The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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1 6 kwars 20 Help Mile 20 Help Male Henry Ward Beecher Want Auto Mechanic Hihanjt Rm Home Builflii 1 Uut of To 46 CLERKS 42 TECHNICAL PART eves and Sat: expert XJU 'encedt hourly rale See Mr Sanford Bergs Inc' 9210 St Clair With math Droficfenllv 42 ACCOUNTING vrm noara (la st) MARZ ANDREW of 1876 SAthlRf St beloved husband of the iue Bar ijunt Snmmrr bar father of Mary 1 rtkae Anruh" Voznlak Catherine Culon Helen Lemt Summer Retort 41 BORING MILL GENERAL HORIZONTAL apply own 2 Automatic John lister of Nicholas Merten Operator ruenn iu JZm Tiruii iut Uirrn 7m slaw 1 hA tor car ull vmuum IP Mbm hm typing tert of 1 pr minute lemnt steady tn full time employment with national Raeetved UntU for Next pay Plata 6al SARK CAREERS Allstate Insurance Co Auto Mechanic ii rrva Halrhti call at Aulo Mechanic tafwnanwd: artrt lilts I 42 42 43 4344 Night Work Cull CH USMO men men 5 one are sent to do work Must night ance profit With bookkeeping experi ence Commercial Induction Inc 1 1 1 16 Avon Ave or Interview ann Mueller at Elyria 6 1441 or shop office Shift work AWNING htnrrt earertoneed rantf bMiny rata martimr Apply at mtice a stone AhW I3U jobs inish only Call afiar i EV 1 9309 BODY man: ull time Reliable Auto Repair 5608 Superior EN 1 3231 ACCOUNTING CLERK or YOUR like talk with us NOW about well paying inlet esting oppor tunities like: With math proficiently or with mechanical drawing Advertising Layout Artist Exceptions! opportunity for creative experienced per son Research on special refractory meterials Do a Io ent for components fabrica tion New exploratory proj ects on materials for nuclear enery mirero wave electronics and ul tra high temperature services Interesting op Enrtunities in a closely nit research and devel opment laboratory for men experienced in the High School graduates 2 1 and up Long term with secure future 33 33 33 33 ALL STORE BENEITS Apply Personnel Office Here in the most central lo cation in downtown Cleve land or ratmc church Brfdaa fttrmMit Mry'i CstMlsir silt and Os It Are ASSISTANT MANAGER Man capable of advancing to execu position In youny ortanlza iTTAH Whlnn I I mJ Grow Along With COMPANIES 40 37 3S 40 3X 3S to 40 35 to 37 37 40 40 40 Information To place your ad call MA 1 4500 and Bilk for an Ad Taker Aino MECHANIC snuit time nmsLysaH nil Brass 1I 100 Multiple operator andet up man only thor oughly competent con sidered) good opportun ity with fast growing organisation: steady em ployment hourly Tate overtime Call Mr Robert Schafer IV 6 1900 MARTENS uneral Home ONLY ONE LOCATION 9811 Denison AT 1 7111 DANIELS AC 6 5 149 clerk typist B'kkarolre snd ahorthand helpful fU B1 elPthlnr Good wlsryl will Hihar Bros Dry Goods TIP Proanert COL? HEADER OPERATORS Moat bs expertenesd Hlxh hourly rate Ths Auto Bolt Nut Co 4310 Housh Ave Mechanic OR NIrtHT SERVICE Experienced on Lincoln and Mercury Automobilea Bene fits jtospitalization medical mutual inaurance vacations Ohio Motors 18 St and Euclid See Mr Norman Zinamtuater Bank Teller If you are neat person able and adept with fig ure you can qualify for thi interesting public contact work 5 day week Salary baaed on qualifications and expe rience Apply in person or phone CH 1 2100 for appoint ment Union Commerce Bank Personnel Dept 9th and Euclid 49 439650 CARNEGIE' Commercial Investigator with Inrrn Carboloy Die Polisher Exrertenrtd oo cold adlnr dies Triplex Screw 53 Co 5319 Grant SSQt CANVASSERS or heme remodeling end aluminum siding no experience necessary: no axe limit: wort with top rioters: draw against commission: no ear necessary PERECTION BLDG CO 4364 PEARL RD 1 1ST2 CANVASSERS RENT A TILLER Do your own cardan snd hwn wort Carfield Heights Tractor Mower 13207 Grnn er Hd L1J 1 9730 New Immigration fo Israel Sought The aotilhern part of Israel between Bcoraheba and Ehth can absorb 500000 Immigrants according to Clevelander re turned yesterday from a visit to thnt country 'Jack Man del ax ecu live board chairman of the Cleveland State of 1 era cl Bond Committee jolmtd A nation wld delegation of lnd lenders on a 10 sur vey tour of Israel It wag the flrat large msm is to visit Israel since the lifting ft the US bn on travel to the Middle East On his Tcturn he urged building up the port of Elath on the Gulf of Aquaba as Israel's open door to trade with Asia and Africa WITH XtCVHVB OTENTTAL AJ1 ttOTWi rlminf company do riumr wilt tnurtsHtn applicant ihorouahly familiar wnii rrtphlic aru Industry who can quali fy tor an ncutlvr portion within Compositor CERAMIC ENGINEERS for im tor mat martst ti isdy GA VBlflL CORRESPONDENT tntrllttfltt rant mtn trt St htMIt rnrrMpoMmc Mut UN Uil vttk Wul trtln bfUht htfinmr Nttlwii bHtnlmioa torxlM publla huh Ifw lwir wrx wwx wn mar bwuliu Inuay tut pnltlon with itun nil ut ter tn aypammwit Ctl 41 COLLECTOR Downtown phono and eorrcspondrnrf airMrA at at IV IHIIMSS lu SlftltU njtJlnn pisiii rnee Rdunerl I lire nf I LU THE BRUSH BERYLLIUM CO 4301 Perkins Ate 1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY MAY 15 H57 20 Help Male Assistant to Sales Manager Excellent opportunity for ambitious young man who wants a responsible position with fast moving house wareg manufacturer Col hse education required Age to 30 hona tor an appointment Master Mfg Co 9200 Inman Xve MI 1 0500 O' th bulMt Cnr1 Maim Mrvlr 4Mrtntnt In Cl tin8 mschanie Muat ba eMMiHd hydraautlt iranomitrflm totWSini 1 jtalta turn an insurin'' Box 15160 Plain Dealer vvxu rri ir 5:30 bit Extent of experience and potential Dhif store 3437 Le R4 will determine salary trnw program' tnu an exceptional opportunity Ba lat Mrlu nMa a11 I'l'U'ix aiyunillirin lA4 S4US CLERICAL Young man '(age 18 to 251 for training In our payroll department Light typing essential Attractive atarting hourly rate Transporta tion and other company beneflti sonatly weeit Apply per 2341 Carnegie Ave Eastern Greyhound Line Accounting Department nunr nun with ilklnx tut MOTOR! BODY SHOR ur work ta lt tn "Mitins vliillOATOOH AVX ON l331 Mrrolli numtatnlnt nrroll newaa At nVK A hl n4 prprinr proll tu nparU: waM AvlU uULH MAN trpmr: thl I rmin nt UUnn In! 4r rmplpmmant tar natrinHd a nteinm uz hMdaurun attlc un tniunnae nj vadium pun eovntani 'v AO boiir laj? plrot Aw AC lf8S riiunurgn oteamsnip viv US STEEL CORP' TO 1 61 10 Extanion 687 Thera ulura ta Share at NATIONAL CITY BANK IIIVUIU gt mmuprn 1 give housing snd employment fuhli'kT'tte to a revivea wave or imtnigri tlon tod Notices Lk'W(Yin rui P'rvn irri a SEasiem Star 3 Sunset Memorial art larva lertll a ivimmirn by Naomi Chapter No 47 Gallon for our hte airier Janrt Chapman 1 Snyder uneral' canon GRAYCE ORTNEY BDNA Ma PAYNE Sy Must be thoroughly experienced on ill make cars preferably automatic trails ok8? 27 BE OWN BOSS HIGH HOURLY RATE: paid Insurance and many more benefits Come prepared to WVAAAVOMI Bi 1" MR HILLMAN Downtown Chevrolet SHO Euclid Thaaa ar parmanant openingi in a well extab luhad prograiiiv com pany that hat for many year baan enpexad In tha vital Atomic Entrgy Commixion program Men intareitad and qualified ran expect 'I Ccllant taUriei in rtluru for the knowledge ex parlance and potential they bring to tie Call tN 1 5400 nr day or early eve ning interview srrsnge menu Same vcdtmlc trlnlni in aceountlnx required with pne Heel expenanra tn financial report aalarr: 34u weak excellent amplaye hencnU Call tor latervlev GENERAL ELECTRIC CO EN 1 4464 Extension 289 Advertising Sales We are tn need ar lewia awn trntt a ntei (I1 Salary aiptnaaa henua arranrwwnt Inlurinc aiJ Minion Plan: 4a mV 1ka paid VKt'tan TMa a aaata a ee apnHlwl rn ULttLi haid aerter ta faralnr h'nuif a f't SuaiaaH Kh an aaniM fu ture Boe S3SSI laia Dealer ARTISTS Opportunity for top notchlayout man with a fresh ap OUT TOWN ADS Should he DEALER vuisjuucu uy inmx ar annva rSLU a xinj i 3 31 15T MONCRIE wavra AISIC LAIUI wordxi Bog number count 23 spaces Want Ads for the Morning Plain Dealer received until 5:00 dslly (Help Wanted adi until 3:25 m3 or th Sunday Plain Dealer: or 11 8: 3k tn riday Cancellations up to 8 riday istae I' h' i aaS ti la Av riandi msr ru fwar rvwrai ixwww VVV9 nllt Rfl fle Wdf)erfy fy Unly Gbon arm cmW Chmtn Jim Berg's Inc 9210 St Clair BILLER Motor freight company looking for ex perienced biller: good hourly rate and overtime COndt1Ona TRUCKING LINE INC 2775 Pittaburgh Ave at varc applr In paroan TABS Lcraln Ata AVTOMOTtvg servlet wrttwp man Contact Mr Tomko papavic tnc WT bTYM 1 Itaaa twain AUTO MECHANIC 'r'X 12737 Euclid AveGA1 1857lj DE'VAND campan Prien 11130 Euchd CE 1 0910 CHE Waiting Chef tn tala eom pitta aharga of kitchan in ax aluaiva aea (and and otelr ri i i siwwswa wsuaxu juiiuava uata iax i ry npen Write Sa end Bay Raatauiant I 79 Notlh 11 ii a A WIIMSIIWII afiBu wg vinunivur 'pCTMlMde Ml Bus Drivers No layoff steady employment 40 hour week guarantee sick bene i fits pension plan god pny sum malic increase No experience re quired trala you Paid while training Cleveland Transit System i Apply 1404 9 rmptojmnt Offic Opan Moi thru rL a to 30 Sat 3 13 ait rrowlnr retail and wholeule CLERK buslnaaa In Kir I a da a man to take rompleta charae of ofllea dutlea: I mr drtvee'a must able to handle eomptet person books and eeerr business manart rnent detail wou'd prefer a bl SOUTH GREEN RD with background In th tire business CLERK for druc store smin' our annual sales this rear will exceml over 31 Wed rf a to Ifl 8300000 so the man thst applies Sat 30 Sun tor thia position must ba able to think I a must Ha "cr vni I i PXJtr wnaMR or clerical and mlarelanenua trplnr dutlea: are ffo to 30: dae Ittv i full benetlta Box 33330 Plain Dealer The re are times when flowera alone provide conaolation The atrenglh in their fragile beauty cou'd only be tha gift of God Our faith renew it self with every blossom The UJlowers you send for these J' hours of greatest loneliness JJ afford a blessed comfort that will bo long remembered OREIGN EXCHANGE CLERK iltalaiM kaparianwi LOAN COLLECTOR ICoMuaitf Ctadlti ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT (Audit A OperalU't tNpul GUARD (Hitura Grid) TELLERS JPWI paM teamin' for Dwntowa and arasKhsi TRUST ASSISTANT (XftounlUit Lax Education) Apply eohfidantlally In parson Io: run Ul BwiM AM Id naw THE EAST OHIO 'i GAS CO 1405 E(? St Room 320 PAY BILLS in One Place IVa BN WAf ltsn Mearwnanw linn a nevi eaanla aAIawa a au JaaVk MW sMaisc vvassaicia vr VUIIIY42Hf you are employed and owe 8500 to but Davmenta are hlxh or43 behind call us tor a home or office izwoi 1 1 1 GENERAL CREDIT 'ADJUSTMENT CO 1799 25 Ch 1 5271 actory Warehouse bite a43 arms Want to Rent 43 burnished Apartments (ast) 41 urnished Apartments (WeH) 41 urnished Houses (ast) 41 urnished Houses (West) 41 41 Board (ast) 4041 1 Auto Salesman Used Good Working Condition' Commikion Plua Bonua Earn over $800 Per Month Apply in Peraon Only to MR THADEUS BEST MOTORS 3140 1 17th St Auto Salesman armanent poll lion for experleneed West sid uied car Mluman The Mustny or uses rars ptus our recondi tioning policy will enable a talesman to maintain a profitable clientele Drawing account commission and Mam' a XX vtuvuu ocr nir carseim Sanderson Cadillac 13101 Dtrott AC 0 3288 Vninfil 'niAi UaIa a vimviuic MUIUH ncivil bCUII son Barbara Kelly Margaret Harper Dorothy Jaeomin Rita and the fate Joseph: brother of Anna and grandfather: May 12 riends may call at the Berg uneral Service Home 6318 Lorain Ave uneral Mass Thursday May 16 st Stephen's Church at 10 a MASTERSON MICHAEL beloved husband of the late Loretta (nee Cal veyi father of John Robert Charles and Joseph: brother of Mrs Margaret Schneider: and grandfather: late resi dence 9210 Morten Ave riends may call at Berry's uneral Home 7200 Detroit Ave uneral service St Church Wednesday May 15 JL MAT1SEK ANNA (nee esta Matejka) late residence 4 Mont vllle beloved wife of the late Thomas devoted mother of Edward Pr yta rank Pesta Charles Pesta Emma Plau Clara DeMark and the Ute Lilian grandmother and great grandmother: sister of rank Matejka: Tuesday The family will receive friend ATER 4 WEDNESDAY at the Martens uneral Home 9811 Denison Ave where service will be held riday May 17 at 8:45 a neral mas at St Prokop Church 3181 1 41st St at 9:30 A Interment Holy Cross Cemetery 1 vuichixi ply 31 ar interment Tarior Road Svna togue Cemetery amily will observe at th rtsdenee' STEDMAN MARIE beloved Ulf of uu Jpwph: mother of Mm Mabel Alber and Lester of California: sister of Kate Owen and Albrt Kruejer grandmother and great now at Mather's Parlor whv'r service win be held Wednesday May 15 at 2 CHE Good salary day: accustomed to quantity cooking Michaud's 9028 Lorain Ave CIGAR Drug clerk part time: Sat Sun evenings Reliable Drug Co13437 Lorain of Edmund and Mr Elatne twyti hrrtlhar nV rtxar Ahw and Mm WHa4 Csenmann: grandfather of Beth Nor ma Bruce and Lvnn unrl Mrvleea at the Deufsch uneral Home 1490 Crawford Kd Thursday May 18 ar 1 lieu of flower plesre msko contributions to your favorite charity Interment yfield Cemetery rOHLtX 1 1 DR rd ni lltdscM halved ue of Harold dear mother of Mr Ann Andrann and Jane Powell: grandmother of 4 sister of Mrt Hubbard Crass fl 7 Cahf nd Dr A Hedge of rhmaftrt vaairtMr 1S4A Dr th tmllr III clr Jtn Born et Jntrnm Ct rui triw'i ROM 3 TO AND 1 TO 10 VISITING Hani TU18DAY at Kluikr unraliJTDNSDAY lo THiTtsnav artor 13 ro't Av laktwoMp 4 AND 7 10 at tha JwShr whr wrvtw wilt MM Write 'r jsthuli XOUTt! itrcuD PtalLii Mr IS 3 In Uu etHnmr 40P0 Marri xx flewr riMtloni rrij hi ma" to NO nut no wmL Um? wlJHJ IM ltrart )uM iron urtM riday St" 7" tiAiiJiv IMA nt Jlk'mnr "A St Wilcox wn et th Amonu: Marl? Chrinun Church flhrr TBfflur RMin Jr nd nlTshTNTIIih 1 Mtih tear brcthrr rt Mn Mn4 th late H'im I5 eJ Mr TrUr Mrr Anna Mr rar lln lio llc: Or rj nrphr of John Unite rrc 1Ma la rrveinz I ftaw ftAlih rtnoMl tlA ttSaaS t'l 5 kTjh Wn ttlAY ATTR Briekmin i Sw VtfttSMl WrMav Wlrifcn VSA4 KUTR remote control electric power mower 1 new 1 slightly used worth 815950 new for window air conditioner or hand mower and cashf Sun EX 1 2367 weekday SU 1 A03O 1950 ORD truck with fumace ciean JI equipmeit need some repairs ill sell or trade for good tape re eorderPO 1 9604 OLDS Super 'SS" excellent condition original owner: for new refrigerator and cash SH 9 1 864 1 5 Personals Business hofices one uiunry un orewen vtasL none jvuhi vissniza meal dessicated liver lecithin wheat Mlniw Paln germ oil iodine ration kelp vtamln tL HZJht? otfjce MO 3 7000 rose hlp ppay product: Mr Price Guardian Lcn Co Auto Salesmen ThU duinhlp'la anxtou In find jwd Mlrtm 1(1 en 21 40 with drive and ambition to move into sales' ndd dealer hip we offer a guaranty eommis UM and bonus with demonstrator! West Side Pontiac 1 1 SOI DETROT AVE Auto Salesmen ACGUMIVC MW WANTED A YYAR KLU'G AMERICA'S NO 1 ROAD CAR EXPERIENCE NOT NECPEARY APPLE IN ttMOH Paradise Pontiac 3004 LORAIN OL 1 3'30 AUTO SALlSMEN 2 Used Car Moit npertene toh tnrrIM mn Writ Sid mtdmro pretamd But worklnj condition In (on Sm lk Bnan st rrurin' Ui Car niw 5oiS nr gt Atrtrt stat cAver and convert iniuller ALSO TRIMMERS WANTED tjpertnr onl huh hrlt rat TWINS ay TO SEAT COVERB CALL OL 2jM3 AUTO TOW 'TRUCK DRIVER: riT PHTOW4 IMI knw cun MUnr plui roem ault Shaker Bodr 12X08 Woodlnl CA 1 3'01 MATYKO VELDA lore Grundleal lovin' wile ot Rudolf Ister of Arthur 'Lillian Grundlea and thei late Emil and Paul Crundles: Mon ZJJJ dMJ day May 13 1957 Her home wa Brklyn NY and 1062 Belmar Rd riend may call M'lblu 1 wJnUDSrJ wLlfre WUi 1 Intermit Taeltv DaA Caaos 23 Help Male APPLIANCE OR HARDWARE SALESMAN SELL BUILDERS Younx mxn hleh Khvol education Illi car Call on builders hi Greater Cleveland Repeat business Salary and commission High earnings Career Job Call Mr Myers or Mr ell 12 to 3 1 4 220 ARCHITECTURAL DRATSMEN Experienced hi working drawing for Institutional and industrial bldgs Present work load' extends into 1959 Hourly rite plus insurance vacations and lick leave WARD it CONRAD 226 Hanna Bldg Mwhaafcal wwtk aM naw ew prtMjeiivtry impeettoa Prefer Can Reliable Olds Inc 7029 Brontlwhv AUTO MECHANIC xnoht 'nd stn Bi 1 3 Str Khrii 1ST AND 2D sh*t Experienced only Set up end operate Luca Hourly rate LEMPCO PRODUCTS 5490 Dunham Rd MAPLE HEIGHTS BORING MILL Vertical be experienced oxertime good premium hospitalisation tnsur and vacation raid hoUdajs sharing Nlht shift THE WELLMAN ENGINEERING CO 7000 Central Ave A McDowell Enterprise BOTTLING plant opratort experienced jCH after fl ra BORING mill operator vertical tire mold experience helpful Ace Tire Mold Co 1817 Chico Ave El Monte Calif Cumberland 3 6228 BROWN AND SHARPE SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR SU 1 3434 2214 25 company mtablUh ovr B0 tun Apply Hooper Holmes Bureau Room 409 1 1 20 Chester Ave AUTO porter: must be steady and ex perienced Apply 10717 Detroit Ave AUTO SALESMAN We hve op nlnj tor an expert enrMl islhimsn 'hn i unhim mlka av vuiic ziunuru to work In one of Cltveland'i leading dealership compensation salary com mission vacation with pay and demon strator plan if you would like to work out of 'a modern showroom with a congenial sale force come in and see Jack Byrne sales manager between 10 a and 12 noon at BROOKLYN CHEVROLET 4941 Pearl Rd INDEX AL TOMOBILE8 arts Service 4 6 Sale serf Automobiles 4Bto49 Auto Parts Repair Tires 4B Mobile Trailer Iruckxt Trailers Parts Autos Truck 46 Motorcycle Bicycle 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities 42 BUSINESS SERVICE Barter and Swap Educational lowers ufi vL'K i oiwrage racKing HELEN A MARI beloved' Personal Business Notices Aivxf 1 k'v'kfcvo IIU 0VIYHT HLS Employment Bureau emale Employment Bureau Male emale Instruction Male Instruction Help Wanted emale Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Salesmen Help Saleswomen Position tmale Position INANCIAL Automobile Loans Personal Loan (Licensed) Loans (Banka) Diamonds Jewelry Real Estate Loan NOTICES Death and nneral Notice uneral Director Lodge Notice Lost and Rewards OR RENT Rent Apartments' (East i Rent Apartments (West) Rent Garage Storage Business Places for Rent Children Boarded Home for Aged Invalids Hotels Houses for Rent (ast) Houses for Rent (Best) Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Housekeeping (East) Rnt 1 SI vrtiL "IIICCS UCSK KOOm Bvnurn lale Bcrth ln Sank): father of Mix Jw ph Zldjuna lAllr i orje carl brother or Jam Mn Rose Densmore Mrs Ann Stockwell: late residence 1S9 Over RJj' Lyndhurst formerly ot 13401 Edgewood Ave riends re celved at the James Mullaney uneral Home 9311 Mlle Avel lll i ld Wednes day May 15 at 1:30 pm SIEGEL ABRAHAM beloved husband voted father cl Eraknue I of St Louie David of Chicapo Sidney Idec as di Bernard nI Ruh Goldlarb: dear hrmnav I AUTOMATIC OPERATORS Single Spindle Turret Lathe Operators Milling Machine Operators Must be able to set up jobs Tool Room Lathe Operators General Machinist or experimental laboratory MUST BE TOP MEN I 1 viltZ turniinea meals insurance hospitaliza i oral vacation policy Apply Employment tn to 4:45 or phono Industrial Relation Dept MO 2 1 000 Ext 479sfor appointment Jack' Heintz Inc 1 7600 Broadway GAS URNACES iv a aa aaa gravity Installed complete 3285 EASY TERMS GILL HEATING SW 5 4141 GITS to the Heart und In memory of your friend relative or associate will be gratefully acknowledged bv the CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY 1889 115th SW 1 7500 1 2 Mil DI 1 2515Vm Abel Sons Co XSTABLISHTO 1189 18317 Euclid av 13333 kudld Av LI 11000 OL I CtH Merle Owen Son CL 1 3101 18049 EuelM at Noble Rl THE ZIEILrCOT 1383b tUCUD GL 1 8733 Clerk Stock Room Dxy ihlft toed hourly rite overtime to work in trcwlnj ktibl buunm' Zagar Tool Co Inc 24000 Lakeland Blvd CLERK MESSENGER JJUrt 'mPnr mall mut r'deriy nun would eon We4 i Pa1 tPlUUOU 5 dy saury Midland Steel Produces Co 70815 MADISON AVE CLERK TO i 1n or orward 17023 Kinsman where irv ice will be held Wednesday 3 rLMtR WlujA5f beloved hus band of Louise Lenora mee Hagani: fsther et Mn Natalie Donovan late rwurnce bus wnitemom i uneral Hnrne 13201 Eurlld Ave ti rnuramv a i sv aiitriipeiii riday at Erie a KARON IHARIAN nee Glldardi beloved wife of Donald daughter of Harlow brother of Edwin of Ypeliantl Mfch and Jeanette Arnold of Chagrin alls: passed away May 13 at State College a riends may call ROM 7 9 WEDNES DAY St the Baker uneral Home Berea where service will be held Thursday Msy 18 at 2:30 Pietie omit flower snd contribute to the Elsenhower All aith Memorial Chapel of Pennsylvania Stat Unlver sity at State College Pa rEDL'OviLI AlCDJt huiband of the late VKU: father cf Will rd Vinton and Jeanne brother Mn Mabel 1 David Mr Marie Strang Mn Jean Bum of Colum but and the late Donald: grand ther: passed away Monday May 13 ale residence 8147 Vernondale Dr Parma Heights riends may call at ie Buach Son uneral Home 334 Pearl Rd where servlets will held Thursday May 18 1:30 i HRT MARtSL beloved aunt of Them at the Ttnear uneral Home jlni a orrvtial and Andrew ieri Euclid Ave at i Loa Angeles) Tuesday May 14 atjlceg wilt be TuJIdfy m7v Madina Hail priets received at The 14 st 8 pm Ministerial aervicea Mav lynn roelk Co uneral Homeil 3 at 3 In lieurf flower? Jon? 13104 Euelid An Services riday St tribuUpns may be sent to the Clevefsnd Jerome's Church at 9:30 Area Heart society wnvieveisna PntXACK' JACOB 2704 Mayf eU" nruX' iie 0 hehwd Rd beloved husband of Jessie father 2J0hS Charles Th mpon Thelma of Edmund and Mn Elatne nd Kenneihrhonnaon brother of Edgar Abe and Mn ried Jauthter of Mr and Mn Ntcholae grandmother: slater of Ar Home 31 no whet service will ba hfM Thurtfy My Jo WArsof omit warn Br nt Bnice riiiwi LMttr1 Jf M' if randfather Lt? SHAW BALTIC elegance in lowers Accounts Invited Ocen Evening We Teierraoh lower proBCij to layout: permanent: JONES RUSSELL lorist of position Phone vri I 2UJ tor appointment Pitt Studios ARTIST OPPORTUNITY Youux 2S 3S who would like to learn the food business and advance hi the growing advertis ing department of a national food com pany Call Mr Molineaux at EX 1 4200 for appointment ASSEMBLERS Truck bodies and Install truck equip ment: bind tools required day shift: houriy rate paid benefits Truck Engineering Corp 1285 70 (off Detroit) AUfO BbDY" TRIPP INC SY3S 33 13'00 AUTO BODY MAN Alo PAINTER BARBER wtnled: Exprlncl: ur vntrcd 3100 weekly reyardles ot rice 2T olor' 28 Walnut st Youngstown A Jone proprietor Colored BARBER: Cood guarantee and com mUslon S30 135 Euclid Barber Shop BnBER: Steady or part time 380 UiInlek AppIy Tuei Barber Shop 3341 ulton Rd RAnBrp viurinon soutn indan1 Shopping Center 6889A across can make Blvd brin 00 31934 Uke Sh0M EXPERIENCED: DAYS AND COMMISSION 1807 COVENTRY RD A 19793 CN EARN TO 3133 PER WEEK 3818 23 ST BARTENDER: Age 30 1S Must be reliable Good mixer 'Lunch and dinner Good aalary meal' Apply morrUnga Taven Chop Home 1806 £8E1TENPER LOUNGE BAR good alary tip Cadillac Lounre LOCAL WANT AD RATES Within 100 miles of Cleveland (Rates beyond this area given upon request) 9 DEATH NOTICES: 6 lines dally 3230: Sunday $240: excess over 8 at rate under Other C1m 11101100 (Death Notices Lost and ound and Lodge Notice accepted up to midnight for the next day's edition) Position per line: Dally Sun: 7 consecutive Insertions 22c 27c 3 or more consecutive Inser tion 25e 31C 1 or two insertion 33c 41c Rooms Housekeeping Room Homes for Children Lost and per line (agate type) Dally Sun 7 consecutive insertion 22c 32c 3 or TOore consecutive inser tions 25c 34c 1 or two insertions 33c 49c All Other Dail Sun: 7 consecutive insertions 35c S3c 3 rr more consecutive inser tions 39c 54c 1 or two insertions 49c 75c I N'Tfir xttrtitit a inner ci rir waune vnovan itiCi 11 ircinrca nusoana or residence 8113 Whitethorn Ave dear father of riends may call at The Mahon Murphy Hamid and Mrs Chicago nievenaoft Rd The '1 Xriffld ROM 3 AND 7 10 WEDNESDAY at Sfhertr Boswell Jone uneral Avt Servlcea at Bethel ull Gospel Church 10808 Thursday May 18 at JinSaJrij? ReT huaband or AnjnU Inn Paliak) dear lathr of and grandfather brother of Jonoh 'Canada: and Domlnlek (IlllnMai reldenre 10011 Cherolm Axe m7 cl at Joaeph Zele A Chapel 458 g4 St where aercleea will be held Thun im r'A ub 119 h10 husband fatner of Lynn carol and Bob son of Mrs LI ilia wg rHwSLhCesel0Tn' Pa brother of KUfyprth of North Hollywood ISMS 1S: residence Bast Clew family will reeehe friend it ins I'rn'a CHAPMAN JAStr Bt: See Casey nonce COLLINS EDWARD' beloved hUS band of the late Agne uncle cf James and John Horrigan Mr Helen Rauh Mr Ursula Berrlnger rtend may call at the Joseph Schulte SOVTH EUCLID uneral Home 4090 Mayfield Rd NEAR NOBLE RD Service from Church of St Clare Wednesday May 15 at 9:30 a COLLISI LORENCE (nee Haskin) 9622 Easton beloved wife of the late George mother of Ruth Schoepa of Detroit Mich the lale Charles Ward Vernon and Minnie Chamnle grandmother and great grandmother riend may call at the Lou I erfoli uneral Home 9118 Union Ave at 93 St where service will be held Thursday at 2 DROl lLLARD VIOLET ne Swee neyt beloved wife of Droulllard mother of Tnotnai McManamon Mr Jean Winter and James McManamon: and grandmother late residence 1189 St Charles riend may call at uneral Home 7200 Detroit Ave uneral services' from St Luke's Church Cl If ton and Bunt Rd Thursday May 16 at 10 1 bi Interment Holy Cross Ceme tery DVORAK JAM Jwlxiovd husbaM of Anna (nee Haieti dear father of Jane Swor: stepfather of rank MHota George Mllota and Clarence Mllota brother of Charies Albert George Mrs Rose Tlbbet and Mrs Elsie Havalec and grandfather late resi dence 4604 Carlyle Ave amily wilt receive friend at Rtpepl uneral Home 3303 ulton Rd where serv ice will be held riday May 17 at 1 Rev Walter Klein offi ciating Interment West art Ceme tery Member of Woodman of the World Lean) Camp No 223 1LLERS RANCES wife of th late rederick mother of Mr Homer Singer and grandmother: sister of Mr lorence Thomat Mn Alice Bain: Monday May 13 1957 her borne was at 14045 Euelld Ave riends may eal! at Chas Melbourne it Bona 13737 Euelld Ave where service win be held Wednesday May 15 at 1 riENisdT Vott) of 1312 9 Oak Park Blvd Garfield Height wire of the late John: be loved mother Of Paul Edward rank Hn Margaret Houdek and Harold and grandmother: slir of william Mon day May 13 riends may call at the Claus uneral Home 11200 Mile Ave where sender will be held Wednesday May 15 at 1:30 tn INK BIRTHA beloved wlfaoHlarnu devoted mother ot Charles Richard Miss plane dear fitter of Uadote Kreis Lro Milton and Ml Anne Krtia: residence 3344 Clarendon Rd erri ees at Berkowlts da Sons Inc uneral Chapel 918 103th 8t Time hter RA fr I nt 0 beloved husband of Margartta of July dear father cf Mary Ermlnlo Armed Antonio Armando all of Italy and Rom an! no son ot tha Ute John and the late Glsrondlna brother of Marla rabntta Alfred and RtWllio riends received 7 1O WEDNESDAY 3 10 THURSDAY AND RIDAY at (be Vilantonlo uneral Home 2097 Mur ray HU! Rd uneral Saturday at 9 a at Holy Rosary Church Arrange hushand of "the late Sarah! brother of Charlea Mra Nellie ontUui Mabel mbeek and the late Harry Edward Stanley andfret Harrigan riend mar call 3 5 AND 7 9 WEDNESDAY at Wm Wagner A bon uneral Home 3931 7 sth Rt (between Euelld and Cheater) where servlcea will be held Thuraday Msr 18 10 a re inter went Calvary Cemetery AVTO tham Must have ownoeh We gio rfrwh eiperttnad LyrjACdd AUTO mfehaiMt Must have Chrysler esiwnenee Com act wtreSL wi UVitti MgCHkNtC u' I ADJUSTOR 7 wcy rwT vswrrirm re LOST Iflfl Riwortfs Rrtfer UM Mdd rendenL IHin rehoot Horetwn reoxlrM Cplfurnlhd nlu mn iihari mbImm atKZ3 tut: BmIIn Pre UrtrentUca o' pwial R'Xdmrer 3' lit 13968 CA Tl on Jvt it n3 wh: moi vlrinlt Cmpu n' Crrtn B4 ttwr4 EV a0378 lores mot Hrk 'emit Wreimm Ukwitr Ikrek ttlwThkt lllh ficrt rd 3103 BACHSIl Jni5: tort: put black' Chrnn rlli area: '30 cii l'ta: YE 34700 'yi PtiG 1OST Cre kar oSnltl" pa! old rtrtoll (30 oft 'Uprelnr ft ward 8'v 1093 boc lound: uSMt tuelld adi ana lutu atltr tionn 1T3'3 ire WInCorrt jrurt colot 10 1133' ED iaiia fxJG Ilowh area reward CA 1 1031 fricCkiin: tret rhiW BinS blw and whit frmre Tartar Odar area Clrlnd Itriahti Eft j303d' Wnmor Apt no Vre tlbwral raw rd fwTgry ui Hi" trlU'B LA 1 1897 About" dlT nn rowhuie 14'3 Sin Trirkrtf Rd between Waregn Rd and ilbth llroamMhB "rn'r 'Terertir AC TpreCAT toil: Anjori 4 yrri oUh It wi tf uie or OL 1 84 Id atttf Iren TadCSrTrtrThrrewi Are ia Marared on caaa fytut At iTCIt mmIm! rriii "4 awraida aotl Wr I Death and uneral Notices HSELTAR ANNA (neeZldik) dearly beloved wife of Peter sr dear mother of John Mr Mary Slany Mrs Anne Medise? and pfr jr and grand mother: sister of efer Zidak and Mrs Anna Vtelocky uneral riday May 17 1957 from St Mary's Catholic Church at 9:30 a 4600 State Rd riends received at the uneral Home of Joseph Marhevka 443 8 Pearl Rd JOHNSON DOUGLAS A age 16 of Solon beloved son (f Roy and Beatrice (nee obitaeri brother of Gary and Suxanuc: grandson of Mrs George Johnson and Mrs Jessie Robitzer Private services Thursday at Tloneer Memorial Church In terment riday at Lebanon Memo rial services for friends Thursday May 23 at 8 at Solon High School In lieu of flowers contribu tions may be made to American Can cer Society Stroud Sons service KERN MARY (MAMIE) (nee Meh ringer) beluved wife of the late Paul mother of Charles and Mrs Thelma Holland Ulster of Charles and the late Edward Monday riends may call at the Lindhorst uneral Home 1610 Clark Ave Serv ices Thursday May 16 at St Ml 1 chad's Church Scranton Rd at Clark I gjy a JV 11 I wife of Thomas dear mother of Peter and Mary Ann: sister of Lee Thomas and Patrick and Ann Reta vtcautci paistQ away suaaeniy Mon day late residence 19872 Mountville Dr Maple Heights Now at the Donald Johnson uneral Home 521 Broadway Bedford Service at St Pius Church Center Rd Bedford Thursday May 16 at 9 a LAURENT! VINCENZA (nee aUlnl) beloved wife of the late Louis mother of Peter Anthony Eugenia D'Agos tino Mary Cinlmo Linda Palno Catherine Gentile and grandmother pasted away May 13 amily will re ceive friend at the Coreno EAST SIDE uneral Home 10514 Kinsman Rd Services riday from St rancis De Sales Church at 9:30 a m' Inter ment Calvary Cemetery LAW8N WILLIAM JAMES beloved hysband of Josephine (Parkin): father 0 Ruth Kathryn: May 14 riends may call at the alrhlll Home of the Millard Son it Raper Co airhill at East Blvd ROM 7 9 THURSDAY where services will be ucm rnuay May ar LESKO MICHAEL ot 22650 Coulter Ave beloved husband of Antoinette (nee Scerbai dear father ot Theressg JL Dzuban Anne Sanyo Michael Mary Kapura Josepn George A Veronica I Lesko Elizabeth Mc Namee Byrnes Helen LeSage Ste phen Bernadette Sekanlna and Margaret Keller grandfather of 31 great grandfather of 14 riends may call at the Grdlna LAKE SHORE ruuciM nwine iruuzuaKe snore Diva uneral wrvlcra st Church Thursday at 9 a Interment Cal vary Cemetery Dafh and unertf Notices Received Until Midnight for Next Day's Plsin Dealer RAKER MARY of 2804 Sackett Av beloved wife of the late Cleland devoted mother of Hal of Cleveland Mr Con la Wade of Indianapolis Ind: grandmother and great grandmother Passed away Sunday May 12 riends SW Groae Stetnmeu uneral St' where serv be held Wednesday May 15 I11 Rv Milford Casto officiating Burial Crown Ceme tery BASCH EDWARD' loving husband of Mary Tuesday May 14 1957 his home was at 10705 Lake Ave riends may call at Chas Melbourne Sons 12737 Euclid ap ttp IH ItSxES1AY' services "Hl held Thursday May 16 2 tn Please onlt flowers uncle of Mr Elmer Howard and Thcaus Swartz and Ar Vu Lru Doubrav residence 304 nt riends my call Wm Abel Sons Co uneral Euclid Ave (near Shawu WEDNESDAY 2 5 AND 7 10 hel Thursday May 16 at 2:30 BERGER WILLIAM beloved hmZ th lte Kate: father of WH 1 1 Hazel Cawrse Clannce A Ray mond Bertha Bedford and the late Gertrude Spandl and Eearle grand father and great grandfather: brother and lhe late Emm lotto Bertha Slgfert and John: fend md call at the Baker uneral Hone Berea where funeral service will be held Wednes dey May 15 at 2 B1EBERSTEIN MICHAI (MIKE) be husband of Emma dear father of Ruth Wargo and Arthur of Tucson Anr brother of John Elizabeth knaack Christine Jacobs Ann Regal ski and rank all deceased grand father of Larry Saturday May 11 late residence 929 North Benton Blvd Tucson Artz: formerly of 5409 Blddulph Rd riend tnav call fzk Kaufmann A Sons uneral Home 3305 25th St ATER 9 EDXSDAY Services at st Church Scranton and Clark riday May 17 at 9:30 a BLISS NETTIE (nee Spreng) resl dence 320 149th St: mother of Erma Robinson grandmother and great grandmother riends tray oil at the Stanley Johnson uneral Home 153)4 Macauley Ave comrr 2S5d and Lake Shore Blvd where services will be held Wednesday at 1:30 BOLDEN MARTIN husband of the late Mary beloved father of Martin (deceased rank Joseph and Mrs Mary Grozdlna grandfather and great grandfather brother of Philip (Lo rain) late residence 14200 Thames Ave riends may call at Joe Zele it Sons Memorial Chapel 45 8 152d St where service will be held Thurs day at 8:45 a St Church at 9:30 a mfc Interment Calvary Cemetery BOLEMAN RUDOLPH late residence 4429 enwick Ave: beloved son ot th late Rudolph and Magdallne: dear brother of Julia Herman Mary Hege dlsh John rank and Betty Nagy: Stepson of Louis Nagy riends may call at the Louts A Bodnar uneral Chape) 3929 Lorain Ave where services will be held Thursday May 16 10:30 AM and St Church at 11 AM interment Holy Cross Ceme tery BROWN SONIA beloved wife of Ber nard: devoted mother of Daniel Jack At Morrey Norman sister or red Stalnkofsky of Branford Ont Joseph ot Los Angeles and dear grandmother and great grandmother: residence 923 Eddy Rd Services at Berkowitz it Sons uneral Chapel SI 8 105th Thurs day May 18 at 1 amily will observe week of mourning at the resi dence of Mr and bln Dan Brown 2241 Jackson Boulevard CANCIAN SANTE beloved husband of Luigla (nee De Piero): dear father of Ennlo and Virgil brother of Joseph Luigi and Lorenzo of New York late residence 1398 West Waiiinx Rn Broadview Height amily will receive friends at the Rlpept uneral Home 3202 ulton Rd uneral mass from St Church Wednesday May 15 at 10:15 a Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery CARMITCHEL ELIZABETH 6 be loved wife of the late Robert: mother of Alf Mr Myrtle Keinoehl Mrs Clarice Kennelly Mis Lol Car mitchel Robert Mr Viola Brad field (deceased) sitter of Mrs Carrie Dlnge and Mrs Irene Peck (deceased) late residence 1846 Reybum Ave May 12 riend may call at The Wm Abet At Son Co uneral Home 15317 Euclid Ave cor Shaw where service will be held Wednesday May 15 at 2:30 Rev orester officiating Interment take View Cemetery CASEY JANET beloved wife of Lloyd mother of Clarence Schlnlier East Cleveland riend received atSnyder uneral Home Gallion where service will be held Thursday May 16 1957 at 2 aUto mechanic Mechanic with Chtysl tr product: es pertexiced preferred anted Mr Swat SPlfzER NlOTORS INC AUTO mechanic: ord Mercury andi ftl 9 trt ft A vd 1 ar overtime 5'i day week ast Sider 1 preferred BE 2 6440 AUTO painter: experienced only i Commission or alary: steady i Aee Auto Body 8004 Carnegie Lakewood Rocky River 1006 EucliJ Accnunts Welcome) Bay jl MA 1 854 5 Avon Norin" 7j Barter and Swin Olmsted Olmsted all 411 11 Pdrer wffdp hi i oirongs vUle North Royalton 44 Prooklfn Parma Brooklyn Height Parma Heights 44 Se? HllU Brecksville Broadview Heights independence 44 huburban Property (West) Height University Height Cleveland Heights Beachuood 44 Ewst Northeast Et Cleveland Euclid 43 Southeast Garfield Height Manta Bedford arrensville Height 4 ir i TX'M11L mnougnoy Eastleke Mrntor 43 South Euclid Height Highland Height May field Mayfield Height 4344 Orange Moreland Hills Solon Chagrin all Hunt ing Valley Gate Mill Suburban Property (East) 43 Cottage Site Resort To Leve Wanted Rea! Estate SALE MISCELLANEOUS Marine Supplies 50 Clothing ur 42 Dogs Pet Sunplie 42 Horre Stock arm Tool 42 Macbinerv Tools Motor in Plano Musical Instrument42 Sale Diamonds Jewelry 42 Sale Household Good 46 Rita Mheelianrou 50 Store and Office ixture 46 1 nvwnter nrtve Machine nsnirn na ioia niamonas Wanted Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable Note Judgement BAD DEBTS Collected or Purchased HEAD MERCHANT1LE COLLECTION SERVICE 1311 Schofield Bldg MA 1 7562 ORGANIC OODS Sve money on brewer ytasL bone tnnl 1 I Death and uneral Notices SfLSZlB' s' lov4 hujbknd of Marxarrt father of jon nivers Mlch father ot Cathy: on of Mrs Rose M'kha kka Ind: brother norence Hel en MUdrcd Wltllam Russell red Indiana riends ma call at the shake Home BK'0Lwr1' 1703a Kinsman 3 5 AND 7 9 WEDNESDAY tervlro and interment at the red Bubb uneral Home ot Mishawaka Ind In lieu of flowers those who wih to nrv nd rortribnHon to the Cleve land Are Heart und price list Phone HE 1 0133 Visit or write Wanda Bio Product 8531 Eu lld Dept Cleveland 3 Ohio 5k CLOSE OUT BARGAINS Pillow cues 4 for 81 Dres print 38 to '39 wide 23c yard White good 30 wide 5 yards $1 Sanforized broadcloth assorted pattern nd solid 30 wide 39c yard White flour bag 36x26 12 for $1 White flour bags 33130 9 for 81 8714 Denison Ave Open 8 a to 8 ANY one knowing the whereabout ot the following: red Short George Lecht Grace Cllntonberg Pearl Rak laubcr or lorence Llckert Would ap preciate hearing from them Edw Morris et 4113 New Benton Hwy LitUe Rock Ark GAS URNACES 1937 MONCRIE 88 000 NIAGARA AND SUNBEAM 8273 COMPLETELY LNSTAtXED tltt 1 3375 sTtiV fnr Artr'ft hcitix loin bone: 4 9e a lb LO 1 888O THE 'Get You UP on Service Wt rln tU1 you anewer WY 1 7196 PIANO TUNING MR NELSON SW 1 1263 LAUDERDALE De luxe efficiency for 3 or 4 830 CH 1 2328 MACK 8 AN11 NOISE BAR PLUGS 81 3 PRSI AT MARSHALL'S NATIONWIDE UUUI Trllm Knt4 On Way to Coait SH 8i" 1UVATE drtretlrt AU Inn rtudow In it 1 S9' Ct 1 7375 20 Help Malt ACCOlKTAfTT Excellent opportunity good worker In private practice nnanei! itate ment and taxes A 3 1300 CLERICAL HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Young' men 18 to 22 inter ested in xtarting a career in the insurance business Op portunity to advance but must be willing to atart in our mail or supply room Out standing benefits! Good pay! A secure future! ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO CH 1 0410 an l'nr TlMaA Trtrt't ''I hetrt rtlr Cr I' nrw'n Uthreii li wrtSin iMr 'her ot intrtM Tny and trandfatiwr riends may call from 7 10 'VPnNyji DAY AND 24 AND 7 1 OP THl MDAY KllbrtW Item '90 Drtrrtt Aw unrtkl rt na M'lhwhl'i enuren At WJ Wlt os Arctilkal' mnttrer nt Wtlreii nS imn rui a Merekrtrere ot el trendmothfr ot 'art In he i'rttlU Hme the Mill 9P A win Dv peitj liOWInr I) IDA (Nit KtfNI I tMAiiV ikuilki wh rrnnti a 4 arfl'ner Of tdmund lorwre Belg Ruth flaigan fta x1aiA vJd er TbeMnrw rmk art Georg i riend received at cmmur'i INDEX WANTED TO RENT actor Warehouse urnished Apartment urnished Houses nant (suburban Property Want to Rent Apartment Want Rent Garages Barns Want to Rent Houses REAL ESTATE xihange Real Estate 33 Uut of Tewn Real Aparlmnta site 35 Sa5e Business Property42lSale actories bites 351 arms and Acreage flat a 'TEI NATHAN lUACnly: btlovM hubaoa ot Peart: dear lather of Beatrice Milton an' Joanne: devoted22ot Smma (all of Calrtl: dear brother ot Max and Bill ot Cleveland Simon Phillip Chartea Idereaiedi Ml17 hr nd Mra Pauline srh krtz all of Calif uneral aervlce 15' 1 ro" the Miller Memorial Hmeral Chapel 7' ft 105th St amily in moumln lhe residence ot Max Stein U386 vedar Rd 'WNCB residence: 17506 Lorain Ave beloved dauehter K' n' Dreher! and the Lie Methlaa rater of Mra SvMII Covra Mr Gertrude Loeb Mia vt Honolulu Hawaii Carl Walter and the late WlUlam and rank Sunday a artends may Jr1 'ndley uneral Home 15400 Trlkett Rd st Lorain Av Service wedneday May 15 at 1:30 AUTO Salesmen Used Cars 2 experienced used car needed at once The 2 selected will work on comm with no lid on of the West Side's largest used car loti Eighty car in ventory carried at all times If we can find (2) good men who can produce their share of volume we will keep this i IV iuan VpCIAtlUll vniy qualified experienced men need apply to BERNIE KIEL ZAHNER USED CARS 5100 DETROIT Automobile Salesmen Nred nporlmred or l' jrrtrnced n' rer lmrn at onre Io nil tha fabuloua SWSPT UINO DODGE Ei ctllcnt eomptMatlon and brnrtlt plan to producer if you are willin' to wor5k ttf once A1 Mltcbaner 0 Malley Porach dodge inc 3800 LORAIN WI 1 4114 ALITO SALESMEN (2) A real opportunity for th rirht man Iho ehanre to nil ord American rsdlnx car for a dalr Mtabllahod prR SALARY PLUS COMMISSION OR VTRY CAR I OR SELLING I PIO SJHrtA 1 MARSHALLIELD 1 MfiTDR cn 91'0 tre Rd OtnalLk VIHU BUTCHER: ExparWnrM Apply In A Clereland HflthU lOTOiat Clair CL fk" Cancellations or Before 8 riday or Before 3:30 Sunday Other Before 8:30 orek ceding day 4 1 When canceling ad a canceila i tlon number will be given you No 1 allowance oo claims canceled with 1 our number Adjustment of Errors It la th reaponilMllty ot the Adrer tlaer to check the correctneu ot each InierUon of an advertUement The1 Plain Dealer auumea no moonalbillty for the repetition cf errors in adver ttoementa orde ed for more than nne insertion unless notified the same day DETECTIVES Try us fur bert results We all ktnd of caret fingerprint ind court services also Call TR 1 8224 or AC 4 155 day and night BArHLrtRSt Vmip it so cten: 3 hour service at Avon tion and medical Drlva taundro A rir HuntM anQ meaicai care iwu iuc(un iup rior az zem and Euclid at 40th Parking instructor want rider to Lincoln Neb June 18 SW 5 100U Ext 389 SW 5 6313 eve RAY PLEASE CALL Ofc WRITE HELEN 1 UNDERSTAND NOW 1 NEED YOU HIGHEST PRICES PAID We Will Buy Your Photo Eqlupment orc i a fl mum ourr! rn iiovi SACRIICING 4 grave lot in Section AC 8 5394 Auto Delivered A Ai lo a 60 RaifitlMl 4riv at 2 er AA Delivery? PR 1 5721 Home STEAKS for freezers porterhouse rir aUTCTijodYTiaN IJJIMJO iftir mi vrKrYi AuTQTomiEft 1 nl7: hih hwrty nt rtvdj Ahakn CA '0 i Auto Cnr Shifter wnt 14' man ta ahlft care llwrt CP to vrt Mf ftuthr Sandenon Cadillac 11H Drtreti AC EARp'raOM a AtlhE na 'If cond tlonlne Im mreUai work narantre ta th rirht Birrt AIVIV AMERICAN BOILER HEATING 2766 25 BL CANVASSER: or hroiine ir condl tinntnt contractor experience not neceuarv CAN NET 1160 TO 1200 PER WEEK: ait no barrier Aoolv Wolff Heating Co 1086 ucIM Av I RLlftKIK' L3Mini Heights Wdf reference required WA 1 4218 htfare 8 mi 1 n77 aner Ab? daughters of xdx THE NILE NO 4 5: Ladies of the Household are re duelled to attend the fu 1N3 neral of Princes Elizabeth 8 Cirmitehell May 15 2:30 at Wm Abel A Soo 15317 Euclid Ave LORA MYERS Queen EUtAUA BENNINGTON Rec 5 umral Directors Eurtld Av held Thursday May 16 at 1 McAt MAUD (nee Walsh) beloved wife of Edward Sr mother of Mrs Kathleen Walsh Edward jr Mary Ann and Thomas sister of Mlle Thoma (deceased) Leo I and Mrs Margaret Kelly daughter of the late Philip and Margaret and 'grand mother riends may call at the rank McGinty uneral Home 812 Supe rior Ave uneral sen ices Thursday May 16 immaculate Conception Church at 10:30 a Interment Calvary Cemetery SltMANAMdN VIOLET Mt DroullUrd notice MILLER DOLLY beloved sister of Mrs Ruth ogg Grow of Middlebury vt: also survived by several niece and neph ews residence 3690 Pxlmerston Rd Shaker Height riends received at the Dougherty Boswell Jones uneral Home 13613 Euclid Ave Superior ON WEDNESDAY EVENING ROM 7 9 Sen Ice on Thursday at 3 With Dr Max field Dowell officiating In lieu of flowers contri bution may be made to the ounda tion und of Christ Eptocopal Church Shaker Heights MOORHEAD ALICE wife Of the late George mother of Mr Harry Lees: May )4 riends may call at the airhill Home of the Millard dr Daoer CO alrhill at ast Blvd ROM 7 9 WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY where service wiii hri1 Mu at 1 OERTEL NEI btloved all th mi a rirnir thatar of Wilmette III tote residence WMtWrAd Walter: 3034 8 Moreland Blvd riend may tRJl1 rr I Thom and at the Shaker Home of Brown Jun Yanky: De and uneral Home mao Euclid Ave Service Wednesday 1:30 Interment Knollwood Cemetery COOKS SHORT ORDERS dy and nitht shin Cood starting salary meal and uni furnished ASTAURANT 132 Eurild Ave 24 loor Bring metal Hjftrlty card ORDER" Ore 3S: (m ntured nut tut hII mirrlH wllllnt ta tkt ruareuiMIU toot Miam full Um rn1 and tnufnrm tuntuMd alOiU a till timin' BOC'n' DR1V1 IN itl TOUR PART TIME hre dan wwk lit eure trert ssi: Ctuft COOK: Short Order Htredr relUbU Mtxr Coad atklnmditiani xoM Mirer ftrore Mr 'inn Miami Rrnuurent mo' cu rtid Are foSlt' b'lihl rk mum lure own tranp rttlun Ilin're'n kltrhn Rt 9 '0 tomre Cntre Rd Cook: reffrent'k ta 1 midr Jl5 Brookpirtt Rd iH'dlk f*ck: (hartrd'r (rtllt I'tlrewMir: no luu or hrttdji ion Chmtre ba lt dwkrd "1 35'1 Avalon nr jn nr' rartAT mx 'w onexman Ion runri ADJLhOtIC I 4 tAli WIAGIR M4RYT (Ree WM vredm 1 amaw wm vyv lorie xndUawy Chri4lin i bvfct hurtand nf Mare ttu Normn Mredalretit fatbre Rudn'ph and Bnrnren a ire nt It Rlcham brothre nt Borel'" Ola Vnljt 'tore Karolina r) Bar barton Ure lai Rntrart Anlnq Jf Hurnn 0a Va 'll Hre're Bmma Brtraua reunre wl remix trlanda at th Lwu Bn Aoo Krtanla macrti fMla 'nerl Home 9)18 Union Ave HedneMay 93 and 7 16t 984 St ureral ritLit The nry Drew BAOVIaM re mmnr 'haamreftt Cd CflinAiftl VrtMMl rlilU nilTlt It nOdanlv Ir rmhtmre 1 SOB Hid BL Ma fnmn ma roil at th Wm AVI Snta Co uraral Hren IM 13 leelid Ae near 8hw he Mcr Will be heM WMitatdav May 15 1 Rev' Uoranc' It laU of UK Assre TSHaU rru a '407 Btorar Ant balorad wfra of tha ''a: '4f moihr ot Mra Mary Hamdan Mra Olorta hi'mmr atni DifrtIH an' Mint amo both jt fimt Mail and William Rut Va 4 TtLna nn rnnirmrfnr wrrand tn4 UP a ream a rranni wren mr nrnrar I kre Mil bo bald May from 't Bmltar Church at 0 30 a at Infer man Holy crnia ram rary mra lat rend irt'hi nacTTnl a rwarq an Ruh Eitn Bujiciteu rhould aittee ft Pft'ftB Afttl WtHIm rej ia 117 ri 'dWQrB 22 received i Kwm Hftanl I rtn Aris at Ttirrmrtny My 'Lpi'fl'gurch BrndreW 'W Mb tM.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.