Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (2024)

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Laura Bermingham


19th April 2024



Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (8)


Laura Bermingham


19th April 2024



As a beauty editor, I have been at many launches and meet and greets at Brown Thomas but nothing has been on the scale of the Trinny London launch.

Trinny Woodall who launched her makeup and skincare brand about eight years ago, was in the store for the many aspects of her new counter - an influencer lunch, the Trinny Tribe night, meeting press, a podcast, and another in-person event.

And the reaction to her being in Dublin has been nothing short of astonishing, BTs was heaving for the first two days, and her counter packed to the rafters with fans, most wearing sequins.

Trinny London Launch

Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (9)

Before Trinny came to Dublin she was discussing her Irish trip and what she would wear - plenty of sequins being the fashion memo - and her fans did not let her down. On a dull and damp day in town, there were so many women glittering around the beauty hall and Grafton Street it was hard to believe there wasn't a gig going on in the area.

Those that didn't sparkle were wearing yellow (Trinny's favourite colour) and there was much excitement in and around her counter. So many women came in to get a glimpse of Trinny, and her Tribe night with customers who had booked their places ages ago was a massive success.

Trinny In Town

Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (10)

Trinny was beset by women hoping for a picture, some advice, anything they could get with the former What Not To Wear presenter, one woman even came to BTs twice in two days to get a snap with her. Such is the love for the Trinny London founder, it's hard to think of anyone else who has had a stampede of women flocking through the doors of the famous store.

And we believe she is staying around for the launch of her best-selling book Fear Less at Easons in Arnotts basem*nt at 12 on Saturday. Oh, and she's on the Late Late on Friday night, (but we aren't really allowed to say that). Maybe swarm Arnotts on Saturday if you haven't met her yet.

See more pictures from the launch below:

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Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (12)
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Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (19)

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Trinny Fans Swarm Brown Thomas To Meet The Beauty Queen (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.