Oh, hear the word of the Lord. The head bone connected to the neck bone, The neck bone connected to the back bone, The back bone connected to the thigh bone, The thigh bone connected to the knee bone, The knee bone connected to the leg bone, The leg bone connected to the foot bone, Oh, hear the word of the Lord! I awoke just as both armies were drawing closer together, preparing to clash. My pillowcase was soaked with sweat; I spent a few panicked moments trying to remember where I was and why I was there. The gentle rumble of my cabin-mate, p*rno's own Bobby Burns snoring gently helped me get my bearings. It was almost 3AM. I tried to relax and go back to sleep but when I closed my eyes all I could hear was Dry Bones whirling though my head. So, I got on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and headed up onto the deck. It had stopped raining and the sky was cloudless. The full moon looked swollen and was tinged with green. It was bright enough to read by. Leaning on the aft railing I stared at it for a while. I ran the events of the nightmare over and over in my head, examining and interpolating them until they had lost their disturbing qualities. The nightmare obviously had something to do with the feelings I was starting to develop for Vanessa, coupled with the stress of being away from home and those creepy statues... not to mention that thing I thought I saw at the bottom of the well when I damn well know I didn't see anything at all. I started to notice this thumping, sloshing noise. It was coming from right below me. Visions of The Creature from the Black Lagoon started bubbling to the surface of my mind. I got this sudden urge to run, but where the Hell was I going to run? I was on a friggin' boat for pity's sake! Looking down. I saw one of the two army surplus rafts the Polaris' crew was using to shuttle us back and forth to the island. Now, where is the other one? I remember thinking idly as I returned to contemplating the moon. I was trying to remember if a moon like that at this hour meant good weather or bad weather. I didn't relish the thought of spending a few extra days here. I half suspected that when we got back to the island the statues would be all in different places. Ha. If that had happened, I'd have swam back to LA. At this point I wish I had swam back to LA. My chances would've been better. After a few minutes, that missing boat began to worry me. How long would it take for us to get the talent and equipment with just one boat? I took a stroll from one end of the boat to another in hopes of finding the thing. No such luck though. I decided to head up to the bridge and let the captain know. Halfway there I had the first officer waving a machete under my nose. "What you do here? Bridge for crew only. " This wasn't the first time I'd had a sharp object waved threateningly in my face. I'd been mugged at knifepoint a few years ago. Taking in a deep breath, I thought to myself Don't burst into tears this time. Don't you dare burst into tears. "Crew only! You not crew! " his breath was rank with alcohol, and the something else I couldn't place. Something vaguely unsavory. "Yeah I get the idea crew only. Listen one of your boats is missing... " "We know. " he said with a sneer, "You go back to sleep, we take care of everything. " "You know? What are you doing about it? " With a wave of his hand he dismissed me and retreated back up the steps to the bridge, "We take care of everything. Go back to sleep. " "And how did it get loose anyway? " I called after him, "Aren't you sailors supposed to be good with knots or something? " "Watch your mouth fatboy. You be sorry later. " Fatboy. Great. Even better, it was high school all over again. I headed straight for Vanessa's room. I was gonna do my best to talk her into dropping all this nonsense and heading home. I didn't like the island and I didn't like the crew... I didn't like any of this. I knocked on her door. There was no answer. Now I was really getting worried. I tried the handle, the door creaked open and I stepped inside. She had a cabin all to herself, she's the producer after all. All her clothes and things were still in her suitcase. There were papers strewn about the bed and an old book lying face down on the pillow. I glanced at the title, The Prehistoric Pacific in the Light of the Ponape Scripture by H. H. Copeland. I guess that's where she heard about the island. Casually glancing at the papers, I saw that it was printed off a web page of some sort. The first paragraph to catch my eye read like this -- now remember I'm paraphrasing here. There are CREATURES that come from beyond reality, from beyond the realms of TIME and SPACE. Beware THEM for THEIR purposes are unfathomable. The ancient people had a name for THEIR kind -- the Mad Gods, the Beings from Outside. Know THEM as BODGE LOYAR -- the harlequin in the ice; ANZON -- the bloodless whisperer; DELPHANOS -- the fallen angel of longing; ELDRAD -- the dismembered warrior; NOGGAR-DALLIEON -- the formless lurker; DAMIEA -- the goddess clad in worms; KRESSOR -- the walker through worlds -- The papers slipped from my hands. I knew what this was... well at the very least I had a strong suspicion what it was -- the Carella Manuscript. You have no idea what I'm talking about do you? Okay, let me explain. There was this professor of archeology, or ancient religions, or something in that vein; he'd already published several books on secret cults and obscure belief systems. He's gotten some good reviews too, his books are all the rage in the intellectual circuit, and they're calling him the new Joseph Campbell. And by the way, if you don't know who Joseph Campbell, there's nothing I can do for you. Just skim ahead five paragraphs to the part where I get laid for the last time of my life and I'll catch up with you. For the rest of you -- our successful young Professor Carella decides its time to write his masterwork. He goes on an extended sabbatical that turns into job abandonment. He spends the next ten years travelling the world, researching all kinds of esoteric stuff. By now his other books have fallen out of print bu t he doesn't care because he's on the hot on the trail of something big. Twelve years after beginning the work, he hands in a huge manuscript. And in this manuscript he reveals all the big secrets, he blurts out all the information that man was not meant to know. He reveals the existence of the "Mad Gods" and explains the inescapable logic of their victory over us. Of course that's what we all think the book is about because after Carella's editor read the manuscript he went mad. He killed Carella, strangled him I think, then he set fire to the house they were in -- supposedly destroying all copies of the dreaded manuscript in the process. After all that, the manuscript became something of an urban legend. Reading it was supposed to drive you mad, if you read every fifth word you could invoke the Mad Gods in all their strange glory, it predicted the end of the world, the government supposedly had copies hidden away for use in World War Three. All of it bullsh*t of course. But here was an approximation some clever little webmaster had cooked up and it looked as though Vanessa was buying in to it. I remember thinking, Agnostic my ass. "What are you doing in here? " My breath caught, my hand flew to my chest, "Having a heart attack thank you very much. Haven't you ever heard of knocking? " "Preston. You're in my room. " She brushed past me. Her sneakers and jeans were caked with mud, one of her fingernails was cracked. "Oh. " Heedless of my presence she began to get undressed, slipping the light blouse over her head. She was braless as always, "Was there something wrong? " "No, its just that I was -- I am worried about you. " It all seemed so stupid now. Was I really going to tell her that I got spooked because I had a bad dream? "I don't trust the crew of this boat. I think they're up to no good. " She kicked off her shoes, "You're being paranoid. " "One of them waved a machete at me! " "Well what did you do to piss him off? " "And he called me fatboy! " Groaning with exasperation she sat me down on the bed with a good hard shove, "I know what's really bothering you. " I tried to keep eye contact but my eyes kept wandering, "Vanessa, this is serious. Those guys are --" "This is really about what happened back at my place isn't it? " She strolled over and closed the door to her cabin, shucking her stained jeans on the way back. "You think I only slept with you to get you to help me out. " "Yes. I mean no. I mean that's not what I'm worried about. " "Preston... " she caressed my face, "... I like you, I like you a lot and I'm not using you. " "Can't we just --" she shut me up with a kiss. She was on me like an attacking lioness. My clothes just seemed to melt away, The Prehistoric Pacific in the Light of the Ponape Scripture by H. Copeland and the Carella manuscript ended up on the floor, along with the comforter and the sheets. If I close my eyes, I can still remember how her nails felt on my skin, the way one broken one hurt just little, how it made me shiver. Think what you will but in that moment we weren't the p*rno actress and her pet writer, we were just a man and a woman and it was bliss. When it all ends I want to try and keep that moment in my mind, use it to block out the screaming horror I know I'm going to face. After it was over and we lay spent on the cramped bed, she spoke in a husky whisper, "I'll tell you something I haven't told anyone else. This is my last movie. After this I'm done. " It goes without saying that I slept peacefully for the rest of the night. The morning found the missing boat back where it belonged. I guess the captain had gone out fishing. The day's filming went pretty well. The statues where right where we'd left them, the sun kept the clouds at bay and Bobby Burns managed to come five times before succumbing to exhaustion. When it was Vanessa's turn to "perform" with him I had to walk away. My skin crawling, I wandered through the jungle until I found another one of the statues. For some reason, the face of it was covered with black flies. They buzzed away as I approached. Someone had painted a symbol on the things misshapen forehead. I traced a finger through the dark gummy ruby-colored, substance. Was it dried blood? I couldn't be sure. By the time I got back to the others Vanessa's scene was over, it was Claudia Tate's turn now. She'd had so many augmentations done to her chest that she looked like a cartoon character. The fans seemed to like her though. The rest of the day went by at a fairly monotonous pace, until one of the lighting guys happened to glance out onto the horizon and ask, "Hey! Where the Hell is the boat? " That's right kids, the Polaris had set off without us. I heard a mocking voice in my head, "Watch your mouth fatboy. " As the sun began to set, things degenerated into a full-scale panic. Hardly anyone knew we were here, those who knew we were here probably weren't sure where here was. We had no shelter, no supplies, no food. Heh... like Robinson Crusoe, its primitive as can be. Before things degenerated into total chaos, Vanessa took charge and led us through the jungle to the abandoned military base. At the very least, it was a roof over our heads, after some brief discus sions about signal fires and searching for food we turned in for the night. Not a one of the twelve of us gave even the slightest thought to post someone on watch duty. After all this is a deserted island right? I woke up having to take a whiz some time later. I wasn't sure where Vanessa was, for some reason she'd felt funny about us snuggling up in front of the others. The moon was hanging swollen and low in the sky again. It looked like a bad special effect. I stumbled over jutting roots and prickly brambles. It seemed like a good idea to do my business some distance from camp. I walked what seemed like an appropriate distance and did what comes natural. It wasn't until I was finished that I noticed the toppled statue. Half concealed by a mound of freshly disturbed Earth, it lay on its back, gaping at the stars. I drew closer, wondering if I should try to set it right. I touched the stone. It was warm, clammy. Not cold like before. I wondered if one of the crew had done this, or if this thing had toppled over on its own. I thought I heard twigs snapping behind me. A sudden creeping sensation up the back of my neck alerted me to the fact I wasn't alone. I turned, "Vanessa will you please stop sneaking up on --" The shape behind me was human but emaciated, its leathery-looking skin was a muddy gray, and its teeth were the color of ashes. When it moved there was a sound like fall leaves crunching underfoot. In the moment before I started running and screaming, all Vanessa's words came tumbling back to me, "Each on of these is a grave marker... These guys were mummified and buried while they where still alive... They where chosen at birth and lived like kings until their thirty-fifth year... they surrendered themselves to their god knowing that they would not truly die but would instead sleep under the Earth until they where summoned back to life by their god. " Then I was running through the woods, fumbling blindly through the trees and bushes. Every statue I came across was askew or toppled over. I almost tripped over one of the dead shamans as it clawed its way out of the muddy earth. I didn't know how many were after me -- f*ck, I didn't even know if any of them were after me but I kept running knowing deep in my heart of hearts that there weren't too many places you could run to on an island. Somehow my wild flight brought me to the clearing with the Well of Delphanos. The stench was worse now, the air was filled with a thick sloshing. I risked a glance backwards, a pair of dead men where shambling after me. The only noise they made was the crackle of their dead joints flexing. All sense of direction gone, I tried to double back, feinting around my pursuers and barreling back into the jungle. This time I found my way back to the others easily. I just followed the screams. Damn that full moon. How I wish it had been cloudy that night, that the shadows had been dark and long enough to hide the carnage. What I saw made me stop dead in my tracks. There was Claudia Tate, her flesh hanging torn and loose as she staggered and swayed with the animal urge to survive. A corpse shuffled after her. Another stood nearby, gnawing confusedly on one of her implants. Claudia was so proud of them, they were the new kind made with soy. I guess that means she made her own gravy. High-pitched screaming drew my attention to Bobby Burns. They swarmed over where he had fallen, pawing at him like he was a wrap party buffet. The director was swinging one of the boom mikes wildly, trying to hold off his attackers. He never saw the one he backed into. Someone was crawling pitifully, their torn intestines dragging in the dirt behind them like streamers. Blood. Howls of terror. The dead men were relentless in their hunger. When the spidery hands grasped at me I was almost resigned to my fate. "No! " I heard Vanessa shout. I spun on my heel to see her standing in the clearing, the captain and his machete-wielding mates flanked her. She was nude save for the strange sigils painted on her in what I now know to be blood. "He isn't for you. " She said, and with that the dead shamans shambled past me, looking for fresh prey. "Vanessa --" I tried to find words but my mind and my body where too exhausted. She nodded to the Captain, "Lock him in the toolshed. Treat him gently. " I didn't resist as he marched me to the toolshed and secured the door with a brand new padlock. I curled into a ball on the floor and tried to shut out the sound of the feast. The next morning Vanessa came to see me. She was still wearing nothing but dried blood. She had a handful of breakfast bars in her hand. They must have come from Bobby's knapsack. "Hungry? " she asked. "No. " I doubted I'd ever be hungry again. "What's going on here? " She knelt beside me, instinctively I withdrew from her proximity. "Delphonos is real, Preston. He made me promises. " "You planned all this? " "He spoke to me in my dreams. He knew my desperation and revealed to me his need. " "Stop talking like that! " I flashed with anger, "You're a f*cking p*rno actress, not Anton LeVey. " "Things are changing, the war between the Mad Gods will soon spill over to our world. When they do the dead will rise to consume the flesh of the living. " She closed her eyes and shuddered, "As was prophesied. " I wanted to tell her she was crazy, but after spending half the night running from zombies it didn't seem appropriate. "Each of the Mad Gods will choose a viceroy to serve in the war. They alone will have the power to control the dead. " "And you want to be one of these viceroys? " I wondered if I could overpower her and escape. But how would I get past the zombies? And where would I go? Was I supposed to storm onto the boat and sail to safety? That might work in a Bruce Willis movie but not in real life. My only hope was to reason with her. "Why are you doing this? " "I have ovarian cancer. " she frowned, "I found out three months ago. " "But --" "It's too far gone for the doctors to do anything. It's not too far gone for the fallen angel of longing. " "Then why am I here? " Was it tears I saw in her eyes? "Am I going to be your official biographer? " "No. " she kissed my forehead and stood, "There is a special ceremony that must be undertaken before I can truly become a viceroy of the Mad Gods. Anzon demands that the petitioner voluntarily mutilate his own vocal chords. To gain the favor of Kressor, you must wander the face of the Earth for no less then seven years -- never sleeping in the same place twice... That's why the high priests were awoken, to conduct the ceremony. " "What kind of ceremony? " There was an acid taste in my mouth. "You will be taken to the well... you see Delphanos demands the sacrifice... the sacrifice of a person you truly love. " The door slammed to a close behind her. There was a rustle as the padlock was put back into place. It's dusk now. Not much longer. When she comes for me, I know she won't be alone, but I'm going to try and reason with her one last time. I'm not holding out much hope for a last minute change of heart though. Like I said before, the writer always gets the shaft.

Now, let me start on a more positive note with this one, it is clearly not a work of art or even a good horror experience, but surely enough not the worst one either. A fair and decent effort, everyone took their roles seriously, did the best they could do, we had a few known actors and that is about it.
The subject, clearly overused without adding a personal touch to it, the acting ok, death shots are missing overall, and the ending itself is one that you have seen most likely 100 times by now. So are there reasons to recommend this? Well, excepting the actors, those that managed to create a career, behind Apparition there are people involved in the making of it and are also trying to make a name for themselves. And for that alone, I will appreciate what they did with the rather small budget, without relying on gore, torture p*rn or dragging the movie for too long.
All in all, it is a movie that will fly under the radar for sure. Not too much to see really, but certainly not a complete mess.

Hey, y'all! /u/hungrylittleone and I are teaming up to share what's going on in Louisville every week. This post highlights goings-on around town for tonight through Sunday. A reminder that if you're a parent, check out the HUGE number of events on the Louisville Family Fun site. Many of the events LFF lists are free or very low cost, so it's a great way to entertain and educate your young'uns. THIS EVENING (WED., 8-27) WFPK Waterfront Wednesday: Shovels & Rope, Wild Feathers & Tim Easton Today, 8/27, 5pm-10pm, @ 129 E. River Rd., Louisville. COST: FREE WFPK Waterfront Wednesday is held on the Big Four Lawn, located just west of the Big Four Bridge. Gates open at 5 p. m. For more information, please call 814-6500 or visit the web site. The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Show Today, Aug. 27, 6pm @ 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville. COST: $56. 95 - $59. 95. The show runs through Sept. 13th. The Dinner Detective® is America’s largest murder mystery comedy dinner show! You’ll solve a hilarious murder case while you enjoy a four-course plated dinner. A Prize Package awaits our Top Sleuth of the evening. For more information and to buy tickets, visit the web site. Haymarket Whiskey Bar: Cheyenne Mize with Bear Medicine and Ancient Warfare Today, 8/27, 9pm @ 331 E Market St., Louisville. No fee listed. Cheyenne Mize is certainly no stranger to the Louisville music scene, acting as a guiding force in Maiden Radio and the much-missed Arnett Hallow. Lexington's four-piece Bear Medicine also makes their Haymarket debut. THURSDAY, 8/28 Wall Together at the Local Speed 12pm – 8pm, @ 822 E. Market Street, Louisville. COST: FREE In conjunction with the Speed and each Wall Together exhibition collaborator, there is a call to youth to create art that will be exhibited at Local Speed four times a year, side–by-side with our main exhibition. The project was created with the goal to provide a site for community collaboration and a space for young artists to have the opportunity to share their perspectives through artistic expression. Country Ham-Inspired Dinner and Book Signing at Corbett's 6:30p @ Corbett's, 5050 Norton Healthcare Blvd., Louisville. COST: $95 (includes wine and co*cktail pairings with each course, and a signed copy of Coomes's book. Tax and gratuity are not included. ) Six of Kentucky's top chefs will gather to prepare a country ham-inspired dinner to commemorate the publishing of the book, "Country Ham: A Southern Tradition of Hogs, Salt & Smoke, " written by local author, Steve Coomes. The dinner will be prepared by Dean Corbett (chef-owner, Corbett's and Equus/Jack's Lounge), Shawn Ward (executive chef, The Brewery), Mark Stevens (chef-owner, Stevens & Stevens Deli and Catering), Ouita Michel (chef-owner of Holly Hill Inn, Wallace Station and Midway School Bakery in Midway, and Windy Corner and Smithtown Seafood in Lexington), Richard Lewis (corporate executive chef, Morrison Healthcare Management) and Jay Denham (master charcutier, Woodlands Pork, former chef at Park Place). Reservations can be made by calling Corbett's at 327-5058. See web site for full menu. Bourbon and Broadway Dinner at Varanese 7pm @ Varanese, 2106 Frankfort Ave., Louisville. COST: $55. Each dish is inspired by one of the 2014-2015 Broadway in Louisville productions. The evening will feature the debut of Four Roses 2014 Limited Edition Single Barrel, and Four Roses Brand Ambassador, Bourbon Historian, and author Al Young will be the guest speaker. Detective Partner Hero Villain 7:30PM @ The Alley Theater, 633 W Main St., Louisville. COST: $12 - $15. This psychological mix of the superhero and noir genres introduces the world to crime fighter The Fantastic Phenomenon and his arch nemesis Supernova while peeling back the good-versus-evil veneer to expose the realities of life and death, and the ultimate consequences of trusting those who tell us to "keep the faith. Backroom Comedy Show 2 Impellizzeri's 9PM - 11PM (weekly on Thursdays) @ Impellizzeri's (Downtown), 110 W. Main St., Louisville. COST: $5 Backroom Comedy is a weekly stand-up comedy show, featuring Louisville’s best rising comedians and established headliners. You can catch the action at Impellizzeri's downtown location every Thursday at 9pm. Seating begins at 8:30. FRIDAY, 8/29 WorldFest 2014 Friday, 8/29 11am - Monday, 9/1, 2014 7pm @ Belvedere Riverfront Plaza, Main and Fifth Streets, Louisville. COST: FREE WorldFest celebrates its 12th anniversary with four days of expanded world food, music, dance, culture and education this Labor Day weekend on Louisville's Belvedere downtown. The festival features more than 90 artists offering continuous music on three stages of local and international talent. Visit web site for more info. Kentucky Flea Market Labor Day Spectacular Starts Friday 12pm - 5pm and runs through Monday @ Kentucky Fair and Expo Center, 937 Phillips Ln., Louisville. COST: Free to get in, but you do pay for parking. Over 1100 booths including 400 antique dealers in the pavilion. Dealers from across the nation. Antiques, crafts, furniture, candles, bath and body, jewelry, surplus. Friday 12-6pm, Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday 11-6pm, Monday 10-5pm. FAT Friday Trolley Hop 6pm - 10:30pm on Frankfort Avenue. Historic Frankfort Avenue will host another FAT Friday Trolley Hop! Free trolleys will run along Frankfort Avenue, from Cannons Lane to River Road. Special activities planned for the 8/29 Trolley Hop include: Crescent Hill Radio, 2520 Frankfort Ave, will host a free concert on the lawn in front of the studio. Fierce Salon, 2708 Frankfort Ave, will host an Open House event including refreshments, discount coupons, and a meet-n-greet with the stylists. The Irish Rover, 2319 Frankfort Avenue, will host a Traditional Irish Music Seisuin (informal jam session) The Wine Rack, 2632 Frankfort Avenue, will host a wine tasting and Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese sampling from 6:00pm-8:00pm. And lots, lots more! Makers Mark After Dark 7pm @ 140 N 4th St, Ste 326, Louisville; ph # 583-1433. COST: $179 NOTE: This event takes place at the Maker’s Mark distillery in Loretto, Ky but will depart from the Galt House in downtown Louisville. Enjoy a behind-the-scenes, guided tour of the distillery, showcasing the bourbon making process, from grain to bottle. Experience a specialized bourbon tasting inside a warehouse, enjoy Maker's Mark-inspired co*cktails and appetizers, and even hand-dip your own bottle of Maker's Mark in the red wax to take home as a souvenir! VinylFest Weekend of Music Friday, 8/29, 2014 7pm - Sunday, 8/31, 2014 5pm @ 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville. COST: $15 for 1-day ticket, $20 for all weekend; Ages 4 to 12: $4 for 1-day, $7 for 2-days; 3 and under: Free VinylFest will make its second record debut at the Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Hotel August 29-31, 2014. VinylFest Louisville provides a great opportunity for music and vinyl fans to meet music industry greats, celebrate the music they love, and seek out the vinyl records for which they’ve been looking. Friday night is the a pre-show, with music, drinks and a movie; Saturday the Dealer Room and Exhibits open for the weekend! Louisville Palace 2014 Summer Movie Series. NOTE: THIS IS THE LAST WEEKEND! 7:30pm The Wolfman - 70 min "Proof" at the Bard's Town Fri 8/29 @ 7:30 PM, Sat 8/30 @ 7:30 PM, Sun 8/31 @ 5PM at Bard's Town Theatre, 1801 Bardstown Road, Louisville. COST: $17 adv reservations, $18 at the door — $5 off on Sundays, for students (with ID†), or groups of 10+! The Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award Winning Drama by David Auburn. For Pre-show Dinner Service Reservations: visit the web site or call 749-5275 (6PM recommended) Comedy Caravan: Brian Posehn 7:45pm @ Comedy Caravan, 1250 Bardstown Road, Louisville. COST: $12 Fox TV taping! Comedian/actor/writer Brian Posehn is currently on Comedy Central's popular show, "The Sarah Silverman Program" and has recently been seen on tour as one of the original members of the "Comedians of Comedy. " 5th Annual No Balls of Meat Female Comedy Contest 8PM @ The Bard's Town, 1801 Bardstown Rd, Louisville. COST: $6 This is the fifth year of the No Balls of Meat Annual Female Comedy Contest. FINALS TONIGHT with headliner Donna Carter! THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Presented by The As Yet Unnamed Theatre Company 8pm on both 8/29 AND 8/30 @ Kentucky Center for the Arts - MEX Theater, 501 West Main Street, Louisville. More shows in September. COST: $16 Town Mountain at Zanzabar 8pm Doors Open, 9pm Show @ Zanzabar Music Venue, 2100 South Preston, Louisville. COST: $5, and this event is 21+ The sound of the award-winning group Town Mountain can best be described as traditional bluegrass, with a rough-hewn side to it that's not too slick. Town Mountain came away from the 2013 International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) World of Bluegrass convention with a couple of awards in hand, and their lead singer Robert Greer was given the Momentum Award for Vocalist of the Year. 10th Annual Louisville Zombie Attack 8:29pm. Starts @ the corner of Bardstown & Eastern Parkway, finishes @ Highland Tap Room on Bardstown Road. COST: FREE This year's Zombie Attack actually has two starting points: Mid City Mall's parking lot and also the corners of Eastern Parkway and Bardstown Road. The walk ends at Highland Taproom. The official pre-party is at the Back Door, and the event/post-party is at Highland Taproom (1058 Bardstown Road) where there'll be music both inside and on an outdoor stage in the middle of Bardstown Road. There'll also be a costume contest for Grossest Zombie, Hot Zombie, King & Queen Zombie, Kid Zombie, and The Golden Machete (best overall). Bardstown Road will be closed from Eastern Parkway to Highland Avenue during the Zombie Walk! Haymarket Whiskey Bar: An Evening of Burlesque 9pm @ 331 E Market St., Louisville. COST: $12, Ages 21+ Join the Kentucky Burlesque Society as we present a traditional burlesque variety show to dazzle and delight you! One night only! Come early for the best seats! MORE IN THE BY, I HAVE TO TYPE IT!

2016 NIGHT ATTACK SUMMER MOVIE LEAGUE - WEEK 21 1st Place - Night Attack - $938M ($22M last week) - $96 - 9. 8 Multiplier 2nd Place - DTNS - $880M ($102) - $94 - 9. 4 3rd Place - Amtrekker - $699M ($3M) - $77 - 9. 1 4th Place - Chainsawsuit - $648M ($1M) - $86 - 7. 5 5th Place - Cordkillers - $509M ($1M) - $91 - 5. 6 6th Place - We Have Concerns - $329M ($29M) - $100 - 3. 3 Just two short weeks ago, Night Attack was cruising along with a $261M advantage over DTNS, their lead in the somewhat murky pool that is the Summer Movie draft awe-inspiring in its Katie Ledeckyishness. Sure, they got a little comfortable, shifting to a leisurely backstroke, spitting fountains of murky water into the air while balancing a beer on their belly, and DTNS drew within $138M. But still, $138M? Night Attack was halfway home on the final lap and DTNS was just making the turn. But now, suddenly, Night Attack can sense the water churning in the lane next to them. They look back to find DTNS within $58M and charging furiously, as if the chubby swimmer representing Polpotistan that nobody recognized had peeled of his fat suit to reveal Michael Phelps, determined to make up the head start he had playfully allowed the field. Deciding it's time to make a final kick to put the race away, Night Attack is dismayed to find they had expended nearly all their energy, and it's all they can do to dog paddle home, kept afloat only by their Secret Life of Pets water wings. DTNS, meanwhile, is running into fatigue issues of their own. Suicide Squad finished #1 for the second straight weekend, but fell a Batman v Superman -like 67%, which does not bode well for its legs 1 (note to new readers: comparisons to Batman v Superman are what we in the movie draft journalism biz call "not good"). Still, they are going to continue to gain ground every day, and who touches the wall in the SMD pool first may come down to who hasn't clipped their fingernails recently. On to the ever-transforming Big Board of Stats... With no more movies left to open, it is--theoretically--easier to refine the projections the rest of the way. Of course, there will still be surprises--as soon as we resign ourselves to Secret Life of Pets dropping only 40% per week the rest of the way (after drops of only 36% and 39% the two previous weekends), the movie laughs in our face, says, "Watch this! " and dips only 21% in its sixth week, refusing to give an inch to new family flick Pete's Dragon, dismissing it as nonchalantly as it did Ice Age, and solidifying its status as Night Attack's MVP. While this should have given Night Attack a nice step up on DTNS, Star Trek Beyond answered back with its own surprise, following 50% and 62% drops with just a 31% fall this time. Neither team will give up! Every punch is answered with an equally devastating counterpunch! Never have we seen such heart and determination from two teams, each unwilling to concede, remembering the sacrifices they made to get here, like giving up ninety minutes of their free time nearly five months ago to press a couple keys on their keyboards to bid fake money on some movies! Take that, Olympians! Anyhow, projections 2... Night Attack Look, kids going back to school has to affect Pets eventually, right? We're jumping back on the 40%-drop prediction and daring that damn movie to make us look stupid again. Ghostbusters is about done, earning $5M last week and dropping about 50% each week. So... $938M (Now) + $10M (Pets) + $2. 5M (GB) = $950. 5M - Week 22 $950. 5 + $6M (Pets) + $1. 25M (GB) = $958M - Week 23 $958M + $2M (Pets) + $0. 3M (GB) = $960M - Week 24 (Mon - Thur) - FINAL DTNS While Suicide Squad followed almost exactly Batman v Superman 's disastrous sophom*ore weekend drop (67. 4% - 69. 1%), Tom and Jennie can take some solace in the "almost" part of that. If the Squad matches BvS's 55% and 61% drops the next two weeks and Star Trek settles back to 40% drops, then... $880M (Now) + $40 (SS) + $7M (ST) = $927M - Week 22 $927M + $16M (SS) + $4M (ST) = $947M - Week 23 $947M + $4M (SS) + $1M (ST) = $952M - Week 24 (Mon - Thur) - FINAL Buuuuut, with little competition the rest of August, if Suicide Squad can drop just 5% less than BvS --still really big drops of 50% and 56%--then it makes an extra $9M and the final score is... DTNS $961 NA $960 Yeah, there's rounding going on here, and some things may be slanted in favor of the most exciting possible outcome, but what does that matter when in real life Secret Life of Pets will probably reverse course and somehow make $30M this week? This is more a Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come projection--it could happen, but there's a lot of "what-if? " involved. CHATREALM LEAGUE 1st Place - Dannil - $1. 614B ($18M last week) - $100 Spent - 16. 1 Multiplier 2nd Place - thislittlepiggie - $1. 603B ($19M) - $100 - 16. 0 3rd Place - Chaoslord - $1. 596B ($18M) - $100 - 16. 0 4th Place - (18 teams tied) - $$1. 578B ($4M) - $99 - 15. 8 Gold, silver, and bronze are locked up, as is the 18-way tie for copper or whatever. The question now looks to be which chatrealmers get in the Top 50 and on the opening page of the official Movie Draft standings spreadsheet (), sharing the front page with the Big Six in the Night Attack League while the rest of us are forced to slide our cursor all the way over to the lower left corner to click on Full Chatrealm List. Those with a chance to join the Top 50 look to be Suicide Squad owners grizzlyfoz in 68th place, $53M off the pace, and the quartet in 76th--EffDee, NotWarShington, Travis, and Xmodem--who need to make up $67M to sneak in, and, needing a DTNS championship-level $80M from Suicide Squad, 86th place playertwopressstart. Patron Production Companies 68th Place - MissKate - $1. 390B ($8M) - $99 - Down 4 Spots (Ghostbusters playing) 207th Place - Mrrix32 - $1. 229B ($77M) - $99 - Up 16 spots (Suicide Squad playing) 257th Place - Godzilak - $1. 131B ($31M) - $100 - Up 14 spots (Pets, Star Trek playing) 302nd Place - perfface4radio - $1. 100B ($87M) - $99 - Up 54 spots (Star Trek, Suicide Squad playing) Everyone continues to climb. Okay, except MissKate, but c'mon, there isn't much room for her to move. I'd like to thank Justin, Brian, and Tom for talking up the CRUMDUM this past week on Night Attack and Cordkillers' Spoilerin' Time, and also to those in the chats who added some damned nice comments of their own. That was very cool. And while I'm thanking people, thanks, of course, to everyone supporting the CRUMDUM on Patreon--you made this bit of nonsense happen this season. So if the rest of you are looking for people to blame for this, here are the culprits pledging fifty cents or more per issue (now with two new terrific individuals in Roger Quillman and TimeJumper! ): Tom Merritt, Brian Clark, Kevin Lindow, Justin R Young, perfface4radio, Brett Rounsaville, Jason Couch, Martin Rix, Lisa Boban, Roberto Villegas, Kate Sherrill, Jackie Hern, Laundry Scent, Preston Monroe, Dave Podnar, Shane Rosenkrantz, Jennie Josephson, Roger Quillman, and TimeJumper. If you would like to claim some responsibility for bringing the CRUMDUM back in the winter ($18 away! ), visit 1 "Legs, " as you're probably aware, is a movie industry term for how long a film will continue to run, coined in 1903 by Thomas Edison's wife Marion, who was commandeered by her husband to run inside a giant hamster wheel to power the projector for each showing of Edison Films' The Great Train Robbery. Though they shot and edited an hour-and-a-half's worth of film, showings never lasted more than eleven minutes before poor Marion's legs gave out. 2 "Projections, " as you're probably aware, is a movie industry term for "guesses. ".

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the_garfield_aprentice (31) Sou dos anos 70, mas não me canso de ouvir essas músicas, são demais. Download free inxs 3a baby live at wembley stadium shoes. Download free inxs 3a baby live at wembley stadium pubg. Download free inxs: baby live at wembley stadium parking. Michael Hutchence of Inxs during 1990 MTV VMA's Rehearsal at Universal Amphitheater in Universal. City, CA, United States. (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc) FilmMagic, Inc On July 13, 1991, INXS performed in front of 74, 000 people at a sold out Wembley Stadium in London, England. It was the bands largest concert to date as frontman Michael Hutchence would inform the crowd on stage, a moment captured by director David Mallet during the groups first live concert film Live Baby Live. The concert was filmed 28 years ago on sixteen 35 mm cameras. A helicopter provided sweeping aerial shots of the band on stage amidst the iconic Wembley throng. The newly restored film will be presented in cinematic widescreen, featuring sound remastered in Dolby Atmos by Giles Martin and Sam Okell at Abbey Road studios, when it hits theaters for one night only courtesy of CinEvents / Eagle Rock Films / Fathom Events on December 9. While the 1991 show, part of the groups massive world tour in support of its seventh studio album X, stood as their biggest headlining performance, it wasnt the first time INXS performed at Wembley. Five years prior, almost to the day, the group did two shows at Wembley Stadium on July 11 and 12, 1986 as the opening act for Queen during the “Magic” tour (the groups final full tour with singer Freddie Mercury. Remarkably, the pair of 1986 shows fell exactly one year after Queens triumphant Wembley performance at Live Aid and loomed large for INXS five years later as they recorded their own headlining performance at the stadium. “It wasnt an entirely easy concert for us to do, the two nights, ” said INXS guitarist Tim Farriss of the opening slot. “After the first night, I was standing where Brian May would stand and the hardcore Queen fans are right down in the very front throwing loaves of bread at us. And we still got a great reaction and it felt like a great gig but it was like, ‘Well, Ive never had anything thrown at me before…” the guitarist joked. “When we got to do it ourselves, it was like, ‘There wont be any bread tonight! ” LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 24: Tim Farriss and Michael Hutchence of INXS perform on stage on the. Kick' tour at Wembley Arena on June 24th, 1988 in London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Pete Still/Redferns) Redferns In 1989, the Rolling Stones launched their enormous “Steel Wheels” world tour, creating an arms race in terms of concert production that still hasnt stopped. But Live Baby Live is a stripped down affair in comparison that thrives thanks to a great band firing on all cylinders, the incomparable presence of one of rocks all time great frontmen and a Wembley crowd characteristically teetering on the brink of being out of control. “Wed played Wembley Stadium before with Queen and theyre amazing. But that had to be a typical English rock extravaganza, which happens really at every stadium show you see. But we didnt go for images of ourselves or balloons or grand pianos, backing vocalists, dancers or anything like that. Its just the six of us, ” Farriss explained. “And Michael hardly even says anything! I just sat there going, ‘Wow! I cant believe we did that. And I cant believe the audience loved it that much. I mean, the music does sound great but it seems to be this cycle going between the audience and the band. ” Free of the trappings that denote most large concerts today, Live Baby Live puts the focus squarely on singer Michael Hutchence and the music of INXS. X followed up the worldwide breakout success of the Kick album in 1987 and the Wembley recording features a band reaching its commercial peak. The newly restored edition of the London concert, which was released digitally and on CD/vinyl earlier this month and hits theaters in December, features for the first time the groups playing that night of the X deep cut “Lately, ” a performance previously thought lost. The groups stature by that point allowed them to take some chances creatively on stage. “The thing about it was the band was so relaxed. We went out there and jammed to start the show. And [INXS drummer] Jonny [Farriss] running out by himself first without any of the rest of us, that wasnt planned. So we all sort of came out and started jamming before he pulls the band in on the first chords and away we go. Thats what you do at a club, not a stadium show! ” said the guitarist. “And [‘Guns in the Sky] wasnt even a hit, ” recalled Farriss of the groups opening cut that night. “Sure, it was a well-known song off the Kick album but, normally, in a stadium show, you might think about opening with a hit. But we just changed the set up a bit and had fun with it. Just seeing the audience really helped the band feel like, ‘This is gonna be fun…” The fun the band appears to be having on stage during the Wembley concert is contagious. And director David Mallet managed to capture a warm exchange between Farriss and Hutchence for posterity. It happened during a particularly incisive rendition of “What You Need. ” Drummer Jon Farriss sets forth a funky beat as the band slows things down for a moment, stretching out to jam. Hutchence shimmies left, wrapping his right arm around his guitarist, and the two have an inaudible exchange during the embrace. Shortly thereafter, Hutchence, laughing, goads the guitarist to, “play the f—-ing riff, Timmy. ” Farriss, also laughing, responds in kind with a searing take on the songs hook - and a measured word for Hutchence - pulling the band from the jam and back into the performance. “Well, it was kind of an inside joke. Because I came up to him and said, ‘Mike, this is the biggest f—-ing pub weve ever played. And he turns around and says it to the audience, ” said Farriss. “So I said to him, ‘Why didnt you tell them I said that? So we were having a bit of a friendly gibe at each other during the night to egg each other on. It was a very, very warm moment between us, I have to admit. It was great. Michael and I did 95% of all of the interviews so we had a certain in joke between us, yes. We were having a fun night. ” UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 01: WEMBLEY STADIUM Photo of Michael HUTCHENCE and INXS, Michael Hutchence. right) performing on stage (Photo by Fin Costello/Redferns) By the ‘91 Wembley show, Hutchence had established himself as the perfect rock combo of sex appeal and charisma with the substance and depth of the groups catalog to back it all up. He was the rare frontman equally as adept at reaching fans in the front row as he was those at the back of the massive Wembley gathering or on screen in a theater. And he shines during Live Baby Live. “Well, you know, its a funny thing. Ive heard people say that Michael couldve fronted any band. And its like, ‘Well, I suppose… But he didnt, ” said Farriss of the late INXS frontman. “And the thing is that when he started singing with us, he really wasnt the singer. Hed never really sung. He was a schoolkid. Hed messed around with poetry a little bit, ” he continued. “We all sort of grew up together. We were family. And we were all so different. And Michael evolved with us. And he saw his role as the frontman and he started to take that on from way early on. And he got better and better and better at it. And it was a wonderful thing to watch that flower open. ” Director Richard Lowenstein takes a deeper dive into Hutchences world in the new documentary Mystify: Michael Hutchence, a film which hits theaters for one night on January 7, 2020. “Its interesting that Richard Lowensteins film Mystify came out about a really similar time to the Live Baby Live film. And that was kind of a coincidence - but a nicely timed coincidence, ” said Farriss. “Because, on the one hand, you see that that film is all about Michael - its really not to do with us - but then if you entail it with the live Wembley show, they go well together in a way. ” With rumors of a Broadway musical in the works, Mystify and Live Baby Live go a long way toward helping to secure the legacy of both Hutchence and INXS twenty-two years after the singers untimely passing. Its a role Tim Farriss in particular has embraced. As Live Baby Live lands in theaters on December 9, Farriss has only one hope. “So I went to the cinema by myself and watched it. Which is kind of weird. Because there were so many people in the audience of the film I was watching and it was only me watching it [in the theater. But I still clapped, ” joked the guitarist of his private screening. “I was actually blown away to be honest. It was a surreal experience. Id seen it on television. But this was completely different, sitting in the cinema like youre at a concert. I felt like I was watching our concert properly, like I was in the audience. I had never seen us like that. So it was wonderful. It just brought back so many memories of the night, ” Farriss said. “Id love to be in a cinema incognito. In fact, when it comes out, Im probably going to do that. And watch it and see what its like with other people watching it. Because Im dying to see their reactions, you know? I just hope they play it loud. ”. INXS: Live Baby Live Wembley Stadium is now available digitally and on CD/vinyl. The film hits theaters for one night only on December 9, 2019 courtesy of CinEvents / Eagle Rock Films / Fathom Events. To purchase tickets for screenings in your area, click HERE... Mystify: Michael Hutchence is now available and will be shown in theaters on January 7, 2020. To purchase tickets for screenings in your area, click HERE.

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Boa Mú Brazil. News October 10, 2019 by Paul Sinclair tags: 1980s, 1990s, dolby atmos, inxs Wembley shows audio remixed for new 2CD or 3LP sets • Concert film restored to Ultra HD 4K for theatrical run with Dolby Atmos soundtrack The soundtrack to INXS ‘ Live Baby Live Wembley Stadium show, on 13 July 1991, has been newly remixed and will be issued on 3LP vinyl and 2CD in November. Live Baby Live: Wembley Stadium captures the memorable performance and features the hits ‘Need You Tonight‘, ‘New Sensation‘, ‘Devil Inside‘ – a previously thought ‘lost track ‘Lately from the album ‘X – and many more. Speaking about this show,INXS Garry Gary Beers remembers “The whole band was on fire that night but especially at our ‘pointy end – Michael was so good as he sang his heart out and gave every person in the crowd a night to remember for all time. He truly had that amazing ability to make the biggest shows as intimate as the pubs we grew up in musically”. Unlike the original Live Baby Live album (from 1991) which took its audio from various shows from that tour, this new release is the soundtrack to this one performance at Wembley, with the audio newly remixed by Giles Martin & Sam Okell at Abbey Road Studios. Both vinyl and CD formats feature unseen imagery from the show, new essays from the band and sleeve notes by broadcaster and uber INXS fan Jamie East, who was in the crowd that day. These physical audio releases coincide with a new theatrical presentation of the original Live Baby Live concert film. The film has been restored from the original 35mm negative to Ultra HD 4K. I was lucky enough to get a preview of this earlier in the year and can confirm that its stunningly good. Theyve actually converted 4:3 to 16:9 with careful shot-by-shot reframing, for the full cinematic experience. The audio for the film will be in Dolby Atmos (again by Giles Martin and Sam Okell. The Live Baby Live concert film will be in cinemas in Australia and New Zealand from November 14, North and South America from December 9, and in the UK on November 27. Check for local listings. The Live Baby Live: Wembley Stadium vinyl and CD sets will be issued on 15 November 2019. Live Baby Live: Wembley Stadium 3LP black vinyl SIDE A Guns in the Sky New Sensation I Send a Message The Stairs SIDE B Know the Difference Disappear By My Side Hear That Sound SIDE C Lately The Loved One Wild Life SIDE D Mystify Bitter Tears Suicide Blonde What You Need SIDE E Kick Need You Tonight Mediate SIDE F Never Tear Us Apart Who Pays the Price Devil Inside Live Baby Live: Wembley Stadium 2CD set CD1 CD2 Devil Inside.

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Conditions of Use Privacy Policy 1996-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. Six years to the day of Live Aid and five years and a day since the band supported Queen at Wembley Stadium, INXS headlined their own show at the famed venue to a sell-out crowd of 73, 791 crazed fans. The event, called ‘Summer XS, was immortalized in the best-selling concert film ‘Live Baby Live, directed by David Mallet. Twenty-eight years on, the film has been painstakingly restored from the original 35mm negative. The film is now presented in glorious cinematic widescreen, created by going through the film shot by shot and repositioning every single one to get the best out of the frame. The restoration process unveiled a ‘lost performance, which was not included in the original releases - ‘Lately from the ‘X album. It is now returned to its rightful position in the concert setlist.

Unlike the original INXS - Live Baby Live, which took its audio from various shows from that tour, this new release is the soundtrack to this one performance at Wembley, with the audio newly remixed by Giles Martin & Sam Okell at Abbey Road Studios, London Mastered at Abbey Road Studios, London This reissue removes the 'Shining Star' studio track and restores the lost 'Lately' track to complete the show. 41:04 ouch. I WANT MY 80s AND MY MTV BACK.

Everything is great about this band. Que banda papa como lo disfrute soy de esa epoca. me emociona cada ves que escucho esto. no la porquería de ahora que va hacer los tiempos cambiaron. lo de antes era mejor saludos desde argentina gracias al que subió el vídeo. Download free inxs 3a baby live at wembley stadium karaoke. Pues la escuche en él video de dross y se me metió en la cabeza :v. Just like Elvis, Prince, Bowie and George Michael, there will never be another Michael Hutchence. He was the Jim Morrison of our generation. Still not sure if it was an accidental death, suicide or murder. RIP beautiful.

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Fantastic. Download Free INXS: Baby Live at wembley stadium. Download free inxs: baby live at wembley stadium tickets. Note michael´s leather jacket style, it would be copied by bono 4 years later for the succesful reinvention of U2 with achtung baby era. My girlfriend played this for me a couple months ago. When I purpose to her im going to play it back to her. Download free inxs: baby live at wembley stadium 9.

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Directors Alec Tibaldi. 1 hour, 25 minutes. Synopsis When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be. year 2019. Italy. writers Alec Tibaldi. Spiral Farm movie - video dailymotion. This looks good. What are the chances that the people who whine about sequels, remakes, and reboots are going to support this one. The best trailer ever,i like how they didn't show tobin bell,or the puppet or anything,but from the leaks,this is a sequel to saw 7,PREQUEL to jigsaw and yes,tobin bell is in it,he wasn't supposed to be at first but he was put in later.

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Released December 13, 2019 Drama Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Spiral Farm near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Sign up for a FANALERT and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Also sign me up for FanMail to get updates on all things movies: tickets, special offers, screenings + more. Synopsis "Spiral Farm” stars Piper De Palma (Anahita) as a 17 year old teenage girl growing up on a commune where her life is very much dedicated to the care of others. She finds her very organized existence disrupted by the arrival of two outsiders, which causes her world of obligation and community to be cracked wide open. With these strangers comes the opportunity for a new exotic future all her own—if shes willing to step forward, abandoning all that shes ever known and take it. How brave or is it reckless, are we willing to be to get what we think that we want.

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Well. now we know where leatherface gets food when he doesnt feel like making it himself. Click the stream buttons below to toggle between working/non-working source servers Spiral Farm When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be. Duration: 85 Quality: 4K Release: 2019 IMDb: 4. 9 Comments Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. You May Also Like 4K Inside Out Inside Out 4K Growing up can be a bumpy road, and its no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco…. Country: USA 4K Letters from Iwo Jima Letters from Iwo Jima 4K The story of the battle of Iwo Jima between the United States and Imperial Japan during World War II, as told from the perspective of the Japanese who fought it. Country: USA 4K Your Friends & Neighbors Your Friends & Neighbors 4K This adult comedy follows six characters, three men and three women from a cross-section of social groups, as they play sexual power games. When an affair fires up between 2… Country: USA 4K Ju Dou Ju Dou 4K A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husbands nephew but is forced to raise her son… 4K See You Yesterday See You Yesterday 4K Two Brooklyn teenage prodigies, C. J. Walker and Sebastian Thomas, build make-shift time machines to save C. s brother, Calvin, from being wrongfully killed by a police officer. Country: USA 4K Patriots Day Patriots Day 4K In the aftermath of an unspeakable act of terror, Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders joins courageous survivors, first responders and investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the… 4K Captain Phillips Captain Phillips 4K The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two… Country: USA 4K Music Teacher Music Teacher 4K Despite his ambitions to make it big, Beni is still stuck in the hills, bitter and hurt, struggling to make ends meet by teaching music and singing in clubs. Jyotsna, … 4K The Modern Ocean The Modern Ocean 4K Conflicts along a shipping route culminate in an epic battle. 4K The Endless Day The Endless Day 4K Three children play games in the wild garden of a country house surrounded by woods. The elder sister says Mummy and Daddy will be home soon as she reads her… 4K Mid90s Mid90s 4K Stevie is a sweet 13-year-old about to explode. His mom is loving and attentive, but a little too forthcoming about her romantic life. His big brother is a taciturn and… Country: USA 4K The Man in the Trunk The Man in the Trunk 4K A man receives an unexpected visit from a long-lost friend who asks for help in burying a body. Country: USA.

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2019 METASCORE No score yet based on 1 Critic Awaiting 3 more reviews tbd USER SCORE VOTE NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Spiral Farm Movie Details & Credits Indican Pictures, Release Date: December 13, 2019, Not Rated Starring: Akuyoe Graham, Amanda Plummer, Cosimo Fusco, Jade Fusco, Kayleigh Gilbert, Ken Schneider, Landen Beattie, Piper De Palma, Sara Anne, Teo Halm Summary: When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be. Director: Alec Tibaldi Genre(s) Drama Rating: Not Rated Runtime: 85 min See All Details and Credits Awards & Rankings Watch Now Buy On Stream On Metascore Positive: Mixed: Negative: Critic Reviews 60 Noel Murray Dec 12, 2019 Writer-director Alec Tibaldi pays more attention to the setting than the story; but the heroine and her surroundings are so artfully sketched that a thin plot isnt a major liability. Read full review SEE ALL 1 REVIEWS User Score Write a Review No reviews yet. More From Metacritic 13 Films to See in February Our editors select the most promising films headed to theaters in... 2020 Sundance Film Festival: Best and Worst Films Find out what critics are saying about over 40 of the most notable films... DVD/Blu-ray Release Calendar: February 2020 Find a full list of movie and TV titles headed to disc in February 2020. What to Watch Now on Starz Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... Current Movie Releases By Metascore By User Score 91 Little Women 90 Uncut Gems 82 Knives Out 81 Ford v Ferrari 80 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood SEE ALL More From Spiral Farm 2:10 0 Spiral Farm SEE ALL TRAILERS.

Watch stream spiral farm show. Cant wait to see what unexpected ending will happen this movie. “The revolution has begun”. Movies like this get me man. Kinda like hildago and seabiscuit. هل يوجد عرب هناا لقد رأيت ممثلة في هذا الفلم تشبه هنا الزاهد. When Harry Met Sally. Photo: Columbia Pictures This post is updated regularly to reflect the latest movies to leave and enter Hulu. *New additions are indicated with an asterisk. When a lot of people think of Hulu, they might think of it as the best streaming service for current television, with a few of their original shows thrown in for good measure. Thats a shame: Film lovers still dont really utilize the services surprisingly deep library of movies, all free to subscribers. As we have with Netflix and Amazon, were hear to provide a service — a regularly updated list of the best movies you can watch on Hulu right this minute. Get started. * 28 Days Later In 2002, Danny Boyle revitalized the zombie genre in a way thats still impacting the horror world today. Cillian Murphy stars as a man who wakes up in a hospital only to discover that the undead apocalypse has actually happened. The film was a massive hit, spawning a sequel and dozens of imitators. 28 Weeks Later Five years after the release of the smash hit 28 Days Later (see above) some of the team behind that film got together to make an underrated sequel. Starring Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner, and Harold Perrineau, this is a really well-made zombie flick. Watch it and lament the fact that the long-awaited 28 Months Later still isnt here. Maybe it should be 28 Years Later by now. Akira Katsuhiro Otomos 1988 adaptation of the hit manga franchise has been often imitated but rarely duplicated. See what the big deal is about with a revisit of a film that has influenced literally hundreds of other works, animated and live-action, in the three decades since its release. Theyre always talking about remaking it, but it usually falls apart. People are probably scared to walk in the shadow of such an achievement. Almost Famous Cameron Crowes most personal film is also his best, a semi-biographical look at a coming-of-age road trip that a young journalist takes with a fictional rock band. Patrick Fugit stars, but the movie really belongs to its supporting cast, including great performances from Kate Hudson, Billy Crudup, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Frances McDormand. Its even better than you remember. Amazing Grace Caught up in legal and technical issues for years, this document of the recording of Aretha Franklins legendary return to gospel music was finally released this year to rapturous reviews. Its a vision of an artist at the top of her craft that will move you even if you dont like religious music or the Queen of Soul. Its a must-see. American Buffalo David Mamet adapted his own breakthrough stage play in 1996 for an indie drama that barely made a splash in theaters but is worth a revisit simply for the power of its performances. The play and film are simple, character pieces – there are only three speaking roles – which allows for a showcase for Sean Nelson, Dennis Franz, and especially Dustin Hoffman. * American Gangster Ridley Scott directed this epic gangster pic that saw two of the most charismatic actors of their generation work together on their first major project (no offense, Virtuosity fans. Denzel Washington plays this loose variation on the life of Frank Lucas, a legendary criminal who revolutionized the drug trade; Russell Crowe plays the detective who brought him down. Both men are great, but this is an awesome ensemble piece with great supporting work from a dozen or so character actors. Annihilation Paramount notoriously didnt know what to do with Alex Garlands latest sci-fi masterpiece and so they dumped it in U. S. theaters and sold it to Netflix in the rest of the world. In the States, its not on Netflix but is sitting there on Hulu, waiting for you to catch up with the fascinating story of “The Shimmer” and what it does to characters played by Natalie Portman and Oscar Isaac. Its only just over a year old but has already developed a loyal following. Apollo 11 Director Todd Douglas Miller worked with a team to remaster never-before-seen footage of the first trip to the moon for its 50th anniversary. The result is this stunning technical achievement, a movie that transports us back in time and into space in ways that weve never seen before. Bachelor Party Before he became Americas most likable actor, Tom Hanks made a few films that appealed more to the adults in the audience, including this 1984 broad comedy thats pretty self-explanatory in its title. In the glut of “raunchy comedies” of the ‘80s, Bachelor Party stands out a bit, largely because of how much Hanks could bring even to something this relatively mediocre and this early in his career. The Beach Bum Harmony Korine released his long-anticipated follow-up to Spring Breakers early in 2019 and most people barely noticed. Matthew McConaughey leans into his bongo-playing stoner persona as the wonderful Moondog, a Floridian who is kind of just chilling his way through life. Theres almost no plot, but this is an unforgettable slice of debauchery complete with memorable supporting turns by Isla Fisher, Jonah Hill, Martin Lawrence, and, of course, Snoop Dogg. Big Fish Tim Burton directed this adaptation of the beloved Daniel Wallace novel of the same name that really speaks to that unique dynamic that develops between a father and son. Deeply personal (Burtons father had died just a couple years before filming) this is a visually striking and emotionally resonant story of a dying man (Albert Finney) telling tall tales to his son (Billy Crudup) that has something to say about memory, heroism, and family that feels genuine and artful at the same time. The Biggest Little Farm John Chester directed this documentary that tells his story of how he moved with his wife Molly to California and opened an operation called Apricot Lane Farms. More than just a personal document, The Biggest Little Farm becomes a look at the entire industry and how hard it can be for independent farmers to fight against the juggernauts in the business. Its a delicate, sweet movie about following your dreams and fighting back against seemingly insurmountable odds. Blackfish Very few hit documentaries actually change the world but Magnolia and CNN Films 2013 hit Blackfish literally altered the way marine parks like SeaWorld operate, and definitely impacted their bottom line. Its about the fate of a killer whale named Orca and how difficult and arguably inhumane it is to keep them in captivity. Its a tough watch, but its really well-made and informative. Blast From the Past There was a time when Brendan Fraser was one of the most likable comedy stars in the world and could elevate forgettable material. Take this relatively slight but undeniably sweet romantic comedy from 1999 in which Fraser does a riff on his awkward man-child routine as a man who spent his entire life in a fallout shelter and learned how to interact from classic TV. Alicia Silverstone, Sissy Spacek, and Christopher Walken co-star. Booksmart Olivia Wildes directorial debut is one of the smartest and straight-up funniest comedies in years. Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever star as lifelong friends who learn on the last day of school that their priorities may have been a bit out of whack. Determined to make up for lost time, they have a wild and crazy night. Often described as “ Superbad with girls, ” this is destined to be a cult classic. Bumblebee Who would have guessed that a spin-off of the Transformers franchise would be a charming and fun action movie for the entire family? Thats a good way to describe this Travis Knight film, which is kind of a prequel to the Bay universe and also kind of its own reboot. It helps a great deal to have stars as likable as Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena in the movie that feels more like a throwback to action flicks of the ‘80s than anything related to the bombastic nonsense of the Transformers franchise. * The Cabin in the Woods Buffy collaborators Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard reuniting for a meta-horror movie would have been news no matter what, but it helped this movie become a phenomenon that it was actually a really good flick on its own terms. Deconstructing the tropes of the genre in a way that makes it clear he still loves them, Goddard co-wrote and directed one of the best genre debuts of the ‘10s. Chicken Run There are precious few quality family films on Hulu, so you should try and embrace the few options you do have, such as this 2000 hit from Peter Lord and Nick Park, two of the geniuses behind Aardman Animations. A clever riff on prison break movies like Escape from Alcatraz (but with chickens. this is actually the highest-grossing stop-motion animated film of all time, a title its held for almost 20 years now. Coherence Looking for an under-the-radar genre flick to tell your friends about? This is the one. A group of friends get together for a dinner party when power goes out on the block theyre on. They notice lights on in one house down the street and they go to investigate and…we wont spoil. Just check this one out for yourself. Cold Case Hammarskjöld This Danish documentary will absolutely blow your mind. It starts as an investigation into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, who died in a plane crash in Northern Rhodesia in 1961. Suspicion that the plane was actually shot down or sabotaged starts the film, which then spirals into an examination of an international conspiracy with some incredible implications. Dont miss this one. Colossal Anne Hathaway stars in one of the most original and creative dramedies you could watch on Hulu. What happens if you blend an addiction drama and a kaiju movie? You get this crazy story, in which Hathaways troubled soul learns that she is somehow controlling a monster on the other side of the world. Its imperfect but theres nothing else quite like it. Columbus There are Oscar winners and blockbusters on Hulu when you want something familiar, but sometimes it pays to dig in a little deeper and find a movie thats been overlooked. You shouldnt miss this gem from kogonada, starring John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson. Its a beautiful, elegiac piece of work about unexpected connections and, believe it or not, architecture. The Commuter Sometimes you want to see complex character studies or detailed documentaries; sometimes you just want to see Liam Neeson shoot people and yell. One of the unexpected action stars best recent films is this 2018 thriller by his regular collaborator Jaume Collet-Serra ( Unknown, Run All Night. Neeson plays an ordinary guy sucked into a murder plot on a train in a simple but effective story that Alfred Hitchco*ck would have loved. Creed II Losing Ryan Coogler to this sequel meant a slight step down in terms of overall quality but this follow-up the excellent reboot of the Rocky franchise in Creed is still pretty darn good. Michael B. Jordan returns as Adonis Creed, who ends up having to fight a new enemy with a familiar name, Viktor Drago, the son of the legendary villain from Rocky IV. Jordan, Stallone, Tessa Thompson, and even Dolph Lundgren keep this one grounded without every getting too melodramatic. Cube Barely released in theaters – it made just over 500k – Vincenzo Natalis 1997 horror/sci-fi flick became a cult hit on DVD to such a degree that it launched a franchise. The concept is wonderfully simple: five strangers wake up in a cube-shaped room and discover that theyre in a massive series of cube-shaped rooms, some of which have deadly traps. A maze, a mystery, and some clever gore combine to make Cube a great genre film of its era. (Skip the sequels though. ) Das Boot Wolfgang Petersens 1981 action classic tells the story of a German U-Boat in World War II in the Battle of the Atlantic. Its best-remembered for being an incredible exercise in sound design and claustrophobic cinematography. We really feel what it must have been like to be stuck in this nightmare situation in which the tedium will kill you if the enemy doesnt first. Its one of Germanys best films, a nominee for six Academy Awards. Diane One of the smallest movies on this list, Kent Jones moving drama is a character study about an average woman, unforgettably played by Mary Kay Place. Diane is a giving person — giving to a bedridden cousin and giving to a drug-addicted son — who rarely finds time for herself. Shes at a point in life where shes looking back and wondering how to write her final chapters. Its a wonderful little movie of the kind that people often claim “dont get made anymore. ” Drinking Buddies Indie filmmaker Joe Swanbergs best film and biggest hit remains this 2013 comedy starring Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, and Ron Livingston. Wilde and Johnson play friends who work at a brewery in Chicago. While they seem to have a ton in common and flirt regularly, theyre both with other partners. Its no spoiler to say things get complicated. The Duke of Burgundy Peter Strickland, the writer/director of In Fabric, makes movies that arent quite like anyone elses of the modern era, films that share more in common with European horror of the ‘70s than what we see today. This is still his best film, a fascinating two-hander about two women who develop a sexual relationship that hinges on domination and submission in unexpected ways. Kink, obsession, and copious style combine in a film you wont soon forget. Eyes Wide Shut Stanley Kubricks final film is one of his best, a drama about male insecurity and control brought to life with two of the best performances in the careers of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Released in the incredibly strong cinematic year of 1999, Eyes Wide Shut kind of went underrated when it was released but people have come around to recognize it as one of the best films of its era. Cruise perfectly captures the spiral of a man who thinks he has it all and discovers he lives in a bubble. Fast Color The wonderful Julia Hart co-wrote and directed this very unusual superhero origin story that plays like the more character-driven answer to the blockbuster worlds of things like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The great Gugu Mbatha-Raw plays Ruth, a young woman who seems to have lost control over her life and the very unique nature of her being. As shes being hunted by men in black, she finds her way home and back into the sphere of her mother and daughter. What unfolds is a story of empowerment, a truly female-driven narrative about generations of strength and an origin story for an unforgettable hero. First Girl I Loved Theres a nice number of acknowledged classics on this list, but its safe to presume that most readers havent seen Kerem Sangas moving 2016 coming-of-age drama given it barely played in theaters. Dylan Gelula and Brianna Hildebrand star in a film about two teenage girls who find themselves unexpectedly in a romantic relationship. Force Majeure This 2014 Swedish film became an international hit on the back of rave reviews. Its a searing examination of how an incident can forever change a relationship. In this case, the incident happens to be an avalanche, and the patriarch of a traveling familys decision to run instead of protecting his wife and kids. All four survive the natural disaster, but theyre not quite the same again. Its being remade with Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. See the original first. Free Solo The surprising winner for the 2019 Oscar for Best Documentary is already right there on Hulu for you to catch up with it. Be careful to have someone nearby to hold your hand if youre scared of heights. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin are the directors, but the star is Alex Honnold, a “free climber, ” someone who tackles mountain faces without any gear. His latest quest? To take down El Capitan, one of the most famous rock formations in the world, and one that had never been free-climbed. The French Connection William Friedkin directs Gene Hackman to one of the most beloved performances of the ‘70s as Popeye Doyle in this Oscar-winning cop movie that inspired a generation of filmmakers. The title refers to a drug trade being run through a French heroin smuggler, but what really makes this movie work is Friedkins incredible attention to detail and craft, which won him an Oscar to go along with awards for Best Actor for Hackman and Best Picture. * The Fugitive If you want to watch a perfect piece of escapist entertainment, check out Andrew Davis and Harrison Fords riff on the classic TV series about a man framed for the murder of his wife. Its just a wonderful action movie, one thats so well-made that it earned a Best Picture nomination and an Oscar for Tommy Lee Jones. Its so immensely rewatchable and even better than you remember every single time. Gemini Lola Kirke and Zoe Kravitz star in Aaron Katzs 2017 neo-noir, a film that should appeal to fans of L. A. fiction like Drive and Mullholland Dr. The less you know about the plot the better, but this is an effective, quirky little movie with great performances that slid too far under the radar and barely got a theatrical release or attention on VOD. Make up for it on Hulu. *Ghost The cheesier aspects of this film, especially the ones involving erotic pottery, kind of turned whats a really great romance and thriller into a punchline. Patrick Swayze plays a man killed in a suspicious mugging, leaving his wife, played by Demi Moore, to deal with the grief and answer the questions around her husbands death. Moving and nuanced, Ghost is a solid piece of escapist entertainment with great performances, including an Oscar-winning one by Whoopi Goldberg. The Good, The Bad, The Weird What if we told you there was a crazy, stylish, unforgettable Korean Western just sitting there on Hulu waiting for you to discover it? Kim Jee-woons 2008 epic is a study in style, a movie that blends Spaghetti Western influences with modern sensibilities and action choreography. Its not unlike The Matrix meets Sergio Leone. Who doesnt want to see that? Grave of the Fireflies There is a lot of streaming animation for kids but not nearly enough for adults. This Studio Ghibli masterpiece is one of the exceptions. Isao Takahata wrote and directed one of the most moving animated films of all time based on Akiyuki Nosakas short story of the same name. It is about two siblings in Japan in the final days of World War II and youll never forget it. Have some Kleenex ready for this one. The Guilty Gustav Möllers 2018 film is a riveting thriller that takes place entirely in an emergency call center in Copenhagen. An officer, demoted to working there because of a pending court case, answers a call from a frightened woman. His life will never be the same as he works to try to save her and makes some false assumptions along the way. The kind of tight little thriller that you should watch before they inevitably remake it. Hail Satan? Penny Lane makes quirky documentaries, and this is her best yet, a study of the Satanic Temple that unfolds in a way that you may not be expecting. The group at the center of Lanes film is not just devil horns and ritual behavior, they exist to illuminate the regular failures of church and state the hypocrisy of a government that basically ignores that essential aspect of its existence. Funny and enlightening, its very much worth a look even for the most devout of you. Heathers Ignore the think pieces about how Heathers plays today and watch this 1989 dark comedy, a satire that caught Christian Slater and Winona Ryder at just the right time in their careers. She plays the outcast in high school and he plays the mysterious new kid who teaches her the art of vengeance. Is some of it dated? Sure, but its still sharp in the way it weaponizes the clique culture that has arguably become even more prominent in the three decades since. Hearts Beat Loud We try to make it so not every film on this list is intense, serious, Oscar bait. Take for example one of the most crowd-pleasing films that you could watch on any streaming service, the best film vehicle yet for Nick Offerman. The Parks and Recreation star plays Frank Fisher, a single father whose daughter is about to leave the nest. Before she does, they record a song together that just happens to get some buzz. The wonderful cast also includes Toni Collette, Blythe Danner, Kiersey Clemons, Sasha Lane, and Ted Danson. Hercules After the major comeback from Disney in the early ‘90s and before they gave up on hand-drawn animation forever, the Mouse House produced a few underrated, enjoyable family films, including this 1997 retelling of the Greek legend. Its not groundbreaking, but its a fun diversion on a Saturday night. Honeyland Hulu clearly has a current arrangement with Neon, being the home for recent critical darlings of theirs like Wild Rose, Apollo 11, and The Beach Bum. Heres another one of their films, a critically acclaimed, lyrical documentary about wild beekeepers in Macedonia. Shot over three years and with 400 hours of footage, its a great example of how to craft art from reality. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World People often point to the Toy Story movies as the model for a great animated series but credit should be given to the trilogy of movies about a boy named Hiccup and his dragon Toothless. The third and final film in this blockbuster series is already on Hulu, and its a gorgeous, heartfelt, moving final chapter to one of the best franchises of the ‘10s, animated or live-action. Hunt for the Wilderpeople Before he made Hemsworth your favorite Chris in Thor: Ragnarok, Taika Waititi wrote and directed this adaptation of Barry Crumps Wild Pork and Watercress. Ricky Baker (Julian Dennison) has a new foster family, including a sweet foster mother. Sadly, hes stuck with the surly husband when his new mom passes away, leading Ricky and Hec (Sam Neill) on an unforgettable adventure. Funny and truly heartwarming, this is a comedy thats almost impossible to dislike. I, Tonya Not many people would have bet that a black comedy telling of the story of Tonya Harding would end up being an Oscar winner but the ‘10s have been nothing if not surprising at the Academy Awards. Allison Janney took home the gold for her role as Hardings cruel mother in this version of one of the most famous sports scandals of all time. If Beale Street Could Talk One of 2018s best films is already on Hulu in Barry Jenkins lyrical adaptation of James Baldwins beloved novel. His follow-up to Moonlight is the story of Tish and Fonny, young lovers in the early ‘70s torn apart after Fonny is accused of a crime he didnt commit. Poetic and realistic at the same time, If Beale Street Could Talk is a gorgeous, essential piece of filmmaking. Into the Dark: Culture Shock Its about time we had one Into the Dark movie on this list, right? So this spot will hold the best of the entire run of the Blumhouse original hits from now on. Read more about all of them here, and dont miss Culture Shock, a clever commentary on where the country is at the end of the ‘10s embedded in an effective horror thriller. Jackass 3 The 3D version of this film literally made people sick in theaters when it was released in 2010. Its still got the power to make you nauseous at home on Hulu too. Its hard to believe its been a decade since Johnny Knoxville and the boys made one of these joyously hysterical movies, but theyre coming back in 2021 for Jackass 4. Catch up with where we left off the last time these grown men nearly killed themselves. Jane The masterful documentarian Brett Morgen was basically handed hours and hours of National Geographic footage of Jane Goodall that had never before been seen. With Goodalls assistance and a brilliant score by Philip Glass, he assembled the footage into a study of a fearless pioneer in the understanding of what it means to be human. This is one of the best documentaries of the ‘10s. The Last Boy Scout Tony Scotts 1991 buddy-action movie opens with an unforgettable sequence involving a football player bringing a gun onto the field. The movie that follows has some trouble matching that insanity, but stars Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans are well-matched in this story of a P. I. and a former quarterback who uncover a vast conspiracy. Kind of ridiculed at the time, this is a movie that became a cult classic in its many basic cable airings. Life Itself Everything comes full circle in Life Itself as Steve James tells the life story of Roger Ebert in a way that only he could. Ebert helped bring James Hoop Dreams to the world with his praise for it and so it makes perfect sense that James would now tell his story, one that is even more poignant since his passing. Little Monsters Lupita Nyongo is the best. Shes great every single time, even in this relatively mediocre zom-com about a kindergarten teacher who ends up a part of an attack by the undead on the worst day of her life. You could call this Field Trip of the Undead, but the reason to watch is Nyongo, who proves shes just as deft a comedienne as an action/horror star. Little Woods The opioid crisis gets an empathetic character study in Nia DaCostas drama with an incredibly talented young cast. Tessa Thompson stars as Ollie, and Lily James as her sister Deb, and both live near the border of Canada, falling to the drug trade across it to make ends meet. Thompson imbues everything she does with truth, and this is proof of her dramatic chops. Luke Kirby and James Badge Dale co-star. Lo and Behold No one makes movies like Werner Herzog, whose documentaries express his deepest interests. Hes always been fascinated with the way man interacts with nature, and so it makes sense that he would turn his eye in the other direction and make a non-fiction film about how technology has impacted the human condition. This is a little slighter than the best Herzog docs but its still a fascinating exploration of where we are and where were going. Loro Paolo Sorrentino, the Oscar-winning director of The Great Beauty, returned with another examination of excess in this look at the insane existence of Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi near the end of the ‘00s. The great Toni Servillo stars as the polarizing figure in European politics, but this is mostly a study in opulence and the inherent insanity that comes when one can have everything they want, and how much we want to be close to those kind of people. The U. cut is combination of two films released in Italy and appears to be a slightly longer version on Hulu than what was in U. theaters. * M*A*S*H One of Robert Altmans most popular and influential films launched not just a massive hit TV series but the careers of everyone involved and all the directors who would try to mimic Altmans inimitable style. Donald Sutherland, Tom Skerritt, and Elliott Gould star as medical personnel at the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War. Its funny, quirky, and helped usher in an entire era of dry comedy in the ‘70s. Meeks Cutoff Kelly Reichardt directs Michelle Williams and Paul Dano in this deliberate, purposeful tale of life on the Oregon Trail. Loosely based on a true story, its the story of an 1845 excursion across the infamous trail in which a frontier guide led a wagon train through a bleak, unforgiving desert, which would later be called Meeks Cutoff. Minding the Gap Bing Lius deeply personal documentary was one of the breakthrough indie films of 2018, going all the way from a Sundance premiere to an Oscar nomination. People fell in love with Lius deep humanism in the telling of his own friendship with three young fellow skaters in Rockford, IL, and how he illuminates how difficult it can be to go from a boy to a man. Missing Link We dont give LAIKA enough credit. They dont make nearly as much money with films like Paranorman and Kubo and the Two Strings as companies like DreamWorks and Pixar. Their latest is already on Hulu, dropping less than a year after its theatrical release. It may not be their best, but its gorgeous to look at, revealing the company that made it as arguably the most visually fascinating animated studio around. Mission: Impossible Fallout Tom Cruises latest adventure as Ethan Hunt may actually be his best. Its certainly one of the best action movies of the last couple years, and its already available on streaming services! Sure, youve read a lot about how Cruise does his own stunts (which is impressive) but watch this for a master class in action film editing. The film hums and moves in ways that other action movies dont. Its as wildly entertaining as anything youll find on Hulu. Mother! Major studios really dont make movies like Mother! that often, if ever, which is why its so crazy that this is a Paramount release. No matter what you think of it, you have to admire the risks Paramount took in financing and releasing something this truly insane – the story of a woman (Jennifer Lawrence) and her husband (Javier Bardem) and how their lives change after the arrival of a strange couple. That only hints at the insanity to follow in this riveting, deeply symbolic film about religion, filmmaking, art, gender roles, and broken sinks. Mud Remember the McConaissance? Now that it appears to be over, we can appreciate the tentpoles of Matthew McConaugheys comeback to be taken seriously as an actor, including True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club, and this indie gem, in which McConaughey plays a drifter stumbled upon by a couple of Arkansas kid. Jeff Nichols coming-of-age drama is a great example of a filmmaker who uses setting as a character. My Best Friends Wedding Julia Roberts might never have been more charming than she is in this 1997 comedy about a young woman who made a pact in college to marry her best friend, played by Dermot Mulroney. Not until her buddy gets engaged to someone else (the wonderful Cameron Diaz) does she realize she really loves him. A great blend of physical humor and memorable characters makes this one of the best rom-coms of the ‘90s. They really dont make them like this anymore. Mystery Team Long before he would shake TV with Atlanta and music with Childish Gambino, Donald Glover was part of a comedy group known as Derrick Comedy. With DC Pierson and Dominic Dierkes, Glover stars in this goofy but charming comedy three young guys who have always been obsessed with solving mysteries. It also includes early performances from Aubrey Plaza, Ellie Kemper, and Bobby Moynihan. It was barely released in theaters but has developed a following over the years, which should be helped by now being on Hulu. The Nightingale The writer/director of The Babadook may switch genres with her follow-up, but this film is no less terrifying. Aisling Franciosi gives a daring performance as Clare, a servant in a penal colony in 1825, who is raped before her baby is killed. She hunts down her attackers and gets her vengeance, but that description simplifies a daring, complex film about colonialism, trauma, and pure evil. Nobody Knows This is probably the least seen movie on this list but its one you really should seek out as soon as possible. Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda saw his international profile blow up last year with the Palme dOr-winning Shoplifters. This 2004 drama by the master tells the true story of four children who lived without adult supervision in an apartment in Tokyo. It is a heartbreaking look at how we often dont see the tragedy going on right next door. Pacific Heights There was a whole subgenre of intruder movies in the early ‘90s and one of the best is this story of a couple whose life is ruined by a sociopath named Carter Hayes, memorably played by Michael Keaton. Carter infiltrates the life of a San Fran couple played by Matthew Modine and Melanie Griffith. Its a bit clichéd but its a nice reminder of how menacing Keaton can be in the right material and works as a cautionary tale about the horrors of property management. Pi Darren Aronofsky has had one of the most unpredictable and fascinating careers of anyone in his generation. It started here with this mega low-budget Sundance hit from 1998. Shot in black-and-white, this thriller about a mathematician who becomes obsessed with how absolutes like numerical equations exist in a world of less defined elements like religion was like nothing anyone had seen at the time. It was one of the most major debuts of the ‘90s. The Polar Express The Uncanny Valley into which the human characters in Robert Zemeckis first motion-captured film fall is undeniably creepy. If you can get past that, theres a lot to like in this charming tale of believing in the magic of Christmas. The adaptation of Chris Van Allsburgs book has become a holiday favorite over the years, but its a film that works for kids outside of the season, and there arent a lot of kids movies on Hulu. Take what you can get. A Quiet Place Until Disney+ comes along, there arent really that many major blockbusters from recent years on streaming services. The assumption is probably that people will pay to rent or own movies that were hits. And so its kinda neat that Paramount has dropped John Krasinskis mega-hit from 2018 on streaming services already. Its an incredibly rewatchable movie. Youll admire something new about its design and execution every time. Rango Gore Verbinski directed one of the best animated films on Amazon Prime, this Oscar-winning featuring voice work by Johnny Depp in the lead role and some of the most inspired visuals in any animated film this decade. Rango is a chameleon who stumbled into a town called Dirt in this inventive riff on the Western genre that plays equally to children and adults. A Simple Favor Who would have guessed that the director of Bridesmaids would helm one of the best thrillers of 2018? Thats the case with this Paul Feig thriller, the story of an ordinary woman (Anna Kendrick) who becomes obsessed with a new best friend (Blake Lively) after she just ups and disappears one day. The two stars are excellent, but its the buoyant, lively tone that Feig brings the film that really makes it fun. The Sisters Brothers This might be the best movie from 2018 you havent seen. Look at that cast! John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix play the title characters in this low-key Western that just happens to co-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Riz Ahmed. One of the wonderful thing about this film is how it blends genres and styles, playing like Western, noir, comedy, and drama in subsequent beats. Almost no one saw it after a minor theatrical release, but it feels destined for cult classic status. Shoplifters 2018s Palme dOr winner (the biggest prize at Cannes) is already on Hulu for you to see what the big deal is about. And its a real big deal. The masterful Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda has long been fascinated with the concept of what exactly we mean when we say “Family. ” In this case, its the story of a discarded girl taken in by strangers and the drama that ensues. It will break your heart. Some Kind of Wonderful Most people mistakenly think this is a John Hughes film, even if the ‘80s master didnt direct, only writing and producing this romantic drama. Howard Deutch helmed the 1987 flick starring Eric Stoltz, Mary Stuart Masterson, and Lea Thompson. Its one of Hughes most genuine films in terms of clique and social structure, edging more to drama than the films he directed himself. Sorry to Bother You Boots Riley writes and directs one of the most daring debuts of 2018 in this satire of modern race relations and corporate dynamics. Lakeith Stanfield stars as a man who climbs the ladder of a telemarketing company only to find true horrors on the top floors. Its smart, strange, and unforgettable. The Standoff at Sparrow Creek Henry Dunham wrote and directed this excellent little thriller that played in limited release in early 2019 and is already on Hulu. Reminiscent of David Mamets examinations of masculinity, this is a single-setting piece about a militia group on the evening of an attack at the funeral for a police officer nearby. They gather to discuss what to do and realize one of their weapons is gone, which means someone in the compound is responsible. Its smart, taut, and a movie youll recommend to friends. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Khaaaannnnnn! Unless youre of the right age, its hard to understand what a phenomenon this movie became, completely redefining the entire Star Trek franchise. The stories of Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise were always relatively benign (people forget the first movie is rated G. but then this dark, twisted adventure story came along, and proved that this world could be just as rich and daring as the one created by George Lucas. Its a genre classic, and still the best Star Trek movie. Stronger David Gordon Green directed this 2017 dramatic retelling of the story of Jeff Bauman, a survivor of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Bauman lost his legs in the attack, and hes played memorably here in one of the best performances of Jake Gyllenhaals career. Hes matched by Tatiana Maslany as his girlfriend in a film that feels more honest than manipulative. Support the Girls Andrew Bujalskis charming comedy about a Hooters-esque restaurant stars the delightful Regina Hall on a particularly bad day on the job. This ensemble piece doesnt seek to make any great statement or offer deep insights, but somehow ends up doing both just by presenting truthful, genuine characters. Its a funny movie with a poignant streak about how hard people have to swim just to keep their heads above water. Swimming with Sharks Before his fall from grace, real fans of Kevin Spacey would name this George Huang dark comedy as one of his best performances. Spacey stars as Buddy Ackerman, a vicious monster of an executive who berates and abuses his new assistant Guy, played by Frank Whaley. Guy finally has enough and takes Buddy hostage. Vicious and sharp, this is a solid comedy that taps into something that anyone who has ever had an awful boss can understand. Tales of the Grim Sleeper This 2015 HBO documentary tells a true crime story that you may not know but you really need to hear. Not only were the serial murders committed over decades by Lonnie David Franklin Jr. simply horrifying, but Nick Broomfields documentary goes one step deeper to comment on how Franklin got away with his crimes because he was killing people that the American system doesnt care enough about. Tangerine “Shot entirely on an iPhone” sounds like a gimmick but Sean Baker transcends that to deliver a film that is about more than just the way it was filmed. Bakers comedy-drama is the story of an eventful day in the life of a transgender sex worker. Tangerine pulses with life and energy in a way that most modern L. films fail to do, capturing a side of the city and its people in a heartfelt, pure, often hysterical manner. Teen Spirit Max Minghella directs a great performance from Elle Fanning in this story of a shy teenager who becomes a pop superstar. Like a minor variation on A Star is Born, this is the inspirational story of a girl following her dreams through a talent competition. The movie isnt great, but its worth seeing for Fanning and the fantastic musical performances, often shot like music videos. The lesson is that Fanning could have been a pop star too. Three Identical Strangers Tim Wardles 2018 documentary tells the story of Edward Galland, David Kellman, and Robert Shafran — three identical triplets who were separated at birth and reunited in their teens. The WTF story of Three Identical Strangers is the kind of thing that would be deemed ridiculous if it were in a fictional screenplay but the film gets even more interesting when it turns to an investigation of nature vs. nature and reveals some dark secrets behind this fascinating tale. Dont miss it. Tickled David Farrier fell into an internet wormhole one day about “competitive endurance tickling” and decided to investigate the bizarre subset of behavior further, leading him down truly insane roads. Tickled documents his journey into a world of questionable legal and moral practices and even becomes a target himself by people who dont want their secrets revealed. Its the kind of story that you wouldnt believe if someone made it up in a fiction film. True Grit Heres a cool project for you – watch the John Wayne 1969 original and then the Jeff Bridges 2010 remake of this classic Western, both on Hulu, and contrast and compare. Theyre both interesting films, the original a snapshot of Waynes star power, and the remake more of an ensemble piece anchored by the Coen Brothers immaculate craftsmanship. * National Lampoons Vacation Time for a marathon! All four movies about the Griswold family are sitting there on Hulu – Vacation, European Vacation, Christmas Vacation, and Vegas Vacation. Despite what fans of the holiday classic may think, the original is still the best, a wonderfully constructed piece of ‘80s comedy with arguably Chevy Chases best on-screen performance. Most of all, its still just a damn funny movie. Wall Street Oliver Stone directed Michael Douglas to an Oscar for one of the most famous parts of his career as Gordon Gekko, a Wall Street raider who would become so iconic that his mantras (“Greed is good”) would be repeated in boardrooms around the world. Charlie Sheen and Daryl Hannah co-star in a film thats really about disillusionment with the American Dream (as most Stone movies are. The Wave Disaster movies arent just for Americans anymore! The premise of this is the kind of simple wonder that they used to make in Hollywood more in the ‘70s and ‘80s. An avalanche causes a large enough rockslide into a body of water that it creates a tsunami, and a nervous geologist is one of the few people who knows the carnage thats about to come. Well-acted and smartly constructed, this is a wonderful slice of disaster escapism. We Need to Talk About Kevin Lynne Ramsay directed Tilda Swinton and John C. Reilly in this devastating adaptation of Lionel Shrivers book. Ezra Miller plays the titular Kevin, a boy who develops into a man who does not seem to be quite all there. What do you do if youre worried your son is a sociopath? Terrifying and yet empathetic at the same time, this isnt an easy watch, but it is fascinating. * When Harry Met Sally… Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal star in this 1989 rom-com that became an essential movie about whether or not men and women can truly be friends without romance entering into the picture. Ryan and Crystal have arguably never been as charming as they are here, but its really Nora Ephrons razor-sharp script that made this an instant classic. Wild Rose Tom Harper directed this wonderful music-based drama about a Scottish woman who decides she wants to be a country music star. Harpers direction is light and confident, but the movie hinges on the amazing star power of Jessie Buckley, who is going to be a household name before long. See what is truly a breakthrough performance here. The Wings of the Dove Iain Softley directs this adaptation of the hit Henry James novel that earned Helena Bonham Carter a much-deserved Oscar nomination. Carter does the best work of her career in this period piece about class and privilege with a deeply cynical, dark edge to it. Lest you think all period pieces are dry and stuffy, check this one out and have your mind changed. Wonder Sometimes a family movie can be so genuinely moving that its easy to ignore its manipulative, melodramatic elements. Such is the case with this adaptation of the hit 2012 novel by R. J. Palacio. Jacob Tremblay plays a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome who just wants to be like the other kids. This was a surprisingly huge hit (over 300 million worldwide) mostly due to how truthful it feels throughout. Its just a sweet flick with a nice message for any generation, The 100 Best Movies on Hulu Right Now.

the_garfield_aprentice (33) the_garfield_aprentice (34) Can children watch this? Is there any sex or anything in this movie. Boring. Youll regret watching this. Id like to point out that Watiti is wearing contacts to make his eyes blue so he can be hitler. I'm usually not into these type of movies. but this looks pretty good until I found out the female/felicity jones character did not exist and actually replaced a man who saved them both. Smh.

A movie where men gonna cry. . Where can I watch it. the_garfield_aprentice (35)

Netflix has been releasing feature-length original films ever since 2015's Beasts of No Nation, but the streaming service didn't become truly impressive until 2019, when its slate was stocked with genre gems and big-stakes theatrical releases. In between, the streaming behemoth has unleashed movies that range from cheesy Adam Sandler comedies to harrowing allegories about factory farming, all in an effort to revolutionize the way you watch movies and TV. Naturally, some Netflix originals are better than others. These are the best movies the platform has to offer (excluding documentaries) a ranking that will change and evolve as Netflix continues its all-out push into original programming in 2020. Once you've made your way through these titles, you can also check out our ranking of Netflix's best original TV shows. Recommended Video This Restaurant Reinvented the McGriddle Netflix 50. The Little Prince (2015) Netflix rescued this animated adaptation of the popular French sci-fi novel after a major Hollywood studio dumped it. Watching The Little Prince, you can see why; following a girl who tests her overbearing mother's life plan by dreaming big and adventuring into space, the movie is a little too melancholy, a little too freeform, and a little too poetic. at least side-by-side with the Ice Age movies. For Netflix, the result is a huge win. Netflix 49. Bird Box If you haven't watched Netflix's creepy horror movie Bird Box by now, where have you been? Sandra Bullock's newest film took the Internet by storm the weekend it premiered in December, prompting what seemedlike everyone in the entire world to watch and share their horrified reactions (and responses to a dangerous meme challenge. Bullock plays Malorie, a suburban single woman who finds herself, along with a hodgepodge of other people, trapped in an apocalyptic nightmare involving creatures who cause people to commit suicide on sight. If you look at them, you die, so everyone has to run around outside wearing blindfolds. and honestly, what horror movie trope is scarier than not being able to see? If you really dug A Quiet Place, but wish a different sense had been taken away from its main characters, Bird Box is for you. Netflix 48. The Polka King (2018) It's likely not many people know about Jan Lewan, the real-life Polish émigré who settled in Pennsylvaniaand started a Ponzi scheme to fuel a fraudulent polka empire. Though director Maya Forbes and co-writer Wally Wolodarskyplay a bit fast and loose with the facts, The Polka King ultimately delivers a story as oddly infectious and entertaining as the music at its heart. Stepping up as Lewan is Jack Black, channeling the same madcap charm he did in School of Rock combined with the offbeat charismatic criminality of his performance in Bernie. Joining him for this surreal rise-crash-rise of an American dreamarea potent Jenny Slate (playing Lewan's wife) a wonderfully lame Jason Schwartzman (Lewan's faithful BFF) and a flat-out phenomenal Jacki Weaver (Lewan's mother-in-law. Admittedly, some might feel squeamish about how this movie makes light of the people Lewan cheated. and it doesn't help that there's aweird quarter-baked redemption arc near the end. but at the end of the day, this is a vehicle for Black to show off his nonpareil charisma. 47. A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2018) You'd think that a guy who co-founded the legendary humor magazine National Lampoon and co-wrote two movies quoted more often, we're pretty sure, than the Bible (1978's Animal House and 1980'sCaddyshack) would be a household name. Yet Doug Kenney, who fell or jumped to his death in Hawaii a month after the release of the 1980 golf classic, remains woefully obscure, perhaps by his own design. This Netflix biopic, directed by David Wain and starring Will Forte, tells the story of his decade-long rise from Harvard wit to disillusioned Hollywood scriptwriter, and it nearly succeeds in making you understand what made Kenney tick. At times, the movieseems distracted by the endless parade of familiar actors and comedians cast as real-life figures, such as Joel McHale as Chevy Chase and Paul Scheer as Paul Shaffer, but even comedy nerds who already know this stuff cold will enjoy seeing Forte work. Fora more complete look at the National Lampoon era, watch the 2015 documentary Drunk Brilliant Stoned Dead. Or just skip them both, yell "doody. and fire up Caddyshack for the 100th time. 46. The Killer (2017) This Brazilian western ( O Matador in Portuguese) tells the story ofCabeleira, a recluse who, after seeking the fate of his gunslinging father, becomes a feared killer in his own right. Written and directed by Marcelo Galvão, The Killer unspools with the same kind of wonder as a fairy tale (with narration to boot. While its characters are very much the stuff of legend, their adventures are much grittier and more soaked in blood than you might anticipate. While some of the movie's quirks occasionally fall flat, it'd be a mistake to ignore altogether. Thanks to its taut run time and spellbinding story, The Killer makes for the perfect weeknight watch if you're looking for a discovery that's a little off the beaten path. Netflix 45. The Perfection (2019) The Perfection, Netflix's self-consciously sleazy genre provocation starring Allison Williams as a former child cello prodigy out for revenge, is like a cinematic endurance test. Grossed out by the creepy bug effects and horrifying depictions of self-mutilation? Keep streaming. For some viewers, the act of surviving each grisly twist and body horror scare in this thriller from Richard Shepard will be its own reward, because as shocking as this derailed story of vengeance from one deranged classic musician onto another is, thats all part of its sick fun. Netflix 44. War Machine (2017) Based on the late Michael Hastings book The Operators, War Machine finds Brad Pitt goofing hard on General Stanley McChrystal, who served as Commander, U. S. Forces Afghanistan from June 2009 to June 2010. Pitt's character, General Glen McMahon, is a tough-as-nails American warlord whose bureaucratic skills echo both Patton and Popeye, but who finds he still can't make headway in the confusing chaos of Middle Eastern conflict. McMahon makes decisions, occasionally wild ones worth of his yuk-yuk-yuk persona, and they ripple through global politics. Doesn't matter. As director David Michôd ( The Rover, Animal Kingdom) demonstrates through spotty satire and pristine war footage, even the best SEAL team fighters, the highest-ranking strategists, and the support of the President of the United States don't get you far if no one understood the conflict at hand in the first place. Netflix 43. I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (2016) A meditative horror flick that's more unsettling than outright frightening, I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House follows the demise of Lily, a live-in nurse (Ruth Wilson) who's caring for an ailing horror author. As Lily discovers the truth about the writer's fiction and home, the lines between the physical realm and the afterlife blur. The movie's slow pacing and muted escalation might frustrate viewers craving showy jump-scares, but writer-director Oz Perkins is worth keeping tabs on. He brings a beautiful eeriness to every scene, and his story will captivate patient streamers. Fans should be sure to check out his directorial debut, The Blackcoat's Daughter. Netflix 42. Calibre (2018) More than two men going on a vacation together in a horror film is never a good idea. Calibre, a horror tale that follows two childhood friends on a hunting trip in the Scottish Highlands, is a clever and tense entry in this long tradition of male bonding gone haywire. Father-to-be Vaughn (Jack Lowden) and his gruffer buddy Marcus (Martin McCann) aren't as close as they used to be, but the trip loosens them up and rekindles their friendship. After a tragic accident occurs in the woods, Marcus makes a decision that the more reserved, contemplative Vaughn regrets. Director Matt Palmer finds psychological nuance in this well-trodden material, making a familiar hike feel like a brand new journey into the unknown. 41. Sand Storm (2016) Israeli director Elite Zexer's debut is a slow-paced reimagining of classic forbidden love stories, set in a Bedouin village in southern Israel. Layla is a young woman whose love interest is outside the tribe, much to her mother Jalila's consternation. Jalila has enough of her own problems, as her husband, Suliman, has just married a second bride. There's nothing romantic about love in Sand Storm, however, with most of the action focusing on the grueling everyday existence of Bedouin life: hanging up laundry, restarting a generator, constantly cleaning and cooking and dealing with family drama. What it lacks in action it makes up for in attention to detail. Netflix 40. Set It Up (2018) Set It Up is by no means the most important movie Netflix has produced, nor is it the most ambitious. But it's probably the one you're going to want to watch again and again. The streaming behemoth has been on a rom-com kick in 2018, and this film from director Claire Scanlon is one of its most delightful entries into the genre. It starts with a meet-cute that would play as well in 1948 or 1998 as it does in 2018: Two eager assistants (Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell) plot to set up their horror-show bosses to free up their own social lives. Naturally, our two underlings find their friendship of convenience blossom into something more. As with any good romantic comedy the trick is all in the casting; Deutch and Powell are captivating. Meanwhile, Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs. playing the big bad boss people. are old pros. It's the perfect film to watch late night, drunk, with some pizza. 39. Wheelman (2017) Actor Frank Grillo can do no wrong when he's buckled into the classic '70s archetype of a well-mannered antihero disrupting his seedy surroundings, and Wheelman, a sentimental-yet-gun-toting riff on "driver" crime pictures, is his ultimate vehicle. With the grit of The Driver, the disembodied villainy of Saw, and the solitude of Tom Hardy's Locke, the movie tells the story of a veteran getaway guy whose "one last job" is derailed by a mysterious adversary who dangles freedom (and his daughter's safety) in front of his BMW M3. Thankfully, playing the game is not in the driver's rulebook. With Grillo in no-bullsh*t mode, strategic chase sequences, and a healthy amount of AK-47 fire, Wheelman is the perfect midnight movie. that you can watch anytime on Netflix. 38. Bomb Scared (2017) Ignore the abjectly terrible title, which someone green-lit as the best English option; the original is Fe de etarras, a reference to the ETA, the Basque separatist group that carried out several high-profile terrorist attacks against Spain in the post-World War 2 years. This tragic farce is a funny, cringe-worthy meditation on what happens when you lose the energy to remain an ideologue, especially when the world around you has changed so thoroughly that your ideologies have become obscurantist. Led by a quietly boiling Javier Camara ( The Young Pope) the story of four ETA members waiting around for instructions to plot a modest attack during Spain's run in the 2010 World Cup is more thoughtful than you might expect, and ends with a devastating blow that holds space for ambiguity. The riff on which terrorist group had the "greatest hits" is an all-timer, too. Netflix 37. Triple Frontier (2019) Filmmaker J. C. Chandor, who previously directed the macho, Mamet-lite finance crisis drama Margin Call and the sleepy, Pacino-aping crime thriller A Most Violent Year, directs an outstanding ensemble cast in this action-thriller.The burly squad of ex-military commandos pulled together by Oscar Isaac's Santiago Garcia, a private contractor overseeing deadly drug enforcement operations in Colombia, is a ragtag team of action movie archetypes: There's the sad, real-estate-selling divorced dad who looks like he'd rather be vaping (Ben Affleck) the noble, buff warrior stuck giving rote speeches about his past glories (Charlie Hunnam) the taciturn, hat-wearing helicopter pilot the filmmakers didn't bother outfitting with a backstory (Pedro Pascal) and the other dude (Garrett Hedlund) who does amateur MMA fights. Together, they decide to rob a drug kingpin hiding out in the South American jungle, but obviously things don't always go according to plan. Netflix 36. RoxanneRoxanne (2018) The traditional musician biopic, with its rags-to-riches beginning and its fall-from-grace conclusion, is a genre that's always in need of a remix. Roxanne Roxanne, a stylish chronicle of Queensbridge rapper Roxanne Shante's rise to fame in the 1980s, isn't the most formally adventurous take on hip-hop's early days. the "life on tour" scenes and a corny appearance from a soon-to-be-famous young rapper named Nasir feel like standard showbiz fodder. but director Michael Larnell has an eye for period detail, an ear for needle drops, and enough patience to let his performers shine on (and off) the mic. With humor and wit, ChantéAdams (as Roxanne) keeps you invested in every aspect of Shante's journey, from her early battles with her disapproving mother (Nia Long) to her harrowing fights with an abusive boyfriend Cross, played with tenderness and menace by Moonlight breakout Mahershala Ali. Like Shante's best rhymes, it's a tale told with dazzling craft and unwavering confidence. Netflix 35. Cam (2018) Unlike the Unfriended films or the indie hit Searching, this web thriller from director Daniel Goldhaber and screenwriter Isa Mazzei isn't locked into the visual confines of a computer screen. Though there's plenty of online screen time, allowing for subtle bits of commentary and satire, the looser style allows the filmmakers to really explore the life and work conditions of their protagonist, rising cam girl Alice (Madeline Brewer. We meet her friends, her family, and her customers. That type of immersion in the granular details makes the scarier bits. like an unnerving confrontation in the finale between Alice and her evil doppelganger. pop even more. Netflix 34. Small Crimes (2017) It's always a little discombobulating to see your favorite Game of Thrones actors in movies that don't call on them to fight dragons, swing swords, or at least wear some armor. But that shouldn't stop you from checking out Small Crimes, a carefully paced thriller starring the Kingslayer Jaime Lannister himself, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. As Joe Denton, a crooked cop turned ex-con, Coster-Waldau plays yet another character with a twisted moral compass, but here he's not part of some mythical narrative. He's just another conniving, scheming dirtbag in director E. L. Katz's Coen Brothers-like moral universe. While some of the plot details are confusing. Katz and co-writer Macon Blair skimp on the exposition so much that some of dialogue can feel incomprehensible. the mood of Midwestern dread and Coster-Waldau's patient, lived-in performance make this one worth checking out. Despite the lack of dragons. Netflix 33. AlwaysBe My Maybe (2019) Always Be My Maybe - written by Randall Park, Ali Wong, and Michael Golamco. charts the love story between childhood friends Sasha (Wong) and Marcus (Park. The two are inseparable until they lose their virginities to one another in high school, and awkwardness set in. She goes on to be a successful celebrity chef, while he stays at home, occasionally working for his dad's HVAC company, smoking weed, and playing in his throwback backpack rap group, Hello Peril. When Sasha moves back to the Bay Area to open a new restaurant, they reunite, and, naturally, rekindle their old chemistry. Still, there are a couple of stumbling blocks, one of which happens to be Keanu Reeves. Netflix 32. Apostle (2018) For his follow-up to his two action epics, The Raid and The Raid 2, director Gareth Evans dials back the hand-to-hand combat but still keeps a few buckets of blood handy in this grisly supernatural horror tale. Dan Stevens stars as Thomas Richardson, an early 20th century opium addict traveling to a cloudy island controlled by a secretive cult that's fallen on hard times. The religious group is led by a bearded scold named Father Malcolm (Michael Sheen) who may or may not be leading his people astray. Beyond a few bursts of kinetic violence and some crank-filled torture sequences, Evans plays this story relatively down-the-middle, allowing the performances, the lofty themes, and the windswept vistas to do the talking. It's a cult movie that earns your devotion slowly, then all at once. Netflix 31. 1922 (2017) With all the adaptations of Stephen King's celebrated novels rolling into theaters recently, it's easy to forget that the wildly prolific horror writer also has a stockpile of untapped short stories for IP-hungry producers to choose from. 1922, a folksy riff on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" starring Thomas Jane as a farmer who kills his wife, draws its plot from a novella in the 2010 collection Full Dark, No Stars, but it's just as rich and complex as the more famous films based on longer King tales. Director Zak Hilditch has a keen grasp of how to wring tension from the material, keeping his camera focussed on Jane's anguished mug as the situation grows more dire and cruel. Plus, there are so many rats in this movie. Seriously, watch out, Willard. 30. I Lost My Body (2019) A loose adaptation of Academy Award nominee Guillaume Laurant's ( Amelie) 2006 novel, Happy Hand, I Lost My Body is perhaps the most unodorothox and surreal animated feature of the year. In short, this French film is about a severed hand attempting to reunite with the rest of its body, but it's more a meditation on humanity and wholeness than it is a gross-out horror film. Netflix acquired the movie after it premiered at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival to critical acclaim, and it's another sign that the streaming giant's creative ambition will push it into exciting new territory. Netflix 29. First They Killed My Father (2017) Few Hollywood movies have detailed the horrors of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge's rise to power in Cambodia in 1975. the genocidal revolutionary movement isn't exactly the backdrop for the next Titanic. But Angelina Jolie, who developed a close connection to the country when she first visited during the shoot for Tomb Raider, brings the gloss of big-budget movies to this horrifying-but-tender adaptation of Loung Ung's memoir of the same name. Like Spielberg's Empire of the Sun, First They Killed My Father tracks the Cambodian diaspora from city living to makeshift, military-run farm communes, all from the perspective of 7-year-old Loung. Jolie rarely wavers from the POV, witnessing violence from down low and leaving reality behind in moments of escapism. First They Killed My Father is a little too picture-perfect, considering the grime of life under Pol Pot, but Jolie pours her heart into telling the story, and it shows. Netflix 28. Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) Netflix's " ludicrously fun and gory art-world satire " sees director and screenwriter Dan Gilroy ( Nightcrawler) team up with Jake Gyllenhaal in a thriller that rips apart the effete Los Angeles art world. While pricey auctions and pretentious collectors are relatively low-hanging fruit, Gilroy, Gyllenhaal, and Rene Russo bring a fast-paced humor that makes the plot. an outsider artist's haunted work starts killing people. more tolerable than you might think. Oh, and names like Morf, Rhodora, and Ventril elevate the film's self-aware kitschiness, which makes the satire even more cutting. Netflix 27. Gerald's Game (2017) Like his previous low-budget Netflix-released horror release, Hush, a captivity thriller about a deaf woman fighting off a masked intruder, Mike Flanagan's Stephen King adaptation of Gerald's Game wrings big scares from a small location. Sticking close to the grisly plot details of King's seemingly " unfilmable " novel, the movie chronicles the painstaking struggles of Jessie Burlingame (Carla Gugino) after she finds herself handcuffed to a bed in an isolated vacation home when her husband, the titular Gerald, dies from a heart attack while enacting his kinky sexual fantasies. She's trapped. and that's it. The premise is clearly challenging to sustain for a whole movie, but Flanagan and Gugino turn the potentially one-note set-up into a forceful, thoughtful meditation on trauma, memory, and resilience in the face of near-certain doom. 26. The Ritual (2017) How many times can four unsuspecting chumps trek through uncharted, shadowy woods before learning that one should never trek through uncharted, shadowy woods? Let's hope there's no answer. Director David Bruckner rewires the "cabin in the woods" premise to tell the story of four friends grieving the murder of their fifth, and the Swedish backpacking adventure that shotguns their asses into the mouth of Hell. Overgrown with atmosphere, creepy corpse art, and a monstrous presence well-worth the tapered, Jaws -like reveal, The Ritual questions of faith and fate with a wicked sense of what makes horror brutality so entertaining. 25. The Two Popes (2019) Fernando Meirelles' The Two Popes, about conversations between Pope Benedict XVI and the future Pope Francis, will win you over thanks largely to the performances of Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce as the titular Bishops of Rome. The two elderly actors are at their peaks as these ideologically different men of the cloth, but Andrew McCarten's script is less about bickering than it is about shared faith and sin, while also being incredibly playful. Who knows if Benedict and Francis actually had charming discussions about The Beatles, pizza, and the Austrian TV show about a crime-solving dog called ( Kommissar Rex) but The Two Popes imagines they do. That isn't to say the film ignores the controversial topics orbiting its protagonists, though it is certainly not a condemnation of the Catholic church by any means. Focused more on the Argentinean-born Francis, née Jorge Mario Bergoglio, than Benedict, The Two Popes finds time for lengthy flashbacks of Bergolio's pre-papal life in South America. While these sequences are well done, any time the film strays from Pryce and Hopkins, it slows down. But with a careful touch, Meirelles and his two popes bring humanity to the inscrutably holy figureheads. 24. Les Affamés (2017) Whether you're zombie-addicted or not, Les Affamés ( The Ravenous" is worth checking out. Robin Aubert's arty French-Canadian thriller picks up after the outbreak of a mysterious plague, which has ravaged rural Quebec and decimated its population. The scenario might sound familiar, but the scenes often unfold with fresh rhythms and punctuation marks.The survivors you meet along the way, for example. likely unknowns to most Stateside viewers, but talented as hell. are not ordinary heroes, and truthfully they're concerned less with rebuilding their community or finding answers and more with simply surviving. Also, the zombies are notjustzombies. That said, Les Affamés might have more in common with the underrated romp Wyrmwood than something like The Walking Dead. It's slightly more grounded than the former, to be sure, but it's likewisea unique, and at times surreal, spin on the genre we were pleased to find. Netflix 23. To All the Boys I've Loved Before (2018) Of all the entries in the rom com revival, this one is heavier on the rom than the com. But even though it won't make your sides hurt, it will make your heart flutter. The plot is ripe with high school movie hijinks that arise when the love letters of Lara Jean Covey (the wonderful Lana Condor) accidentally get mailed to her crushes, namely the contractual faux relationship she starts with heartthrob Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo. Like its heroine, it's big-hearted but skeptical in all the right places. Netflix 22. Beasts of No Nation (2015) True Detective Season 1 director Cary f*ckunaga's wartime drama is not a movie you put on in the background. Adapted from Uzodinma Iweala's novel of the same name, this visceral character study tracks a preadolescent Agu (Abraham Attah) after he's recruited to be a child soldier in an African civil war (its specifics are left purposely ambiguous. Lorded over by a gruff commander (Idris Elba) the movie is loud, tender, and violent. a coming-of-age story in which the characters may not live to come of age. 21. Our Souls at Night (2017) Though Our Souls at Night sure looks like a sappy whiff, it's far from it. Veterans Jane Fonda and Robert Redford play widowed neighbors who strike up a forced and unlikely relationship in the absence of their old loves. Adapted from Kent Haruf's book of the same name, Ritesh Batra's movie wastes no time throwing the pair into the awkwardness of getting to know each other( Pretty cold for spring, huh. the strange optics of being together in public, andthe near-impossible task offilling a void that affects others. Their journey, from strangers to lovers, and its message are powerful, though they do occasionally veer into sentimentality. As Fonda's Addie says, it's not about sex; it's about understanding loneliness, about "getting through the night. The result is a meditative but heartwarming movie, very much worthy of its stars' talents. Netflix 20. Win It All (2017) In less than 90 minutes, director Joe Swanberg and his co-writer and star Jake Johnson provide an endearing portrait of a schlub in crisis. Like he did with 2013's Drinking Buddies and last year's Netflix series Easy, Swanberg zeroes in on the small details of thirtysomething existential dread and scores big. In telling the story of a gambling addict named Eddie (Johnson) who is entrusted with a bag of money, which he quickly blows in spectacular fashion, the filmmaker has found an ideal mix between old-fashioned Hollywood storytelling and his low-key naturalism. Will Eddie get his sh*t together? Win It All is less interested in answering that question than it is in spending time with these lovable losers. 19. On Body and Soul (2017) This Hungarian film earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Film, and it's easy to see why. The sparse love story begins when two slaughterhouse employees discover they have the same dream at night, in which they're both deer searching the winter forest for food. Endre, a longtime executive at the slaughterhouse, has a physically damaged arm, whereas Maria is a temporary replacement who seems to be on the autism spectrum. If the setup sounds a bit on-the-nose, the moving performances and the unflinching direction save On Body and Soul from turning into a Thomas Aquinas 101 class, resulting in the kind of bleak beauty you can find in a dead winter forest. Netflix 18. Private Life (2018) Over a decade since the release of her last dark comedy, The Savages, writer and director Tamara Jenkins is back with a sprawling movie in the same vein: more hyper-verbal jerks you can't help but love. Richard (Paul Giamatti) and Rachel (Kathryn Hahn) are a Manhattan-dwelling couple who have spent the last few years attempting to have a baby with little success. When we meet them, they're already in the grips of fertility mania, willing to try almost anything to secure the offspring they think they desire. With all the details about injections, side effects, and pricey medical procedures, the movie functions as a taxonomy of modern pregnancy anxieties, and Hahn brings each part of the process to glorious life. Eventually, the pair recruits 25-year-old college dropout Sadie (Kayli Carter) the step-daughter of Richard's brother, to serve as an egg donor. Soon, they form their own unconventional family united by feelings of inadequacy and hope for the future. The final shot, which features a moment of silence after over two hours of near constant chatter, is one you won't forget. Netflix 17. Barry (2016) In 1981, Barack Obama touched down in New York City to begin work at Columbia University. As Barry imagines, just days after settling into his civics class, a white classmate confronts the Barry with an argument one will find in the future President's Twitter @ mentions: Why does everything always got to be about slavery. Exaltation is cinematic danger, especially when bringing the life of a sitting President to screen. Barry avoids hagiography by staying in the moment, weighing race issues of a modern age and quieting down for the audience to draw its own conclusions. Terrell is key, steadying his character as smooth-operating, socially active, contemplative fellow stuck in an interracial divide. Barry could be any half-black, half-white kid from the '80s. But in this case, he's haunted by past, present, and future. Netflix 16. The Other Side of the Wind (2018) Don't go into Orson Welles' final film expecting it to be an easy watch. The Other Side of the Wind, which follows fictional veteran Hollywood director Jake Hannaford (tooootally not modeled after Welles himself) and his protegé (also tooootally not a surrogate for Welles' own friend and mentee Peter Bogdanovich, who also plays the character) as they attend a party in celebration of Hannaford's latest film and are beset on all sides by Hannaford's friends, enemies, and everyone in between. The film, which Welles hoped would be his big comeback to Hollywood, was left famously unfinished for decades after his death in 1985. Thanks to Bogdanovich and producer Frank Marshall, it was finally completed in 2018, and the result is a vibrant and bizarre throwback to Welles' own experimental 1970s style, made even more resonant if you know how intertwined the movie is with its own backstory. If you want to dive even deeper, Netflix also released a documentary about the restoration and completion of the film, They'll Love Me When I'm Dead, which delves into Welles' own complicated and tragic relationship with Hollywood and the craft of moviemaking. Netflix 15. Tallulah (2016) From Orange Is the New Black writer Sian Heder, Tallulah follows the title character (played by Ellen Page) after she inadvertently "kidnaps" a toddler from an alcoholic rich woman and passes the child off as her own to appeal to her run-out boyfriend's mother (Allison Janney. A messy knot of familial woes and wayward instincts, Heder's directorial debut achieves the same kind of balancing act as her hit Netflix series. frank social drama with just the right amount of humorous hijinks. As Tallulah grows into a mother figure, her on-the-lam parenting course only makes her more and more of a criminal in the eyes of… just about everyone. You want to root for her, but that would be too easy. Netflix 14. I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017) In this maniacal mystery, Ruth (Melanie Lynskey) a nurse, and her rattail-sporting, weapon-obsessed neighbor Tony (Elijah Wood) hunt down a local burglar. Part Cormac McCarthy thriller, part wacky, Will Ferrell-esque comedy, I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore is a cathartic neo-noir about everyday troubles. Director Macon Blair's not the first person to find existential enlightenment at the end of an amateur detective tale, but he might be the first to piece one together from cussing octogenarians, ninja stars, Google montages, gallons of Big Red soda, upper-deckers, friendly raccoons, exploding body parts, and the idiocy of humanity. Netflix 13. Divines (2016) Thrillers don't come much more propulsive or elegant than Houda Benyamina's Divines, a heartwarming French drama about female friendship that spirals into a pulse-pounding crime saga. Rambunctious teenager Dounia (Oulaya Amamra) and her best friend Maimouna (Déborah Lukumuena) begin the film as low-level shoplifters and thieves, but once they fall into the orbit of a slightly older, seasoned drug dealer named Rebecca (Jisca Kalvanda) they're on a Goodfellas -like trajectory. Benyamina offsets the violent, gritty genre elements with lyrical passages where Dounia watches her ballet-dancer crush rehearse his routines from afar, and kinetic scenes of the young girls goofing off on social media. It's a cautionary tale told with joy, empathy, and an eye for beauty. 12. Dolemite Is My Name (2019) Rarely do filmmakers approach the topic of moviemaking with the combination of unbridled joy and punchy humor as Dolemite Is My Name, an endearingly sweet biopic about multi-talented comedian and independent film producer Rudy Ray Moore. As played by Eddie Murphy, Moore displays a savviness for noticing an opening in the 1970s entertainment market. early on, he exists a screening of The Front Page and observes that it's got "no titt*es, no funny, and no kung-fu. and then creating the exact type of product he'd like to see. That means plenty of nudity, jokes, and, yes, some over-the-top kung-fu. In its brisk runtime, Dolemite Is My Name shows Moore solving a series of technical, economic, and artistic challenges: dealing with an egocentric director (a hilarious Wesley Snipes) securing financing to pay an inexperienced crew, and, finally, acquiring a distributor for the project he poured his life into. Like they did with 1994's Hollywood outsider character portrait Ed Wood, screenwriters Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski pack the story with charming period details and fascinating bits of pop culture trivia, which director Craig Brewer's camera carefully glides over, but the movie belongs to Murphy, who moves through each scene with total command of his craft. 11. My Happy Family (2017) At 52, Manana (Ia Shughliashvili) packs a bag and walks out on her husband, son, daughter, daughter's live-in boyfriend, and elderly mother and father, all of whom live together in a single apartment. The family is cantankerous and blustery, asking everything of Manana, who spends her days teaching better-behaved teenagers about literature. But as Nana Ekvtimishvili and Simon Groß's striking character study unfolds, the motivation behind Manana's departure is a deeper strain of frustration, despite what her brother, aunts, uncles, and anyone else who can cram themselves into the situation would like us to think. Anchored by Ia Shughliashvili's stunningly internal performance, and punctured by a dark sense of humor akin to Darren Aronofsky's mother! which would have been the perfect alternate title) My Happy Family is both delicate and brutal in its portrayal of independence, and should get under the skin of anyone with their own family drama. Netflix 10. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) The Coen brothers gave some big-name-director cred to Netflix by releasing their six-part Western anthology on the streaming service, and while it's not necessarily their best work, Buster Scruggs is clearly a cut above most Netflix originals. Not only does it revel in the massive, sweeping landscapes of the American West, but it's a thoughtful meditation on death that will reveal layer after layer long after you finish. Netflix 9. Tramps (2017) There are heists pulled off by slick gentlemen in suits, then there are heists pulled off by two wayward 20-somethings rambling along on a steamy, summer day in New York City. This dog-day crime-romance stages the latter, pairing a lanky Russian kid (Callum Tanner) who ditches his fast-food register job for a one-off thieving gig, with his driver, an aloof strip club waitress (Grace Van Patten) looking for the cash to restart her life. When a briefcase handoff goes awry, the pair head upstate to track down the missing package, where train rides and curbside walks force them to open up. With a laid-back, 70s soul, Tramps is the rare doe-eyed relationship movie where playing third-wheel is a joy. Netflix 8. Mudbound (2017) The South's post-slavery existence is, for Hollywood, mostly uncharted territory. Director Dee Rees rectifies the overlooked stretch of history with this novelistic drama about two Mississippi families working a rain-drenched farm in 1941. The white McAllans settle on a muddy patch of land to realize their dreams. The Jacksons, a family of black sharecroppers working the land, have their own hopes, which their neighbors manage to nurture and curtail. To capture a multitude of perspectives, Mudbound weaves together specific scenes of daily life, vivid and memory-like, with family member reflections, recorded in whispered voice-over. The epic patchwork stretches from the Jackson family dinner table, where the youngest daughter dreams of becoming a stenographer, to the vistas of Mississippi, where incoming storms threaten an essential batch of crops, to the battlefields of World War II Germany, a harrowing scene that will affect both families. Confronting race, class, war, and the possibility of unity, Mudbound spellbinding drama reckons with the past to understand the present. Netflix 7. The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) After releasing three of his original comedies in the last two years. Ridiculous Six, The Do-Over, and Sandy Wexler - Netflix has finally stumbled on a really good Adam Sandler movie. Like Punch-Drunk Love and Funny People before it, this Noah Baumbach-directed effort is a deviation from the star's usual Happy Madison fare, but it understands what's funny, charming, and potentially alienating about his persona. (He even gets to sing silly songs on the piano at one point. Along with Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller, Emma Thompson, and the very sharp Elizabeth Marvel, Sandler plays a member of the Meyerowitz family, a uniquely miserable group of people united by their thinly veiled resentment towards one another. Splitting the difference between the caustic misanthropy of The Squid and the Whale and the freewheeling absurdity of his recent Greta Gerwig film, Mistress America, the movie finds both Baumbach and Sandler at the peak of their powers. 6. Atlantics (2019) In Atlantics, the entrancing debut feature from Senegalese-French filmmaker Mati Diop, a debt must be paid. To construct a large glass tower in the coastal city of Dakar, an unscrupulous construction manager leans on his employees and refuses to provide the backpay they are owed. One of the workers, a young man named Souleiman (Ibrahima Traoré) is in love with Ada (Mama Bineta Sané) a young woman engaged to a rich family's obnoxious, preening son. After establishing the tricky dynamics of this relationship, Diop's story takes a number of startling turns, introducing supernatural elements and a noir-like detective subplot. As the events unfold, often in engrossingly shot and exquisitely paced night sequences, the movie retains an ethereal quality that unsettles the imagination. Rather than providing conventional dramatic catharsis, Atlantics mimics the rhythms of the ocean, drawing in the viewer with each new wave of tension. Netflix 5. High Flying Bird (2019) The first great Netflix movie of 2019, High Flying Bird is a basketball film that has little to do with the sport itself, instead focusing on the behind-the-scenes power dynamics playing out during a lockout. At the center of the Steven Soderbergh movie. shot on an iPhone, because that's what he does now. is André Holland's Ray Burke, a sports agent trying to protect his client's interests while also disrupting a corrupt system. It's not an easy tightrope to walk, and, as you might expect, the conditions of the labor stoppage constantly change the playing field. With his iPhone mirroring the NBA's social media-heavy culture, and appearances from actual NBA stars lending the narrative heft, Soderbergh experiments with Netflix's carte blanche and produces a unique film that adds to the streaming service's growing list of critical hits. 4. Marriage Story (2019) Returning to the topic of 2005's caustic comedy The Squid and the Whale, which tracked the fallout of a divorce from the perspective of children, writer and director Noah Baumbach again finds laughter and pain in the often excruciating personal details of ending a relationship. This time, the bickering couple. a Brooklyn-dwelling actress and a theater director played with tenderness and anger by Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver. takes center stage. Instead of watching the two fall in and out of love, the story opens with the separation already in motion, allowing Baumbach to focus on the soul-sucking, money-draining legal sh*tstorm that follows. While Driver and Johansson are both excellent in tricky, emotionally demanding roles, some of the sharpest moments come courtesy of their attorneys, collaborators, and extended families. (Laura Dern and Alan Alda have rightfully earned praise for their parts, but I'd watch Ray Liotta's gruff divorce expert in his own spin-off. In showing how divorce ripples outward, Marriage Story complicates its own simple premise as it progresses. Netflix 3. Okja (2017) This wild ride, written and directed by Bong Joon-ho ( Parasite, Snowpiercer) is part action heist, part Miyazaki-like travelogue, and part scathing satire. It's fueled by fairy tale whimsy. but the Grimm kind, where there are smiles and spilled blood. Ahn Seo-hyun plays Mija, the young keeper of a "super-pig. bred by a food manufacturer to be the next step in human-consumption evolution. When the corporate overlords come for her roly-poly pal, Mija hightails it from the farm to the big city to break him out, crossing environmental terrorists, a zany Steve Irwin-type (Jake Gyllenhaal) and the icy psychos at the top of the food chain (including Swinton's childlike CEO) along the way. Okja won't pluck your heartstrings like E. T, but there's grandeur in its frenzy, and the film's cross-species friendship will strike up every other emotion with its empathetic, eco-friendly, and eccentric observations. 2. The Irishman (2019) Opening with a tracking shot through the halls of a drab nursing home, where we meet a feeble old man telling tall tales from his wheelchair, The Irishman delights in undercutting its own grandiosity. All the pageantry a 150 million check from Netflix can buy. the digital de-aging effects, the massive crowd scenes, the shiny rings passed between men. is on full display. Everything looks tremendous. But, like with 2013's The Wolf of Wall Street, the characters can't escape the fundamental spiritual emptiness of their pursuits. In telling the story of Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) a World War II veteran and truck driver turned mob enforcer and friend to labor leader Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino) director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Steven Zaillian construct an underworld-set counter-narrative of late 20th century American life. With an eye on the clock and a foot in the grave, the movie is profoundly fixated on death, even introducing select side characters with onscreen text that notes the circ*mstances of their eventual demise. The Irishman can be darkly, wickedly funny when it's not devastatingly sad. That stark awareness of mortality, an understanding that's cleverly reflected in the film's quasi-road-movie flashback structure, distinguishes it from Scorsese's more outwardly frenetic gangster epics like Goodfellas and Casino, which also starred De Niro and Pesci, who gives the movie's most surprising performance here. Even with a 209 minute runtime, every second counts. Netflix 1. Roma (2018) All those billions Netflix spent will likely pay off in the form of several Oscar nominations for Roma, including one for Best Picture. Whether experienced in the hushed reverence of a theater, watched on the glowing screen of a laptop, or, as Netflix executive Ted Sarandos has suggested, binged on the perilous surface of a phone, Alfonso Cuarón's black-and-white passion projectseeks to stun. A technical craftsman of the highest order, the Children of Men and Gravity director has an aesthetic that aims to overwhelm. with the amount of extras, the sense of despair, and the constant whir of exhilaration. and this autobiographical portrait of kind-hearted maid Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) caring for a family in the early 1970s has been staged on a staggering, mind-boggling scale. Cuarón's artful pans aren't just layered for the sake of complexity: He's often placing different emotions, historical concepts, and class distinctions in conversation with each other. What are these different components in the painstakingly composed shots actually saying to each other? That remains harder to parse. Still, there's an image of Cleo and the family eating ice cream together after a devastating dinner in the foreground while a wedding takes place in the background that you won't be able to shake. The movie is filled with compositions like that, tinged with careful ambiguity and unresolvable tensions. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, get Streamail for more entertainment, and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. Follow the Thrillist Editors on Twitter: ThrillistEnt.

Ive never seen a film like it. The film is incredibly directed that I thought I was part of the film 🎥. This film gave me a new perspective about how some poor people blame the rich people for being poor. I think Ill see more South Korean films.

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