How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last? Getting A Longer Lifespan (2024)

An electric toothbrush offers you superior cleaning and plaque removal, keeping your teeth and gums healthy if it is used correctly twice a day. These battery-powered toothbrushes do an excellent job at helping you to maintain optimal oral hygiene, but they do not last forever. Today we are going to answer the question ‘how long does electric toothbrush last’ and when you might consider replacing yours.

How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last?

Understanding The Lifespan Of An Electric Toothbrush

Each manufacturer will have a slightly different lifespan, so check the box before you buy. On average, you can expect electric toothbrushes to last between three and five years. Most manufacturers offer a warranty on electric toothbrushes, between one and two years, so make sure you hold onto your receipt in the event that it doesn’t last for its advertised lifespan.

Ideally, you would want your electric toothbrush to last for the full five years. Whether it reaches this milestone is often down to the way you treat, clean, and store yours. So what can you do to extend the lifespan of your electric toothbrush?

How To Extend The Lifespan Of Electric Toothbrushes?

Preserving Battery Life

Electric toothbrushes need to have a healthy battery to last for as long as possible. Just like other electronic devices, it’s a good idea to charge the battery only when it is low and not to leave it connected to the charger once it has reached full capacity.

How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last? Getting A Longer Lifespan (1)Charging the battery for short charge periods on a regular basis is likely to reduce the lifespan of the battery. Remember that you will only be using the toothbrush for around two to three minutes at a time. We recommend that you wait until the battery indicates 20% or lower before recharging.

If you have an older model, it’s likely that over-charging the battery can degrade its lifespan.

Newer models may feature technology that stops the brush from over-charging, but it’s good practice to disconnect the charger once it is fully charged.

Most electric toothbrushes feature a battery light that indicates when it is time to recharge, so make sure you familiarise yourself with what the different coloured lights mean.

Handle It With Care

Dropping your electric toothbrush can cause damage to the internal components, so make sure you handle it carefully. Damage caused by a drop could void the manufacturer’s warranty.

Cleaning Electric Toothbrushes

You should rinse your toothbrush head thoroughly after each use. You can also disinfect it by soaking it in a hydrogen peroxide solution once you have detached it from the handset. You should clean your toothbrush cover and holder on a regular basis to keep it free of bacteria. We recommend you clean the toothbrush holder and covers every two weeks.

If you live with other people, make sure that each toothbrush head has its own holder or that the heads do not come into contact with one another, as this can transfer germs very easily.

Over time and with repeated use, you might notice build-up developing on the handset. Disassembling the components and cleaning each one with a soft cloth and hot water mixed with hydrogen peroxide can remove this build-up.

Keep your toothbrush and toothbrush head away from the toilet. Flushing a toilet sends bacteria into the air, and this can settle on the toothbrush head. A toothbrush cover is a good way to get around this problem. Otherwise, you can store toothbrushes in your medicine cabinet and as far away from your toilet as possible.

How Long Does A Toothbrush Head Last?

While the handset of your toothbrush could last for many years, the same cannot be said for the toothbrush head. Just like manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrush heads need to be replaced on a regular basis. Most people can expect a two to three-month lifespan from their toothbrush head. You might notice the bristles starting to look frayed, but sometimes there isn’t a visible sign. Make a note when you start using a new head so you know when it’s time to change. How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last? Getting A Longer Lifespan (2)

If you find yourself needing to change the head on a more frequent basis, it could be a sign that you are brushing too hard.

It is also a good idea to change your toothbrush head if you have recovered from a contagious infection. The germs may live on the toothbrush, and you could reinfect yourself.

While it is possible for more than one person to share an electric toothbrush, each person should have their own head for cleaning to prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria. If you are sharing electric toothbrushes between family members, it’s important that each person cleans the brush thoroughly before and after use.

How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last: Repair Or Replace?

With newer toothbrush models, it may be possible to replace the battery once it has reached the end of its life. Sometimes, however, you may not know what the reason behind its malfunctioning is. Some manufacturer warranties may offer a repair option if one of the internal components has stopped working. It’s best to check with your manufacturer before you run out to purchase a new one, as a repair could give you another year or two.

Manual Or Electric: Which Toothbrush Is Best For You?

Using an electric toothbrush does a more efficient job of keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Because it uses a battery, the bristles can move much faster than a human hand, so an electric brush does a more effective job at removing plaque than a manual toothbrush.

To find out more about how long does electric toothbrush last or to find a model best suited to your dental hygiene needs, please contact us: (02) 8806 3799.


How to Disinfect Your Toothbrush and Keep It Clean

How Long Do Electric Toothbrushes Last?

How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last? Getting A Longer Lifespan (2024)


How Long Does Electric Toothbrush Last? Getting A Longer Lifespan? ›

Each manufacturer will have a slightly different lifespan, so check the box before you buy. On average, you can expect electric toothbrushes to last between three and five years.

How long does electric toothbrush work? ›

How Often Should You Replace an Electric Toothbrush? As stated above, you should replace your electric toothbrush every three to five years, depending on your use. However, the brush comes with removable parts, for instance, the electric toothbrush head. Brushes generally last 3-6 months, but some can go longer.

How can I make my electric toothbrush last longer? ›

Avoid overcharging your electric toothbrush. And try to wait until the battery is nearly run down before recharging it. Avoid leaving the toothbrush on its charger between uses. Unplug your charger when it's not required to save electricity and maximize its operational life.

How many years does a toothbrush last? ›

You should replace your toothbrush at least every three months, according to Kelman. But for some, especially people who brush their teeth a bit aggressively, you'll need a new one even sooner, she adds. “When in doubt, you need to look at the bristles,” says Kelman.

How long does an electric toothbrush last fully charged? ›

Depending on which model you have, it should take between 14 and 22 hours to fully charge the brush, and then the juice should last for between 5 and 12 days of brushes (when brushing twice a day, for 2 minutes each time). If this hasn't been your experience, there are a few things you can try.

Does an electric toothbrush wear out? ›

Manufacturers advise that electric toothbrushes need to be replaced every three to five years. Most manufacturers offer a guarantee and allow you to return it if you're not happy with the results, but this is dependent on the company.

How long do electric toothbrush brushes last? ›

Whilst they are very durable and designed to withstand being used many times, they will only stay fully effective for so long. In order to keep your teeth and gums clean, we recommend that you change your electric toothbrush heads every 3 months.

Can I leave my electric toothbrush on charge all the time? ›

However—for optimal performance you can keep your Vitality brush always on the connected charger when not in use. To maintain the maximum capacity of the rechargeable battery, unplug the charging unit and fully discharge the handle with regular use at least every 6 months.

Is it safe to leave an electric toothbrush on charge overnight? ›

A: It's generally best to avoid leaving your toothbrush on the charger overnight. Overcharging can impact the battery's longevity. Once it's fully charged, unplug it to preserve battery health.

Why does my electric toothbrush keep dying? ›

Over the years the performance of your toothbrush's internal rechargeable battery will gradually deteriorate. This means that you will get fewer brushing sessions out of a charge and will need to recharge the toothbrush more frequently.

How often should you change your electric toothbrush? ›

Switch once every three to four months

Regardless of what electric toothbrush you use, the manufacturer will likely offer suggestions on when to swap out an old brush head for a new one. For the most part, though, you should plan to do it once every three to four months.

How often should you replace an Oral-B electric toothbrush? ›

Replace your Oral-B® Electric Toothbrush brush head every three months, or when the blue Indicator® bristles fade halfway to white, or earlier if you notice fraying.

How long do Oral-B electric toothbrush heads last? ›

Dentists recommend replacing toothbrush head every 3 months, as the bristles become frayed and worn with use which reduces the cleaning effectiveness of the toothbrush. Many Oral-B brush heads refills feature indicator bristles that fade halfway to help remind you when to replace your toothbrush head.

How long can an electric toothbrush last without charging Oral-B? ›


Several of the Oral-B Pro Series have a Lithium-Ion battery that lasts up to 14 days with 1 full charge. * This way you don't need to worry about getting your charger during your holidays.

How often should I change my electric toothbrush? ›

Dentists recommend replacing toothbrush head every 3 months, as the bristles become frayed and worn with use which reduces the cleaning effectiveness of the toothbrush. Many Oral-B brush heads refills feature indicator bristles that fade halfway to help remind you when to replace your toothbrush head.

Should you leave your electric toothbrush on the charger all the time? ›

As a rule, it's safe to leave your toothbrush on the charger. The charging stand serves two purposes. The first is to provide a place for the toothbrush to sit when it's not being used. Secondly, it's a quick and convenient way of recharging when the battery is low.

What are the disadvantages of an electric toothbrush? ›

They are more expensive compared to manual toothbrushes, making them less accessible to everyone. Electric toothbrushes are also fragile and require a lot of care to prevent damage. Although you have to charge them, overcharging, dropping, or damaging the batteries can mean the end of your electric toothbrush.

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