What Is The 75 Hard Challenge… And Is It Actually Good For You? (2024)

This year, I promised myself that any resolutions I made would not be restrictive, punishing, or too difficult. But if this holistic approach to my health and wellbeing felt right to me, the internet, it seems, had other ideas. A new social media trend, the 75 Hard challenge (global Google searches for which are up 3,050 percent in the last 30 days alone), has permeated my feeds, with those participating documenting their experiences of the challenge online. It sounds hard because it is.

What is the 75 Hard challenge?

A quick Google of the 75 Hard tells me that, despite the current social media buzz, this is nothing new–it’s been around for four years or so already. While I promise to take a balanced approach as I explore the challenge with you, dear reader, I feel duty-bound to point out that it was created by a CEO of a supplement company, which strikes me as a little fishy. And given that it promises to multiply participants’ levels of confidence, self-esteem, discipline and fortitude by up to 100 (if these things are even measurable), the overall pitch is ambitious, to say the least.

Turns out it has to be–why would anyone do it if it didn’t promise big results? The challenge itself is 75 days (that’s almost 11 weeks) long, and requires that you complete five critical daily tasks. If you don’t complete them on any given day, you must restart the challenge again.

What are the rules of 75 Hard?

The five rules are as follows:

  1. Follow a nutrition plan of your choice–no alcohol or cheat meals allowed.
  2. Do two 45-minute workouts each day, one indoors and another outdoors.
  3. Drink a gallon of water each day.
  4. Read 10 pages of a self-improvement book each day.
  5. Take a progress picture each day.

A mix of diet, exercise and mental agility, its aim is to help participants develop the “traits and habits necessary to succeed in life.”

The military approach, decoded

It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? I’m exhausted just reading it, but I have deep respect for anyone who is able to complete this challenge. Slotting just one 45-minute workout into my day is hard enough–two feels out of the question–and having zero cheat meals at all in nearly three months feels almost military. But what do the experts think?

“One of the most common stories I hear from clients is that they’ve tried multiple diets, multiple workout regimes, and have either not achieved the results they wanted or have achieved them, then lost them, then tried something else to achieve them again, and ended up in a yo-yo type situation with both food and exercise,” says Luke Worthington, celebrity trainer. “A challenge like this doesn’t account for people’s current levels of activity, health background, history with exercise, emotional relationship with food, body type, age, or even access to equipment/coaching. Applying such a ‘catch all’ criteria to a hardcore challenge will mean the failure rate is high, plus the chances of injury for those who may not be used to such an intensive regime are significant.” If you do manage to fulfill all the requirements for 75 days, what happens after?

What Is The 75 Hard Challenge… And Is It Actually Good For You? (2024)


What Is The 75 Hard Challenge… And Is It Actually Good For You? ›

The 75 Hard challenge is a daily regimen designed to help you self-improve not just your body, but your mind and your soul, as well. More specifically, it's a transformative multi-faceted program with strict requirements for things like: How often and how long to work out (and where)

Is the 75 Hard Challenge good for you? ›

Potential Health and Safety Risks of 75 Hard

Although the benefits of physical activity are well documented, 75 days with no chance to rest could put participants at risk for overtraining injuries, depending on what they choose for their workouts and what their current fitness level is.

What is the meaning of 75 Hard Challenge? ›

75 Hard consists of six strict lifestyle rules that participants are supposed to follow for 75 days straight to improve their fitness, health and mental strength. If you fail to follow the rules, your progress reverts back to day one and you have to start all over.

Does 75 Hard change your life? ›

I needed to prove to myself that I was strong enough to take control." "75 HARD changes you as a person - physically yes, but mentally too! I KNOW I can conquer anything I put my mind to now. It has opened my eyes to trying new things, and made me realize I am capable of so much more than I thought."

Can you drink alcohol during the 75 Hard Challenge? ›

You must choose a diet based on your goals and stick to it. But there's a second caveat to the rule: No cheat meals and no alcohol. In a culture that depends on after-work drinks or wine once the kids are in bed, Frisella acknowledges the difficulty of this task.

Does walking count for 75 Hard? ›

Here how 75 Hard works: For 75 days straight, you must: Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each session. (Note: A walk counts.)

What are the side effects of the 75 Hard Challenge? ›

Possible Risks Of 75 Hard
  • Your mental health may take a toll. ...
  • Extreme lifestyle changes aren't necessarily sustainable. ...
  • There's an increased risk of injury. ...
  • The lack of flexibility can cause burnout. ...
  • Progress pictures aren't the only way to measure success. ...
  • It promotes negative diet culture.
Oct 13, 2023

What are the benefits of the 75 day hard challenge? ›

Top 5 Reasons to do 75 Hard
  • The 75 Hard Programme consists of: Follow a Diet: Stick to a structured diet with no cheat meals and absolutely no alcohol. ...
  • Top 5 Reasons to do the 75 Hard Challenge.
  • Mental Toughness. ...
  • Self-Accountability. ...
  • Personal Growth and Learning. ...
  • Fitness Gains. ...
  • Weight Loss.

What are the benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge? ›

The 75 Hard Challenge is designed to push you to improve in the areas of physical fitness, emotional resilience and mental insight — all within the context that you should press on when faced with indecision, pain or discomfort.

How to actually do 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard requires six commitments you must complete every day for 75 days.
  1. Two 45-minute workouts. One must be outside.
  2. Adhering to a diet. You can pick the diet, but you can't cheat.
  3. Reading 10 pages of a self-help or educational book.
  4. Drinking a gallon of water.
  5. Taking a progress picture.
Jan 10, 2024

What's considered a cheat meal on 75 Hard? ›

The 75 Hard Challenge, popularized by Andy Frisella, is not just about physical transformation; it's about developing the mental toughness to accomplish any goal. While the program dictates daily workouts, progress photos, reading, and no alcohol or cheat meals, it does not provide a specific meal plan.

What happens after you finish 75 Hard? ›

For one, Phase 1 is the program that immediately follows 75 HARD. You must complete the 75 HARD program before moving on to Phase 1. Another important thing to know is that if you fail at any time throughout Phase 1, you have to restart on Day 1 of Phase 1. If you miss a task on Day 30...

Do people lose weight on 75 Hard? ›

Potential Weight Loss: While it's challenging to predict an exact amount of weight loss during the 75 Hard Challenge, many participants report significant transformations. Some individuals have shed 10, 20, or even 30 pounds during the 75 days.

Is coffee allowed on 75 Hard? ›

Is coffee allowed? Yes, but be sure you account for any creamer/sugar you use. Liquid calories are still calories.

Can you have sugar on the 75 Hard Challenge? ›

To accomplish it you will need to do the following for 75 days straight. Follow a nutritional plan of your choosing (i.e. no sugar, no carbs, etc…). Do two 45-minute workouts a day with one having to be outdoors, rain or shine. Drink one gallon of water every day.

Can you have a cheat meal on 75 soft challenge? ›

Pick a diet to follow, with no alcohol or cheat meals. Drink a gallon of water daily. Complete two 45-minute workouts of your choice every day. One must be outside, regardless of the weather.

Can you lose weight on 75 Hard? ›

Yes, most people are able to follow a diet for a short amount of time (ahem, 75 days) and lose some weight.

Can you lose weight on 75 soft challenge? ›

"While you don't have to follow an incredibly strict diet, the 75 Soft Challenge encourages individuals to create healthier eating habits and improved nutritional intake," Thompson tells us. "This challenge promotes regular physical activity, which is essential for weight loss and overall health.

How often should you do 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard requires six commitments you must complete every day for 75 days.
  • Two 45-minute workouts. One must be outside.
  • Adhering to a diet. You can pick the diet, but you can't cheat.
  • Reading 10 pages of a self-help or educational book.
  • Drinking a gallon of water.
  • Taking a progress picture.
Jan 10, 2024

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.