The Seven Types of Trauma: Insights from the Ancient Chakra System (2024)

In the field of therapy and coaching, understanding and addressing trauma is of paramount importance. Traumatic experiences can have a profound impact on individuals, shaping their perceptions, behaviors, and overall well-being. In this article, we delve into a fascinating perspective on trauma based on the ancient chakra system. We explore the seven types of trauma, each corresponding to a specific chakra, shedding light on the diverse range of traumatic experiences individuals may face. By examining these traumas through the lens of the chakra system, therapists and coaches can gain valuable insights to guide their clients toward healing and growth.

1. Root Chakra Traumas: The Shaky Ground of Existence

Root Chakra traumas encompass a wide range of experiences that challenge our sense of security and physical survival. These traumas are deeply rooted in the very core of our being, shaping our thoughts and emotions. They stem from the fundamental feeling that life is an unsafe place, devoid of stable ground to stand upon. Specific root chakra traumas revolve around physical survival, including serious diseases, near-death experiences, violent attacks, physical abuse, natural disasters, financial struggles, and displacement. These traumas lead us to perceive life as inherently dangerous, sometimes even questioning the purpose of our existence. We may adopt a victim mentality, fearing harm at every turn and seeking a predictable and repetitive life. Anxiety takes hold, manifesting as specific phobias and resistance to change. Our worldview becomes colored by a constant sense of impending threat, perceiving even mundane challenges as life-endangering.

2. Sacral Chakra Traumas: Intensity Turned Painful

Sacral Chakra traumas emerge from our willingness to embrace life's powerful experiences and indulge in forbidden pleasures. These traumas originate from daring to fully immerse ourselves in moments that ultimately result in disaster. What once held the promise of excitement and fulfillment transforms into deep hurt and disappointment, or even physical harm. Adventures and peak experiences can turn life-threatening, such as a negative psychedelic trip or pursuing infatuation only to face ridicule and humiliation. The very contact with pleasure morphs into profound pain. Traumatic sexual encounters, including abuse, leave our sexual organs and psyche scarred, fostering irrational beliefs connecting sexuality with pain and punishment. Innocent experimentation can also lead to harsh punishments, imprinting moral conclusions of sin, guilt, and shame. The unbalanced sacral chakra instills the notion that living fully is dangerous, leading to fear of intense experiences, risky adventures, passionate emotions, and uninhibited sexuality. This avoidance of life's most potent moments can manifest as depression, creative stagnation, sexual dysfunction, addiction, obsessive desires, and an aversion to ecstasy and overflowing joy.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra Traumas: Powerlessness and Tyranny

Solar Plexus Chakra traumas stem from encounters with societal forces that push us to the brink of breakdown. These traumas involve abusive and oppressive authorities, environments that suppress our individuality, and suffocating encounters with power dynamics and controlling societies. They leave us feeling utterly powerless, unable to control events or shape our own destiny. Adolescence often provides ample examples of such traumas, as we strive to assert our individuality amidst parental, educational, and peer pressures. We may have faced abuse, belittlement, or punishment for being different or standing up for our beliefs. These encounters with abusive individuals lead us to believe that people, particularly those in positions of power, are inherently dangerous. The resulting sense of powerlessness and non-existence fuels a fear of responsibility and the use of power, even for self-control. Our response to these traumas can manifest in two polar ways. We may seek conformity and long for the embrace of a dominant authority figure, becoming addicted to the false security they offer. Alternatively, we may choose extreme individuation, isolating ourselves from society and resisting healthy influence, driven by suspicion and a rejection of social groups. In rare cases, we may even seek to dominate and abuse weaker individuals as a twisted compensation for our own loss of power. Reflecting on past aggressions, we associate power with danger, suppressing our self-expression and limiting our presence.

4. Heart Chakra Traumas: Love and Loss

Heart Chakra traumas encompass significant emotional wounds that can profoundly impact us. These traumas arise from painful disappointments in relationships, such as parental or dear ones' abandonment, the physical loss of loved ones, or even the perceived betrayal of someone we deeply trusted or devoted our life to. The scars of these traumas make it difficult for us to release the heartache associated with memories of love and the loss of love. Consequently, we draw the conclusion that it is perilous to form attachments to others or anything at all. This belief leaves us feeling alone in an indifferent universe, hindering our ability to open up to intimacy and vulnerability. The resulting emotions can manifest as vengefulness, resentment, aggression, suspicion, jealousy, possessiveness, and the fear of love being taken away. We struggle to believe in genuine love while simultaneously craving it from others, leading us to disconnect from our emotions and primarily engage with others on a mental level.

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5. Throat Chakra Traumas: The Silenced Voice

Throat Chakra traumas arise from past experiences where our attempts at self-expression led to negative outcomes. These traumas can stem from moments when we vulnerably expressed genuine needs only to face harsh rejection, such as an artist embarrassed on stage, or when our opinions were disregarded or mocked. We may have paid a high price for speaking our inner truth, facing punishment or significant loss. Injustices, false judgments, and an inability to represent our version of the truth further contribute to the disconnection between our inner truth and external reality. These traumas often involve elements of social humiliation, powerlessness, pressure, and confrontation with a crowd. The resulting conclusion is that it is dangerous to express ourselves and expose our inner world and opinions. This belief can manifest in various patterns of behavior, including conforming to others' expectations, suppressing our needs, experiencing stammering, stage fright, and reticence.

6. Third Eye Chakra Traumas: Shattered Realities

Third Eye Chakra traumas occur when our perception of reality becomes destabilized, leading to a dangerous state of confusion. These traumas can emerge when deeply held beliefs or worldviews are shattered by a new reality or revelation. It could be the disillusionment of discovering Santa Claus is not real or learning that our parents are not our biological parents. Similarly, intense experiences like powerful hallucinogenic trips or profound meditative states can disrupt our perception of reality and expose us to subtler dimensions. Confusion and periods of not knowing where to go or what to do can also be experienced as dangerous and earth-shaking. These traumas may result in a polarized conclusion: either seeing it as dangerous to know or dangerous not to know. The former can lead to nihilism, cynicism, and a rejection of ideas, while the latter can lead to over-conceptualization and a denial of changing realities. These traumas can manifest as extreme hesitation, procrastination, or clinging rigidly to outdated belief systems despite a shifting world.

7. Crown Chakra Traumas: Disconnect from the Divine

Crown Chakra traumas are a rare but impactful form of spiritual trauma. These traumas occur when we encounter spiritual truths or energies prematurely, without the necessary preparation to assimilate them. They can arise during moments of spiritual revelation, such as meditation, where we confront emptiness and groundlessness, leading to the collapse of our well-structured worldview. Experimentation with psychedelic substances or encounters with misguided spiritual teachers can also induce destabilization. Unexpected spiritual awakenings or Kundalini crises, with their twisted manifestations through our subtle nervous system, may even push us towards states of profound imbalance and psychological disarray. Consequently, a profound fear of spirituality takes hold, and we become distrustful of spiritual dimensions and their representatives. However, with time, we can come to realize that spirituality need not be destabilizing, as balanced teachings and teachers exist to guide us towards a harmonious integration of the spiritual and earthly realms.


Understanding the seven types of trauma within the framework of the ancient chakra system provides a unique perspective on the diverse ways in which traumatic experiences can impact individuals. Traumas always contain certain chakra interactions or chakra maps, and by recognizing these interactions, we can gain deeper insights into the nature of the trauma. While all traumas involve the root chakra, there are common interactions such as 2+4, 3+5, and 1+2 that play a significant role in shaping the impact of the trauma.

When recalling a traumatic experience, it is important to pay attention to where you feel it the most in your body. This sensation indicates the center or source of the trauma, which can be linked to a specific chakra or chakra combination. It is crucial to recognize that the body and chakras possess a wisdom beyond our conscious knowledge and expectations. Therefore, it is unwise to assume that we already know the source of the shock merely based on our preconceived notions.

By integrating this awareness of chakra interactions and the body's response into trauma healing practices, therapists and individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the full story of the trauma. This holistic approach allows for a more targeted and comprehensive healing process, addressing the specific chakra imbalances and restoring balance and harmony within the entire energy system.

Incorporating the wisdom of the chakra system into trauma-informed practices opens up new avenues for healing and growth on multiple levels. By acknowledging the interplay between trauma and the chakras, we can facilitate a more profound and transformative healing journey, allowing individuals to regain a sense of safety, empowerment, love, self-expression, perception, spirituality, and purpose. Embracing this holistic approach empowers individuals to move towards a more fulfilling and authentic life, guided by the wisdom of their own energy system.

The Seven Types of Trauma: Insights from the Ancient Chakra System (2024)
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