What Is the 75 Hard Challenge? Pros & Cons (2024)

The latest diet trends and fitness challenges are always floating around the internet and social media. One such trend that you may have seen is the 75 HARD challenge.

The 75 HARD program (75 HARD for short) was created in 2019 by Andy Frisella, the CEO of 1st Phorm International, a supplement company. Since the program's launch, more and more people across social media have been taking on the rigorous challenge with hopes to see positive results, including weight loss.

But according to the plan, it's much more than a weight-loss program. Read on to find out what 75 HARD entails, why it's so demanding and if it's a healthy plan to follow.

What Is the 75 Hard Challenge?

Touted as a "transformative mental toughness program" on its site, 75 HARD claims to support confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-belief, fortitude, grittiness and discipline. But what does 75 HARD consist of?

These are the five requirements of the 75 HARD Challenge:

  1. Follow any nutrition plan or eating pattern best-suited to your goals—and cut out alcohol and "cheat meals."
  2. Complete two 45-minute workouts every day, with one having to be outside.
  3. Drink a gallon of water every day.
  4. Read 10 pages of a book—of educational or self-improvement genres—every day.
  5. Each day, take a progress photo.

These rules are mandatory for 75 HARD, and if you fail to follow all of these five tasks any day of the challenge, you must start the program over from day one.

The tasks are designed to tackle all elements of your health, from physical health to mental health. But is this drastic and sudden lifestyle change really healthy?

Is 75 Hard Healthy?

Like most programs and challenges, there are some beneficial factors of 75 HARD.


Choosing an eating pattern well-suited to your needs and engaging in regular vigorous exercise may result in cardiovascular and muscular strength increases, benefit your mental health and aid in some weight loss if it is sustainable for the long term.

It's also important to stay well-hydrated, and drinking plenty of water will help you do just that. Reading self-improvement books may help with motivation and positive reflection as well.

But there are several downsides when it comes to physical challenges like this.


First, extreme, short-term lifestyle changes are hard to maintain, so it's likely that after completing the 75 days—if you even make it that far—you'll be inclined to go back to your typical habits. Many people also find it difficult to change several habits at once and do better by choosing one to focus on.

Also, the lack of direction in the program can make it difficult to follow. Finding a diet and a fitness routine on your own that works for you requires prior knowledge and potentially insight from professionals, like a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, before starting the program in order to customize it and meet your needs.

The demanding nature of the challenge can make it impractical as well—like starting entirely over after an incomplete day. This is a rigid, unrealistic expectation when taking real life into account. A 2019 study on forming habits in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine states that not performing the behavior for one day did not derail study participants or extend the time it took to make the new behavior a habit.

Additionally, taking daily "progress photos" is not a realistic indicator of success. There are several important measures of health that are unrelated to the way you look, and it's unlikely that much—if any—change would be visible from day to day. Not to mention, this practice could lead to a negative relationship with your body and negative self talk.

For example, a 2020 study in The Journal of Consumer Affairs suggests that posting photos to social media can cause anxiety and increased pressure to conform to an "ideal" body type. Males in this study suffered from symptoms of muscle dysmorphia—never feeling muscular enough—and would work out even when injured or engage in harmful muscle-building practices, including using steroids. Females in previous research, cited by this study, experience a plethora of unhealthy effects with social media and photos, including poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression, body image issues and an increased obsession with being thin.

So, while there are lifestyle changes in the 75 Hard Challenge that could yield results, there's very little evidence backing the program's safety and sustainability.

The Bottom Line

There are elements of the 75 Hard Challenge that may help improve your lifestyle if they are enjoyable for you. However, you don't need to follow such a restrictive and rigorous challenge to incorporate these positive elements into your routine. If you have personal goals that are addressed in the challenge, like starting an exercise program, eating healthier or engaging in more personal development, it's typically more sustainable to make small changes to things you already do that can help you meet your health goals for the long term.

What Is the 75 Hard Challenge? Pros & Cons (2024)


What are the disadvantages of the 75 day hard challenge? ›

The rules of the challenge are incredibly strict and decidedly not healthy. Dieting often leads to bingeing and weight cycling. Overexercising can lead to injury, and makes exercise feel really unpleasant. Taking photos of your body daily will wreak havoc on your body image.

Is the 75 Hard Challenge good for you? ›

Potential Health and Safety Risks of 75 Hard

Although the benefits of physical activity are well documented, 75 days with no chance to rest could put participants at risk for overtraining injuries, depending on what they choose for their workouts and what their current fitness level is.

Is the 75 Soft Challenge worth it? ›

Bottom line: The 75 Soft Challenge is safer, and more realistic, doable and sustainable than 75 Hard, both experts say. Both encouraged people to keep going beyond the 75 days.

Does 75 Hard change your life? ›


This is a program that can change your life ... starting from the inside. Are there physical changes? Yes! But trust me when I say the physical changes you see on the outside are a FRACTION of the results you can earn by completing 75 HARD.

Can you have a cheat day on 75 Hard? ›

For 75 days, participants must complete five critical daily tasks that double down on exercising twice a day, sticking to a rigid nutrition plan and strengthening your mental fortitude — all without rest, cheat days or substitutions.

What happens if you miss a day of 75 Hard? ›

Both of these workouts must be a minimum of 45 minutes long, and one of the two workouts MUST BE OUTSIDE. Regardless of the weather or circ*mstances you find yourself in, if you fail to complete at least one outdoor workout each day ... you must restart 75 HARD.

Why did I quit 75 Hard? ›

As most of you know I did 75 hard 2 years ago and it changed my life. So naturally I believed it would change my life again this time around. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The challenge, although productive, made me feel even more restricted on my diet and lifestyle and caused major anxiety around food.

How many people actually finish 75 Hard? ›

“For 75 days you follow the outline of the requirements and there are many examples from those who have done it showing substantial and/or significant weight loss and physical transformation,” she explains. According to the challenge website, over a million people around the world have successfully completed 75 Hard.

What to do instead of 75 Hard? ›

The 75 Soft Challenge is made up of four rules, and it is a more realistic alternative to the viral 75 Hard Challenge. The rules are: Eat well and incorporate more nutritious foods into your diet, and only drink on social occasions. Train for 45 minutes everyday for 75 days.

Does walking count for 75 Hard? ›

For 75 days straight, you must: Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each session. (Note: A walk counts.) At least one of those exercise sessions must be outside.

What if you get sick on 75 Hard? ›

It is normal to [get sick] and in such conditions you should avoid intense workouts. “The 75 Hard programme says that, if you miss one rule, then you have to start it again.

What's the easier version of 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard vs. 75 Soft. 75 Soft is, for many people, much safer, more manageable and perhaps more helpful in the long-term. If and when you get to the end of your 75 days and you want to continue on the program, or start something else, you can!

What are the benefits of 75 Hard? ›

Top 5 Reasons to do 75 Hard
  • The 75 Hard Programme consists of: Follow a Diet: Stick to a structured diet with no cheat meals and absolutely no alcohol. ...
  • Top 5 Reasons to do the 75 Hard Challenge.
  • Mental Toughness. ...
  • Self-Accountability. ...
  • Personal Growth and Learning. ...
  • Fitness Gains. ...
  • Weight Loss.

What happens after you finish 75 Hard? ›

For one, Phase 1 is the program that immediately follows 75 HARD. You must complete the 75 HARD program before moving on to Phase 1. Another important thing to know is that if you fail at any time throughout Phase 1, you have to restart on Day 1 of Phase 1. If you miss a task on Day 30...

What did 75 Hard teach you? ›

The value in doing things we don't want to do

There were many days during the 75 Hard that I didn't want to do the workouts but I did them anyways. In life, you'll always have to do things you don't want to. It's called being an adult.

What are some challenges like 75 Hard? ›

The 75 Soft Challenge is a more accessible and sustainable alternative to the popular 75 Hard Challenge that started on TikTok. Key rules include daily workouts, balanced nutrition, hydration, mental wellness habits, and accountability.

What is the opposite of 75 Hard Challenge? ›

Instead, the 75 Soft Challenge is a more accessible alternative to the trend, encouraging users to stick to some healthy habits for 75 days, but with far less restrictions.

How much do people lose on 75 Hard? ›

Some individuals have shed 10, 20, or even 30 pounds during the 75 days. However, it's essential to recognize that weight loss is a highly individualized process, and factors like starting weight, body composition, and adherence to the challenge's principles play a crucial role.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.